Attn: Proud Boyz, lock and load: @realDonald df Trump: “We will soon be learning about the word “courage”, and saving our Country.

Cool. We'll call it, "Proud Boys Charge" (you know, instead of Pickett's Charge).
I hope someone takes pictures. :)
What do you mean by we foreigner?
Will you be joining up with the bent over snow *******
Lol Trudeau has threatened to send troops to restore "democracy "

Be sure to volunteer
View attachment 427020

Lotsa talk. No walk.
You'll move on just like the rest of us.
What do you mean rest of us foreigner?

Foreigner was a rock band from the 80's.
Proud Boys are a modern iteration of a brand of white supremacists.
I don't really pay attention to what a band of weekend warriors bloviates.
Neither does the rest of the country.
God you are ignorant ....

All ya heard out of the left is what a threat we are ...we need to be disarmed
Now we're nothing rotflmao

No one is coming to disarm you....unless your intent is to cause harm to others.
At this point, Trump lost. Only his most ardent supporters care.
The rest of us are moving on.
You keep saying this stuff and inch by inch you are removing rights of people. I would support this nation carved into a few smaller nations. It would reduce the tensions.

Not realistic or practical from any point. We don't divide states by ideological distinction. There is red and blue in every state.
How about dial down the rhetoric. Starting with this election was free and fair and wasn't stolen or rigged. Life will go on without the carnival barker.
The scam by trump is to fleece millions from his sheep. That is all it is. BOOM!

And those willing to die for THEIR TrummPO will be asked sign a last will and testament leaving everything they own including the rusted out truck on blocks in the front yard to their messiah.
In a nation of laws, courage shows up in a court room armed with facts and evidence.

In a fascist nation courts are canceled and elections are nullified by the ruling party.

When the court rooms are no longer court rooms but Politically co-opted arenas like China and Venezuela....and now the US..... there is only gullibility in the court room....Courage left the room long ago.


Hahaha sure thing agitator. IN the USA Bullshit still takes a hike.
Trump would be well within his rights to call martial law and round up all the dominion voting machines

You are sick if you believe that. I’m glad well Americans voted to rid us of the first openly fascist President who is fraudulently conspiring with members in his political party to stay in power despite losing his right to serve a second term.

The Washington Post editorial board published a column Wednesday warning that President Donald Trump’s lies about the election may lead to violence if Republicans continue to inflame tensions with their complicity.​
Threats of violence are already surfacing. The editorial noted that officials in seven states have reported receiving threats or harassment in the wake of the Nov. 3 election. The Arizona Republican Party asked its Twitter followers Tuesday if they were willing to give their lives in the cause of overturning Trump’s loss.​
i guess the "violence" is only ok when you brain dead, flip-flopping, scum, pedophile(xiden) lovers do it, right? you are 1 deranged retard
its quite obvious on camera

it’s absolutely obvious that there were no suitcases on camera. The camera shows nothing fraudulent going on. When you want to start a conspiracy theory based on video evidence you should not lie about what the video actually shows.

It’s a dead giveaway that you are a liar.
How is the fascist to question Blatant cheating

A NON- Fascist would recognize that there is no evidence of election fraud and recognize the fact that he overwhelmingly got his fascist ass thrown out the White House by a vast 7 million majority of its owners.

Trump is a fascist because he is behind a lawsuit right now to overturn the election (Texas) that is not at all based on evidence of fraud in four states that he lost.

His goal is to hang onto power by rejecting the legitimate will of the people.

IF All the judges and election and state government officials were fellow fascist in on TRUMPO’s fascist grab for power - he might have achieved his goal.

Thank God there are critical Republicans in office who have character and principles that our democracy is more important than the whims and whining of the morally depraved asshole sore loser you put into power in the first place.
Trump would be well within his rights to call martial law and round up all the dominion voting machines

You are sick if you believe that. I’m glad well Americans voted to rid us of the first openly fascist President who is fraudulently conspiring with members in his political party to stay in power despite losing his right to serve a second term.

The Washington Post editorial board published a column Wednesday warning that President Donald Trump’s lies about the election may lead to violence if Republicans continue to inflame tensions with their complicity.​
Threats of violence are already surfacing. The editorial noted that officials in seven states have reported receiving threats or harassment in the wake of the Nov. 3 election. The Arizona Republican Party asked its Twitter followers Tuesday if they were willing to give their lives in the cause of overturning Trump’s loss.​

Of course ... A Chinese owned newspaper wants the resistance to the theft to stop...fuck's not going to stop and Trump will remain president even if it's not from the white house which is now the house of Mao anyway.....Oh and fuck you also.....

How is the fascist to question Blatant cheating

A NON- Fascist would recognize that there is no evidence of election fraud and recognize the fact that he overwhelmingly got his fascist ass thrown out the White House by a vast 7 million majority of its owners.

Trump is a fascist because he is behind a lawsuit right now to overturn the election (Texas) that is not at all based on evidence of fraud in four states that he lost.

