Attention LGBT folks and non white men

America has had discriminatory hiring practices for all of its history.

You don't know shit about America and even if you did, America's business is none of yours.

Worry about your own degenerate shithole of a country, and keep your filthy British nose out of America's business, where it doesn't belong.

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

What do you do for a living, that you should look down on me for my profession?
We LGBT are being threaten with death and unimaginable violence. You cis hetero's literally have no fear in your life.
Leave us alone.

If you'd keep your sick, disgusting perversions, to yourselves, and especially stop going after children, then you would find that most of us would be happy to ignore you.

We would be happy to leave you alone, if you would show us the same courtesy.
If you'd keep your sick, disgusting perversions, to yourselves, and especially stop going after children, then you would find that most of us would be happy to ignore you.

We would be happy to leave you alone, if you would show us the same courtesy.
I want your religion away from my child. There's a ton of sick preachers out there, I could ask the same of you.
I’m thinking of buying puts on Disney. I would love to pick up some extra spending money due to their decline.
I want nothing to do with the woke joke groomers but good luck

A “put” is basically the right, at some point in the future, to sell a stock at the price that it is at when you buy the put. It doesn't actually involve buying or selling any stock at the time you buy the put.

You buy the put, hoping that the stock price will go down. If it does, then when the time comes, you can buy that stock at the now-lower price, and then sell it right away at the higher price that was in effect when you bought the put.

The opposite of a put is a call, which establishes the right, at some point in the future, to buy a stock at the price in effect when you bought the call. You hope, then, that the price goes up, so that you can buy stick at the price in effect when you bought the call, and sell it at the then-higher price.

An even more extremes bit of trading is to sell short. You borrow stock, and then sell it right away. You now have the money that you got for selling the stock, but you owe someone that stock. You're hoping that the stock will go down in price, so that later you can buy the shares of stock to repay what you owe, for less than what you got for selling the borrowed stick in the first place.
It is understandable that many white man would refer to Black Lives Matter liters as animals in monkeys

Didn't you just use similar terminology directed at me, in another thread, in connection with some bizarre assumption that I am somehow aligned with the Black LIES Matter filth? I cannot seem to find it, now, but I am sure I saw such a post from you, directed at me, some time within the past few hours. Must have been deleted.
You don't know shit about America and even if you did, America's business is none of yours.

Worry about your own degenerate shithole of a country, and keep your filthy British nose out of America's business, where it doesn't belong.

What do you do for a living, that you should look down on me for my profession?
Its a fact Bob.. Your abuse doesnt change that .
I'd like to see a few examples where LGBT individuals are being threatened with death and unimaginable violence.

They get them, but they fail to note most of the threats are from their fellow faggots and deviants to each other. lol they claim it's all from 'homophobes', then in other threads they like to use that pop psychology gimmick of claiming 'homophobes are all homosexuas themselves n stuff'. Hilarious, they're too stupid to recognize their own cognitive dissonance and irrational dumbassery.
A “put” is basically the right, at some point in the future, to sell a stock at the price that it is at when you buy the put. It doesn't actually involve buying or selling any stock at the time you buy the put.

You buy the put, hoping that the stock price will go down. If it does, then when the time comes, you can buy that stock at the now-lower price, and then sell it right away at the higher price that was in effect when you bought the put.

The opposite of a put is a call, which establishes the right, at some point in the future, to buy a stock at the price in effect when you bought the call. You hope, then, that the price goes up, so that you can buy stick at the price in effect when you bought the call, and sell it at the then-higher price.

An even more extremes bit of trading is to sell short. You borrow stock, and then sell it right away. You now have the money that you got for selling the stock, but you owe someone that stock. You're hoping that the stock will go down in price, so that later you can buy the shares of stock to repay what you owe, for less than what you got for selling the borrowed stick in the first place.
Thank you for the lesson, but of course I know all that. I wouldn’t consider buying puts on Disney if I didn’t know what they were! my point is that while I am glad Disney is being punished for their “wokeness,” I would love to actually profit from it. Hence, puts.

I‘ve always steered clear of selling short. The loss can be enormous.
I would recommend folks to put on ignore any unreasonable person. And anyone who does not agree we should have equal hiring policies is unreasonable. Anybody who feels that are policeman who again our neighbors are friends and family members if they think the police are racist these are unreasonable people to deal with. They will only drag you down. So we need a positive energy and positive thinking
The man you admire most in the world kicked trans people out of the military.

You're a fucking idiot.
What is happening, unfortunately, is that leftists bully, abuse, and attempt to humiliate those of us who point out and refuse to accept the blatant “reverse racism” now apparent in many areas. They do this to push us to the point that we just give up, and thus silence us.

Even the politicians are doing it. Our former (defeated) Democrat governor proposed that two pay scales be put into place for public school teachers, a higher one for blacks and lower ones for white, and attempted to land a preemptive strike by claiming that anyone who objects to these race-based tiers is….you guessed it….a racist.

Racism is no more acceptable when it is enacted against whites than it is against blacks. I will continue to point it out and fight against it.
total lie.
As a white man I've enjoyed the "equality" of never fearing for my life during a traffic stop.
Hahaha…that’s because woke fools don’t know the data…they only know the wokeology they’ve been programmed to practice.

Is that you WinterBorn or badger2 shown at left in the image below?

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