Atheists want multiple universes and extra-terrestrial civilizations to exist because they think it will hurt Christianity

That's still kind of fucked up, really. "Worship me or I will burn you for all eternity!!!" "Make the wrong choices and I will burn you for all eternity!!!"
Seriously, would you want someone like that as a friend? Why would you want someone like that as a God.

Don't judge Christianity by the behaviors of Christians ... else Heathenism will be judged by the behaviors of Heathens ...
For the record, I don't want multiple universes and extra-terrestrial civilizations to exist period.
That's still kind of fucked up, really. "Worship me or I will burn you for all eternity!!!" "Make the wrong choices and I will burn you for all eternity!!!"

Seriously, would you want someone like that as a friend? Why would you want someone like that as a God.

That's now what was said. You misinterpret to stick with the this is fine theme.

Except it does no such thing. In fact, some of it is just crazy, such as plants being created before the sun was.

More of the same as science backs up BoG. The Bible isn't a science book, but science backs it up. Otherwise, we wouldn't have a leg to stand on in S&T. Just look which side is winning here.

Because it's utter bullshit.

More of the this is fine theme. It is not fine. Science should teach what was valid before the 1850s as there are some big holes in evolution. Let the creation scientists back in on peer review. Make those atheist scientists back up their multiverse hypotheses. For example, you this is fine thinking has or will lead you to believe stupid BS like the multiverse which has absolutely no evidence.
I'm filled with a sense of that ''Christian spirit'' when I'm threatened by a fundamentalist and lectured about being surrounded by fire. Are you the gods capo? And yes, you believe in the falsely labeled ''creation science'' because that label is nothing more than another term for fundamentalist Christianity.

That's not what was said. You still deny your this is fine approach. God has warned you about the fire and atheism as a religion is the furthest from the truth (do I really need to post those openbible verses again?). Yet, you believe your atheist religion is the truth and true science despite the evidence against it.
Don't judge Christianity by the behaviors of Christians ... else Heathenism will be judged by the behaviors of Heathens ...

There is only one judge in Christianity. Both Heathens and Christians have a human judge, but just for their behaviors and laws while living. We also share the common ground of death and taxes.

ETA: So the only difference is Final Judgement.
There is only one judge in Christianity. Both Heathens and Christians have a human judge, but just for their behaviors and laws while living. We also share the common ground of death and taxes.
ETA: So the only difference is Final Judgement.

I see God's judgement all around me ... and I actively seek out God's judgements as a matter of lifestyle ... all God's judgements are righteous and true ... as a mortal man, I aspire to such righteousness and truth and learn by God's wrath ... and always I fall short, but I'll stand there and fully accept my punishment in this life ... having faith through Jesus that I will always emerge from the fire a better man ...

Your plan seems to be to commit all manner of fuckery in this life, confess your sins on your deathbed, have a priest forgive you ... then pie-in-the-sky go-to-heaven-when-you-die ...

The sad part of this whole discourse is that you seem less informed about The Creation than you are about science ... blind to the fact you set stumbling blocks before those who would seek Christ themselves ... you should be ashamed of yourself ... calling on the name of the Prince of Peace to wage war ...
I'm filled with a sense of that ''Christian spirit'' when I'm threatened by a fundamentalist and lectured about being surrounded by fire. Are you the gods capo? And yes, you believe in the falsely labeled ''creation science'' because that label is nothing more than another term for fundamentalist Christianity.

That's not what was said. You still deny your this is fine approach. God has warned you about the fire and atheism as a religion is the furthest from the truth (do I really need to post those openbible verses again?). Yet, you believe your atheist religion is the truth and true science despite the evidence against it.
You apparently believe it is your mission to threaten others with the wrath of your gods. No gods have warned me about some nonsensical fire in some alleged afterlife. Your fears and superstitions are your own.

You seem to have misunderstood your Bible’ology. It was men who wrote the Bibles. It is they who wrote of fires, damnation and eternal punishment. Superstitious tales and fables written by superstitious men were common for the time. None of your gods had any direct hand in anything written in any of the Bibles. Your comments such as “... god said...” are false and misleading.

An atheist religion is an utter contradiction in terms so I’m left to believe you’re intentionally promoting a falsehood. Atheism has none of the trappings of religion; rituals, customs, practices, manuals to worship or a hierarchy of gods and men who worship those manuals.
There is only one judge in Christianity. Both Heathens and Christians have a human judge, but just for their behaviors and laws while living. We also share the common ground of death and taxes.
ETA: So the only difference is Final Judgement.

I see God's judgement all around me ... and I actively seek out God's judgements as a matter of lifestyle ... all God's judgements are righteous and true ... as a mortal man, I aspire to such righteousness and truth and learn by God's wrath ... and always I fall short, but I'll stand there and fully accept my punishment in this life ... having faith through Jesus that I will always emerge from the fire a better man ...