His goal is to hang onto power by rejecting the legitimate will of the people.

IF All the judges and election and state government officials were fellow fascist in on TRUMPO’s fascist grab for power - he might have achieved his goal.

Thank God there are critical Republicans in office who have character and principles that our democracy is more important than the whims and whining of the morally depraved asshole sore loser you put into power in the first place.
There is more then enough evidence of voter irregularities.. dead ppl, trailers missing, suitcase is being rolled out, no observing, Dallas showing up after the election being counted
How is the fascist to question Blatant cheating

A NON- Fascist would recognize that there is no evidence of election fraud and recognize the fact that he overwhelmingly got his fascist ass thrown out the White House by a vast 7 million majority of its owners.

Trump is a fascist because he is behind a lawsuit right now to overturn the election (Texas) that is not at all based on evidence of fraud in four states that he lost.

His goal is to hang onto power by rejecting the legitimate will of the people.

IF All the judges and election and state government officials were fellow fascist in on TRUMPO’s fascist grab for power - he might have achieved his goal.

Thank God there are critical Republicans in office who have character and principles that our democracy is more important than the whims and whining of the morally depraved asshole sore loser you put into power in the first place.
There is more then enough evidence of voter irregularities.. dead ppl, trailers missing, suitcase is being rolled out, no observing, Dallas showing up after the election being counted

Some of these posters are chinese apologists so you're going to get the canned denial answers from them constantly...

Go here for some honest responses and conversations with actual Americans not foreign plants like this place is loaded with...

How is the fascist to question Blatant cheating

A NON- Fascist would recognize that there is no evidence of election fraud and recognize the fact that he overwhelmingly got his fascist ass thrown out the White House by a vast 7 million majority of its owners.

Trump is a fascist because he is behind a lawsuit right now to overturn the election (Texas) that is not at all based on evidence of fraud in four states that he lost.

His goal is to hang onto power by rejecting the legitimate will of the people.

IF All the judges and election and state government officials were fellow fascist in on TRUMPO’s fascist grab for power - he might have achieved his goal.

Thank God there are critical Republicans in office who have character and principles that our democracy is more important than the whims and whining of the morally depraved asshole sore loser you put into power in the first place.
There is more then enough evidence of voter irregularities.. dead ppl, trailers missing, suitcase is being rolled out, no observing, Dallas showing up after the election being counted

Of course there is....the Evidence is abundant and well witnessed....the entire election was a fraud and probably some of the Senate races too...that's not to say that some Republicans don't use it too....

In a nation of laws, courage shows up in a court room armed with facts and evidence.

In a fascist nation courts are canceled and elections are nullified by the ruling party.

When the court rooms are no longer court rooms but Politically co-opted arenas like China and Venezuela....and now the US..... there is only gullibility in the court room....Courage left the room long ago.


Hahaha sure thing agitator. IN the USA Bullshit still takes a hike. 80 millions Americans ain't hiking nowhere chump.....but you might be...
In a nation of laws, courage shows up in a court room armed with facts and evidence.

In a fascist nation courts are canceled and elections are nullified by the ruling party.

When the court rooms are no longer court rooms but Politically co-opted arenas like China and Venezuela....and now the US..... there is only gullibility in the court room....Courage left the room long ago.


Hahaha sure thing agitator. IN the USA Bullshit still takes a hike. 80 millions Americans ain't hiking nowhere chump.....but you might be...

What walked was most all of Trumpybears court cases. Just walked right out the door.
Trump will attempt to disrupt democracy for 4 years if he's permitted to get away with it.

The FBI is charged with the responsibility of not allowing that to happen.

Trump will have to be stopped by some legal means? Arrest for treasonous activities?

The big problem with that is that Trump has huge support and is building more support with his claims of being cheated.


Too many Americans are not taking this seriously enough yet.
the fucking demonRATS already cheated, lied and stole. if the pedophile, geriatric gets in, you CAN kiss your rights away. my what a pathetic retard you really are.
I'm a Canadian and so I don't think the outcome applies to my rights. I see the fight as a positive thing for Canada and the rest of the world. The reason is obvious but I can elaborate if you don't get it.

Trump can't win the presidency now but he will fight with great support from Mara Lago as the rightful president in exile, thus leading a coup attempt of a special kind against your country.

That's the reason why Democracy is at risk.
I have no preference on which side wins when it's guaranteed that both sides will lose.
your preference would not matter. keep your nose in your own politics, there are enough crooked demonRATs already
Those opposing Trump aren't considering that the lawsuit from Texas is much more serious than can be imagined. The US Constitution most likely can't answer the question because there's a case to be made for both sides.

This could lead to the conclusion that the union of states concept is fatally flawed.

Which side's rights will take precedence over the other's legitimate Constitutional rights?

