Attention black Americans attention native Americans.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
The politicians in America many of them don’t care about you. They want you to believe that you’re the victim. They want you to have an inferiority complex and believe that you have always been held down and that your ancestors are worthless. Don’t fall into their trap because they’ll never give you anything. Join a union. Join the club. Hang out with other like-minded men from different races and religions and you could see the glory that exists with it all of us. The choice is yours my friend’s glory to you all

You might ask who has my best interest. The answer is our Lord Jesus. The other answer is you.

Google African empires. Google the Seneca nation, go on Google and research the Mohawk tribe and their glorious land expansion. And you can see it for yourself.
The politicians in America many of them don’t care about you. They want you to believe that you’re the victim. They want you to have an inferiority complex and believe that you have always been held down and that your ancestors are worthless. Don’t fall into their trap because they’ll never give you anything. Join a union. Join the club. Hang out with other like-minded men from different races and religions and you could see the glory that exists with it all of us. The choice is yours my friend’s glory to you all

You might ask who has my best interest. The answer is our Lord Jesus. The other answer is you.

Google African empires. Google the Seneca nation, go on Google and research the Mohawk tribe and their glorious land expansion. And you can see it for yourself.

You're right. Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies use Native Americans, Blacks and now Hispanics as useful tools of slavery.
Remember Joey Xi told us they were going to put them all in chains again.
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This type of message that is being written in this post will not be seen on the Black Lives Matter website. It won’t be seen on CNN. They pedal Negative and divisive stories. They don’t show us glorious stories. There was a Time in human history when this type of influential message was basically normal. This is how people motivated themselves in history. Look at the French revolution, look at Napoleon Bonaparte and how those men and women talked and how they motivated themselves to greatness.

This is how the American revolution started. People looked into history and they found motivation. And any man in America today whether they’re white or black if they’re poor if they’re down on themselves this is how they find motivation by looking to their ancestors of the past and finding that there is greatness in the past….therefore they can find greatness within them

Romanticizing the past is something that is necessary in our world. Because it’s true. Yes it’s true there were heroes of history. Robin Hood and King Arthur lived ….Some people might think this kind of message is odd and over the top …. while it is emotional and dramatic there’s nothing odd about this. Here in America with high inflation, with divorce rates being so high , with so many people using drugs we all have to find our own way to better ourselves and to rise up to greatness.

Everything I am saying here is based on pride and nationalism. Based on traditions and honor and this is the stuff that makes peoples hearts and souls feel good. It Motivates them.

When somebody on CNN or MSNBC says that black folks have been held down for 400 years and there’s a young black man watching the program…. He says wait a minute that’s not right at all ..we Africans are the Empire builders. In Africa today is the center of Catholicism.

for us Irish Americans we looked up to the great Bobby Sands of the IRA Who died in a hunger strike in the early 1980s after being elected to the Irish parliament by his people. . sands and many like him we’re fighting against the British for Irish independence.

Sands was A hero. Of course Wolf Tone was the leader of the united Irishman who fought for the cause of Irish freedom against the British crown in 1798. And we will always remember these glorious heroes.

Likewise when it comes to African Americans having something to look up to ….when can look no to the Ethiopian empire and the likes of Menelik II who stood up and who stood tall with the Ethiopian country against all odds against the Italian empire at the turn of the 20th century. The Ethiopian empire successfully defeated the Italians in the first Italian Abyssinian war.

What do we get from Disney, what do we get from Netflix, what do we get from Amazon ….we get shows that depict Black people as slaves, as being oppressed. They won’t show you what you see in this post which is what all of the great men of Africa already know. Which is that the African people have contributed to the civilized world. There are statues of black African Catholics all over Europe they’ve been there for centuries .

But what do the anti-American politicians tell us all. They say that the white man held down the black. Well The proud black man rises above this propaganda. Just as a proud Irishman rises above the English propaganda that the Irishman was always held down by the English. Existing within all of our hearts with in all of our souls is greatness. And one will allow the bad guys in government to be your slave master or will find inspiration in our Lord Jesus and find inspiration within your ancestors. The choice is yours my brothers

Some do not know that in 1798 Irish Catholics and the Irish protestants united for the cause of freedom. Only 20 years after the American revolution these Irish men were influenced to fight for their freedom from the British. The United Irishman including the Catholic priest Father John Murphy who fought in battle and was captured, tortured and was beheaded. many Irishman was tortured brutally and beheaded By the English forces in the 1798 Irish revolution. They died with dignity with fearlessness. Just as the Ethiopian warriors have fought against the Italians in the first Italian Abyssinian war….. and what’s fascinating is my great grandfather is from Italy and I have nothing but respect for the Ethiopian people.

They won’t teach this in the far left wing woke courses.

If they had the power… those who want Americans to feel like they are the victims…. would wipe out all of the above history they would erase it. But they could never erase it. Nobody could ever take away the greatness of Ireland and the greatness of Ethiopia.

My own personal story here I had my struggles. Gone through a horrific spinal injury. The whole world stacked against me and I don’t play the victim. I look to the greatest heroes of history like Robin Hood. Like King Arthur. And Richard the Lionheart. To fight for what is right. To stand up for the poor. To be proud of one’s self. I am deeply motivated by images of the American past. Buy movies that showcase the American past and the middle ages. Some people are motivated by paintings by books by Instagram …history is what motivates me. Among many other things in this post like the Bobby sands tribute … i’m motivated by reading about wolf tone an Irish protestants and father John Murphy an Irish Catholic priest uniting in the 1798 Irish rebellion.

