Atheist Tornado Survivor Sparks Religious Debate

This should be the law

This attitude is just as extremist as those pushing Sharia and other Religious Law for all their neighbors, and flies in the face of each and every Monkey being free to live and raise their kids how they see fit, with Civil Law trumping Religious Law every time the two come in to conflict.

For freedom and liberty to work, every Monkey, including the ones who're wrong in the humble opinion of any other Monkey, need the freedom to raise their kids how they see fit.
Nobody gives a crap about atheists and what they do or don't believe - it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings and has no bearing whatsoever on the way others live their lives and what they believe.

The animosity comes from the actions of those who what to obliterate all mention and memory of God, the Bible, or anything else of the equal right to practice Christianity ... and don't bet that these same people won't be going after Jews, too, once they get the "Christian plague" taken care of.

You can't gripe about the people hating you for what you believe when you spew out your hatred of them for what they believe.
Granny, of course we can grip about others when we exact similarly.

That is what America is about.
atheists need to stop pushing their beliefs on the rest of us

Pushing beliefs on any given subject matter is what every Monkey does... The trick is for everyone to stop pushing their Religious beliefs through codification in politics.

Everyone needs to understand that when it comes to "God" (insert your preferred Deity here), and what happens at death, every Monkey has the right to be wrong, and nobody has proof, just another opinion.
I don't see the issue here. Blitzer asked a question. She answered. Blitzer accepted her and her answer. She expressed understanding and that she was fine with it. Beck makes it out as some media conspiracy to drum up his business. Typical Beck.
No, there is no issue
When I lived in the South, atheist usually preceded communist, ****** loving, pervert. I hope it's changed.

What are you, a hundred?

I heard it in San Augustine County, Texas, in the last five years.
The South has had a history of isolation and suspicion of anything that is different from their culture. For over 150 years the South has fought to maintain a culture strongly rooted in slavery and then segregation. There is a long tradition of distrust of the federal government, previously referred to as Yankees. It was the federal government that invaded the South twice to destroy the southern way of live, first slavery and then segregation. Uppity blacks, northern agitators, Jews, atheists, and foreigners were all seen as enemies of the southern life style.

Over the last fifty early, much has changed but the hatred is still there, it's just not fashionable anymore. The GOP has been able to focus that hatred on the federal government which wasn't hard since the South has been at war with the federal government since the nation was formed.
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Why didn't God just steer the tornado someplace that wasn't so populated in the first place mitigating all the death and suffering? Was he on his coffee break?

If that had happened, would that atheist mother be any the wiser for it? I believe God uses the satanic storms of life to teach His children and make them stronger. We live in a sinful world and God protects us more than we will ever know in this life. However, God also uses the trials of life to bring some closer to Himself and to perhaps even bring others to salvation. If everything just ran smooth as could be, would anyone imagine that they needed God? They would think that they were OK. The atheists of this world would think that they could handle everything... So the lady got $7000 dollars to rebuild her home from a group of fellow atheists... But how many more blessings will come the way of believers who trust in the Lord for help and guidance?
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Why didn't God just steer the tornado someplace that wasn't so populated in the first place mitigating all the death and suffering? Was he on his coffee break?

If that had happened, would that atheist mother be any the wiser for it? I believe God uses the satanic storms of life to teach His children and make them stronger. We live in a sinful world and God protects us more than we will ever know in this life. However, God also uses the trials of life to bring some closer to Himself adn to perhaps even bring others to salvation. If everything just ran smooth as could be, would anyone imagine that they needed God? They would think that they were OK. The atheists of this world would think that they could handle everything... So the lady got $7000 dollars to rebuild her home from a group of fellow atheists... But how many more blessings will come the way of believers who trust in the Lord for help and guidance?

What a strange and confused worldview.
I believe God uses the satanic storms of life to teach His children and make them stronger
By killing them? That makes children stronger?

But how many more blessings will come the way of believers who trust in the Lord for help and guidance
Did you somehow miss what happened? Trusting in the gawds for help and guidance did not prevent the gawds from mowing down persons and property.

Here's an experiment you can try at home. Walk out into a busy highway. "Pray" that the gawds will notuse the satanic traffic -ed. of life to teach His children and make them stronger.

