Attn: Proud Boyz, lock and load: @realDonald df Trump: “We will soon be learning about the word “courage”, and saving our Country.

Does Trump understand that his political abs legal options won’t keep him in power? Are we descending into a fascist mad man’s Plan B?

Trump just tweeted: “We will soon be learning about the word “courage”, and saving our Country”

Is this the call to all his hunkered down white armed militia dudes and gals and riled up gun whackos snd Christian crusaders to win the election for him once and for all.

if not, it doesn’t take much courage to be stupid and dangerously opposed to our long historic tradition of the peaceful transition of power.

Except when you rob the entire nation of that tradition by stealing the election

Dumb ass

View attachment 427018

There was no "steal" of the election. But there is a foolish and wrong headed attempt by the sittiing President of the United States to overturn the will of the people, using his hand picked Supreme Court to do the job. It's not going to happen.

Trump lost the election, and is now attempting to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States. That's called "sedition".

You're full of're no're some kind of poser/apologist

The Election was coopeted by foreign actors...Trump would be well within his rights to call martial law and round up all the dominion voting machines. The problem is that this country has been so whored out to foreign money that no one can any longer be sure who is an American and who is not. You and that Chinese bitch Dragon lady working together are ya?

Chinese trolling-----I think
Cool. We'll call it, "Proud Boys Charge" (you know, instead of Pickett's Charge).
I hope someone takes pictures. :)
What do you mean by we foreigner?
Will you be joining up with the bent over snow *******
Lol Trudeau has threatened to send troops to restore "democracy "

Be sure to volunteer
View attachment 427020

Lotsa talk. No walk.
You'll move on just like the rest of us.
What do you mean rest of us foreigner?

Foreigner was a rock band from the 80's.
Proud Boys are a modern iteration of a brand of white supremacists.
I don't really pay attention to what a band of weekend warriors bloviates.
Neither does the rest of the country.
God you are ignorant ....

All ya heard out of the left is what a threat we are ...we need to be disarmed
Now we're nothing rotflmao

No one is coming to disarm you....unless your intent is to cause harm to others.
At this point, Trump lost. Only his most ardent supporters care.
The rest of us are moving on.
You keep saying this stuff and inch by inch you are removing rights of people. I would support this nation carved into a few smaller nations. It would reduce the tensions.

Not realistic or practical from any point. We don't divide states by ideological distinction. There is red and blue in every state.
How about dial down the rhetoric. Starting with this election was free and fair and wasn't stolen or rigged. Life will go on without the carnival barker.
No..if we get rid of California/Ny city/NJ/Illinois/Minnepolis/and several other lib control cities--we would be better off.
In a nation of laws, courage shows up in a court room armed with facts and evidence.

In a fascist nation courts are canceled and elections are nullified by the ruling party.

That's the 3rd box now, getting down there. Tough to show up with facts and evidence if the corrupt courts won't hear the facts or evidence and throws everything out. I'm cleaning my guns.

Soap box
Ballot box
Jury box ***
Cartridge box
That's the 3rd box now, getting down there. Tough to show up with facts and evidence if the corrupt courts won't hear the facts or evidence and throws everything out. I'm cleaning my guns.

Soap box
Ballot box
Jury box ***
Cartridge box
Come shoot me Kentucky woman.
Trump would be well within his rights to call martial law and round up all the dominion voting machines

You are sick if you believe that. I’m glad well Americans voted to rid us of the first openly fascist President who is fraudulently conspiring with members in his political party to stay in power despite losing his right to serve a second term.

The Washington Post editorial board published a column Wednesday warning that President Donald Trump’s lies about the election may leadAhhh to violence if Republicans continue to inflame tensions with their complicity.​
Threats of violence are already surfacing. The editorial noted that officials in seven states have reported receiving threats or harassment in the wake of the Nov. 3 election. The Arizona Republican Party asked its Twitter followers Tuesday if they were willing to give their lives in the cause of overturning Trump’s loss.​ quote from a Chinese influenced rag that will always advocate compliance with the global takeover..... worthless.
In a nation of laws, courage shows up in a court room armed with facts and evidence.