So if you really want to live optimal this is the way forward. this is how you stand up to the man ….Reach out to history in whatever unique way you want and you will be motivated more than ever
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How do I get politicians in America to stop caring about me?

They are always passing laws, for my own good, that do nothing but curtail my freedom and cost me money.

I would consider it a blessing if politicians stopped caring about me.
I would say brother we need a strong government one that cares about American history that cares about the American people. And one that is responsible. I don’t want anarchy I don’t want a country without a government.
This type of message that is being written in this post will not be seen on the Black Lives Matter website. It won’t be seen on CNN. They pedal Negative and divisive stories. They don’t show us glorious stories. There was a Time in human history when this type of influential message was basically normal. This is how people motivated themselves in history. Look at the French revolution, look at Napoleon Bonaparte and how those men and women talked and how they motivated themselves to greatness.

This is how the American revolution started. People looked into history and they found motivation. And any man in America today whether they’re white or black if they’re poor if they’re down on themselves this is how they find motivation by looking to their ancestors of the past and finding that there is greatness in the past….therefore they can find greatness within them

Romanticizing the past is something that is necessary in our world. Because it’s true. Yes it’s true there were heroes of history. Robin Hood and King Arthur lived ….Some people might think this kind of message is odd and over the top …. while it is emotional and dramatic there’s nothing odd about this. Here in America with high inflation, with divorce rates being so high , with so many people using drugs we all have to find our own way to better ourselves and to rise up to greatness.

Everything I am saying here is based on pride and nationalism. Based on traditions and honor and this is the stuff that makes peoples hearts and souls feel good. It Motivates them.

When somebody on CNN or MSNBC says that black folks have been held down for 400 years and there’s a young black man watching the program…. He says wait a minute that’s not right at all ..we Africans are the Empire builders. In Africa today is the center of Catholicism.

for us Irish Americans we looked up to the great Bobby Sands of the IRA Who died in a hunger strike in the early 1980s after being elected to the Irish parliament by his people. . sands and many like him we’re fighting against the British for Irish independence.

Sands was A hero. Of course Wolf Tone was the leader of the united Irishman who fought for the cause of Irish freedom against the British crown in 1798. And we will always remember these glorious heroes.

Likewise when it comes to African Americans having something to look up to ….when can look no to the Ethiopian empire and the likes of Menelik II who stood up and who stood tall with the Ethiopian country against all odds against the Italian empire at the turn of the 20th century. The Ethiopian empire successfully defeated the Italians in the first Italian Abyssinian war.

What do we get from Disney, what do we get from Netflix, what do we get from Amazon ….we get shows that depict Black people as slaves, as being oppressed. They won’t show you what you see in this post which is what all of the great men of Africa already know. Which is that the African people have contributed to the civilized world. There are statues of black African Catholics all over Europe they’ve been there for centuries .

But what do the anti-American politicians tell us all. They say that the white man held down the black. Well The proud black man rises above this propaganda. Just as a proud Irishman rises above the English propaganda that the Irishman was always held down by the English. Existing within all of our hearts with in all of our souls is greatness. And one will allow the bad guys in government to be your slave master or will find inspiration in our Lord Jesus and find inspiration within your ancestors. The choice is yours my brothers

Some do not know that in 1798 Irish Catholics and the Irish protestants united for the cause of freedom. Only 20 years after the American revolution these Irish men were influenced to fight for their freedom from the British. The United Irishman including the Catholic priest Father John Murphy who fought in battle and was captured, tortured and was beheaded. many Irishman was tortured brutally and beheaded By the English forces in the 1798 Irish revolution. They died with dignity with fearlessness. Just as the Ethiopian warriors have fought against the Italians in the first Italian Abyssinian war….. and what’s fascinating is my great grandfather is from Italy and I have nothing but respect for the Ethiopian people.

They won’t teach this in the far left wing woke courses.

If they had the power… those who want Americans to feel like they are the victims…. would wipe out all of the above history they would erase it. But they could never erase it. Nobody could ever take away the greatness of Ireland and the greatness of Ethiopia.

My own personal story here I had my struggles. Gone through a horrific spinal injury. The whole world stacked against me and I don’t play the victim. I look to the greatest heroes of history like Robin Hood. Like King Arthur. And Richard the Lionheart. To fight for what is right. To stand up for the poor. To be proud of one’s self. I am deeply motivated by images of the American past. Buy movies that showcase the American past and the middle ages. Some people are motivated by paintings by books by Instagram …history is what motivates me. Among many other things in this post like the Bobby sands tribute … i’m motivated by reading about wolf tone an Irish protestants and father John Murphy an Irish Catholic priest uniting in the 1798 Irish rebellion.

So if you really want to live optimal this is the way forward. this is how you stand up to the man ….Reach out to history in whatever unique way you want and you will be motivated more than ever

You'll also forget your English accent 1/2 way through your movie too.


When you're from America and are told by the President to "go back to where you came from" know you're on the right track.

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