Your plan seems to be to commit all manner of fuckery in this life, confess your sins on your deathbed, have a priest forgive you ... then pie-in-the-sky go-to-heaven-when-you-die ...

The sad part of this whole discourse is that you seem less informed about The Creation than you are about science ... blind to the fact you set stumbling blocks before those who would seek Christ themselves ... you should be ashamed of yourself ... calling on the name of the Prince of Peace to wage war ...

I doubt you are a person of the Holy Spirit believing in long time and evolution. Besides, you are absolutely wrong in judging me. I only have to have what is in my heart and be raised by the Lord.

>>Your plan seems to be to commit all manner of fuckery in this life, confess your sins on your deathbed, have a priest forgive you ... then pie-in-the-sky go-to-heaven-when-you-die ...<<

You are your mother's son.

>>The sad part of this whole discourse is that you seem less informed about The Creation than you are about science ... blind to the fact you set stumbling blocks before those who would seek Christ themselves ... you should be ashamed of yourself ... calling on the name of the Prince of Peace to wage war ...<<

Sad to see someone go off the edge, but I suppose the truth hurts.
I'm filled with a sense of that ''Christian spirit'' when I'm threatened by a fundamentalist and lectured about being surrounded by fire. Are you the gods capo? And yes, you believe in the falsely labeled ''creation science'' because that label is nothing more than another term for fundamentalist Christianity.

That's not what was said. You still deny your this is fine approach. God has warned you about the fire and atheism as a religion is the furthest from the truth (do I really need to post those openbible verses again?). Yet, you believe your atheist religion is the truth and true science despite the evidence against it.
You apparently believe it is your mission to threaten others with the wrath of your gods. No gods have warned me about some nonsensical fire in some alleged afterlife. Your fears and superstitions are your own.

You seem to have misunderstood your Bible’ology. It was men who wrote the Bibles. It is they who wrote of fires, damnation and eternal punishment. Superstitious tales and fables written by superstitious men were common for the time. None of your gods had any direct hand in anything written in any of the Bibles. Your comments such as “... god said...” are false and misleading.

An atheist religion is an utter contradiction in terms so I’m left to believe you’re intentionally promoting a falsehood. Atheism has none of the trappings of religion; rituals, customs, practices, manuals to worship or a hierarchy of gods and men who worship those manuals.

I don't think you appreciate what warning means. It is someone, i.e. God, who loves you that gives you warning. Thus, it isn't from me. If anything, I am only a messenger. And why would I threaten you? For what reason? You're just another poster on here.

>>You seem to have misunderstood your Bible’ology. It was men who wrote the Bibles. It is they who wrote of fires, damnation and eternal punishment. Superstitious tales and fables written by superstitious men were common for the time. None of your gods had any direct hand in anything written in any of the Bibles. Your comments such as “... god said...” are false and misleading.<<

This is upsetting as you do not realize that you have no clue as to what you are talking about. Nor understand the Bible.

>>An atheist religion is an utter contradiction in terms so I’m left to believe you’re intentionally promoting a falsehood. Atheism has none of the trappings of religion; rituals, customs, practices, manuals to worship or a hierarchy of gods and men who worship those manuals.<<

I think you have to admit the atheist religion first. Second, you have to repent and figure out what the real truth is. Appartently, you are way wrong because of being misled.
I'm filled with a sense of that ''Christian spirit'' when I'm threatened by a fundamentalist and lectured about being surrounded by fire. Are you the gods capo? And yes, you believe in the falsely labeled ''creation science'' because that label is nothing more than another term for fundamentalist Christianity.

That's not what was said. You still deny your this is fine approach. God has warned you about the fire and atheism as a religion is the furthest from the truth (do I really need to post those openbible verses again?). Yet, you believe your atheist religion is the truth and true science despite the evidence against it.
You apparently believe it is your mission to threaten others with the wrath of your gods. No gods have warned me about some nonsensical fire in some alleged afterlife. Your fears and superstitions are your own.

You seem to have misunderstood your Bible’ology. It was men who wrote the Bibles. It is they who wrote of fires, damnation and eternal punishment. Superstitious tales and fables written by superstitious men were common for the time. None of your gods had any direct hand in anything written in any of the Bibles. Your comments such as “... god said...” are false and misleading.

An atheist religion is an utter contradiction in terms so I’m left to believe you’re intentionally promoting a falsehood. Atheism has none of the trappings of religion; rituals, customs, practices, manuals to worship or a hierarchy of gods and men who worship those manuals.

I don't think you appreciate what warning means. It is someone, i.e. God, who loves you that gives you warning. Thus, it isn't from me. If anything, I am only a messenger. And why would I threaten you? For what reason? You're just another poster on here.

>>You seem to have misunderstood your Bible’ology. It was men who wrote the Bibles. It is they who wrote of fires, damnation and eternal punishment. Superstitious tales and fables written by superstitious men were common for the time. None of your gods had any direct hand in anything written in any of the Bibles. Your comments such as “... god said...” are false and misleading.<<

This is upsetting as you do not realize that you have no clue as to what you are talking about. Nor understand the Bible.

