ATTN. PRES. TRUMP~New Alarming Video Emerges of Ginsburg That Has Many Questioning Her Health

Yeah she's about comes the Judge......another Trump pick! must be the will of God....
It is the president's DUTY to replace democrat justices as they drop like flies!
Oh man, if trump needs to replace ginsburg he should also add 2 more seats to the bench, if he doesn't the liberals will.
Not surprised.

Last time I saw her on TV at the SOTU address she looked like a corpse.

She fell asleep in her chair.

Woman should retire before she croaks in that chair.

Trump needs to pick another SC justice.
Watch what the Lib MSM does when Trump has the idea 'leaked' that he is considering nominating Ted Cruz for the SC.
Boy oh boy oh boy if you think the dimocrats have sunk to an all time low with all their phony uncorroborated allegations for the purpose of taking BK out, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Having him on the court they deem as bad, but adding another of Brett’s ilk will spell absolute catastrophe in their pea brains so the ensuing attacks will make BKs seem like a walk in the park IMO.

Hopefully Trump’s next pick will be a female and it’ll be quite entertaining to watch the bastards attempt to tear her apart like a pack of rabid dogs.

Ah, aren’t election consequences fun! And who knew butthurt could be soooo entertaining?
Yeah she's about comes the Judge......another Trump pick! must be the will of God....

And if people thought the Kavanaugh fight was bad...this one over Amy Coney Barret is going to be Apocalyptic....they will do anything to stop her...... I hope she gets Federal Marshal protection the day Trump nominates her.....the left will be completely deranged and unhinged...
If she kicks too soon dems will just pull a Mrs. Bates/ Weekend at Bernie’s routine with her.
I'm certain that if Ginsberg goes, the president will definitely nominate a woman.

Let's see how the Dims handle that.
If it's Amy Barrett (which would be a fantastic choice) we already know the tact that the Dems will take...

Then again, being a responsible, loving parent to her biological and adopted children is likely a rancorous slap in the face to this party of infanticide. I mean loftier than even our inalienable (human) rights is the right to sever a fetus's limbs from them for $ and suck out their brain, even after they are viable outside of the womb.

That would be a judiciary committee hearing worth watching with just a tad bit more ideological depth than beer pong 'devil triangle' & HS yearbook antics...

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