Attn: Proud Boyz, lock and load: @realDonald df Trump: “We will soon be learning about the word “courage”, and saving our Country.

Any words from him about how shocked he was that a demonstration based on the message of BLM, went violent?

You are a liar regarding this scenario involving Terrence Floyd in the suffocation death of his brother by the police. Your above statement is false because violence in Minneapolis and around the country proceeded calls for protest by BLM.

Terrence Floyd is not referring to violence that erupted because of the BLM message.

Terrence Floyd is referring to the violence that spontaneously irrupt it entirely on its own because of the suffocation death in the video showing a police officer holding his knee on his brothers neck for almost 9 minutes and killed him.

Tell me why I’m wrong that one of your statements coming out of the gate regarding Terrence Floyd is not false.

I said nothing of any "call". I asked a simple question, relevant to your post.

Any words from him about how shocked he was that a demonstration based on the message of BLM, went violent?
I said nothing of any "call". I asked a simple question, relevant to your post.

Any words from him about how shocked he was that a demonstration based on the message of BLM, went violent?

Explain why you need words from TF about how shocked he was “that a demonstration based on the message of BLM” went violent?

TF is calling for peaceful protest as well as admonishing and advising everyone against participation in spontaneous violence that erupted after the video of George Floyd’s killing went viral.

Why and where in the hell do you come up with the absurd concept that Terrence Floyd who was speaking to his fellow Americans of all colors to stop violence - was referring to violence that was caused by “a demonstration (that was) based on the message of BLM”.

It is a fact that the violence that ensued following the killing of George Floyd was not a result of a demonstration based on the message of BLM.

Are you saying George Floyd being killed by a police officer who cut off his breathing for almost 9 minutes while pressed to the pavement on video would have no violent reaction if there was no “demonstration based on the message of BLM”?

Do you see how absurd and racist that is to demand that the black brother of the black man senselessly killed by a white police officer must explain to you a white man that he is shocked that the message that Black Lives Matter went violent?
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I said nothing of any "call". I asked a simple question, relevant to your post.

Any words from him about how shocked he was that a demonstration based on the message of BLM, went violent?

Explain why you need words from TF about how shocked he was “that a demonstration based on the message of BLM” went violent?

TF is calling for peaceful protest as well as admonishing and advising everyone against participation in spontaneous violence that erupted after the video of George Floyd’s killing went viral.

Why and where in the hell do you come up with the absurd concept that Terrence Floyd who was speaking to his fellow Americans of all colors to stop violence - was referring to violence that was caused by “a demonstration (that was) based on the message of BLM”.

It is a fact that the violence that ensued following the killing of George Floyd was not a result of a demonstration based on the message of BLM.

Are you saying George Floyd being killed by a police officer who cut off his breathing for almost 9 minutes while pressed to the pavement on video would have no violent reaction if there was no “demonstration based on the message of BLM”?

Do you see how absurd and racist that is to demand that the black brother of the black man senselessly killed by a white police officer must explain to you a white man that he is shocked that the message that Black Lives Matter went violent?

I'm not the one that brought him or his words up. You did.
I'm not the one that brought him or his words up. You did.

Of course I did. I’m using his words to challenge your lies.I understand that is why you were trying to derail his message that was clearly calling for peaceful protest and extremely opposed to the use of violence. I don’t think that kind of black person exists in your mind. So it’s troublesome for you isn’t it?
I'm not the one that brought him or his words up. You did.

Of course I did. I’m using his words to challenge your lies.I understand that is why you were trying to derail his message that was clearly calling for peaceful protest and extremely opposed to the use of violence. I don’t think that kind of black person exists in your mind. So it’s troublesome for you isn’t it?

Not at all. When I attack BLM, I am attacking BLM, not black people as a group.

AND of course, it is worth noting, I have constantly made my position clear that I am against the rioting of hte last 5 years, by Antifa AND blm.

You lefties keep dropping antifa because their lily whiteness interferes with your wace baiting.
This is about your desire to rewrite history, to downplay or excuse your side's riots, while inventing reasons why the ONE right leaning riot, was so much worse than hundreds of left leaning riots,

You are a liar - The January 6 Trump riot in DC was at least the third STOP THE STEAL DJTQ demonstration where violence broke out.

According to your rules Trump never should’ve called for it.
Not at all. When I attack BLM, I am attacking BLM, not black people as a group.

You just attacked Terrence Floyd by questioning whether he was shocked that’s some BLM protest our marred by violence.
AND of course, it is worth noting, I have constantly made my position clear that I am against the rioting of hte last 5 years, by Antifa AND blm.

So am I and so is Terrence Floyd. And so are all the Terence Floyds that make up THE BLM movement as a whole. There is no difference between the three of us with regard to fierce opposition to the use of violence for any reason. So why do you keep trying to separate us?
You lefties keep dropping antifa because their lily whiteness interferes with your wace baiting.

I’ll be glad to discuss antifa which is not associated with the democratic party or Black Lives Matter movement when you abandon this ridiculous conspiracy theory that you’re basing your entire argument on:

1. The political goal of crafting a narrative that Trump's administration was a "dark time" in our nations history instead of being completely normal.
That should be more of a job for the professionals. but if you want to take a run at it, try going undercover in antifa.

