Athlete who knew trump and Stormy at Tahoe says Donald bragged about sex with Stormy

He didn't brag about it on Howard Stern.
He was friends with Howard Stern back in the day and they engaged in "locker room" talk which was Howard Stern's schtick back in the day. That was also long before he was President. JFK was banging chicks in the Oval Office while married to Jackie. Like I said it's all about Media and Hype. Your not an American anyway what's it to you?
He was friends with Howard Stern back in the day and they engaged in "locker room" talk which was Howard Stern's schtick back in the day. That was also long before he was President. JFK was banging chicks in the Oval Office while married to Jackie. Like I said it's all about Media and Hype. Your not an American anyway what's it to you?

JFK didn't brag about it or bring up his penis on the campaign trail. Trump is trash.

Of course trump lied about having sex with Stormy. If his lips are moving, it is nearly always true that he is lying. But evangelicals just love him and his adultery. He is their leader. This does not change anything as far as the hush money trial, but just another example of the serial liar who is the repub contender for president.
Who is the athelete?
Stormy lied about it too. After she said it NEVER HAPPENED. Biden's daughter had to wait till her dad went to bed to get a shower. Which is worse, sex or incest?
Here's a tip:
No one gives a shit. Voters care about the border, and inflation. Not who screwed whom last week...
repubs don't care about the border. They wrote a border bill and killed it cause the orange liar told them to,
It's not evidence they had sex, ya demented nut. :cuckoo:

Nowhere in her diary does she claim they had sex. The notion they had sex stems from your deranged fantasies, not from her diary.
A grown man naked with a preteen daughter, also naked, is perverted enough. You defend incest. That makes you scum. Period.

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