Athena/Ford: American Vigilantism [Archangel Comics]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a comics-media ode (my last one) inspired by The Greatest American Hero.

Signing off,


Batman and Scarecrow aligned themselves for what would be the battle of the millennium. Batman was like Tom Brady, while Scarecrow was like the Devil himself. Batman was interested in the defense of American liberties and liberal paralleling between ancient world gods and new world capitalism machinery. That's why Batman used Athena, goddess of wisdom, in a crusade about the virtue of consumerism female spokespersons, posing her as an ad-saleswoman for Ford Motor Company in the 21st Century. Scarecrow despised all of this...


American media super-celebrity 'god' Tom Cruise, star of culturally-symbolic films including Rain Man, Top Gun, The Color of Money, Lions for Lambs, Minority Report, Mission: Impossible, and American Made. Now, Cruise wanted to merge with William Gibson's Archangel Comics and produce a story-series about Batman and Scarecrow in modern civilization being visited by the spirit of Athena, goddess of wisdom. Cruise's Archangel Comics Batman-Scarecrow 'tale-series' would offer insights into the 'classical' features of modern mass-marketing and why Wal-Mart was the new 'farm.' Athena would be the 'muse' of these comic books. Cruise was extremely excited about the entire concept.


The writers of the comics decided to pair Athena in a terrorism-incident at a Ford Motor Company auto-show in Detroit, Michigan in the Christmas of 2018. Batman would swoop in to prevent Scarecrow from murdering the attendees themselves who were moved outside by Scarecrow and his minions before the bomb was set off. Athena would witness the entire ordeal and say, "How can commercial culture be vulnerable to the forces of anarchy?"


The Archangel Comics series about Batman-Scarecrow became very popular and were adapted into a film by intricate storyteller Wes Andersen who cast Leo DiCaprio as Batman and Ajay Satan (a newcomer) as Scarecrow. The film would find Batman and Scarecrow vying for the affections of Athena, goddess of wisdom, while a pair of miscreant 'super-villains' named Lady Shiva and Mad Hatter create urban panic in Gotham City. Anne Hathaway would portray Lady Shiva and Tom Cruise would portray the Mad Hatter. It was a nifty little project, and the art and set designs reflected Andersen's training at Yale and Dartmouth's film-society education clubs and his modernism passion for 'detail-driven folklore.'


SPIDER-MAN: It seems I've exposed your true colors...
SPIDER-WOMAN: I had no idea that you, Tom Cruise, was actually the real-life superhero Spider-Man!
SPIDER-MAN: Yes, Batman and Scarecrow are merely 'homegrown vigilantes,' not superhumans.
SPIDER-WOMAN: You and your adversary, 'Green Goblin' on the other hand, are superhumans.
SPIDER-MAN: You're a semi-superhuman, and a heroine, so you know of Green Goblin's omens!
SPIDER-WOMAN: I believe he'd think Lady Shiva and Mad Hatter are 'wonder-fun' characters.
SPIDER-MAN: He appreciates sociological trends in Earth-entertainment...
SPIDER-WOMAN: What do you make of this Athena-Ford axis for the Batman-Scarecrow 'saga'?
SPIDER-MAN: It does seem that Athena is a worthy 'diplomat' of commerce values.
SPIDER-WOMAN: She is the goddess of wisdom, after all!
SPIDER-MAN: I'd love to teach a Yale Comparative Literature course on Classical-Orwellian evolution.
SPIDER-WOMAN: Sounds brainy, Spider-Man; did you even care I was actually Anne Hathaway?
SPIDER-MAN: Not really; I was more concerned about your involvement with Green Goblin.
SPIDER-WOMAN: Yes, that menace wanted to plant hallucinogens in the LA water-reservoir!
SPIDER-MAN: What can you say about endless evil?
SPIDER-WOMAN: Thank goodness for responsible journalism; it helps all minds.


Cruise/Spider-Man made a series of audiobook adaptations of the screenplay for the Wes Andersen film, which was called Batman-Scarecrow (simply enough!). These audiobooks were put on vintage 1980s compact audio-cassettes ('tapes') and collected into a special case which Cruise/Spider-Man kept in an archive-vault in a secret room at the Library of Congress, since it symbolized true patriotic admiration of crime-fighting in modern journalism and cinema. The tapes were black-and-white in color and read Sporting Life on the cover and were of generally good audio-recording quality.


TRUMP: Batman has finally apprehended Scarecrow...
CARTER: Oh, thank goodness; there was responsible journalism!
TRUMP: This is the age of media and news and of course chatter.
CARTER: There's controversies regarding censorship/pornography.
TRUMP: Media-traffic always creates 'conversation-ethics' intrigue.
CARTER: Some think Andersen's Batman-Scarecrow film was too graphic.
TRUMP: Tom Cruise seemed to really praise it; and it's made a fortune.
CARTER: I've learned a bit about Athena-Ford 'axis' appreciation.
TRUMP: New age intellectualism is a lot like 'Beatnik-computing.'
CARTER: Yes, there seems to be a focus on 'contouring' of aesthetics.
TRUMP: Is Athena truly a worthy 'diplomat' or 'avatar' of modern capitalism/commerce?
CARTER: I see no reason not to say she's a fan of Samsung, Wikipedia, Hollywood, and EcoSoc.
TRUMP: Perhaps Spider-Man and Spider-Woman will get married...
CARTER: There's rumors that Spider-Man is Tom Cruise; and Anne Hathaway is Spider-Woman!




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