Atlanta school: No more Pledge of Allegiance to start day

Then federal money should be optional.

Really? You want to pull funding from a school because they're not pressuring kids into reciting the pledge every morning? Do you really not see how weird it is to do that to small children? Gotta get em' drunk on that nationalism early, huh?
But Marxist dupes believe in chaos up until the overthrow is complete and then no choice will exist.

NEW AGE: Drift

The pushy dupes tell themselves that antithesis will lead to a synthesis with their clique on top, but their only actual motivation is that they are mutant misfits who destroy out of jealousy because they are incapable of creating anything. Even if their Commie zootopia were possible or desirable, these naturally inferior creatures would be incapable of keeping it up.

They are a malignant tumor that must be pulverized with shock treatment. It is useless to try to reform the deformed.
I pointed out you obviously lied to seek attention

I assure you you're just an idiot, but whatever.

If you hate tbis country get the fuck out. Simple concept and you won't be missed.

That is exactly what I'm doing. As somebody that's who's probably never even left the country, you might not understand that gaining citizenship, paying for a marriage and buying a new home on the other side of the world isn't quick or cheap. You know what though? After all that I'll still be better off than you, fucking worthless white trash.
Nuke Till They Puke

A word of friendly advice: Make sure your home in Iran is radiation-proof. Snobbery won't protect you from it.

If you weren't a pseudo-intellectual you'd know that both who's and that's are grammatically correct in that sentence. One is simply more common than the other. The same goes for that first post you critiqued.

You are the poster child for the caption Unstructured Grammar Leads to Unstructured Thought.

We can also use it for a mug shot. Your anti-social egotism is what usually hides the gloating of corporate criminals. But you can find joy and comfort in the fact that all you have to do is tell the Swedes that you despise America and Americans, then they'll never extradite you.
Good for them. Being pressured into reciting your loyalty every morning is cult level shit.

Atlanta school: No more Pledge of Allegiance to start day

Students at an Atlanta school will no longer say the Pledge of Allegiance to start their school day.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School on Tuesday announced the change in a news release.

No. It is expressing love for your country level patriotism.

Love is natural and voluntary. It's not something you're instructed to do.

As I kept hammering in to the heads of these yahoos during the flag-blasphemy thingy, patriotism is spontaneous and elective. It can not be scripted, planned or scheduled to happen at 7:04 and it absolutely cannot be mandatory. That's not "patriotism" -- that's a puppet show.

Patriotism must first be taught and then handed over for the individual to carry alone by choice, or shrug it off his back as free will dictates.
Children's Minds Aren't Developed Enough to Deal With the Idea That There Is No Higher Power

An objective secularist would have to honestly say the same thing about prayer in schools. Let the kids start learning about right and wrong in the only way they're capable of understanding it. Americans must be allowed through majority referendum to decide on what "establishment of religion" means. We don't need the primitive views of the 18th Century; we don't need a Supreme Court, either, or any other kind of self-declared supremacy.
I pointed out you obviously lied to seek attention

I assure you you're just an idiot, but whatever.

If you hate tbis country get the fuck out. Simple concept and you won't be missed.

That is exactly what I'm doing. As somebody that's who's probably never even left the country, you might not understand that gaining citizenship, paying for a marriage and buying a new home on the other side of the world isn't quick or cheap. You know what though? After all that I'll still be better off than you, fucking worthless white trash.
Nuke Till They Puke

A word of friendly advice: Make sure your home in Iran is radiation-proof. Snobbery won't protect you from it.

If you weren't a pseudo-intellectual you'd know that both who's and that's are grammatically correct in that sentence. One is simply more common than the other. The same goes for that first post you critiqued.

You are the poster child for the caption Unstructured Grammar Leads to Unstructured Thought.

We can also use it for a mug shot. Your anti-social egotism is what usually hides the gloating of corporate criminals. But you can find joy and comfort in the fact that all you have to do is tell the Swedes that you despise America and Americans, then they'll never extradite you.

There's nothing wrong with my grammar.
Well, I just heard that on the news that Atlanta received so much backlash that they will be retuning to saying the pledge next week! Seems there are a lot of proud Americans left! There is so much to be proud of, I know we can stand to improve in some areas but nothing wrong with standing tall with your chin up!

Seems there are a lot of cowed Americans left! There is so much to be cowed by, I know we can stand to improve in some areas but nothing wrong with assuming the position with your ass up!

Fixed it for ya.

The basic divide on this matter seems to be between those who think for themselves and those who just want some authority figure to push them around. Which seems kinda sick.
It’s an asshole who will plaegerize and change another person’s post!

Changing posts is illegal. Had I done that there would be nothing to parody.

Deal with it.

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