Atheists view Christians with contempt and derision

We scientists have found that doing a kindness produces the single most reliable momentary increase in well-being of any exercise we have tested... – Martin Seligman (Flourish)

Kindness is not the term that comes to mind when reading the screeds of bitter, hateful, angry atheists. It stands to reason that meanness produces illness and frustration, mental and physical.
Kindness is not the term that comes to mind when reading the screeds of bitter, hateful, angry atheists
Screeds like secular government, classical liberalism, the entire scientific enlightenment, civil rights... All secular ideas, no matter who utters them. There is atheism. Atheists buy all that for a dollar, while paying no mind to any gods or fairies or demons. That's it. That's all atheism really is. It's just that boring.
Any thread that starts with "atheists believe ..." is a strawman. The only thing that distinguishes atheists is a lack of belief - specifically lacking belief in a god. That's it. The rest depends on the individual.
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It was Christians that set up most of the freedoms that we enjoy today.
Yes, quite in spite of the christian church and christanity. They found far better ideas in the secular ideas of secular government and classical liberalism. We literally had to strike religion from government to get the best governments ever designed.
Except in religion forums where they preach against his existence 24/7/365.

Weasel words. "They" don't all do that. You are a victim of your own tribalism and stunted intellectuality.

I know i don't do that. There may be gods and fairies and demons. Believing in any of those things does not require believing in the immoral and childish precepts of Christianity.
Says the guy that thinks it's fine to kill babies in the womb. I don't know whether to laugh or cringe when I hear an abortionist lecturing Christians on morality.
Natural born is the already fixed Standard and is expressed as the franchise for citizens of our Republic.

Prevention is better than cure.

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