In a fascist nation courts are canceled and elections are nullified by the ruling party.

That's the 3rd box now, getting down there. Tough to show up with facts and evidence if the corrupt courts won't hear the facts or evidence and throws everything out. I'm cleaning my guns.

Soap box
Ballot box
Jury box ***
Cartridge box

Not only is the corruption very deep.....IMO the threats are probably flying all over the place behind the scenes...

I think the SCOTUS justices are actually scared to death frankly....
Soap box
Ballot box
Jury box ***
Cartridge box quote from a Chinese influenced rag that will always advocate compliance with the global takeover...

You and your desire for a Trump
dictatorship “were” the threat to the continuing story of America’s long history as a Constitutional Republic.

I said you “were” a threat because the Supreme Court 6 to 3 Conservative just put a stop to the courtroom coup attempt by the Trump family cartel and his fifty million strong army of Deplorables.

There is no Chinese global takeover and there never will be if Trump and his stupids don’t destroy America first.

F your tribe and your clean guns and your truckloads of cartridge boxes. You are as cowardly as you are stupid and when Trump is gone you will be absolutely irrelevant to the 200 million Americans who are not stupid.
So the Boyz are out tonight raIsing hell in DC. Lots of people showed up to protest voter fraud, thousands upon thousands in three different spots in the city. Good turn out. Proud Boyz gotta mix it up and give it a black eye though. One scuffle was big enough for cops to use tear gas.

I'm sure we'll be seeing edited videos with our Trumpies whining that they got a booboo and it was all those damned BLM/Antifa commies who started it.
In a nation of laws, courage shows up in a court room armed with facts and evidence.

In a fascist nation courts are canceled and elections are nullified by the ruling party.

That's the 3rd box now, getting down there. Tough to show up with facts and evidence if the corrupt courts won't hear the facts or evidence and throws everything out. I'm cleaning my guns.

Soap box
Ballot box
Jury box ***
Cartridge box

Missed the last Box

Pine Box.
Turns out - Trump was proud of courageous rioting Proud Boys during 1/6 riot 26093642
What does that tweet have to do with the proud boys, white people, “gun whackos”, etc?

Much history has been made since December.

Capitol Riot: 5 People Linked To Proud Boys Are Arrested : NPR Feb 11, 2021 — Capitol Riot: 5 More People Allegedly Linked To Proud Boys Are Arrested ... he is also charged with threatening to assault a federal law enforcement officer.

Seattle Proud Boys leader charged in Capitol riots: 1 of 183 charged - USA Today
Feb 3, 2021 — Nordean, also known as Rufio Panman, is one of a half-dozen group members now charged in the assault. Two of the members arrested last month ...

We learned in the impeachment trial that Trump refused requests to call off his rioting Proud Boys because they were more upset about the election than Congress members in danger of being attacked were.

"Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are," Trump said, according to lawmakers who were briefed on the call afterward by McCarthy.​

McCarthy insisted that the rioters were Trump's supporters and begged Trump to call them off.​

So why did DJTQ refuse to call off the rioters that breached the barricades and walls and succeeded in stopping the steal from inside the capital, if he never really intended them to be in there? [/QUOTE]

I can’t find a way for it to mean that Trump wanted the violence to stop. Tell me why that is wrong.

reply 26684325 to 26684179
It could mean that Trump was confident that the capitol police were doing all that they could and that any attempt from him to interfere would just distract them at a critical time.

The Trump supporter above argues that it was OK for Trump to sit idle for A COUPLE hours while a joint session of Congress was under attack by a TRUMP FLAG flying mob coming to hang Mike Pence.

And we are to believe that Trump supporter is a moral decent mainstream American?

Why would any decent real American accept that?
Does Trump understand that his political abs legal options won’t keep him in power? Are we descending into a fascist mad man’s Plan B?

