Attacks on Catholic Boys and Knights of Columbus a Warmup for SCOTUS Pick

Nazis and skinheads can have permits. Nazis start spewing racial hate at black youths wearing BLM shirts waiting for their bus. An elder from the KKK walks in to diffuse the situation and begins playing bango in the face of a smiling black youth.

Based on your logic, in this instance, the behavior of the Nazis and KKK would be justified because they had permits.

Let's be realistic. This if fucking AmeriKKKa, those black kids would be lucky if the cops didn't shoot them in the back by "mistake".
But I am waiting for the first computer from them.
Since you are in a realistic mode, more white kids are shot by cops.

yeah, but those little bastards had it coming. I am talking about case after case of black kids being shot for non-crimes or minor offenses, and the cops being given a pat on the back and treated like they are the victims.

You people keep dredging up America’s racist past with your faux AmeriKKKa monicker

Um, no, that's America's present, buddy. Sorry, we are still a racist as shit country.

Show US the white people enslaving dark people today compared to the brown people enslaving one another? Can’t get more racist than practicing slavery... we learned our lesson while African, Arab, and Asian nations continue to practice slavery. In Central and South America, it is sex slavery. But hey, keep on trashing US while you appease and capitulate to the nations elsewhere.
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Why yes it was calling for the kid to be thrown head-1st into a wood chipper and another liberal asshole saying he would help make it happen...

Listen, I can understand 'denial'...but to deny something so true makes you seem mentally unstable...

Oh, come on, the Woodchipper thing was a joke. Get the fuck over yourself.

So you pay $8000 a year to send your kid to a private Catholic School and the little bastards don't learn any fucking manners.
So you know that you are the enemy.
Since you are in a realistic mode, more white kids are shot by cops.

yeah, but those little bastards had it coming. I am talking about case after case of black kids being shot for non-crimes or minor offenses, and the cops being given a pat on the back and treated like they are the victims.

You people keep dredging up America’s racist past with your faux AmeriKKKa monicker

Um, no, that's America's present, buddy. Sorry, we are still a racist as shit country.

Show US the white people enslaving dark people today compared to the brown people enslaving one another? Can’t get more racist than practicing slavery... we learned our lesson while African, Arab, and Asian nations continue to practice slavery. In Central and South America, it is sex slavery. But hey, keep on trashing US while you appease and capitulate to the nations elsewhere.
Democrats are currently protecting sex trafficking / human trafficking through illegally operating and protecting Sanctuary Cities.... What was that about us having learned some kind of lesson?
The Soft Bigotry Of Liberal Preconceptions
By Derek Hunter -- You are a racist. Go ahead and prove me wrong. Or at least try. You can’t. It’s the perfect charge to level against someone if you want to end a discussion because there’s nowhere for anyone to go after it’s tossed out. It’s also childish, which is why Democrats level it with the frequency that my newborn daughter soils her diaper – and they both come from the same place with the same substance.... Racism still exists, of course, there are always going to be people who don’t like others because of immutable traits which they blame for their own failures in life. But the Democratic Party has effectively weaponized the charge and used it so often to scare people that it has no real meaning whatsoever..... In a desperate attempt to end serious debate, debates at which they fail, they’ve watered down a charge of racism to the point that people now largely ignore it. Don’t support socialize medicine? That’s because you hate black and brown people. Think we should secure our southern border? Same answer. There isn’t much of anything some leftist won’t call you a white supremacist over, including food reviews. (No, I’m not kidding.)
It’s a sickness unique to the left, and it does real harm to actual victims of racism. The few instances of real racism are drown out in a sea of hysterical “wolf” cries. Still, with their voters, it’s effective because it appeals to raw emotion..... Hell, the Democratic Party actively instills this in their voters to drill fear into their base to motivate loyalty. “Someone who doesn’t like you because of your skin color/gender/sexual orientation/religion and they’re working hard to make your life difficult. But don’t worry, we’ll protect you from them, all you have to do is vote for us,” is the gist of the liberal message.... One wonders how places like Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, etc., would look like if its residents weren’t “protected” by Democrats for so many generations.... Reporters could have avoided inspiring death threats against innocent children by applying the rule they apply to conservative videos, the “heavily edited” standard, and waited until they knew something more than a liberal activist’s narrative before calling for blood.... Prejudice is prejudice, whether it’s against someone with an accent, some because of their religion, or someone because race and the hat they wear. The definition of the word “bigot” isn’t dependent upon the amount of melanin in the skin of an individual, it’s dependent upon the amount of ignorance in that individual. Unfortunately, when it comes to far too many people in positions of influence on both sides of the aisle, that amount is large.

