Atheism takes courage

Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.
It also means you can shoot people from a hotel window and not be concerned about being held accountable after you die.
And religious people can convince thwmselves that truly evil deeds are exactly what their go wants.

As someone once said: Bad people will do bad things, and good people will do good things. But, for good people to do bad things, it takes religion.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.

Yeah ... I bet atheism take a lot faith.

Anybody with a functioning brain cell would take that bet.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.
Or maybe nothing matters, as long as you don't get caught, because either there is no next life or nobody in it cares about what happened in this one.
See, this is the part I never get. Anyone who is not an atheist always assumes that atheists are hedonistic libertines who just do whatever they want, whenever they want, with no regard for consequences. You get that most rational atheists do, in fact, have personal codes of ethics, and morality, right? What you are describing are not atheists; they are sociopaths. There is a difference.
What I'm describing is true freedom.
I do what I think is right, not because someone is judging me, but because I am judging me.
Some people need the crutch of a God to force them to do what is right. Without the fear of hell they are terrified of who they will become or what they will do.

A true test of character is not what a man does when he thinks he'll be judged and perhaps punished for doing something wrong. But what a man does when he believes he can get away with anything if he wanted to.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.
It also means you can shoot people from a hotel window and not be concerned about being held accountable after you die.
And religious people can convince thwmselves that truly evil deeds are exactly what their go wants.

As someone once said: Bad people will do bad things, and good people will do good things. But, for good people to do bad things, it takes religion.
Bad people do good deeds and Good people do bad deeds. Nobody is 100% anything all the time. Even Bad people have mommies and were cute babies once. Look at the mob, out killing folks while at work, come home and eat with their families around a table and go to church.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.
It also means you can shoot people from a hotel window and not be concerned about being held accountable after you die.
And religious people can convince thwmselves that truly evil deeds are exactly what their go wants.

As someone once said: Bad people will do bad things, and good people will do good things. But, for good people to do bad things, it takes religion.
Bad people do good deeds and Good people do bad deeds. Nobody is 100% anything all the time. Even Bad people have mommies and were cute babies once. Look at the mob, out killing folks while at work, come home and eat with their families around a table and go to church.
Those mobsters are evil, murderous psychopaths. Though I see your, they are not "good people doing bad things". Maybe all sins are equal in the eyes of god, but that just makes god a moron.
Those mobsters are evil, murderous psychopaths. Though I see your, they are not "good people doing bad things". Maybe all sins are equal in the eyes of god, but that just makes god a moron.

If that were the case ... Then you and god could really relate to each other.

Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.

That's a laugh.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.
It also means you can shoot people from a hotel window and not be concerned about being held accountable after you die.
And religious people can convince thwmselves that truly evil deeds are exactly what their go wants.

As someone once said: Bad people will do bad things, and good people will do good things. But, for good people to do bad things, it takes religion.
Bad people do good deeds and Good people do bad deeds. Nobody is 100% anything all the time. Even Bad people have mommies and were cute babies once. Look at the mob, out killing folks while at work, come home and eat with their families around a table and go to church.
Those mobsters are evil, murderous psychopaths. Though I see your, they are not "good people doing bad things". Maybe all sins are equal in the eyes of god, but that just makes god a moron.
Someone who uses lethal force to gain what they want or to rule others. I guess only Governments and their armies are allowed to do that?

Not all mobsters were psychopaths. Some were just doing a job. A job which sometimes required killing someone.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.

I honestly feel that atheists are shut off of the spiritual warfare going on right around us..
They cannot feel the presence of something spectacular and call the believers stupid like this OP..

Just saying that I never met one person getting chemo , fighting cancer talk like the OP while facing a very hard trial...


Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.
It also means you can shoot people from a hotel window and not be concerned about being held accountable after you die.
And religious people can convince thwmselves that truly evil deeds are exactly what their go wants.

As someone once said: Bad people will do bad things, and good people will do good things. But, for good people to do bad things, it takes religion.
Bad people do good deeds and Good people do bad deeds. Nobody is 100% anything all the time. Even Bad people have mommies and were cute babies once. Look at the mob, out killing folks while at work, come home and eat with their families around a table and go to church.
Those mobsters are evil, murderous psychopaths. Though I see your, they are not "good people doing bad things". Maybe all sins are equal in the eyes of god, but that just makes god a moron.
Someone who uses lethal force to gain what they want or to rule others. I guess only Governments and their armies are allowed to do that?

Not all mobsters were psychopaths. Some were just doing a job. A job which sometimes required killing someone.
"Someone who uses lethal force to gain what they want or to rule others. I guess only Governments and their armies are allowed to do that?"

Yes, and that is morally and ethically good and correct. Until it isn't, which we judge not by some goofy bronze age fairy tale, but by reason based morals and ethics
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.

I honestly feel that atheists are shut off of the spiritual warfare going on right around us..
They cannot feel the presence of something spectacular and call the believers stupid like this OP..

Just saying that I never met one person getting chemo , fighting cancer talk like the OP while facing a very hard trial...


"Just saying that I never met one person getting chemo , fighting cancer talk like the OP while facing a very hard trial... "

Which is a fairly good indication that both their newfound faith and the goofy religion to which they grant it are nonsense. A starving man will say anything for a sandwich, after all.
I wish I could simply "turn off" my rational mind. Imagine how much easier life is for those who can, so easily, simply ignore all of the rational, logical flaws inherent in their faith. Life would be so much easier if I could just ignore that I know what I know, and pretend that there is a "happily ever after" that no one has ever confirmed.

I can't remember a time when I believed in a god and I've never thought it difficult or demanding. OTOH, I have wondered why the religious don't seem to get any peace or serenity from their beliefs.

