Attention LGBT folks and non white men

why arent you asking old white men for their tales of woe? seems an old white man started a whiny thread but old white men are not called for their whining now are they?
so FranklinRoosevelt_FTW where are your tales of woe? what has happened to you as a white man that has you fearing and whining? do tell..........
Well my friend I completely don’t understand what you’re saying. I report the facts. In the United States we have racism via racial job quotas and it hurts everyone. They don’t have that in other countries in Europe and Russia for example.

If we had a system in this country where we told black folks listen we’re going to make sure that 75% of our corporation is made up of white people because 75% of the country is white I will be the first one to disagree with it. You don’t do that in a free country that’s what happens in Third World hell holes. We should always hire the best qualified person it doesn’t matter what their skin color or sexuality is.

So that’s just logic that’s common sense and those who stand for equality stand for equality while those who are racist believe in “quotas “ which is what we have in United States right now.

And just imagine if you’re a Muslim And yet you’re in a country where they have job photos that give preference to white Christians and you say wait a second why don’t we just give everyone an equal chance to give the best person a job and somebody like me comes in and says where are your tales of woe as a Muslim.

Generally what happens here is racist people or pro blm people don’t even read the posts they just react in a very callous manner and extremely rude manner …they defy all logic and common sense.

Thank you brother for your response and I hope you join the fight against racism.
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