Attacking The Narrative

Hate to break this to you stupid but critical thinking only ID's the problem. Clinical thinking cures the problem. Do try and keep up okay?
dumber than dirt
We KNOW you are but are truly trying to help you catch up. Now go tend to your goats.
such a garden variety troll.
No, you are more the garden fertilizer troll. You will have to work hard to move up.
The return of "Mem". Kind of like cyber herpes I guess.
More autobiographical stuff? :clap2:

but seriously, telling the world about your expertise with 'herpes' is a bit too much? dontja think?

What part of "cyber" is giving you the most problem? You see, you conveniently left out a keyword which is what a troll will always do because it has a big ol bag of nothin'. You should have just retired your ID, kiddo......
I have to admit I am enjoying this. Our resident pointy eared hook nosed buck toothed camel jockey has chose to bow, scrape and grovel before us.

Of all the things he could have done returning to this board he CHOSE to troll us thus recognizing we are far more important and far more educated then that drivel he posts.

Some trolls seem to enjoy the asskicking they get....they get "punch drunk" but take solace in the fact that someone is actually paying attention to them even though they are taking a verbal beatdown....go figure. What the's their cyber dime.
Not so fast there, friend. Dark Fury threw down the gauntlet. Conveniently overlooking that, are ya now?
The return of "Mem". Kind of like cyber herpes I guess.
More autobiographical stuff? :clap2:

but seriously, telling the world about your expertise with 'herpes' is a bit too much? dontja think?

What part of "cyber" is giving you the most problem? You see, you conveniently left out a keyword which is what a troll will always do because it has a big ol bag of nothin'. You should have just retired your ID, kiddo......
I have to admit I am enjoying this. Our resident pointy eared hook nosed buck toothed camel jockey has chose to bow, scrape and grovel before us.

Of all the things he could have done returning to this board he CHOSE to troll us thus recognizing we are far more important and far more educated then that drivel he posts.

Some trolls seem to enjoy the asskicking they get....they get "punch drunk" but take solace in the fact that someone is actually paying attention to them even though they are taking a verbal beatdown....go figure. What the's their cyber dime.
Not so fast there, friend. Dark Fury threw down the gauntlet. Conveniently overlooking that, are ya now?
Martin just got released from cyber prison. Ask him what he did to go there.
Look at your sorry ass excuse for numbers.

    • Joined:
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      Xband will be kicking your ass in six months. On a percentage he is ALREADY better than you.

Hold on! Are those numbers important? Explain.
Xband carries more rank than you based on percentage. Pumpkin Row has great numbers for a new member. Dale Smith has great numbers. You are a LOSER and it shows.

WOW How exactly do those numbers effect anything? Do you think there is some kind of prize?

He stopped responding.

By the have HORRIBLE numbers. How can you even show your face here?

How will I ever be able to live with the shame?
Its ok. Come here. Ill hug you. ;)
Look at your sorry ass excuse for numbers.

    • Joined:
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      Inside Mac's Head

      Xband will be kicking your ass in six months. On a percentage he is ALREADY better than you.

Hold on! Are those numbers important? Explain.
Xband carries more rank than you based on percentage. Pumpkin Row has great numbers for a new member. Dale Smith has great numbers. You are a LOSER and it shows.

WOW How exactly do those numbers effect anything? Do you think there is some kind of prize?

He stopped responding.

By the have HORRIBLE numbers. How can you even show your face here?
How very hilarious! He not only titty babied up and had to beg for hes gone down the rabbit hole and straight into the extra special, short bus. Destination: Lame Losers Lane....yanno: where they think that their "numbers" here actually mean something. How sad. Should we tell him that this isnt junior high and the numbers dont mean dick? Whos going to tell him? I say we draw straws because i dont wanna be the bearer of bad news. I hate seeing a grown man cry. I will offer him a hankie though. ;)
Look at your sorry ass excuse for numbers.

    • Joined:
      Oct 3, 2011
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      Inside Mac's Head

      Xband will be kicking your ass in six months. On a percentage he is ALREADY better than you.