Trump just tweeted: “We will soon be learning about the word “courage”, and saving our Country”

Is this the call to all his hunkered down white armed militia dudes and gals and riled up gun whackos snd Christian crusaders to win the election for him once and for all.

if not, it doesn’t take much courage to be stupid and dangerously opposed to our long historic tradition of the peaceful transition of power.
Well, that was prophetic!
Turns out - Trump was proud of courageous rioting Proud Boys during 1/6 riot 26093642
What does that tweet have to do with the proud boys, white people, “gun whackos”, etc?

Much history has been made since December.

Capitol Riot: 5 People Linked To Proud Boys Are Arrested : NPR Feb 11, 2021 — Capitol Riot: 5 More People Allegedly Linked To Proud Boys Are Arrested ... he is also charged with threatening to assault a federal law enforcement officer.

Seattle Proud Boys leader charged in Capitol riots: 1 of 183 charged - USA Today
Feb 3, 2021 — Nordean, also known as Rufio Panman, is one of a half-dozen group members now charged in the assault. Two of the members arrested last month ...

We learned in the impeachment trial that Trump refused requests to call off his rioting Proud Boys because they were more upset about the election than Congress members in danger of being attacked were.

"Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are," Trump said, according to lawmakers who were briefed on the call afterward by McCarthy.​

McCarthy insisted that the rioters were Trump's supporters and begged Trump to call them off.​

So why did DJTQ refuse to call off the rioters that breached the barricades and walls and succeeded in stopping the steal from inside the capital, if he never really intended them to be in there?

I can’t find a way for it to mean that Trump wanted the violence to stop. Tell me why that is wrong.

reply 26684325 to 26684179
It could mean that Trump was confident that the capitol police were doing all that they could and that any attempt from him to interfere would just distract them at a critical time.

The Trump supporter above argues that it was OK for Trump to sit idle for A COUPLE hours while a joint session of Congress was under attack by a TRUMP FLAG flying mob coming to hang Mike Pence.

And we are to believe that Trump supporter is a moral decent mainstream American?

Why would any decent real American accept that?

There have been riots across this country for 5 years now.

I don't recall you whining about them or crowing when any of those rioters were arrested.

This is about your desire to rewrite history, to downplay or excuse your side's riots, while inventing reasons why the ONE right leaning riot, was so much worse than hundreds of left leaning riots,

to justify your next round of escalation against your enemies.

YOu are setting up the next cycle in the continuing escalation of violence and oppression.

You want more.

I want less.

You are the bad guy.
There have been riots across this country for 5 years now.

Each one a separate isolated incident where just as the 1/6 Stop the Steal peaceful protest was intended to be peaceful by the organizer and President of the United States of America, so it was at each of the individual 7000 plus BLM protests nationwide that were organized under the BLM movement. Eech protest was intended to be peaceful. You don’t get to blame the BLM organizer in Miami for an act of violence by an individual or group of individual criminals, or counterprotestors, or a law enforcement officers or all three combined, in Portland.

I understand that you do it to blame and demonize the ENTIRE BLM movement that was created to stop specific police initiated violence by peaceful means because you accept that Police violence as necessary and you are agitated or reminded that it is a problem for people that don’t look like you committed too often by law enforcement people who do you look like you.

What was the peaceful ‘cause’ of the Stop the Steal protest organized by and for a Sitting President of the United States of America?

The POTUS cause was based on POTUS lies that he won by a landslide but it was stolen from him.

The BLM cause last sumner was energized by a real undeniable fact and reality - that a black male unarmed suspect died in the custody of several police officers because one of them kept his knee on the suspects neck pushed into the pavement while being video recorded by a bystander for 8 minutes and 48 seconds as the suspect gasped for air telling the officer “I can’t Breathe”. The other officers just stood by and watched.

Trump’s cause based on election fraud lies.

