ATTN: Gold bugs! SELL NOW!!!!!!!!

I can think of one reason only: He's lying

I don't lie about anything ya freak.

That's fine. I was under the impression that the question was directed at the Original Poster who is clearly trying to get us to sell gold while bragging that he is going to profit from us "when" there is a gold freefall, indicating he is going to be purchasing it.

I haven't been following your discussion at all.

No, it ain't FINE until you apologize....where I come from, you call a man a liar you got to fight him....I represent that place every minute of my life so you can apologize or you admit you got no dignity so I know who you are.
Problem with gold is you can't do anything with it other than admire it's shine. I've invested in thousands of pistol and rifle rounds....particularly .22LR....that will be the currency of the realm after the financial collapse....40gr 1235FPS....good as gold....better really.


In the game "Metro 2033," ammunition is used for currency.

Metro 2033 (video game) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Problem with gold is you can't do anything with it other than admire it's shine. I've invested in thousands of pistol and rifle rounds....particularly .22LR....that will be the currency of the realm after the financial collapse....40gr 1235FPS....good as gold....better really.


In the game "Metro 2033," ammunition is used for currency.

Metro 2033 (video game) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hell, in Vietnam 7.62 rounds were used as currency...a pair of good boots could get you a .45 Tommy gun. A Marine with the yips would trade you anything but his carbine and fighting knife for a pack of cigarettes....barter is the oldest form of economy in history....if it's practical, easily hidden, stores well, and can keep you warm, fed, and safe, it's good as gold.
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I don't lie about anything ya freak.

That's fine. I was under the impression that the question was directed at the Original Poster who is clearly trying to get us to sell gold while bragging that he is going to profit from us "when" there is a gold freefall, indicating he is going to be purchasing it.

I haven't been following your discussion at all.

No, it ain't FINE until you apologize....where I come from, you call a man a liar you got to fight him....I represent that place every minute of my life so you can apologize or you admit you got no class.

I didn't call you a liar. I called the OP a liar, which he is. So how can I apologize for something I didn't do?

You can fight all you want. I have no intention to fight back. I find it completely pointless.
Gold was down yesterday but the mining stocks were up. Gold is down today but the mining stocks are up again.

Stocks that go up on bad news generally have bottomed.
Typical meme from the unknowing ones is that you can't eat gold.

My step mother asked me recently: "Why do you buy Gold? You can't eat Gold!" And I responded with "Why do you buy clothing? You can't eat clothing!"

Her: "I don't buy clothing to eat it!"
Me: "Oh so you buy clothing for some reason other than eating it? Do you think I buy Gold for some reason other than eating it?"

"Why do you buy gasoline? You can't drink gasoline!" "Why did you buy a Cell Phone? Why did you buy a Vacuum Cleaner? Why did you buy New Tires? Why did you buy a Lawn Mower?" You can't eat that stuff!

You should listen to your step-mother, young man. :eusa_angel: All gold is good for after there is nothing to buy is for capping your teefs.....when you smile for some reason, I see the glint, I start shooting, pull out your gold teefs and trade them to the Sioux for a buffalo robe.

My plan is to head up into the Rocky Mountains in my 4x4 (who needs roads?) with my shootin irons and ammo, plus a stash of seeds including marijuana which after ammo will be like silver is to bullet gold. I know spots around Cripple Creek where I can pan for gold all summer, harvest my reefer, and trade it to flat-landers for their ethanol. I'm good. :eusa_angel:

Well, Joe, having been raised in some very rural mountain country, I give you about six months survival time. And I am probably being optimistic.
I'm no economist, but IMO, gold and greenbacks will be worth about the same amount after a global collapse.

Both rely on a belief in their worth.

No belief, no worth.
I do not see a global collapse coming at all. Not from politics, economics, or even climate change. I do see some problems ahead, and the possibility of increased number of disasters in the a period of time. In such disasters, it is not gold, guns, or agressiveness that is a positive for survival, but stored food and water, and neighbors helping each other. Especially the latter.
I've had some pre-1965 silver coins for years. May buy some gold in small 1/4 or 1/2 oz coins if it goes much lower. I'm all set on the guns and ammo thing.

For those wanting to get thru a super disaster, PRWF please remember what's first:

Protection (shelter and weapons)
You can use those to take some of American Commie's gold from him.

Seriously - buying ammo is far more rational. If the dollar ever collapses and the world economy along with it, gold won't be worth squat. All that will be worth anything is ammo, food, and other consumables, and what capital equipment (rifles, cars, tractors, oil refineries) are left over after all the factories shut down.

Good luck finding ammo...the DHS has drained the inventory.

You're a fucking moron.

Ammo For Sale Online

And Free InStore Pickup, too.
Hunting Rifles, Shotguns and Ammo for Less -
I've had some pre-1965 silver coins for years. May buy some gold in small 1/4 or 1/2 oz coins if it goes much lower. I'm all set on the guns and ammo thing.

For those wanting to get thru a super disaster, PRWF please remember what's first:

Protection (shelter and weapons)

No batteries? I still have about 4 large battery-operated lanterns I bought for when Sandy came through. Love 'em. I'm thinking about getting a small generator, but I hated the gas lines after Sandy knocked our town down for a week.
I do not see a global collapse coming at all. Not from politics, economics, or even climate change. I do see some problems ahead, and the possibility of increased number of disasters in the a period of time. In such disasters, it is not gold, guns, or agressiveness that is a positive for survival, but stored food and water, and neighbors helping each other. Especially the latter.

Cyber High-5, Rocks. We were stuck on our cul-de-sac for three days after Sandy because of downed trees, and without power for a week. We have a wood-burning stove so I was able to heat canned soup and make coffee. I made coffee every morning for neighbors who would convene in the middle of the street to talk because we had no access to anything until they could clear the trees and we could get out in our cars.

All we had were our cell phones and battery-operated radios. The first large grocery store that opened had to toss all their frozen and refrigerated foods. So all that was available were canned and boxed foods, the fresh produce was a bit over-ripe after 4-5 days and we had nothing coming in. Gas stations turned into spontaneous fight clubs. The last thing you need in a gas line after a natural disaster is a damn gun. It was terrible.
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