Athlete who knew trump and Stormy at Tahoe says Donald bragged about sex with Stormy

Of course trump lied about having sex with Stormy. If his lips are moving, it is nearly always true that he is lying. But evangelicals just love him and his adultery. He is their leader. This does not change anything as far as the hush money trial, but just another example of the serial liar who is the repub contender for president.
Stormy lied about it too. After she said it NEVER HAPPENED. Biden's daughter had to wait till her dad went to bed to get a shower. Which is worse, sex or incest?
Here's a tip:
No one gives a shit. Voters care about the border, and inflation. Not who screwed whom last week...
Stormy lied about it too. After she said it NEVER HAPPENED. Biden's daughter had to wait till her dad went to bed to get a shower. Which is worse, sex or incest?
Here's a tip:
No one gives a shit. Voters care about the border, and inflation. Not who screwed whom last week...

She was a toddler.
Claiming sodomy isn't sex and denying that you has sex with an intern barely older than your daughter in the workplace might get you fired in the private sector but isn't a crime if you are a democrat politician. Clinton cited the Statute of Limitations and avoided credible allegations of rape. Hypocrite democrats said that his personal life was no business but his own.

I think they wanted to impeach him for all the trips to and from Epstein

Of course trump lied about having sex with Stormy. If his lips are moving, it is nearly always true that he is lying. But evangelicals just love him and his adultery. He is their leader. This does not change anything as far as the hush money trial, but just another example of the serial liar who is the repub contender for president.
magic 8 I am calling on you :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:


Of course trump lied about having sex with Stormy. If his lips are moving, it is nearly always true that he is lying. But evangelicals just love him and his adultery. He is their leader. This does not change anything as far as the hush money trial, but just another example of the serial liar who is the repub contender for president.
if he would have nailed a dude in the ass the left would be celebrating him .. of course if he would have nailed a dude in the ass he would more likely than not be running as a Democrat ..

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