Atheist Tornado Survivor Sparks Religious Debate

No, no coffee break. He has been kicked out of this country that He blessed and the Holy Spirit that restrained, went with him.
We can expect the worst now.

When did God bless the USA? Was it when we took the land from the natives? Or Was it when we took His children from Africa to make them our slaves? Or did it not happen until we altered or nation's pledge of allegiance by adding an acknowledgement to Him? Perhaps it didn't happen until we elected Saint Ronald Reagan as president?
What Christians do not understand in thier happy happy glad glad state of mind about thier religion is that many people don't want to have ANYTHING to do with it.

I really don't care what they do in private or in the company of thier own kind in places they worship in.

It DOES bother me that they snuck "god" into the pledge of alleigance. And the REAL problem is that THEY don't understand that it is offensive to some other good Americans.

It bothers me that the president has to swear on thier comic book to get innaugurated.

I have no illusions that the Christians will ever get how annoying they really are. They are too stupid. If they were smart they wouldn't believe in or act on such rediculous rubbish.
It is kind of annoying to have "So help me God" in the transcripts of so much government business.

I can certainly relate to where Huggy's coming from on that statement. Even when the generic 'God' is used, rather than a specific 'God of the Jews', 'Jesus' or 'Allah'.

Thank (insert your preferred Deity here) for the generic term "God", which leaves it open to the interpretation of the listener.
What Christians do not understand in thier happy happy glad glad state of mind about thier religion is that many people don't want to have ANYTHING to do with it.

I really don't care what they do in private or in the company of thier own kind in places they worship in.

It DOES bother me that they snuck "god" into the pledge of alleigance. And the REAL problem is that THEY don't understand that it is offensive to some other good Americans.

It bothers me that the president has to swear on thier comic book to get innaugurated.

I have no illusions that the Christians will ever get how annoying they really are. They are too stupid. If they were smart they wouldn't believe in or act on such rediculous rubbish.

Therein lies the rub!
Are atheists pushing their religion or are atheist pushing secularism?

I guess it depends on which type of secularism we are talking about.
Are atheists pushing their religion or are atheist pushing secularism?

I guess it depends on which type of secularism we are talking about.

Since atheism is not a religion they can't be "pushing" it. Pushing also implies evangelizing.
Are atheists pushing their religion or are atheist pushing secularism?

I guess it depends on which type of secularism we are talking about.

Since atheism is not a religion they can't be "pushing" it. Pushing also implies evangelizing.

Well--maybe athesits are "pushing" their religion

Each time an atheists says "there is no god" he pretty much teaches his entire religion. Which is none thus the point!!

Come to think about it, even when an atheists don't say anything he is teaching his entire religion.

See how invasive atheism can be!! Or is it??:tongue:
"Disclaimer: Please note that this is NOT intended to be a flame thread. If you want to flame Atheists please start your own thread. The OP will not respond to any flame posts and requests that all of the Atheists posting in this thread do likewise. This is a serious question that needs to be addressed. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
" THAT is gonna happen.. :lol:

I hope the girl gets many thousands to help rebuild her home. Dig deep atheists!
Humanist groups raise tens of thousands for atheist tornado survivor | The Raw Story
The site has already passed its goal of $50,000 by nearly $700 at press time, with 60 days in the fund-raiser still to go.
What Christians do not understand in thier happy happy glad glad state of mind about thier religion is that many people don't want to have ANYTHING to do with it.

I really don't care what they do in private or in the company of thier own kind in places they worship in.

It DOES bother me that they snuck "god" into the pledge of alleigance. And the REAL problem is that THEY don't understand that it is offensive to some other good Americans.

It bothers me that the president has to swear on thier comic book to get innaugurated.

I have no illusions that the Christians will ever get how annoying they really are. They are too stupid. If they were smart they wouldn't believe in or act on such rediculous rubbish.
^ that.
Are atheists pushing their religion or are atheist pushing secularism?

I guess it depends on which type of secularism we are talking about.