Report back to us what you find.
Atheist Tornado Survivor Sparks Religious Debate

Atheist Tornado Survivor Sparks Religious Debate

Four days after a more than 1-mile wide tornado ravaged Oklahoma, the media is awash with victims-standing-in-front-of-their-ruined-houses interviews. CNN's Wolf Blitzer was in the midst of conducting such an interview with Rebecca Vitsmun, who escaped her collapsing home with her 19-month-old son. After proclaiming that Vitsmun and her family was blessed, Father Blitzer said, "I guess you've got to thank the Lord, right? Do you thank the Lord for that split second decision?"

Clearly a little uncomfortable (who wouldn't be? What the hell kind of question is that to ask in an interview, Blitzer?), Vitsmun pauses and says, "I'm actually an atheist." "You are, alright. But you made the right call," responded Blitzer. The mother took the bizarre questions in stride: "We are here, and I don't blame anyone for thanking the Lord."

The awkward moment passed, but for atheists groups, Vitsmun became suddenly became a face for their beliefs. Atheists Unite, an Indiegogo community, reacted almost immediately to Vitsmun's casual assertion that she was atheist. By Friday, more than $7,000 have been raised for her to reconstruct her home, thanks to the campaign's fundraising efforts:

"It's important that our community shows that we have you back when it come out publicly as an atheist. Let us show the world that you don't need to believe in a god to have human compassion nor does all charity all under the banner of religion."

This whole thing is kind of a bucket of weird. First off, Blitzer asking Vitsmun whether she thanked the Lord or not was rather forceful than conversational. His nervous laughter after realizing his faux pas (assuming everybody is praising Jesus, Amen) could have been handled a little more graciously, too. But let's take Blitzer's gaffe to the next level, shall we?

Enter Glenn Beck:

"I think [Wolf Blitzer] was fed some information about the guest he had on before-hand, you know, that's what producers do, given some questions that he should ask, etc. etc. Some producer who is sympathetic to the atheist plight or just doesn't like Christians or whatever it is, thought it was important to point out that in the middle of the heartland, in America, where most people are God-fearing, there are atheists there too. It doesn't have to be nefarious."​

Okay, Beck. You're sipping on the crazy juice, but it's Crazy Juice Light. I can maybe, maybe say that you have a vaguely valid argument. It was kind of a weird question. But you had to go and chug the strong stuff, huh:

"We are not fighting against flesh and bone. We are fighting the forces of spiritual darkness."

Aaaaand scene.

Rebecca Vitsmun probably didn't state that she was an atheist as a political statement or as a way to become the face of the atheism community, whatever that is. Now she's another object, human meme, being used as fodder for atheists and believers to pontificate. At least she's getting money to rebuild her home from it?

Why does Glen Beck equate Atheism with "the forces of spiritual darkness"? Why should it matter if someone is an Atheist? Don't they have that freedom as a Constitutional Right? Why must perfectly normal people constantly be demonized? At what point do Atheists get to come out of the closet and have their rights recognized?

Disclaimer: Please note that this is NOT intended to be a flame thread. If you want to flame Atheists please start your own thread. The OP will not respond to any flame posts and requests that all of the Atheists posting in this thread do likewise. This is a serious question that needs to be addressed. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.​

I think that all atheists should move to New Orleans. That way when the next hurricane comes and floods the city again, which it will, they can get back on CNN and blame the event on there being no God.​
Why didn't God just steer the tornado someplace that wasn't so populated in the first place mitigating all the death and suffering? Was he on his coffee break?

If that had happened, would that atheist mother be any the wiser for it? I believe God uses the satanic storms of life to teach His children and make them stronger. We live in a sinful world and God protects us more than we will ever know in this life. However, God also uses the trials of life to bring some closer to Himself adn to perhaps even bring others to salvation. If everything just ran smooth as could be, would anyone imagine that they needed God? They would think that they were OK. The atheists of this world would think that they could handle everything... So the lady got $7000 dollars to rebuild her home from a group of fellow atheists... But how many more blessings will come the way of believers who trust in the Lord for help and guidance?

What a strange and confused worldview.
I believe God uses the satanic storms of life to teach His children and make them stronger
By killing them? That makes children stronger?

But how many more blessings will come the way of believers who trust in the Lord for help and guidance
Did you somehow miss what happened? Trusting in the gawds for help and guidance did not prevent the gawds from mowing down persons and property.

Here's an experiment you can try at home. Walk out into a busy highway. "Pray" that the gawds will notuse the satanic traffic -ed. of life to teach His children and make them stronger.

Report back to us what you find.