Hunter is not dismissing racism - only the accusation of racism. When simply disagreeing with someone is considered racist, it makes incidents of real racism harder to detect and correct. It's the classic example of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". There's a lot of truth to be gleaned from those old stories, a truth that PMS Liberals can't seem to grasp.
its pretty clear at this point that the biased LSM have devolved into “information laundromats” that defacto practice “financial laundering” as well. They obscure the agenda of their controllers and have no financial transparency of their relationship with their controllers. To the extent this deliberately undermines Constitutional Law in the USA -this is “terroristic”
The author D. Hunter makes a great point, "One wonders how places like Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, etc., would look like if its residents weren’t “protected” by Democrats for so many generations." Do you think the left has ever thought that through.
This PMS Democrat fixation and over-analysis about the Covington issue is getting a little stale. Simply put: Cyber-bullying has now become acceptable to some in the Lame Stream Media and been taken to another level. The Covington kids were the victims of PMS Democrat vigilantism and lynch-mob leftists. There again PMS Democrats have advanced from 19th and 20th Century physical lynching to virtual lynching of their racist aims whether it be Blacks, Catholics, foreign immigrants or Republicans.
Show US the white people enslaving dark people today compared to the brown people enslaving one another? Can’t get more racist than practicing slavery... we learned our lesson while African, Arab, and Asian nations continue to practice slavery. In Central and South America, it is sex slavery. But hey, keep on trashing US while you appease and capitulate to the nations elsewhere.

I don't live in those other countries... not my problem.

In this country, we are still dealing with the effects of slavery. Every time a cop shoots a black kid in the back and gets away with it..
Democrats are currently protecting sex trafficking / human trafficking through illegally operating and protecting Sanctuary Cities.... What was that about us having learned some kind of lesson?

Were those people brought over here in chains? Nope. they came here of their own free will.

Now, if you want to free them, simple enough solution. Real immigration reform that grants them legal status, just like Ronald Reagan did in the 1980's.
Here we have typical left wing jew michael rapaport, being allowed to attack the boys, even after the actual truth came out. Attacking their religion, of course naturally that is allowed.

Look at that fucking piece of jew shit.

Now watch as the left get disgusted with me attacking that fucking jew for being the fucking jew he is. Not about that fucking jew attacking underage BOYS, but me attacking that fucking pathetic big nosed, know it all, arrogant typical hollywood jew.
Show US the white people enslaving dark people today compared to the brown people enslaving one another? Can’t get more racist than practicing slavery... we learned our lesson while African, Arab, and Asian nations continue to practice slavery. In Central and South America, it is sex slavery. But hey, keep on trashing US while you appease and capitulate to the nations elsewhere.

I don't live in those other countries... not my problem.

In this country, we are still dealing with the effects of slavery. Every time a cop shoots a black kid in the back and gets away with it..

We are still dealing with slavery itself being committed by those cultures bringing it here to US. Further, your “hands up, don’t shoot” argument is one of the lowest frequency scenarios in which officers are shooting suspects.
So you know that you are the enemy.

I didn't start this fight... the Rich and their useful idiots in the Religious Wrong did.
Did they invite the Native dude to plow into their midst & beat a drumstick millimeters away from a minor’s face? When that happened, was courageously standing his ground & smiling a “hate crime” by the boy?
He is a white person who believes in the Lord, and he does not believe it is a mother's right to kill an unborn baby.

Which, when you actually think about it, is the sickest crime there is.

Has any stupid pro choice moron ever taken the time to view the photos of aborted babies?

Or are they all just a microscopic zygote to them? Ahhhhh, out of sight, out of mind.

Ever see these losers look at a person who smokes or drinks while they are pregnant. Apparently that action does not bother coyote. Isn't that fucked up?

To many drinking and smoking while pregnant is WORSE than the syringe being poked into the brain of a baby in its 3rd trimester.


Do they ever take the time ever to consider if there is a hell?
So you know that you are the enemy.