Hold on! Are those numbers important? Explain.
Xband carries more rank than you based on percentage. Pumpkin Row has great numbers for a new member. Dale Smith has great numbers. You are a LOSER and it shows.

WOW How exactly do those numbers effect anything? Do you think there is some kind of prize?

He stopped responding.

By the have HORRIBLE numbers. How can you even show your face here?
How very hilarious! He not only titty babied up and had to beg for hes gone down the rabbit hole and straight into the extra special, short bus. Destination: Lame Losers Lane....yanno: where they think that their "numbers" here actually mean something. How sad. Should we tell him that this isnt junior high and the numbers dont mean dick? Whos going to tell him? I say we draw straws because i dont wanna be the bearer of bad news. I hate seeing a grown man cry. I will offer him a hankie though. ;)
122f here, went to sleep in front of he A/C. I post at night during the summer.
Did you come
Hold on! Are those numbers important? Explain.
Xband carries more rank than you based on percentage. Pumpkin Row has great numbers for a new member. Dale Smith has great numbers. You are a LOSER and it shows.

WOW How exactly do those numbers effect anything? Do you think there is some kind of prize?

He stopped responding.

By the have HORRIBLE numbers. How can you even show your face here?
How very hilarious! He not only titty babied up and had to beg for hes gone down the rabbit hole and straight into the extra special, short bus. Destination: Lame Losers Lane....yanno: where they think that their "numbers" here actually mean something. How sad. Should we tell him that this isnt junior high and the numbers dont mean dick? Whos going to tell him? I say we draw straws because i dont wanna be the bearer of bad news. I hate seeing a grown man cry. I will offer him a hankie though. ;)
122f here, went to sleep in front of he A/C. I post at night during the summer.
Did you come back for round 2 of the " telllll-lllling m-o--o-o-m!" I sure fooled. I (erroneously) thought this was an adult forum. Well, butter my buns and call me Biscuit..i was mistaken. Titty babies crying to mods negated that belief. I dont get it. If the sensitives ones cant handle it then they might want to toughen up.
Did you come
Xband carries more rank than you based on percentage. Pumpkin Row has great numbers for a new member. Dale Smith has great numbers. You are a LOSER and it shows.

WOW How exactly do those numbers effect anything? Do you think there is some kind of prize?

He stopped responding.

By the have HORRIBLE numbers. How can you even show your face here?
How very hilarious! He not only titty babied up and had to beg for hes gone down the rabbit hole and straight into the extra special, short bus. Destination: Lame Losers Lane....yanno: where they think that their "numbers" here actually mean something. How sad. Should we tell him that this isnt junior high and the numbers dont mean dick? Whos going to tell him? I say we draw straws because i dont wanna be the bearer of bad news. I hate seeing a grown man cry. I will offer him a hankie though. ;)
122f here, went to sleep in front of he A/C. I post at night during the summer.
Did you come back for round 2 of the " telllll-lllling m-o--o-o-m!" I sure fooled. I (erroneously) thought this was an adult forum. Well, butter my buns and call me Biscuit..i was mistaken. Titty babies crying to mods negated that belief. I dont get it. If the sensitives ones cant handle it then they might want to toughen up.
Seems Martin went and got him an islamic flunky. He and his jail house b#tch LL are going to need one.
That is what we folks in cyber world need to be doing. Not so much as attack the press directly but in their comments section. We simply cannot expect honesty in the press until we call them out in public for their lies. And I mean places like Yahoo news where public comment is asked for.

We had the shooting in Orlando and the press is still lying about the weapon of choice. Lets fix that by our comments there. The latest is he did that because he was a "dis-infranchised" homosexual. Despite the fact he swore his actions to islamic state and islam. Lets fix that.

There is no valid reason to accept lies by the press when in their OWN comment sections we CAN speak the truth. Take someone like Yahoo and challenge them head on. Put them in a position where they either have to tell the truth or shut the h#ll up.

Demanding the press tell us the truth has got us no where. We find little to no truth in cyber text, print, TV or radio. Many of those writers think they write above you or you are to stupid to understand. Not sure about you but I think....

We ARE USMB and we don't take to lying and bullsh#t.


:0) Good luck with that.

