Attacks on Catholic Boys and Knights of Columbus a Warmup for SCOTUS Pick

Show US the white people enslaving dark people today compared to the brown people enslaving one another? Can’t get more racist than practicing slavery... we learned our lesson while African, Arab, and Asian nations continue to practice slavery. In Central and South America, it is sex slavery. But hey, keep on trashing US while you appease and capitulate to the nations elsewhere.

I don't live in those other countries... not my problem.

In this country, we are still dealing with the effects of slavery. Every time a cop shoots a black kid in the back and gets away with it..

During the Obama administration more black people were unemployed upwards of 20%, while he and his Democrats allowed millions of illegal aliens into this country. Thus ensuring more unemployment and devastation to those who voted for him.
Did they invite the Native dude to plow into their midst & beat a drumstick millimeters away from a minor’s face? When that happened, was courageously standing his ground & smiling a “hate crime” by the boy?

"Oh, boo, hoo, they played a musical instrument in front of me while i was wearing my Hate Hat!"
A hate drum was being struck inches from a boy’s nose wearing a cap that said “make America great again”.

Get your facts straight.
You are fine with the non-whites beating, raping, binding and dragging women into the US yet shit yourself over the lowest likely scenario of a cop shooting a black suspect.

Um, those 'non-whites" are prosecuted, imprisoned, and occassionally executed when they do that. sometimes they even get the right guy.

Cops shoot 1200 Americans a year. This is hardly an "unlikely" scenario, it's about 10% of all homicides in the US.

Since you are filing under “that it happens at all”, more non-whites are enslaving women at a higher rate than cops shooting black suspects.

Really? And where are your figures on that?
You are fine with the non-whites beating, raping, binding and dragging women into the US yet shit yourself over the lowest likely scenario of a cop shooting a black suspect.

Um, those 'non-whites" are prosecuted, imprisoned, and occassionally executed when they do that. sometimes they even get the right guy.

Cops shoot 1200 Americans a year. This is hardly an "unlikely" scenario, it's about 10% of all homicides in the US.

Since you are filing under “that it happens at all”, more non-whites are enslaving women at a higher rate than cops shooting black suspects.

Really? And where are your figures on that?

Before you go telling me to get my numbers right, what is the rate or raw numbers of traffickers being prosecuted? How many of them are white?

You said cops shot 1,200 Americans and indicated the scenario in which those shot were Black was about 10 percent. Where are these numbers coming from yet you want to hold me accountable for mine?? Ok, even if the 10 percent coming out of your ass is correct, he Department of Justice estimates upwards of 170,000 are trafficked into the country every year. Pakistan, China, and India lead it at a world rate while upwards of 20,000 are coming in from Mexico/Central America.

That’s a lot of non-white sex trafficking compared to your non-validated rate of blacks being shot by cops.
A hate drum was being struck inches from a boy’s nose wearing a cap that said “make America great again”.

Get your facts straight.

Really, a traditional native instrument is a hate instrument? DId you miss the part where Native Americans were the VICTIMS of genocide, not the instigators?

You really need to stick to homophobia, buddy... branching out into other hate doesn't work for you.
Before you go telling me to get my numbers right, what is the rate or raw numbers of traffickers being prosecuted? How many of them are white?

Wouldn't know.. since you have yet to produce ANY numbers backing up these facts... I'm not even entirely sure it's happening at all.

You said cops shot 1,200 Americans and indicated the scenario in which those shot were Black was about 10 percent.

Nope, never said that it was only 10%. In fact, even though people of color make up only 38% of the population, they represent 51% of people shot by police.

The lives of people of color are more likely to be cut short by police

Department of Justice estimates upwards of 170,000 are trafficked into the country every year. Pakistan, China, and India lead it at a world rate while upwards of 20,000 are coming in from Mexico/Central America.

again, facts and figures to back that up? Didn't think so.
Before you go telling me to get my numbers right, what is the rate or raw numbers of traffickers being prosecuted? How many of them are white?

