Attn: Proud Boyz, lock and load: @realDonald df Trump: “We will soon be learning about the word “courage”, and saving our Country.


Is that what you said when the community organizer weaponized the IRS in order to prevent conservatives from participating in the 2012 presidential campaign?

Do your self a big favor....stop expecting anything from these guys but 100 percent vituperation....even if they know the truth they don't care...they care about getting the upper hand. That is why I am not at all worried about Trump's election...he is the leader of this nation even if it's not from DC....DC is no longer an American interest to tell you the truth. DC has been for some time now a place from which foreign money can buy up the rights and the future of American citizens....maybe Trump doesn't really belong there and that's fine. He can set up shop in a better place. Do yourself another favor...get your news and your social media from here

Once you get back to getting the actual NEWS you'll see the difference.
Does Trump understand that his political abs legal options won’t keep him in power? Are we descending into a fascist mad man’s Plan B?

Trump just tweeted: “We will soon be learning about the word “courage”, and saving our Country”

Is this the call to all his hunkered down white armed militia dudes and gals and riled up gun whackos snd Christian crusaders to win the election for him once and for all.

if not, it doesn’t take much courage to be stupid and dangerously opposed to our long historic tradition of the peaceful transition of power.

Except when you rob the entire nation of that tradition by stealing the election

Dumb ass

View attachment 427018

There was no "steal" of the election. But there is a foolish and wrong headed attempt by the sittiing President of the United States to overturn the will of the people, using his hand picked Supreme Court to do the job. It's not going to happen.

Trump lost the election, and is now attempting to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States. That's called "sedition".

You're full of're no're some kind of poser/apologist

The Election was coopeted by foreign actors...Trump would be well within his rights to call martial law and round up all the dominion voting machines. The problem is that this country has been so whored out to foreign money that no one can any longer be sure who is an American and who is not. You and that Chinese bitch Dragon lady working together are ya?
Trump would be well within his rights to call martial law and round up all the dominion voting machines

You are sick if you believe that. I’m glad well Americans voted to rid us of the first openly fascist President who is fraudulently conspiring with members in his political party to stay in power despite losing his right to serve a second term.

The Washington Post editorial board published a column Wednesday warning that President Donald Trump’s lies about the election may lead to violence if Republicans continue to inflame tensions with their complicity.​
Threats of violence are already surfacing. The editorial noted that officials in seven states have reported receiving threats or harassment in the wake of the Nov. 3 election. The Arizona Republican Party asked its Twitter followers Tuesday if they were willing to give their lives in the cause of overturning Trump’s loss.​
Does Trump understand that his political abs legal options won’t keep him in power? Are we descending into a fascist mad man’s Plan B?

Trump just tweeted: “We will soon be learning about the word “courage”, and saving our Country”

Is this the call to all his hunkered down white armed militia dudes and gals and riled up gun whackos snd Christian crusaders to win the election for him once and for all.

if not, it doesn’t take much courage to be stupid and dangerously opposed to our long historic tradition of the peaceful transition of power.

Except when you rob the entire nation of that tradition by stealing the election

Dumb ass

View attachment 427018
Nobody was robbed of anything you damn stupid moron.
i guess suitcases full of fraudulant ballots, rigging the modems, and lying is normal for you. right, retard?
None of that ever happened.
really? were you there? doubtful retard. its quite obvious on camera. where the fuck did you leave your brain?
Things are getting heated up...and when you take our voice away electronically you are one step closer to war....

Sounds like you are content with Trump losing power and relevance as long as you can bitch about it electronically.

why not create your own electronic bitch site.
Trump will attempt to disrupt democracy for 4 years if he's permitted to get away with it.

The FBI is charged with the responsibility of not allowing that to happen.

Trump will have to be stopped by some legal means? Arrest for treasonous activities?

The big problem with that is that Trump has huge support and is building more support with his claims of being cheated.


Too many Americans are not taking this seriously enough yet.
the fucking demonRATS already cheated, lied and stole. if the pedophile, geriatric gets in, you CAN kiss your rights away. my what a pathetic retard you really are.
I'm a Canadian and so I don't think the outcome applies to my rights. I see the fight as a positive thing for Canada and the rest of the world. The reason is obvious but I can elaborate if you don't get it.