BLM’s cause last summer was based on the killing of George Floyd that really did happen in May of last year. And then in AUGUST there was another actual police shooting in Kenosha.

BLM: Its the police shootings that spark violence. It is not the peaceful protests movement against police violence.

STS : It was Joe Biden’s win and the Constitutional certification of that win by a Joint Session of Congress on January 6 that turned a peaceful protest into an outbreak of insurrection against that certification - all based on lies by Trump that he won and the lie that Congress had to be stopped on that day or America would be lost.
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Does Trump understand that his political abs legal options won’t keep him in power? Are we descending into a fascist mad man’s Plan B?

Trump just tweeted: “We will soon be learning about the word “courage”, and saving our Country”

Is this the call to all his hunkered down white armed militia dudes and gals and riled up gun whackos snd Christian crusaders to win the election for him once and for all.

if not, it doesn’t take much courage to be stupid and dangerously opposed to our long historic tradition of the peaceful transition of power.

Except when you rob the entire nation of that tradition by stealing the election

Dumb ass

View attachment 427018
Cue the banjo music...
There have been riots across this country for 5 years now.

Each one a separate isolated incident where just as the 1/6 Stop the Steal peaceful protest was intended to be peaceful by the organizer and President of the United States of America, so it was at each of the individual 7000 plus BLM protests nationwide that were organized under the BLM movement. Eech protest was intended to be peaceful. You don’t get to blame the BLM organizer in Miami for an act of violence by an individual or group of a criminal, or a counterprotestor, or a law enforcement officer in Portland.

I understand that you do it to blame an entire movement that was created to stop specific violence by peaceful means because you accept that violence as necessary and don’t like being agitated or reminded that it is a problem for people that don’t look like you committed too often by law enforcement people who do you look like you.

What was the peaceful ‘cause’ of the Stop the Steal protest organized by and for a Sitting President of the United States of America?

The POTUS cause was based on POTUS lies that he won by a landslide but it was stolen from him.

The BLM cause last sumner was energized by a real undeniable fact and reality - that a black male unarmed suspect died in the custody of several police officers because one if the kept his knee on the suspects neck pushed into the pavement while being video recorded by a bystander for 8 minutes and 48 seconds as the suspect gasped for air telling the officer “I can’t Breathe”. the other officers just stood by and watched.

Trump’s cause based on election fraud lies.

BLM’s cause last summer was based on the killing of George Floyd that really did happen in May of last year. And then in AUGUST there was another actual police shooting in Kenosha.

BLM: Its the police shootings that spark violence. It is not the peaceful protests movement against police violence.

STS : It was Joe Biden’s win and the Constitutional certification of that win by a Joint Session of Congress on January 6 that turned a peaceful protests into an outbreak of insurrection against that certification - all based on lies by Trump that he won and Congress had to be stopped on that day or America would be lost.

1. Each riot was not a separate and isolated incident. It was part of a large, coordinated attempt to use violence for political goals.

2. ONce again, most of your post is supporting the narrative and goals of the rioters. Yet you insist that you do not support them or their violence.

3. This is about your side's desire to use the ONE righty riot to justify responding with a massive crackdown on your enemies, while your violent thugs continue to operate unchecked. BY LYING A LOT.
1. Each riot was not a separate and isolated incident. It was part of a large, coordinated attempt to use violence for political goals.

Who and what political goals were being coordinated and sought through the use of violence?

When your argument in defense of TrumpQ must use conspiracy theories you need to identify who you think the lead coordinator of five years of random violence is.
1. Each riot was not a separate and isolated incident. It was part of a large, coordinated attempt to use violence for political goals.

Who and what political goals were being coordinated and sought through the use of violence?

When your argument in defense of TrumpQ must use conspiracy theories you need to identify who you think the lead coordinator of five years of random violence is.

1. The political goal of crafting a narrative that Trump's administration was a "dark time" in our nations history instead of being completely normal.

2. You are the one engaging in conspiracy theories by associating a mainstream political leader with a fringe group on no evidence.

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