Republicans love corporations .. until they don't. They had all kinds of funny names for the OWS crowd and defended the right of corporations to do any damn thing they wanted with their business.

NEWSFLASH: You can't force the media to tell your perception of 'truth.' If you don't like what you're seeing .. change the channel. Fox is on .. which is much closer to your version of 'truth.'

I know what is going on...but the OWS crowd really didn't have a clue. They didn't understand the underlying cause of the financial crisis or it's origins. You see, the mega corporations ARE the government and vice versa because your corporate gubermint is the largest shareholder of every Fortune 500 corporate entity.Now, who owns USA.INC and all it's subsidiaries that provide the 19 essential "gubermint" services in this "for profit" venture? It's the IMF (International Monetary Fund) which is an offshoot of the Federal reserve central bankers that took it into receivership in 1950. The Global Bank, Bank For International Settlements and the Federal Reserve are ran by the same oligarchs and they are the ones that have enslaved humanity by the age old practice of "pledging" one's labor to pay for a debt. Our sweat equity is what moves their fiat currency that has no intrinsic value...they are simply debt notes. When one fails to meet their financial obligations, the bankers get hard assets on the books via credit extended by nothing that they can then re-sell and the process starts all over again. It is an insidious form of slavery. I wish I knew back in 2009 what I know now after 17,000 hours of reading and research because I would have taken over the OWS protest in Dallas, Texas and I would have been the "face of the movement" because no corporate reporter would have been able to refute me nor debate me on the issues at hand.

Me thinks you think too much of yourself. Highly doubtful to impossible that you would have taken over anything. OWS wasn't going to listen to a republican who had no connection to the movement.

Thanks for trying.
That is what we folks in cyber world need to be doing. Not so much as attack the press directly but in their comments section. We simply cannot expect honesty in the press until we call them out in public for their lies. And I mean places like Yahoo news where public comment is asked for.

We had the shooting in Orlando and the press is still lying about the weapon of choice. Lets fix that by our comments there. The latest is he did that because he was a "dis-infranchised" homosexual. Despite the fact he swore his actions to islamic state and islam. Lets fix that.

There is no valid reason to accept lies by the press when in their OWN comment sections we CAN speak the truth. Take someone like Yahoo and challenge them head on. Put them in a position where they either have to tell the truth or shut the h#ll up.

Demanding the press tell us the truth has got us no where. We find little to no truth in cyber text, print, TV or radio. Many of those writers think they write above you or you are to stupid to understand. Not sure about you but I think....

We ARE USMB and we don't take to lying and bullsh#t.


:0) Good luck with that.

Republicans love corporations .. until they don't. They had all kinds of funny names for the OWS crowd and defended the right of corporations to do any damn thing they wanted with their business.

NEWSFLASH: You can't force the media to tell your perception of 'truth.' If you don't like what you're seeing .. change the channel. Fox is on .. which is much closer to your version of 'truth.'

I know what is going on...but the OWS crowd really didn't have a clue. They didn't understand the underlying cause of the financial crisis or it's origins. You see, the mega corporations ARE the government and vice versa because your corporate gubermint is the largest shareholder of every Fortune 500 corporate entity.Now, who owns USA.INC and all it's subsidiaries that provide the 19 essential "gubermint" services in this "for profit" venture? It's the IMF (International Monetary Fund) which is an offshoot of the Federal reserve central bankers that took it into receivership in 1950. The Global Bank, Bank For International Settlements and the Federal Reserve are ran by the same oligarchs and they are the ones that have enslaved humanity by the age old practice of "pledging" one's labor to pay for a debt. Our sweat equity is what moves their fiat currency that has no intrinsic value...they are simply debt notes. When one fails to meet their financial obligations, the bankers get hard assets on the books via credit extended by nothing that they can then re-sell and the process starts all over again. It is an insidious form of slavery. I wish I knew back in 2009 what I know now after 17,000 hours of reading and research because I would have taken over the OWS protest in Dallas, Texas and I would have been the "face of the movement" because no corporate reporter would have been able to refute me nor debate me on the issues at hand.

Me thinks you think too much of yourself. Highly doubtful to impossible that you would have taken over anything. OWS wasn't going to listen to a republican who had no connection to the movement.

