atheistism is it a hand me down tradition or are you born that way?

Religion - indoctrination? Has to be. Who could make that crap up?
Atheism is a logical conclusion for people who don't have their minds stuck in a book of fiction written some 1500 years ago.
I would say that everyone starts out atheist, otherwise, why would you need sunday school and the bible? You'd know all that stuff already.
Atheism is purely a reaction. It would not exist if it there weren't people who believe in a higher power.
everyone would like to know.

When you're born in a family that is atheist, then for the first few years before your brain develops sufficiently to be able to do that sort of thinking, you're an 'atheist' too - in terms of not believing in any higher power. However, once one's old enough and starts thinking for himself/herself, they can decide what they believe or rather - what they want to believe.

I was born in an atheist - or maybe an agnostic - family. Never talked about the existence nor the non-existence of god. When I turned 15, I read a bunch of books on the topic of religion and decided that that shit just doesn't rock my boat (seemed too crazy and unnecessary to me - a lotta ado 'bout nothin'). I decided to rest my case midways - I'm an agnostic. I can't either prove nor disprove the existence of any higher power. A friend of mine grew up in a similar family, but ended up marrying a Mormon. She's a Mormon too now ... whatever rocks her boat. As long as she doesn't preach to me, I couldn't care less.

Does that answer your question?
Apparently it is not a hand me down tradition since I was born in a very religious (methodists) family with its own church.

Was I born this way? Maybe, or maybe not. I think my atheism began with the revelation that there was no Santa Claus--and how all the grown ups contributed to the ruse that there was one.

I still remember that night after Christmas I wondered--if there is no Santa, how about the Easter Bunny, Ghosts,....Christ?
everyone would like to know.

Well, I guess everyone would like to know why you believe it would be confined to those two reasons. Unless, of course, you're pushing some personal agenda.
giving the fact religion is man made, I would say you are born an atheist.
Religion is something you are taught.
I would say that you aren't born an atheist or a theist, but rather as a "neutral" (for lack of a better word) being with a natural curiosity about the world around you. Whether you become an atheist, a theist, or whatever else depends on the answers you find to the questions you ask, whether they are taught to you ("hand me down tradition") or you discover them on your own.
I would say that you aren't born an atheist or a theist, but rather as a "neutral" (for lack of a better word) being with a natural curiosity about the world around you. Whether you become an atheist, a theist, or whatever else depends on the answers you find to the questions you ask, whether they are taught to you ("hand me down tradition") or you discover them on your own.

are you saying atheistism is not taught at home. how many atheist have bible class
I would say that you aren't born an atheist or a theist, but rather as a "neutral" (for lack of a better word) being with a natural curiosity about the world around you. Whether you become an atheist, a theist, or whatever else depends on the answers you find to the questions you ask, whether they are taught to you ("hand me down tradition") or you discover them on your own.

are you saying atheistism is not taught at home. how many atheist have bible class

No, actually it's not something that's taught at home, since I come from a pretty religious family. I was also baptized at a very young age, and was made to attend church, and Sunday School.
I was raised mormon and am now an athiest. My mother didn't FORCE me to continue going if I didn't want to. I guess it helped that my older brother was no longer going and my father NEVER did as he was not mormon.
I figure you should give your child a CHOICE as much as you claim that God gave us ALL a choice to either follow a religion or not. I figure about 10-12 years old and they have enough self determination to decide for themselves.
I was born into a Catholic family. I went to a Catholic school. Eventially, as I grew older, I began to question mysticism and the supernatural. At some point I realized that you have to be incredible credulous to believe in the occult. It's like believing in Marvel Comics.
catholics mormon seven day ad. are they true religion must not be to strong in faith so many depart from it when they get older.
I just don't like it when people use their children as PAWNS. I HATE people who put signs in their childrens hands about issues they have virtually NO UNDERSTANDING. I feel it is child exploytation.
catholics mormon seven day ad. are they true religion must not be to strong in faith so many depart from it when they get older.

I disagree entirely. I think they are religions that ALLOW their followers to make a CHOICE just as GOD gave us a choice.
catholics mormon seven day ad. are they true religion must not be to strong in faith so many depart from it when they get older.

Believe me, I would have felt the same way about any religion. It's just not in me to have magical and occult beliefs. It's like believing in astrology or reading Tarot cards.

The Holy Ghost
Casper the Friendly Ghost

To me, all are equally ridiculous.
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