Since atheism is not a religion they can't be "pushing" it. Pushing also implies evangelizing.

Well--maybe athesits are "pushing" their religion

Each time an atheists says "there is no god" he pretty much teaches his entire religion. Which is none thus the point!!

Come to think about it, even when an atheists don't say anything he is teaching his entire religion.

See how invasive atheism can be!! Or is it??:tongue:

Rats, foiled again, Moriarty. You just exposed the entire Atheist plot to rule the world. :cool:
No, no coffee break. He has been kicked out of this country that He blessed and the Holy Spirit that restrained, went with him.
We can expect the worst now.

Right on cue.

Earlier, I said that the opposite of "its god's will" is "god moves in mysterious ways" and THIS in the perfect example.

Tornado Alley is also very much the Bible Belt. Where I live, there's a baptist church on every corner and everyone speaks in that brainless, thoughtless sing-song voice where everything is learned by rote instead of by serious consideration and thought.

There are gazillions of holy rollers per running linear foot in Tornado Alley and the footage right after every disaster is some variation on "its god's will" and that god saved them because they prayed.

BUT, what the excuse of "thrown out of [the bible belt]" really means is 'god moves in mysterious ways'. That way, they can pretend not to notice all the dead who also prayed.

The one thing "christians" have plenty of is excuses for their god not doing anything for them.
Since atheism is not a religion they can't be "pushing" it. Pushing also implies evangelizing.

Well--maybe athesits are "pushing" their religion

Each time an atheists says "there is no god" he pretty much teaches his entire religion. Which is none thus the point!!

Come to think about it, even when an atheists don't say anything he is teaching his entire religion.

See how invasive atheism can be!! Or is it??:tongue:

Rats, foiled again, Moriarty. You just exposed the entire Atheist plot to rule the world. :cool:

They're gonna fail.

They don't try to usurp the US Constitution by forcing their non-god beliefs on school kids and other adults.

They don't go door-to-door, trying to force their beliefs on the poor schlubs who make the mistake of answering their door.

They don't preach (and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and preach) a rule book that is based on infanticide and describes rape and murder and incest and hate.

Oh yeah, did I mention the unending and lying preaching and preaching and preaching and preaching and preaching preaching and preaching and preaching and preaching and preaching preaching and preaching and preaching and preaching and preaching preaching and preaching and preaching and preaching and preaching preaching and preaching and preaching and preaching and preaching preaching and preaching and preaching and preaching and preaching preaching and preaching and preaching and preaching and preaching preaching and preaching and preaching and preaching and preaching preaching and preaching and preaching and preaching and preaching?

Did I mention that?
What Christians do not understand in thier happy happy glad glad state of mind about thier religion is that many people don't want to have ANYTHING to do with it.

I really don't care what they do in private or in the company of thier own kind in places they worship in.

It DOES bother me that they snuck "god" into the pledge of alleigance. And the REAL problem is that THEY don't understand that it is offensive to some other good Americans.

It bothers me that the president has to swear on thier comic book to get innaugurated.

I have no illusions that the Christians will ever get how annoying they really are. They are too stupid. If they were smart they wouldn't believe in or act on such rediculous rubbish.

Therein lies the rub!

I disagree.

At one point in time, this average Monkey was an in-your-face, born-again, tongue-talking Bible-thumper.

I don't think I was any more stupid than I am now... just younger.

There's a difference.
What Christians do not understand in thier happy happy glad glad state of mind about thier religion is that many people don't want to have ANYTHING to do with it.

I really don't care what they do in private or in the company of thier own kind in places they worship in.

It DOES bother me that they snuck "god" into the pledge of alleigance. And the REAL problem is that THEY don't understand that it is offensive to some other good Americans.

It bothers me that the president has to swear on thier comic book to get innaugurated.

I have no illusions that the Christians will ever get how annoying they really are. They are too stupid. If they were smart they wouldn't believe in or act on such rediculous rubbish.

Therein lies the rub!

I disagree.