Thanks for trying.

The OWS "no rape zones". Did MLK need one? No.
Did the Tea Party need that? No.
Just OWS, says a LOT about them.
That is what we folks in cyber world need to be doing. Not so much as attack the press directly but in their comments section. We simply cannot expect honesty in the press until we call them out in public for their lies. And I mean places like Yahoo news where public comment is asked for.

We had the shooting in Orlando and the press is still lying about the weapon of choice. Lets fix that by our comments there. The latest is he did that because he was a "dis-infranchised" homosexual. Despite the fact he swore his actions to islamic state and islam. Lets fix that.

There is no valid reason to accept lies by the press when in their OWN comment sections we CAN speak the truth. Take someone like Yahoo and challenge them head on. Put them in a position where they either have to tell the truth or shut the h#ll up.

Demanding the press tell us the truth has got us no where. We find little to no truth in cyber text, print, TV or radio. Many of those writers think they write above you or you are to stupid to understand. Not sure about you but I think....

We ARE USMB and we don't take to lying and bullsh#t.


:0) Good luck with that.

Republicans love corporations .. until they don't. They had all kinds of funny names for the OWS crowd and defended the right of corporations to do any damn thing they wanted with their business.

NEWSFLASH: You can't force the media to tell your perception of 'truth.' If you don't like what you're seeing .. change the channel. Fox is on .. which is much closer to your version of 'truth.'

I know what is going on...but the OWS crowd really didn't have a clue. They didn't understand the underlying cause of the financial crisis or it's origins. You see, the mega corporations ARE the government and vice versa because your corporate gubermint is the largest shareholder of every Fortune 500 corporate entity.Now, who owns USA.INC and all it's subsidiaries that provide the 19 essential "gubermint" services in this "for profit" venture? It's the IMF (International Monetary Fund) which is an offshoot of the Federal reserve central bankers that took it into receivership in 1950. The Global Bank, Bank For International Settlements and the Federal Reserve are ran by the same oligarchs and they are the ones that have enslaved humanity by the age old practice of "pledging" one's labor to pay for a debt. Our sweat equity is what moves their fiat currency that has no intrinsic value...they are simply debt notes. When one fails to meet their financial obligations, the bankers get hard assets on the books via credit extended by nothing that they can then re-sell and the process starts all over again. It is an insidious form of slavery. I wish I knew back in 2009 what I know now after 17,000 hours of reading and research because I would have taken over the OWS protest in Dallas, Texas and I would have been the "face of the movement" because no corporate reporter would have been able to refute me nor debate me on the issues at hand.

Me thinks you think too much of yourself. Highly doubtful to impossible that you would have taken over anything. OWS wasn't going to listen to a republican who had no connection to the movement.

Thanks for trying.

Both political parties are owned by the same robber barons that took control of the monetary system and stole the country's gold with the Fed Act of 1913 which was signed by socialist Woodrow Wilson that sold America out. FDR, another socialist pledged our labor as surety against the debt after the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933. You see? I know more than you...infinitely more because I have taken the time to learn the things I know. OWS was right about the global elite hijacking our monetary system but they didn't understand the whys and hows and I could have helped with that. You see, I care about humanity, I care about what I am leaving to the younger generation and I will do everything within my power to wake people up....even those like you that attempt to put me in some kind of "camp" in a lame attempt to marginalize me. You can't debate me and win...I have invested thousands upon thousands of hours in research because I was ashamed about being a supporter of the Bush crime cabal. It was that shame, guilt and utter anger that has motivated me to throw off the programming and really seek truth and I know it. You would be well served to pay attention to what I write here.
That is what we folks in cyber world need to be doing. Not so much as attack the press directly but in their comments section. We simply cannot expect honesty in the press until we call them out in public for their lies. And I mean places like Yahoo news where public comment is asked for.

We had the shooting in Orlando and the press is still lying about the weapon of choice. Lets fix that by our comments there. The latest is he did that because he was a "dis-infranchised" homosexual. Despite the fact he swore his actions to islamic state and islam. Lets fix that.

