Atheism takes courage

Fear and nihilistic insecurity do not require 'courage.'
Who said they do? .....

The OP.
He clearly did not. ...?

It's clearly what atheism involves.
Says you, and you're wrong.

Have fun.

He clearly did not. ...?

It's clearly what atheism involves.
Says you, and you're wrong.

Have fun.

I will, thanks. trust me, your wishful thinking doesn't have any real bearing on others.

Keep telling yourself that, kid.
Thanks, I will! And thank you for the sage advice, Shaman.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.

I honestly feel that atheists are shut off of the spiritual warfare going on right around us..
They cannot feel the presence of something spectacular and call the believers stupid like this OP..

Just saying that I never met one person getting chemo , fighting cancer talk like the OP while facing a very hard trial...


I'm fighting cancer. No Chemo yet, it's in my polyps. Sometimes I wish for death as an escape from Life and it's pain. My family depends on me to pay my part of the bills. And for my council as well. I live for them.

I wish I could be blind and stupid and believe that praying to some invisible man would solve my problems, guide my actions, provide me with solstice. But I have a brain. There is no way the God of the old testament is a kind and loving God of the new testament. His so called child reinvented God. There is no way one single religion can be proved beyond reasonable doubt to be the true religion showing the others to be the false ones. And it's easy to see that all religion was created by those who simply wanted power over others and used religion as a tool to accomplish that. Because of that I don't believe that religion is an invention of God but is an invention of Men.

The Universe is so vast I believe in the possibility that it is one of many, as in a Multi-verse. With just a large space to make things happen it's possible that some creature somewhere somewhen has the powers and abilities we would call God. But I doubt such a powerful being cares about the microbes crawling on one of the balls in a solar system in a galaxy in a universe, inside their multi-verse.

I also believe we will probably self destruct before making it into another solar system and establishing a colony. There may not be enough mass and power in our solar system to build a space ship powerful enough to make the trip with living humans within it. And that would explain why the Aliens haven;t found us yet, assuming they exist.

We don't matter. No more than a microbe or an atom. No more than a monkey eating his own excrement in the forest. We are all immaterial. And what we do doesn't matter.

Hitler will probably never see Hell, but then Gandhi probably won't either.
Humans have used just about everything for thier twisted purposes. Religion is just one example of that.

Not you personally, but I think some people need to focus on the negative because thats all they “think” they want.

Btw you dont need to believe anything to start praying...there is no script, you just need honesty and a pinhole of willingness.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.

I honestly feel that atheists are shut off of the spiritual warfare going on right around us..
They cannot feel the presence of something spectacular and call the believers stupid like this OP..

Just saying that I never met one person getting chemo , fighting cancer talk like the OP while facing a very hard trial...


"Just saying that I never met one person getting chemo , fighting cancer talk like the OP while facing a very hard trial... "

Which is a fairly good indication that both their newfound faith and the goofy religion to which they grant it are nonsense. A starving man will say anything for a sandwich, after all.

Ah you said the word religion... you see many people get confused between a relationship with Christ and religion..

Religion is man made up rules that hate, confuse, judge, and have killed for since the beginning.., this is why Christ came and died .. You don't need any made up rules, you don't need to sacrifice .. You feel the spirit within you..It is Finished.

Every few months, I run into someone like you. Someone who thinks they're "different". They're not "religious". Oh, no! You have a "relationship", not a religion!

And I have to disabuse them of their delusion of particularity.

11 simple reality checks:

  1. Worship a God that is invisible to the human eye? (Yes)
  2. Have a Holy Book in which your God tells you how to live? (Yes)
  3. Believe in an afterlife where you will be judged according to your beliefs, actions, and life choices? (Yes. If you claim otherwise, I can give you chapter and verse, in the New Testament. You either believe what is in the Bible, or you don't; that is up to you, but you can't claim to be a Christian, and not believe what is in the bible)
  4. Believe that by being born into this world you were somehow afflicted with a disease called "sin, and that only your God is able to rescue you from this mortal affliction? (Yes)
  5. Reject all other gods as false, with only your God being worthy of worship, and adoration? (Yes)
  6. Pray to your God? (Yes)
  7. Believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was your God that created the Universe (Yes)
  8. Have complete faith that your particular holy book is the only one in which the written accounts can be trusted completely, and contain the will of your god? (Yes)
  9. Attend regular gatherings arranged and led by experts of your particular belief system? (Yes)
  10. Think its possible to know what your god's exact purpose is for your life, even though you cannot prove that he exists? (Yes)
  11. Value having a "strong faith" above what can be learned from science and empirical observation, logic, and reason? (Yes)
Now, I would concede that you may dispute 9, and 11. perhaps you don't go to church regularly, and you may insist that you value science - although I could probably put that claim to the test, but we'll let it go for now - however, that still leaves the vast majority of those questions being "Yes".