They were not all killed. In fact, few were killed considering the event. And what about the baby you aborted? And your distorted belief that it was all a matter of luck. So, you learned nothing. Rather sad for you.
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Atheist Tornado Survivor Sparks Religious Debate

Atheist Tornado Survivor Sparks Religious Debate

Four days after a more than 1-mile wide tornado ravaged Oklahoma, the media is awash with victims-standing-in-front-of-their-ruined-houses interviews. CNN's Wolf Blitzer was in the midst of conducting such an interview with Rebecca Vitsmun, who escaped her collapsing home with her 19-month-old son. After proclaiming that Vitsmun and her family was blessed, Father Blitzer said, "I guess you've got to thank the Lord, right? Do you thank the Lord for that split second decision?"

Clearly a little uncomfortable (who wouldn't be? What the hell kind of question is that to ask in an interview, Blitzer?), Vitsmun pauses and says, "I'm actually an atheist." "You are, alright. But you made the right call," responded Blitzer. The mother took the bizarre questions in stride: "We are here, and I don't blame anyone for thanking the Lord."

The awkward moment passed, but for atheists groups, Vitsmun became suddenly became a face for their beliefs. Atheists Unite, an Indiegogo community, reacted almost immediately to Vitsmun's casual assertion that she was atheist. By Friday, more than $7,000 have been raised for her to reconstruct her home, thanks to the campaign's fundraising efforts:

"It's important that our community shows that we have you back when it come out publicly as an atheist. Let us show the world that you don't need to believe in a god to have human compassion nor does all charity all under the banner of religion."

This whole thing is kind of a bucket of weird. First off, Blitzer asking Vitsmun whether she thanked the Lord or not was rather forceful than conversational. His nervous laughter after realizing his faux pas (assuming everybody is praising Jesus, Amen) could have been handled a little more graciously, too. But let's take Blitzer's gaffe to the next level, shall we?

Enter Glenn Beck:

"I think [Wolf Blitzer] was fed some information about the guest he had on before-hand, you know, that's what producers do, given some questions that he should ask, etc. etc. Some producer who is sympathetic to the atheist plight or just doesn't like Christians or whatever it is, thought it was important to point out that in the middle of the heartland, in America, where most people are God-fearing, there are atheists there too. It doesn't have to be nefarious."​

Okay, Beck. You're sipping on the crazy juice, but it's Crazy Juice Light. I can maybe, maybe say that you have a vaguely valid argument. It was kind of a weird question. But you had to go and chug the strong stuff, huh:

"We are not fighting against flesh and bone. We are fighting the forces of spiritual darkness."

Aaaaand scene.

Rebecca Vitsmun probably didn't state that she was an atheist as a political statement or as a way to become the face of the atheism community, whatever that is. Now she's another object, human meme, being used as fodder for atheists and believers to pontificate. At least she's getting money to rebuild her home from it?

Why does Glen Beck equate Atheism with "the forces of spiritual darkness"? Why should it matter if someone is an Atheist? Don't they have that freedom as a Constitutional Right? Why must perfectly normal people constantly be demonized? At what point do Atheists get to come out of the closet and have their rights recognized?

Disclaimer: Please note that this is NOT intended to be a flame thread. If you want to flame Atheists please start your own thread. The OP will not respond to any flame posts and requests that all of the Atheists posting in this thread do likewise. This is a serious question that needs to be addressed. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.​

I think that all atheists should move to New Orleans. That way when the next hurricane comes and floods the city again, which it will, they can get back on CNN and blame the event on there being no God.

Just to clarify, are you are saying that your God is responsible for hurricanes and tornadoes?​
If that had happened, would that atheist mother be any the wiser for it? I believe God uses the satanic storms of life to teach His children and make them stronger. We live in a sinful world and God protects us more than we will ever know in this life. However, God also uses the trials of life to bring some closer to Himself adn to perhaps even bring others to salvation. If everything just ran smooth as could be, would anyone imagine that they needed God? They would think that they were OK. The atheists of this world would think that they could handle everything... So the lady got $7000 dollars to rebuild her home from a group of fellow atheists... But how many more blessings will come the way of believers who trust in the Lord for help and guidance?

What a strange and confused worldview.

By killing them? That makes children stronger?

But how many more blessings will come the way of believers who trust in the Lord for help and guidance
Did you somehow miss what happened? Trusting in the gawds for help and guidance did not prevent the gawds from mowing down persons and property.

Here's an experiment you can try at home. Walk out into a busy highway. "Pray" that the gawds will notuse the satanic traffic -ed. of life to teach His children and make them stronger.

Report back to us what you find.

They were not all killed. In fact, few were killed considering the event. And what about the baby you aborted? And your distorted belief that it was all a matter of luck. So, you learned nothing. Rather sad for you.
I've never aborted a baby.