Trump can't win the presidency now but he will fight with great support from Mara Lago as the rightful president in exile, thus leading a coup attempt of a special kind against your country.

That's the reason why Democracy is at risk.
I have no preference on which side wins when it's guaranteed that both sides will lose.
your preference would not matter. keep your nose in your own politics, there are enough crooked demonRATs already
Does Trump understand that his political abs legal options won’t keep him in power? Are we descending into a fascist mad man’s Plan B?

Trump just tweeted: “We will soon be learning about the word “courage”, and saving our Country”

Is this the call to all his hunkered down white armed militia dudes and gals and riled up gun whackos snd Christian crusaders to win the election for him once and for all.

if not, it doesn’t take much courage to be stupid and dangerously opposed to our long historic tradition of the peaceful transition of power.

Except when you rob the entire nation of that tradition by stealing the election

Dumb ass

View attachment 427018

There was no "steal" of the election. But there is a foolish and wrong headed attempt by the sittiing President of the United States to overturn the will of the people, using his hand picked Supreme Court to do the job. It's not going to happen.

Trump lost the election, and is now attempting to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States. That's called "sedition".
the will of the vile scum, cheating, lying pieces of shit demonRATs
Does Trump understand that his political abs legal options won’t keep him in power? Are we descending into a fascist mad man’s Plan B?

Trump just tweeted: “We will soon be learning about the word “courage”, and saving our Country”

Is this the call to all his hunkered down white armed militia dudes and gals and riled up gun whackos snd Christian crusaders to win the election for him once and for all.

if not, it doesn’t take much courage to be stupid and dangerously opposed to our long historic tradition of the peaceful transition of power.
How is the fascist to question Blatant cheating
Does Trump understand that his political abs legal options won’t keep him in power? Are we descending into a fascist mad man’s Plan B?

Trump just tweeted: “We will soon be learning about the word “courage”, and saving our Country”

Is this the call to all his hunkered down white armed militia dudes and gals and riled up gun whackos snd Christian crusaders to win the election for him once and for all.

if not, it doesn’t take much courage to be stupid and dangerously opposed to our long historic tradition of the peaceful transition of power.
It's time to arrest him. He's dangerously insane.
and you are a retarded moron who needs meds. grow up, and expand beyond your fake news ms bullshit
Does Trump understand that his political abs legal options won’t keep him in power? Are we descending into a fascist mad man’s Plan B?

Trump just tweeted: “We will soon be learning about the word “courage”, and saving our Country”

Is this the call to all his hunkered down white armed militia dudes and gals and riled up gun whackos snd Christian crusaders to win the election for him once and for all.

if not, it doesn’t take much courage to be stupid and dangerously opposed to our long historic tradition of the peaceful transition of power.

Except when you rob the entire nation of that tradition by stealing the election

Dumb ass

View attachment 427018

The only thing stolen from you was your sanity and that happened way before the election.

You cowardly fucks feel safe under your bed... but you got come out sometime.

Trump can't win the presidency now but he will fight with great support from Mara Lago as the rightful president in exile, thus leading a coup attempt of a special kind against your country.

You are right Trump cannot win or steal a second term, but he won’t get anywhere with being a president in exile either. He is a shameless disgrace not only to America but to humanity as well. He will have no power in between golfing and eating French fries getting fatter and fatter as depression takes over and consumes him.

That’s the good news. The bad news is that it only takes a few of his most rabid out there fascist followers to get some innocents killed
as they and Trump and Trumpism loses relevancy and loyalty and believers.

I fear the extremist die-hards become deadly as their leader slowly gives up on his lost cause.

TRUMP could disown the potential for violence simply by telling his cult the truth.

the truth that he is a loser and the election was fair so he will quit lying about it and go golfing

He cannot admit that he is a Loser. Fred taught him that losing was a sign of weakness. He will play the voter fraud lie, even after he walks out of the WH. He knows he can fool most of his cult. He is getting these people to send him money. The voter fraud tactic is just another trump Con Job.

Does Trump understand that his political abs legal options won’t keep him in power? Are we descending into a fascist mad man’s Plan B?