So, you can call it a "relationship", if that makes you feel special, but what you follow is a religion, just like all the other theists.
I was once asked if I believed in God. My response was “it’s sometimes good for people to believe there’s a power greater than themselves”.

I am an addiction counselor .... and those who think a door knob will be their higher power usually do relapse.

The art of turning things over that we have no control over free's the spirit

The only thing that we have control over is how we respond to life... that is it..

But that is just trickery, as you then replace the "controller" with a god, when those things are actually still beyond control. And the things which ARE controllable are actually still controlled by them, despite them being tricked into believing otherwise. And if it takes trickery to treat the disease of addiction, then keep at it. But it is, indeed, trickery.
He exchanges one addiction for another
I am an animal and all animals die eventually. Why is that so hard to accept?

But if you send me $50 every week, I will make sure you can live forever
I am an animal and all animals die eventually. Why is that so hard to accept?

But if you send me $50 every week, I will make sure you can live forever

All animals die ? Are you sure about that, I thought all dogs went to heaven. On a more serious note however - You don't know that for a fact, you can't prove it beyond the shadow of a doubt. You can't prove there is no such thing as a soul, but some researchers, [and not all of them are quacks], have demonstrated the possibility of a hereafter, reincarnation, yada yada yada

A theory from Dr. Robert Lanza states that death as we presently define it is an illusion ... The body itself does not generate consciousness, it lives on after the body dies. They have identified " microtubules " within brain cells ... theory goes on to postulate that the experience of consciousness as we know it is the product of quantum gravity effects in these microtubules.

Now 'rightwinger' I do realize that you only have a few brain cells to work with but perhaps you might be able to grasp some of the basics of biocentrism - Biocentrism

I am an animal and all animals die eventually. Why is that so hard to accept?

But if you send me $50 every week, I will make sure you can live forever

All animals die ? Are you sure about that, I thought all dogs went to heaven. On a more serious note however - You don't know that for a fact, you can't prove it beyond the shadow of a doubt. You can't prove there is no such thing as a soul, but some researchers, [and not all of them are quacks], have demonstrated the possibility of a hereafter, reincarnation, yada yada yada

A theory from Dr. Robert Lanza states that death as we presently define it is an illusion ... The body itself does not generate consciousness, it lives on after the body dies. They have identified " microtubules " within brain cells ... theory goes on to postulate that the experience of consciousness as we know it is the product of quantum gravity effects in these microtubules.

Now 'rightwinger' I do realize that you only have a few brain cells to work with but perhaps you might be able to grasp some of the basics of biocentrism - Biocentrism

I can't prove there are really no leprechauns or fairies....just because you can't see them doesn't mean they are not there

But I can still mock those who believe in imaginary creatures and magic
But I can still mock those who believe in imaginary creatures and magic

God is a spiritual being, not an imaginary creature. People do have spiritual experiences, indicating we are not just a physical organism controlled solely by the physical matter we call the brain. Many of us believe (based on experience) there is more to our consciousness than that, and we name this "spirit."

In spirit we find just as great a reality as the reality of the physical world. At times, the physical world seems more on par with children's toys; that it is the spiritual world that holds the greater reality.

Those of you who mock the imagination should at least consider John Dewey's observation: Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination.

One of the great ironies I see in this forum is that of people who claim to be of a scientific bent mocking those of us who are seeking to explore and discover a new universe and new life.
I am an animal and all animals die eventually. Why is that so hard to accept?

But if you send me $50 every week, I will make sure you can live forever

All animals die ? Are you sure about that, I thought all dogs went to heaven. On a more serious note however - You don't know that for a fact, you can't prove it beyond the shadow of a doubt. You can't prove there is no such thing as a soul, but some researchers, [and not all of them are quacks], have demonstrated the possibility of a hereafter, reincarnation, yada yada yada

A theory from Dr. Robert Lanza states that death as we presently define it is an illusion ... The body itself does not generate consciousness, it lives on after the body dies. They have identified " microtubules " within brain cells ... theory goes on to postulate that the experience of consciousness as we know it is the product of quantum gravity effects in these microtubules.

Now 'rightwinger' I do realize that you only have a few brain cells to work with but perhaps you might be able to grasp some of the basics of biocentrism - Biocentrism

I can't prove there are really no leprechauns or fairies....just because you can't see them doesn't mean they are not there

But I can still mock those who believe in imaginary creatures and magic
Re: Leprechauns and fairies ... I could go on and on about how legends and myths are so frequently born out of a smidgen of truth and ancestral memory but it would be way off topic.

We can't see radio waves - but we know they exist. We can't see atoms but we know they exist. We can't see dark matter but we know it exists. We can't see Gravity but we know it exists and we can't see time but we know it exists . and..

We can't see our thoughts but we know they exist. Along with our thoughts is our mind and within our minds / brain cells exist the "God Particle" .....

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