Wouldn't know.. since you have yet to produce ANY numbers backing up these facts... I'm not even entirely sure it's happening at all.

You said cops shot 1,200 Americans and indicated the scenario in which those shot were Black was about 10 percent.

Nope, never said that it was only 10%. In fact, even though people of color make up only 38% of the population, they represent 51% of people shot by police.

The lives of people of color are more likely to be cut short by police

Department of Justice estimates upwards of 170,000 are trafficked into the country every year. Pakistan, China, and India lead it at a world rate while upwards of 20,000 are coming in from Mexico/Central America.

again, facts and figures to back that up? Didn't think so.

Their "study" was based on ONE report compiled by a media group. No mention of metrics used, whether the media group used all raw data or cherry picked (likely based on the media group involved) no source for the data used even. In other words, it ain't a valid study.
A hate drum was being struck inches from a boy’s nose wearing a cap that said “make America great again”.

Get your facts straight.

Really, a traditional native instrument is a hate instrument? DId you miss the part where Native Americans were the VICTIMS of genocide, not the instigators?

You really need to stick to homophobia, buddy... branching out into other hate doesn't work for you.
This guy wasn’t a victim here. He was oppressing. The sins of the past don’t excuse sins of the present. And, two wrongs don’t make a right.
Before you go telling me to get my numbers right, what is the rate or raw numbers of traffickers being prosecuted? How many of them are white?

Wouldn't know.. since you have yet to produce ANY numbers backing up these facts... I'm not even entirely sure it's happening at all.

You said cops shot 1,200 Americans and indicated the scenario in which those shot were Black was about 10 percent.

Nope, never said that it was only 10%. In fact, even though people of color make up only 38% of the population, they represent 51% of people shot by police.

The lives of people of color are more likely to be cut short by police

Department of Justice estimates upwards of 170,000 are trafficked into the country every year. Pakistan, China, and India lead it at a world rate while upwards of 20,000 are coming in from Mexico/Central America.

again, facts and figures to back that up? Didn't think so.

Human Trafficking by the Numbers | Human Rights First
Jan 07, 2017 · The Number of Prosecutions of Human Traffickers is Alarmingly Low. Of the estimated 16 million forced labor victims worldwide, only 1,038 cases of forced labor were prosecuted globally in 2016, according to the US Department of State. In 2016, the Department of Justice convicted a total of 439 human traffickers,..
Human Trafficking Into and Within the United States: A …
Nov 21, 2016 · This comprehensive review of current literature on human trafficking into and within the United States focuses on surveying what the social science or other literature has found about the issues of identifying and effectively serving trafficking victims. A more specific focus concerns the phenomenon of domestic trafficking (trafficking involving U.S. citizens or lawful

Their "study" was based on ONE report compiled by a media group. No mention of metrics used, whether the media group used all raw data or cherry picked (likely based on the media group involved) no source for the data used even. In other words, it ain't a valid study.
Their "study" was based on ONE report compiled by a media group. No mention of metrics used, whether the media group used all raw data or cherry picked (likely based on the media group involved) no source for the data used even. In other words, it ain't a valid study.

okay, you go with that, buddy.
Their "study" was based on ONE report compiled by a media group. No mention of metrics used, whether the media group used all raw data or cherry picked (likely based on the media group involved) no source for the data used even. In other words, it ain't a valid study.

okay, you go with that, buddy.

I will. It's called a FACT. Something you ignore at all costs because...well, you're a lying progressive.
The boys did not attack the "indian." The boys were being attacked by the left and the media reported and hyped it the other way around.

Hate them yet?

Yes, the smirking racist punk was totally threatened by a senior citizen playing a percussion instrument.

From the latest 'Titanic' of fake news report regarding Cohen to this latest regarding these Catholic boys, which conned liberal politicians/ actors/ snowflakes into going public to pathetically piling on, the hate-driven liars are imploding right before our eyes.

Okay, you keep telling yourself a story that most of the mainstream outlets didn't go with is a big deal.