Why should I or anyone investigate one of your racist lies?

I would think you were basing your accusation that BLM and the Democratic Party are involved somehow together promoting violence as a political tool on some sort of investigation by some sort of professionals into the matter. You got nothing.

But we see it’s just something you made up in your white grievance racist lying Trump swollen head. Probably got some Qanon shit going around in there too.

This recent rendition of your BLM hate fueled conspiracy theory does not make any sense at all. Violence and looting at or near peaceful demonstrations is the worst thing that can happen to the message of protesting against decades of institutional violence against black people like George Floyd.

All the violence and looting does is stir up the good old fashioned political tool of white power backlash.

That’s why there’s no professional investigations into you’re mad mad insane racist conspiracy theory is because it doesn’t make one damn bit of sense in the first place.

In fact it makes more sense for white supremacist groups and anarchist and whatever the hell on the right wing out there to stir up violence and use that as a political tool to work against democratic party and BLM.

But I would never go on a message board and claim that I know that Fox News, the republican party and the Trump family are coordinating Boogaloo boys and proud boys and 3 Percenters to initiate violence at BLM peaceful protests nationwide.

I would need some kind of proof before I make the charge like the one you did against BLM and the Democratic Party and the main stream news media.

Because unlike you I am not a liar.

Not only does it make more sense that white supremacists were at the BLM protests to cause violence and use a tool against the movement, but it actually happened.

A very simple search brought up many articles about it.

Here is just one of the many articles. This one is from Kansas:

When Correll attacks BLM as a group for promoting violence he includes white supremacists, fascists and white militia type anarchists as part of the BLM movement.

Not only does it make more sense that white supremacists were at the BLM protests to cause violence and use a tool against the movement, but it actually happened.

You will notice if you follow Correll attacks on BLM as a group that he includes white supremacists, fascists and white militia type anarchists in the BLM group. Not only that, in @Correll’s twisted mind the BLM movement is responsible for all tge spontaneous violence that erupts following any racially charged incident between black people and police.
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Any words from him about how shocked he was that a demonstration based on the message of BLM, went violent?

Why do you think Terrence Floyd was in anyway referring to a “demonstration” that was based on the message of BLM that included violent criminal conduct.

Do you accept the fact that the Terrence Floyd was referring to the spontaneous violence that erupted following the killing of his brother?

What is your motivation for trying to change it to fit your attacks on BLM?
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I'm not the one that brought him or his words up.

no. You brought up Terrence Floyd as one of your “you people“ whave been tearing this country apart for years.

whaddabout,butt,buuhh,buttizm First in Show!!!!
Trump was upset about losing and riled up a crowd for a day. You people have been tearing this nation apart for years.

Am I wrong about that?
When Trump is carrying an arm at the head of a group, his "courage" may become an issue. Otherwise, we wonder what could 'spur' him to action.
Not at all. When I attack BLM, I am attacking BLM, not black people as a group.

So it’s just those who believe that black lives should matter? Out of all black Americans, what percent do you think believe that Black Lives Matter. And do you believe with this Republican congressman that Black Lives Matter people don’t believe in traditional families?

AND of course, it is worth noting, I have constantly made my position clear that I am against the rioting of hte last 5 years, by Antifa AND blm.

I am strongly against all rioters as well. Very strongly against rioting. I have posted Terrence Floyd’s rejection of rioting.

You are focusing on one facet of one riot, to give yourself an excuse to pretend that your side's violence is ok, while your enemies violence in not.

So why did you accuse me of pretending that rioting on the left is OK but rioting on the right is not?

I don’t accept that rioting is left or right like you do.
This is about your desire to rewrite history, to downplay or excuse your side's riots, while inventing reasons why the ONE right leaning riot, was so much worse than hundreds of left leaning riots,

You are a liar - The January 6 Trump riot in DC was at least the third STOP THE STEAL DJTQ demonstration where violence broke out.

According to your rules Trump never should’ve called for it.

First I heard that mentioned. So, instead of pretending that 1 > 700, you are only pretending that 3> 700?

Well, that makes all the difference in the world.

Not at all. When I attack BLM, I am attacking BLM, not black people as a group.

You just attacked Terrence Floyd by questioning whether he was shocked that’s some BLM protest our marred by violence.

The point is, that you are the one conflating blm with "all blacks", not me.

If you are that confused, about the meanings of simple words, what chance do you have of reaching the right conclusion about anything with ANY nuance or complexity at all?

That was a rhetorical question. You are obviously utterly out of touch with reality.
Does Trump understand that his political abs legal options won’t keep him in power? Are we descending into a fascist mad man’s Plan B?

Trump just tweeted: “We will soon be learning about the word “courage”, and saving our Country”

Is this the call to all his hunkered down white armed militia dudes and gals and riled up gun whackos snd Christian crusaders to win the election for him once and for all.

if not, it doesn’t take much courage to be stupid and dangerously opposed to our long historic tradition of the peaceful transition of power.

Except when you rob the entire nation of that tradition by stealing the election

Dumb ass

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Fortunately for America, Trump was stopped short of stealing it, despite his best and most traitorous efforts.

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