Attention LGBT folks and non white men

I would recommend folks to put on ignore any unreasonable person. And anyone who does not agree we should have equal hiring policies is unreasonable. Anybody who feels that are policeman who again our neighbors are friends and family members if they think the police are racist these are unreasonable people to deal with. They will only drag you down. So we need a positive energy and positive thinking
I am physically disabled I have to use the speaker app to provide my posts. This is why sometimes there’s some minor typos. So I don’t go around complaining about being disabled I rise up I work hard and I dominate. I certainly dominate at poker.

Well that’s one thing though when you think about it we could use more disabled parking spots. You see disabilities and disabled weight is a legitimate topic because people of all colors all genders all religions can be disabled. Now Black Lives Matter doesn’t care one bit about a disabled white man. Black Lives Matter isn’t even out they’re talking about getting more handicap parking spots.

It is understandable that many white man would refer to Black Lives Matter liters as animals in monkeys. But we should also use better language then Black Lives Matter and BLM and their supporters use racist language they use insult all the time. The only difference is that Black Lives Matter and their supporters support racist hiring policies whereas the great vast majority of white men in this country do not support racist hiring policies. But again we need to try our best to not use rude language and I often have used rug language of his past three weeks or four weeks I’m trying to cut down on that.

I do my best to make up for it by only hiring white men.

But I'm only one person.

Well brother you know I’ve always enjoyed your posts. I take it this is like a sarcastic post. But I will say this so many white men in this country have been passed up for a job and that is why in large part or economy is terrible why we have unsafe transportation in this country whether it’s via the airline or similar. Because we have major companies hiring people based on how they look not based on their skills brother. You know white people are beautiful there’s nothing wrong with saying that.

black is beautiful.

I’ll say this again white is beautiful. Does anybody have a problem with that if they do then they have a problem.
Racism has a very strict definition. It is when somebody believes that someone is born privileged based on their skin color.

Therefore by definition Joe Biden and practically all of his cabinet is racist and anti-American. And a good number of Republicans are racist as well against white men either by not doing enough to get out there and publicly disagree with BLM or they even support BLM policies.

Or for example if somebody engaged in discriminatory hiring practices this is racist . Right now currently in America there’s almost no conservative white man doing this it’s only exclusively BLM people and BLM people can include white people basically it’s white people who support BLM and if they hire a black person or an LGBT instead of a white man who has better credentials …that’s racism. And we have this going on all over the country.

It truly is a shocking thing that we continue to see CNN and other news organizations pop out nonsense stories about random local businesses that nobody knows about who might allegedly only hire white people with all practically all of the massive businesses, big business, big government and major sports organizations all engage in racist hiring policies against white men.

And people who in this country believe that disagreeing with BLM is racist are filled with negative energy. They are either very rich and want to pedal the blm iMessage to get more money from donors or they have been terribly misinformed. They have good intentions but they have been terribly misinformed.

So we need to heal this country by fighting racism my fellow Americans
I am physically disabled I have to use the speaker app to provide my posts. This is why sometimes there’s some minor typos. So I don’t go around complaining about being disabled I rise up I work hard and I dominate. I certainly dominate at poker.

Well that’s one thing though when you think about it we could use more disabled parking spots. You see disabilities and disabled weight is a legitimate topic because people of all colors all genders all religions can be disabled. Now Black Lives Matter doesn’t care one bit about a disabled white man. Black Lives Matter isn’t even out they’re talking about getting more handicap parking spots.

It is understandable that many white man would refer to Black Lives Matter liters as animals in monkeys. But we should also use better language then Black Lives Matter and BLM and their supporters use racist language they use insult all the time. The only difference is that Black Lives Matter and their supporters support racist hiring policies whereas the great vast majority of white men in this country do not support racist hiring policies. But again we need to try our best to not use rude language and I often have used rug language of his past three weeks or four weeks I’m trying to cut down on that.
Divide & conquer. That's what the US big brother really wants. They have been using the mass media( e.g. Hollywood & porn, especially child porn )to weaken US citizens. Too late now . Amen!
I'd like to see a few examples where LGBT individuals are being threatened with death and unimaginable violence.
They are not in fact as we all know all the major companies, big business big government the sports organizations have hiring policies which favor non-white men. That’s it.

What kind of world are BLM supporters living in. It’s a real bad one.
There are people in these types of conversations to bring points to the table that make no sense and are historically inaccurate. These are the people who say hey “America is filled with a racist past. “

This is a discrimination of world history. This is a betrayal of democratic values. The fact of the matter is that even in the age of slavery and Jim crow in America we were still far more liberal than Many if not all countries of the world. But you see the BLM supporters don’t care about history they don’t care about the fact that when white men owned slaves in America black men own slaves in north Africa and yes black men owned slaves in America. None of these facts matter to the BLM rich people who are stealing money from their donors
I am physically disabled I have to use the speaker app to provide my posts. This is why sometimes there’s some minor typos. So I don’t go around complaining about being disabled I rise up I work hard and I dominate. I certainly dominate at poker.

Well that’s one thing though when you think about it we could use more disabled parking spots. You see disabilities and disabled weight is a legitimate topic because people of all colors all genders all religions can be disabled. Now Black Lives Matter doesn’t care one bit about a disabled white man. Black Lives Matter isn’t even out they’re talking about getting more handicap parking spots.

It is understandable that many white man would refer to Black Lives Matter liters as animals in monkeys. But we should also use better language then Black Lives Matter and BLM and their supporters use racist language they use insult all the time. The only difference is that Black Lives Matter and their supporters support racist hiring policies whereas the great vast majority of white men in this country do not support racist hiring policies. But again we need to try our best to not use rude language and I often have used rug language of his past three weeks or four weeks I’m trying to cut down on that.
What is happening, unfortunately, is that leftists bully, abuse, and attempt to humiliate those of us who point out and refuse to accept the blatant “reverse racism” now apparent in many areas. They do this to push us to the point that we just give up, and thus silence us.

Even the politicians are doing it. Our former (defeated) Democrat governor proposed that two pay scales be put into place for public school teachers, a higher one for blacks and lower ones for white, and attempted to land a preemptive strike by claiming that anyone who objects to these race-based tiers is….you guessed it….a racist.

Racism is no more acceptable when it is enacted against whites than it is against blacks. I will continue to point it out and fight against it.

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