But those Catholic kids were still entitled little punks.



Sparky, do you get paid by the post here? Your points just sound regurgitated.

Says the guy who has posted his 25,000 homophobic screed...

You spew a lot of BS with nothing to back it up.

It was all a lie. The entire video showed it....

You hate the kid for smirking yet have no problem with the rabid violent Leftists (to include CNN) who called for violence against them?

Yes, wanting to slap that smug punk was clearly a call for 'violence' you keep telling yourself that.

Chief Little Drum and the Little Black Hebrews were the agressors little man.
The Covington kids weren't there to protest. They were in Washington, DC, attending the school annual trip for the March for Life rally, where the incident occurred. They were actually at a rally point waiting to board the buses to return to Kentucky where the attack by the Black Israelites hate crime occurred and "Phillips" interjected himself.

Actually, the proper response would be to not respond, not to make racist comments towards the BHI, and not make smirky grins at the native elder.

Again- I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years, they'd have never let us get away with that shit back in the day.

There it is....Priests and Republican's screwed you. The kids were tourists and did nothing. Everything Chief Little Drum claimed been proven false.
The Covington kids weren't there to protest. They were in Washington, DC, attending the school annual trip for the March for Life rally, where the incident occurred. They were actually at a rally point waiting to board the buses to return to Kentucky where the attack by the Black Israelites hate crime occurred and "Phillips" interjected himself.

Actually, the proper response would be to not respond, not to make racist comments towards the BHI, and not make smirky grins at the native elder.

Again- I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years, they'd have never let us get away with that shit back in the day.

There it is....Priests and Republican's screwed you. The kids were tourists and did nothing. Everything Chief Little Drum claimed been proven false.
They are deliberate liars and are incapable of repenting. The Lord has hardened their hearts. The scariest condition to be in.
The boys did not attack the "indian." The boys were being attacked by the left and the media reported and hyped it the other way around.

Hate them yet?

Yes, the smirking racist punk was totally threatened by a senior citizen playing a percussion instrument.

From the latest 'Titanic' of fake news report regarding Cohen to this latest regarding these Catholic boys, which conned liberal politicians/ actors/ snowflakes into going public to pathetically piling on, the hate-driven liars are imploding right before our eyes.

Okay, you keep telling yourself a story that most of the mainstream outlets didn't go with is a big deal.

But those Catholic kids were still entitled little punks.


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*kill shot*
I will. It's called a FACT. Something you ignore at all costs because...well, you're a lying progressive.

No, you made a lot of speculation about someone else's study becuase it didn't say what you wanted to hear.

This is what you wingnuts do all the time, whether it be gun control, evolution, climate science, whatever. The Science doesn't say what the people who bankroll your movement want, you deny the science.
I will. It's called a FACT. Something you ignore at all costs because...well, you're a lying progressive.

No, you made a lot of speculation about someone else's study becuase it didn't say what you wanted to hear.

This is what you wingnuts do all the time, whether it be gun control, evolution, climate science, whatever. The Science doesn't say what the people who bankroll your movement want, you deny the science.

Wrong, silly boy, I made a observation based on the fact that I have done legitimate studies and we have extremely high standards for the data we use. Because we want it to be accurate. If we are doing a meta study as a for instance (which this purports to be even though you aren't educated enough to understand that fact) we use dozens of sources, not one. Using one source means that you are seeking to bias your results.

You are either too stupid to understand that, or don't care because they are progressive loons like you so when they lie it is OK.
Wrong, silly boy, I made a observation based on the fact that I have done legitimate studies and we have extremely high standards for the data we use. Because we want it to be accurate. If we are doing a meta study as a for instance (which this purports to be even though you aren't educated enough to understand that fact) we use dozens of sources, not one. Using one source means that you are seeking to bias your results.

You are either too stupid to understand that, or don't care because they are progressive loons like you so when they lie it is OK.

Every study on Trump says the same thing. People don't like him in a good economy. Deal with it.

What does this have to do with the subject of the OP?

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