>>An atheist religion is an utter contradiction in terms so I’m left to believe you’re intentionally promoting a falsehood. Atheism has none of the trappings of religion; rituals, customs, practices, manuals to worship or a hierarchy of gods and men who worship those manuals.<<

I think you have to admit the atheist religion first. Second, you have to repent and figure out what the real truth is. Appartently, you are way wrong because of being misled.

You will have to excuse me for not being intimidated by warnings from some gods you have decided you “speak” on behalf of.

What I find upsetting is that you seem to believe that one or more of your gods actually had a hand in authoring one or more of the Bibles. Shrubbery spontaneously bursting into flames doesn’t suggest authoring of anything. Can you provide a single, verifiable instance of one or more of your gods actually writing anything contained in the Bibles?

I think you need to provide an example of something you call an atheist religion. Can you identify any of the rituals, customs, practices or places of worship for this atheist religion you claim exists? Is there a specific day when atheists gather to hold religious services, to pray to an atheist god? Do you see the absurdity in the notion of an atheist god? What is the h9ky book of atheism? Is there a holy city of atheism where atheists congregate and wear big, funny hats?
An atheist religion is an utter contradiction in terms so I’m left to believe you’re intentionally promoting a falsehood.
A factually unquestionable premise leading directly to a logically derived conclusion. Boom!
But contrast with that just prior:
You seem to have misunderstood your Bible’ology. It was men who wrote the Bibles. It is they who wrote of fires, damnation and eternal punishment. Superstitious tales and fables written by superstitious men were common for the time.
A fun but comparatively weaselly start ("seem to"). Then a strong assertion of fact ("It was"). Then another, but introducing a tense dispute ("it is"). Then more, plus imposing a time dependence upon the quantity of superstition in men. All "seeming" like carts begging to be rescued by their respective horses which never arrive..

Are men really less superstitious today? No idea. Haven't studied it, but I suspect not much. Perhaps different and more varied? My point here though is why presume the authors back then significantly different from the Jameses of today?

Why not presume they were "intentionally promoting" falsehoods as well? That they too knew what they were promoting was BS the whole time? That they had significant investments at stake? That they were normal? Porn, for example, is clearly driven neither by logic nor ethics. Many don't even appear to care about what makes sense anymore. Perhaps, in this way at least, they weren't different back then?
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The used car salesman typically just wants to make a killing selling lemons to desperate people. Gives not a fig about anything but profit. Appears devoutly religious. Sleeps like a baby at night.
Don't judge Christianity by the behaviors of Christians ... else Heathenism will be judged by the behaviors of Heathens ...

I don't. I'm judging Christianity by it's own dogma.

By Christian Dogma, Jeffrey Dahmner is in heaven and Anne Franke is in Hell. That's messed up on so many levels.

Let's review, shall we?

In Christianity, if you confess your sins and embrace Jesus in your heart, you are going to heaven. Jeff did that. Assuming his conversion was sincere, and I have no reason to believe it wasn't, he was sincerely sorry about all those guys he ate. God forgave him and cleansed his soul with baptism. He gets into heaven. Fortunately, most of the guys he ate were Sodomites, so he won't run into any of them up there. That would be awkward.

Meanwhile, Anne Frank never accepted Jesus into her heart, so down to hell she goes to burn for all eternity. Hopefully she doesn't run into any Nazis down there, because that would be awkward.
By Christian Dogma, Jeffrey Dahmner is in heaven and Anne Franke is in Hell. That's messed up on so many levels.

Good thing it doesn't say that in the Bible, unless I'm mistaken ... have a passage or chapter in mind? ...
Don't judge Christianity by the behaviors of Christians ... else Heathenism will be judged by the behaviors of Heathens ...

I don't. I'm judging Christianity by it's own dogma.

By Christian Dogma, Jeffrey Dahmner is in heaven and Anne Franke is in Hell. That's messed up on so many levels.

Let's review, shall we?

In Christianity, if you confess your sins and embrace Jesus in your heart, you are going to heaven. Jeff did that. Assuming his conversion was sincere, and I have no reason to believe it wasn't, he was sincerely sorry about all those guys he ate. God forgave him and cleansed his soul with baptism. He gets into heaven. Fortunately, most of the guys he ate were Sodomites, so he won't run into any of them up there. That would be awkward.

Meanwhile, Anne Frank never accepted Jesus into her heart, so down to hell she goes to burn for all eternity. Hopefully she doesn't run into any Nazis down there, because that would be awkward.

You're judging Christianity by your own dogma because of the examples you choose in order cast it in a negative and contradictory light. What kind of heart do you have? Humans can't see into a person's heart to see if they are sincere or not.

We don't know for sure what happens to these people as Jesus is the only one who can see into people's hearts.

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