I didn't start this fight... the Rich and their useful idiots in the Religious Wrong did.
Did they invite the Native dude to plow into their midst & beat a drumstick millimeters away from a minor’s face? When that happened, was courageously standing his ground & smiling a “hate crime” by the boy?
He is a white person who believes in the Lord, and he does not believe it is a mother's right to kill an unborn baby.

Which, when you actually think about it, is the sickest crime there is.

Has any stupid pro choice moron ever taken the time to view the photos of aborted babies?

Or are they all just a microscopic zygote to them? Ahhhhh, out of sight, out of mind.

Ever see these losers look at a person who smokes or drinks while they are pregnant. Apparently that action does not bother coyote. Isn't that fucked up?

To many drinking and smoking while pregnant is WORSE than the syringe being poked into the brain of a baby in its 3rd trimester.


Do they ever take the time ever to consider if there is a hell?
That’s actually another topic.
Since you are in a realistic mode, more white kids are shot by cops.

yeah, but those little bastards had it coming. I am talking about case after case of black kids being shot for non-crimes or minor offenses, and the cops being given a pat on the back and treated like they are the victims.

You people keep dredging up America’s racist past with your faux AmeriKKKa monicker

Um, no, that's America's present, buddy. Sorry, we are still a racist as shit country.
Why hasn’t a cop shot your worthless ass in the back?
We are still dealing with slavery itself being committed by those cultures bringing it here to US. Further, your “hands up, don’t shoot” argument is one of the lowest frequency scenarios in which officers are shooting suspects.

Sigh.. Yup, there's a scary Muslim hiding under your bed. Whatever.

That it happens at all is the problem, guy... The thing is, most times, we only have the officer's word it was justified, and given the system's propensity to cover shit up, it probably happens a lot more than you think.
Did they invite the Native dude to plow into their midst & beat a drumstick millimeters away from a minor’s face? When that happened, was courageously standing his ground & smiling a “hate crime” by the boy?

"Oh, boo, hoo, they played a musical instrument in front of me while i was wearing my Hate Hat!"
He is a white person who believes in the Lord, and he does not believe it is a mother's right to kill an unborn baby.

Which, when you actually think about it, is the sickest crime there is.

You know what, when he grows a uterus, then he can have say in the matter...

I find it amusing that men should be telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies.

Has any stupid pro choice moron ever taken the time to view the photos of aborted babies?

Um, no, guy, dumpster diving through medical waste is your thing...

Or are they all just a microscopic zygote to them? Ahhhhh, out of sight, out of mind.

As a practical matter, most abortions occur when the fetus is the size of a kidney bean... So, yeah, not the same thing.

I'd be more impressed with you guys if you weren't trying to take food from hungry children to give tax cuts to Billionaires.

Ever see these losers look at a person who smokes or drinks while they are pregnant. Apparently that action does not bother coyote. Isn't that fucked up?

To many drinking and smoking while pregnant is WORSE than the syringe being poked into the brain of a baby in its 3rd trimester.

Well, yes, because that child will have to grow up with the effects of that bad conduct.

Meanwhile, less than 1% of abortions occur in the third trimester, almost all of those because of some medical emergency. Do you think there is a woman out there that goes through eight months of pregnancy and says, "Nah, changed my mind!" It doesn't happen. But you ghouls go on because women abort deformed fetuses rather than bring a child into the world with severe disabilities.


Do they ever take the time ever to consider if there is a hell?

No, considering you guys have never provided any evidence that there is one, much less why anyone would go there...

If you believe in the bible, MOST of us are going to Hell, and very few of us are getting into Heaven.
We are still dealing with slavery itself being committed by those cultures bringing it here to US. Further, your “hands up, don’t shoot” argument is one of the lowest frequency scenarios in which officers are shooting suspects.

Sigh.. Yup, there's a scary Muslim hiding under your bed. Whatever.

That it happens at all is the problem, guy... The thing is, most times, we only have the officer's word it was justified, and given the system's propensity to cover shit up, it probably happens a lot more than you think.

You are fine with the non-whites beating, raping, binding and dragging women into the US yet shit yourself over the lowest likely scenario of a cop shooting a black suspect.

Since you are filing under “that it happens at all”, more non-whites are enslaving women at a higher rate than cops shooting black suspects.

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