What was all a matter of luck?

Are you hearing voices?
"Disclaimer: Please note that this is NOT intended to be a flame thread. If you want to flame Atheists please start your own thread. The OP will not respond to any flame posts and requests that all of the Atheists posting in this thread do likewise. This is a serious question that needs to be addressed. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
" THAT is gonna happen.. :lol:

I hope the girl gets many thousands to help rebuild her home. Dig deep atheists!
What a strange and confused worldview.

By killing them? That makes children stronger?

Did you somehow miss what happened? Trusting in the gawds for help and guidance did not prevent the gawds from mowing down persons and property.

Here's an experiment you can try at home. Walk out into a busy highway. "Pray" that the gawds will notuse the satanic traffic -ed. of life to teach His children and make them stronger.

Report back to us what you find.

They were not all killed. In fact, few were killed considering the event. And what about the baby you aborted? And your distorted belief that it was all a matter of luck. So, you learned nothing. Rather sad for you.
I've never aborted a baby.

What was all a matter of luck?

Are you hearing voices?

If you believe others should be allowed to abort babies, it is just like you aborted one of your very own. And what exactly makes you believe that these people (those that were devastated by the twister) were any different then yourself? You think that they pray all the time and do everything God wants them to do? I'm sure they are as imperfect as yourself. The difference is that perhaps they should know better and you are just blind to the redundancy of even Israel's mistakes as revealed in God's Holy Word. God sometimes needs to grab the attention of His children for whatever reason... Everyone will face problems. How they are faced and who is the one looked to for help will vary according to one's nature/spiritality. Read the book of Job.
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Nobody gives a crap about atheists and what they do or don't believe - it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings and has no bearing whatsoever on the way others live their lives and what they believe.

The animosity comes from the actions of those who what to obliterate all mention and memory of God, the Bible, or anything else of the equal right to practice Christianity ... and don't bet that these same people won't be going after Jews, too, once they get the "Christian plague" taken care of.

You can't gripe about the people hating you for what you believe when you spew out your hatred of them for what they believe.

As an atheist I'm going to have to agree with you. It's getting to the point where I'm embarrassed to label myself as an atheist because of all the devout atheistic zealots who want to push their values on other people. Atheists who want to destroy every cross in a town square or remove the ten commandments from a courthouse seem a bit demented to me.

Really? What if a city in this country was innundated with Muslims. What if the Muslims decided to change thier courthouse to suit Muhammed and had some islamic decorations all over it..and let's say you drove through the city and were arrested for something ..perhaps unintentionally dissing some muslim tradition. Then you were taken to court and made to swear your testimony with your hand on a Koran or some Muslim document. Would you think them demented? Would you think it demented if I thought THAT was wrong?
Nobody gives a crap about atheists and what they do or don't believe - it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings and has no bearing whatsoever on the way others live their lives and what they believe.

The animosity comes from the actions of those who what to obliterate all mention and memory of God, the Bible, or anything else of the equal right to practice Christianity ... and don't bet that these same people won't be going after Jews, too, once they get the "Christian plague" taken care of.

You can't gripe about the people hating you for what you believe when you spew out your hatred of them for what they believe.

As an atheist I'm going to have to agree with you. It's getting to the point where I'm embarrassed to label myself as an atheist because of all the devout atheistic zealots who want to push their values on other people. Atheists who want to destroy every cross in a town square or remove the ten commandments from a courthouse seem a bit demented to me.

Really? What if a city in this country was innundated with Muslims. What if the Muslims decided to change thier courthouse to suit Muhammed and had some islamic decorations all over it..and let's say you drove through the city and were arrested for something ..perhaps unintentionally dissing some muslim tradition. Then you were taken to court and made to swear your testimony with your hand on a Koran or some Muslim document. Would you think them demented? Would you think it demented if I thought THAT was wrong?

Reading your scenario, the first thing I would do is get the hell out of England. I also don't equate Christianity with Islam. I'm not one of those people who thinks religion is all the same. I'm not into moral relativism. Can you tell me when was the last time somebody got arrested for dissing christian tradition? Most of Hollywood would be in prison if your comparison was accurate. The fact is christians have never beheaded me because my friend was a jew. Christians have never once threatened me because I have lusted, drank and played pool. The least I can do is be as tolerant as they are.
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I think that the point of it is that when Civil Law overrides Religious Law, ALL religions can breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that if they find themselves in the religious minority, their right to be wrong will be guaranteed.

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