There is no valid reason to accept lies by the press when in their OWN comment sections we CAN speak the truth. Take someone like Yahoo and challenge them head on. Put them in a position where they either have to tell the truth or shut the h#ll up.

Demanding the press tell us the truth has got us no where. We find little to no truth in cyber text, print, TV or radio. Many of those writers think they write above you or you are to stupid to understand. Not sure about you but I think....

We ARE USMB and we don't take to lying and bullsh#t.


:0) Good luck with that.

Republicans love corporations .. until they don't. They had all kinds of funny names for the OWS crowd and defended the right of corporations to do any damn thing they wanted with their business.

NEWSFLASH: You can't force the media to tell your perception of 'truth.' If you don't like what you're seeing .. change the channel. Fox is on .. which is much closer to your version of 'truth.'

I know what is going on...but the OWS crowd really didn't have a clue. They didn't understand the underlying cause of the financial crisis or it's origins. You see, the mega corporations ARE the government and vice versa because your corporate gubermint is the largest shareholder of every Fortune 500 corporate entity.Now, who owns USA.INC and all it's subsidiaries that provide the 19 essential "gubermint" services in this "for profit" venture? It's the IMF (International Monetary Fund) which is an offshoot of the Federal reserve central bankers that took it into receivership in 1950. The Global Bank, Bank For International Settlements and the Federal Reserve are ran by the same oligarchs and they are the ones that have enslaved humanity by the age old practice of "pledging" one's labor to pay for a debt. Our sweat equity is what moves their fiat currency that has no intrinsic value...they are simply debt notes. When one fails to meet their financial obligations, the bankers get hard assets on the books via credit extended by nothing that they can then re-sell and the process starts all over again. It is an insidious form of slavery. I wish I knew back in 2009 what I know now after 17,000 hours of reading and research because I would have taken over the OWS protest in Dallas, Texas and I would have been the "face of the movement" because no corporate reporter would have been able to refute me nor debate me on the issues at hand.

Me thinks you think too much of yourself. Highly doubtful to impossible that you would have taken over anything. OWS wasn't going to listen to a republican who had no connection to the movement.

Thanks for trying.

Both political parties are owned by the same robber barons that took control of the monetary system and stole the country's gold with the Fed Act of 1913 which was signed by socialist Woodrow Wilson that sold America out. FDR, another socialist pledged our labor as surety against the debt after the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933. You see? I know more than you...infinitely more because I have taken the time to learn the things I know. OWS was right about the global elite hijacking our monetary system but they didn't understand the whys and hows and I could have helped with that. You see, I care about humanity, I care about what I am leaving to the younger generation and I will do everything within my power to wake people up....even those like you that attempt to put me in some kind of "camp" in a lame attempt to marginalize me. You can't debate me and win...I have invested thousands upon thousands of hours in research because I was ashamed about being a supporter of the Bush crime cabal. It was that shame, guilt and utter anger that has motivated me to throw off the programming and really seek truth and I know it. You would be well served to pay attention to what I write here.

With all due respect brother, I don't need the lesson you're trying to teach. I already know this country is owned and operated by the corporate will. That includes both mainstream political parties and the media. I don't have to marginalize you, you've done that yourself.

If I recall, you support Donald Trump .. which says everything that need be said about your self-importance, the quality and value of your research, and whether OWS would have listened to a single word you had to say..
That is what we folks in cyber world need to be doing. Not so much as attack the press directly but in their comments section. We simply cannot expect honesty in the press until we call them out in public for their lies. And I mean places like Yahoo news where public comment is asked for.

We had the shooting in Orlando and the press is still lying about the weapon of choice. Lets fix that by our comments there. The latest is he did that because he was a "dis-infranchised" homosexual. Despite the fact he swore his actions to islamic state and islam. Lets fix that.

There is no valid reason to accept lies by the press when in their OWN comment sections we CAN speak the truth. Take someone like Yahoo and challenge them head on. Put them in a position where they either have to tell the truth or shut the h#ll up.

Demanding the press tell us the truth has got us no where. We find little to no truth in cyber text, print, TV or radio. Many of those writers think they write above you or you are to stupid to understand. Not sure about you but I think....