Answers? If you're a teen spammer just ignore it. If you're an adult you may want to try to tackle the questions?
Cool. We'll call it, "Proud Boys Charge" (you know, instead of Pickett's Charge).
I hope someone takes pictures. :)
Yes, pictures of the Poor Boys being hauled off to the clinker!
And what exactly have the proud boys done that they should be arrested? Tell me, what is your problem with them?
You fear them because you’ve been told to. Because you’re a fucking lemming, and they are the new boogie man for you to have a tear filled jerk off session to.

First off, why are you so fired up about a bunch of armed thugs? Just because they call themselves "patriots", doesn't mean they're anything more than thugs.

Violence and terrorization of "others". Proud Boys have been very proud to use threats, intimmidation and violence. You could google it. But you didn't bother.
I get fired up about people being demonized for political purposes. This is a group that dared to stand up to the physical intimidation tactics of leftists and dared to kick ass instead of being pushed around.
For that they get the usual bullshit labels...”racists, zenophobic, homophobic, etc”.

it’s bullshit. And it’s pathetic listening to people parrot it because the media told them so.
FYI... it also bothers me when people associate the assholes rioting with democrats in general.
its quite obvious on camera

it’s absolutely obvious that there were no suitcases on camera. The camera shows nothing fraudulent going on. When you want to start a conspiracy theory based on video evidence you should not lie about what the video actually shows.

It’s a dead giveaway that you are a liar.
really? retard. prove it wrong. and nothing from your fake news --publishers--bullshit
Cool. We'll call it, "Proud Boys Charge" (you know, instead of Pickett's Charge).
I hope someone takes pictures. :)
Yes, pictures of the Poor Boys being hauled off to the clinker!
And what exactly have the proud boys done that they should be arrested? Tell me, what is your problem with them?
You fear them because you’ve been told to. Because you’re a fucking lemming, and they are the new boogie man for you to have a tear filled jerk off session to.

First off, why are you so fired up about a bunch of armed thugs? Just because they call themselves "patriots", doesn't mean they're anything more than thugs.

Violence and terrorization of "others". Proud Boys have been very proud to use threats, intimmidation and violence. You could google it. But you didn't bother.
I get fired up about people being demonized for political purposes. This is a group that dared to stand up to the physical intimidation tactics of leftists and dared to kick ass instead of being pushed around.
For that they get the usual bullshit labels...”racists, zenophobic, homophobic, etc”.

it’s bullshit. And it’s pathetic listening to people parrot it because the media told them so.
FYI... it also bothers me when people associate the assholes rioting with democrats in general.
i guess the asswipe demonRATs should not have ran ads asking for $$$ soon brain dead idiots forget
Cool. We'll call it, "Proud Boys Charge" (you know, instead of Pickett's Charge).
I hope someone takes pictures. :)
What do you mean by we foreigner?
Will you be joining up with the bent over snow *******
Lol Trudeau has threatened to send troops to restore "democracy "

Be sure to volunteer
View attachment 427020

Lotsa talk. No walk.
You'll move on just like the rest of us.
What do you mean rest of us foreigner?

Foreigner was a rock band from the 80's.
Proud Boys are a modern iteration of a brand of white supremacists.
I don't really pay attention to what a band of weekend warriors bloviates.
Neither does the rest of the country.
God you are ignorant ....

All ya heard out of the left is what a threat we are ...we need to be disarmed
Now we're nothing rotflmao

No one is coming to disarm you....unless your intent is to cause harm to others.
At this point, Trump lost. Only his most ardent supporters care.
The rest of us are moving on.
You keep saying this stuff and inch by inch you are removing rights of people. I would support this nation carved into a few smaller nations. It would reduce the tensions.

Not realistic or practical from any point. We don't divide states by ideological distinction. There is red and blue in every state.
How about dial down the rhetoric. Starting with this election was free and fair and wasn't stolen or rigged. Life will go on without the carnival barker.
There will never be any dialing back. Trump won the election. Seeing the nation go into massive disarray would be preferable then what Progs have planned.
How is the fascist to question Blatant cheating

A NON- Fascist would recognize that there is no evidence of election fraud and recognize the fact that he overwhelmingly got his fascist ass thrown out the White House by a vast 7 million majority of its owners.

Trump is a fascist because he is behind a lawsuit right now to overturn the election (Texas) that is not at all based on evidence of fraud in four states that he lost.

His goal is to hang onto power by rejecting the legitimate will of the people.

IF All the judges and election and state government officials were fellow fascist in on TRUMPO’s fascist grab for power - he might have achieved his goal.

Thank God there are critical Republicans in office who have character and principles that our democracy is more important than the whims and whining of the morally depraved asshole sore loser you put into power in the first place.
and an ignorant, brain dead, asswipe, pedophile lover should recognize voter fraud. but you are so far in denial, deflectiom, lying, cheating, stealing and listening to publishers instead of news networks, that you would not be able to tell your ass from a hole in the ground. obviously, your mommy raised an easily led moron, that cant decide on their own.
Is this the call to all his hunkered down white armed militia dudes and gals and riled up gun whackos snd Christian crusaders to win the election for him once and for all.

Its a call for corrupt GOP swamp rats to stand up and be counted

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