At one point in time, this average Monkey was an in-your-face, born-again, tongue-talking Bible-thumper.

I don't think I was any more stupid than I am now... just younger.

There's a difference.

Good point. Let's amend that to there are some Monkeys who are incapable of learning from their "mistakes" no matter how much experience they gain along the way. :cool:
And truth be told, I miss religion. Faith is a comforting thing to have.

:eek: It's scary facing the unknown with the understanding that no matter what any Monkey says about it, what happens after death truly is unknown.

I guess I'm a little jealous of those who still believe... It's the fear of this average Monkey that any Monkey who says that he or she knows what happens when a Monkey dies is the Monkey who's deceived, but I wasn't there when you heard the story you believe.


Would you live your life differently if you weren't so fucking cock-sure? :dunno:

Therein lies the rub!

I disagree.

At one point in time, this average Monkey was an in-your-face, born-again, tongue-talking Bible-thumper.

I don't think I was any more stupid than I am now... just younger.

There's a difference.

Good point. Let's amend that to there are some Monkeys who are incapable of learning from their "mistakes" no matter how much experience they gain along the way. :cool:

I wouldn't call religion a mistake... not for me at least. Especially considering the point in history when I was lucky enough to get a Monkey life to ride.

:eusa_pray: Just another path on my brief Monkey splash on this river of Time.
And truth be told, I miss religion. Faith is a comforting thing to have.

:eek: It's scary facing the unknown with the understanding that no matter what any Monkey says about it, what happens after death truly is unknown.

I guess I'm a little jealous of those who still believe... It's the fear of this average Monkey that any Monkey who says that he or she knows what happens when a Monkey dies is the Monkey who's deceived, but I wasn't there when you heard the story you believe.


Would you live your life differently if you weren't so fucking cock-sure? :dunno:


But would a Monkey like yourself be satisfied living a life where you knew you were only deceiving yourself? Walking away from religion does not mean denying your own innate spirituality either. Being true to yourself is one of the most fundamental principles of all. By rejecting the myths and fables of ancient Monkeys you are free to come up with your own. Just as long as you don't try to convert any other Monkeys it isn't a "religion". :cool:

Not knowing what comes next makes this Monkey appreciate what he has right now. Taking nothing for granted and ensuring that those near and dear know that they are loved and appreciated is a satisfying way to live. If this Monkey is fortunate enough to know when the end is nigh it will be knowing that some other Monkeys lives were made a little happier.
And truth be told, I miss religion. Faith is a comforting thing to have.

:eek: It's scary facing the unknown with the understanding that no matter what any Monkey says about it, what happens after death truly is unknown.

I guess I'm a little jealous of those who still believe... It's the fear of this average Monkey that any Monkey who says that he or she knows what happens when a Monkey dies is the Monkey who's deceived, but I wasn't there when you heard the story you believe.


Would you live your life differently if you weren't so fucking cock-sure? :dunno:


But would a Monkey like yourself be satisfied living a life where you knew you were only deceiving yourself? Walking away from religion does not mean denying your own innate spirituality either. Being true to yourself is one of the most fundamental principles of all. By rejecting the myths and fables of ancient Monkeys you are free to come up with your own. Just as long as you don't try to convert any other Monkeys it isn't a "religion". :cool:

Not knowing what comes next makes this Monkey appreciate what he has right now. Taking nothing for granted and ensuring that those near and dear know that they are loved and appreciated is a satisfying way to live. If this Monkey is fortunate enough to know when the end is nigh it will be knowing that some other Monkeys lives were made a little happier.

In the case of this average Monkey, at this point in my life, obviously not.

It's up to each Monkey to push his or her own path through Time. Nobody knows what happens next and nobody gets to control more than one attitude. Those are the only 'Monkey Rights'. I appreciate your frustration, but beating a horse after you've pointed out the water still won't make him drink.

^^^ The above is an analogy based on the American colloquialism "You can lead a a horse to water but you can't make him drink." In no way is this average Monkey accusing any other Monkeys of being a horse. That would be rude.

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