We ARE USMB and we don't take to lying and bullsh#t.


:0) Good luck with that.

Republicans love corporations .. until they don't. They had all kinds of funny names for the OWS crowd and defended the right of corporations to do any damn thing they wanted with their business.

NEWSFLASH: You can't force the media to tell your perception of 'truth.' If you don't like what you're seeing .. change the channel. Fox is on .. which is much closer to your version of 'truth.'

I know what is going on...but the OWS crowd really didn't have a clue. They didn't understand the underlying cause of the financial crisis or it's origins. You see, the mega corporations ARE the government and vice versa because your corporate gubermint is the largest shareholder of every Fortune 500 corporate entity.Now, who owns USA.INC and all it's subsidiaries that provide the 19 essential "gubermint" services in this "for profit" venture? It's the IMF (International Monetary Fund) which is an offshoot of the Federal reserve central bankers that took it into receivership in 1950. The Global Bank, Bank For International Settlements and the Federal Reserve are ran by the same oligarchs and they are the ones that have enslaved humanity by the age old practice of "pledging" one's labor to pay for a debt. Our sweat equity is what moves their fiat currency that has no intrinsic value...they are simply debt notes. When one fails to meet their financial obligations, the bankers get hard assets on the books via credit extended by nothing that they can then re-sell and the process starts all over again. It is an insidious form of slavery. I wish I knew back in 2009 what I know now after 17,000 hours of reading and research because I would have taken over the OWS protest in Dallas, Texas and I would have been the "face of the movement" because no corporate reporter would have been able to refute me nor debate me on the issues at hand.

Me thinks you think too much of yourself. Highly doubtful to impossible that you would have taken over anything. OWS wasn't going to listen to a republican who had no connection to the movement.

Thanks for trying.

Both political parties are owned by the same robber barons that took control of the monetary system and stole the country's gold with the Fed Act of 1913 which was signed by socialist Woodrow Wilson that sold America out. FDR, another socialist pledged our labor as surety against the debt after the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933. You see? I know more than you...infinitely more because I have taken the time to learn the things I know. OWS was right about the global elite hijacking our monetary system but they didn't understand the whys and hows and I could have helped with that. You see, I care about humanity, I care about what I am leaving to the younger generation and I will do everything within my power to wake people up....even those like you that attempt to put me in some kind of "camp" in a lame attempt to marginalize me. You can't debate me and win...I have invested thousands upon thousands of hours in research because I was ashamed about being a supporter of the Bush crime cabal. It was that shame, guilt and utter anger that has motivated me to throw off the programming and really seek truth and I know it. You would be well served to pay attention to what I write here.

With all due respect brother, I don't need the lesson you're trying to teach. I already know this country is owned and operated by the corporate will. That includes both mainstream political parties and the media. I don't have to marginalize you, you've done that yourself.

If I recall, you support Donald Trump .. which says everything that need be said about your self-importance, the quality and value of your research, and whether OWS would have listened to a single word you had to say..

See, there ya go again....trying to put me into a "camp" without knowing anything about me. I am not eligible to vote because I gave up my membership in the Universal Commercial Code that is U.S citizenship and stopped being an employee of USA.INC...I am sure that most of this will fly right over your head but I lack the time and patience to explain it all to you. Would I like to see Trump win the election? Yeah, I would because from what I have been able to gather is that Trump has been aware of the NWO plans for many, many years and has ex military and current military leaders that will back him up and has his back. Hillary is a globalist...bought and paid for by the Bilderburg Group, the CFR and the Tri-Lateral Commission and she could have never been Secretary of State without the signing off of the British Institute Of International Affairs. I know what we are getting with Hillary...the same shit we have been getting since the days of Reagan. If Trump is legit, we have a chance to get off of this debt slavery system. IMHO, I believe that the fix is already in and that Hillary is a "shoe-in" if there is actually an election. I see a financial collapse on the horizon that could cause a lock down of this country that would leave the Barrypuppet in control......I know a lot of stuff, dude....waaaaay more than you. I know more about the geo-political scene and the house of cards that is our fiat monetary system and the puppetmasters that pull the strings.

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