I'm speaking only of christians because that's I'm the most familiar with and the Jews I know seem to get great comfort from their religion.

Christians are angry. They have pretty much everything - special buildings, tax-funded, special holidays, tax-funded, very special treatment and yet they always have their hands out for more. They imagine there's some sort of "war". There's no sign of this war but damn, they're always ready to fight it. They imagine that someone is stopping them from praying in schools, restaurants, etc but that's not true. Very funny is how hysterical they get because they're not allowed to say "merry christmas" but they can't tell you any place where its forbidden.

They seem to have a lot imaginary grievances and what they want is to take basic rights away from others in order to satisfy those grievances. Screw the US Constitution. Every time idiot trump says he wants to gut the constitution, they applaud.

I think it wold be very hard to put aside intelligent and critical thought in order to embrace what I consider to be the utter insanity of christianity.

For me, atheism is much easier.
... A starving man will say anything for a sandwich, after all.

I bet you are an expert on that ... How has the glory hole at the airport been treating you ... :dunno:
Answer carefully ... There are tickets to Hell riding on this one ... I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss that.

Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.

I honestly feel that atheists are shut off of the spiritual warfare going on right around us..
They cannot feel the presence of something spectacular and call the believers stupid like this OP..

Just saying that I never met one person getting chemo , fighting cancer talk like the OP while facing a very hard trial...


"Just saying that I never met one person getting chemo , fighting cancer talk like the OP while facing a very hard trial... "

Which is a fairly good indication that both their newfound faith and the goofy religion to which they grant it are nonsense. A starving man will say anything for a sandwich, after all.

Ah you said the word religion... you see many people get confused between a relationship with Christ and religion..

Religion is man made up rules that hate, confuse, judge, and have killed for since the beginning.., this is why Christ came and died .. You don't need any made up rules, you don't need to sacrifice .. You feel the spirit within you..It is Finished..


Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.

I honestly feel that atheists are shut off of the spiritual warfare going on right around us..
They cannot feel the presence of something spectacular and call the believers stupid like this OP..

Just saying that I never met one person getting chemo , fighting cancer talk like the OP while facing a very hard trial...


I'm fighting cancer. No Chemo yet, it's in my polyps. Sometimes I wish for death as an escape from Life and it's pain. My family depends on me to pay my part of the bills. And for my council as well. I live for them.

I wish I could be blind and stupid and believe that praying to some invisible man would solve my problems, guide my actions, provide me with solstice. But I have a brain. There is no way the God of the old testament is a kind and loving God of the new testament. His so called child reinvented God. There is no way one single religion can be proved beyond reasonable doubt to be the true religion showing the others to be the false ones. And it's easy to see that all religion was created by those who simply wanted power over others and used religion as a tool to accomplish that. Because of that I don't believe that religion is an invention of God but is an invention of Men.

The Universe is so vast I believe in the possibility that it is one of many, as in a Multi-verse. With just a large space to make things happen it's possible that some creature somewhere somewhen has the powers and abilities we would call God. But I doubt such a powerful being cares about the microbes crawling on one of the balls in a solar system in a galaxy in a universe, inside their multi-verse.

I also believe we will probably self destruct before making it into another solar system and establishing a colony. There may not be enough mass and power in our solar system to build a space ship powerful enough to make the trip with living humans within it. And that would explain why the Aliens haven;t found us yet, assuming they exist.

We don't matter. No more than a microbe or an atom. No more than a monkey eating his own excrement in the forest. We are all immaterial. And what we do doesn't matter.

Hitler will probably never see Hell, but then Gandhi probably won't either.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.
It also means you can shoot people from a hotel window and not be concerned about being held accountable after you die.

Obviously, its the other way around and you know it.

Theists/christians will tell you they are not perfect, just forgiven. You can kill, rape, kidnap, steal, whatever you want. All you have to do is ask your god for forgiveness. Then, you can go out tomorrow and do it all again.

OTOH, I try to do good every single day. But, according to christians, I'll go to hell. Book of Jeremiah told me I am "wicked" and will burn forever in hell.

Even ISIS lets their victims die.

That's bad enough but some christians believe that even innocent babies and children will burn in eternal hell.

The christian god is vicious and so are his followers.
I wish I could simply "turn off" my rational mind. Imagine how much easier life is for those who can, so easily, simply ignore all of the rational, logical flaws inherent in their faith. Life would be so much easier if I could just ignore that I know what I know, and pretend that there is a "happily ever after" that no one has ever confirmed.

I can't remember a time when I believed in a god and I've never thought it difficult or demanding. OTOH, I have wondered why the religious don't seem to get any peace or serenity from their beliefs.

I'm speaking only of christians because that's I'm the most familiar with and the Jews I know seem to get great comfort from their religion.

Christians are angry. They have pretty much everything - special buildings, tax-funded, special holidays, tax-funded, very special treatment and yet they always have their hands out for more. They imagine there's some sort of "war". There's no sign of this war but damn, they're always ready to fight it. They imagine that someone is stopping them from praying in schools, restaurants, etc but that's not true. Very funny is how hysterical they get because they're not allowed to say "merry christmas" but they can't tell you any place where its forbidden.

They seem to have a lot imaginary grievances and what they want is to take basic rights away from others in order to satisfy those grievances. Screw the US Constitution. Every time idiot trump says he wants to gut the constitution, they applaud.

I think it wold be very hard to put aside intelligent and critical thought in order to embrace what I consider to be the utter insanity of christianity.

For me, atheism is much easier.

Religion is made up rules by man... A spiritual relationship with God is Free..You don't have to go to a church ..

So many are lost and need something to follow..Some will drink the Jim Jones kool-aide to death..And many are bound by these corrupt hating church rules.


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