Trump just tweeted: “We will soon be learning about the word “courage”, and saving our Country”

Is this the call to all his hunkered down white armed militia dudes and gals and riled up gun whackos snd Christian crusaders to win the election for him once and for all.

if not, it doesn’t take much courage to be stupid and dangerously opposed to our long historic tradition of the peaceful transition of power.

Except when you rob the entire nation of that tradition by stealing the election

Dumb ass

View attachment 427018
Nobody was robbed of anything you damn stupid moron.
i guess suitcases full of fraudulant ballots, rigging the modems, and lying is normal for you. right, retard?
None of that ever happened.
really? were you there? doubtful retard. its quite obvious on camera. where the fuck did you leave your brain?
Far away from brainwashing scammers. You should try it.
Cool. We'll call it, "Proud Boys Charge" (you know, instead of Pickett's Charge).
I hope someone takes pictures. :)
Yes, pictures of the Poor Boys being hauled off to the clinker!
And what exactly have the proud boys done that they should be arrested? Tell me, what is your problem with them?
You fear them because you’ve been told to. Because you’re a fucking lemming, and they are the new boogie man for you to have a tear filled jerk off session to.

First off, why are you so fired up about a bunch of armed thugs? Just because they call themselves "patriots", doesn't mean they're anything more than thugs.

Violence and terrorization of "others". Proud Boys have been very proud to use threats, intimmidation and violence. You could google it. But you didn't bother.
Does Trump understand that his political abs legal options won’t keep him in power? Are we descending into a fascist mad man’s Plan B?

Trump just tweeted: “We will soon be learning about the word “courage”, and saving our Country”

Is this the call to all his hunkered down white armed militia dudes and gals and riled up gun whackos snd Christian crusaders to win the election for him once and for all.

if not, it doesn’t take much courage to be stupid and dangerously opposed to our long historic tradition of the peaceful transition of power.

Except when you rob the entire nation of that tradition by stealing the election

Dumb ass

View attachment 427018
Nobody was robbed of anything you damn stupid moron.
i guess suitcases full of fraudulant ballots, rigging the modems, and lying is normal for you. right, retard?
None of that ever happened.
really? were you there? doubtful retard. its quite obvious on camera. where the fuck did you leave your brain?

"It's quite obvious on camera." What's obvious? That someone was doing something? Would you think it was something nefarious if the voice over hadn't told you what they were doing was something illegal? Would you have any idea of what was happening if they hadn't told you?

Someone posted a video of somebody doing something, and the liars told you that these people were "stealing the election", but that isn't what the video was showing at all. That's what they told you it was, and you believe them.

When these videos were used in court, the election workers testified under oath, as to what the ballots were, and where they came from. Since many of the states have rules that all of the live ballots be counted first, the mail in ballots, which could not be counted until after the live ballot count, were stored in the standard boxes and set aside for counting after the live ballot. Yes, the majority of mail-in ballots were from Democrats who had the good sense to stay home and away from a mass gathering like a live election.

None of these so called "proof videos" have shown what you have been told they are showing. When are you fools going to realize that Donald Trump is using these lies to get you to donate money to his lost cause? Every Secretary of every State in the Union has certified, under oath, that the election was properly held and the results are a fair an accurate count of the legally cast ballots. Are you saying that every state where Biden won, is lying?
Does Trump understand that his political abs legal options won’t keep him in power? Are we descending into a fascist mad man’s Plan B?

Trump just tweeted: “We will soon be learning about the word “courage”, and saving our Country”

Is this the call to all his hunkered down white armed militia dudes and gals and riled up gun whackos snd Christian crusaders to win the election for him once and for all.

if not, it doesn’t take much courage to be stupid and dangerously opposed to our long historic tradition of the peaceful transition of power.

Except when you rob the entire nation of that tradition by stealing the election

Dumb ass

View attachment 427018
Nobody was robbed of anything you damn stupid moron.
i guess suitcases full of fraudulant ballots, rigging the modems, and lying is normal for you. right, retard?
None of that ever happened.
really? were you there? doubtful retard. its quite obvious on camera. where the fuck did you leave your brain?

"It's quite obvious on camera." What's obvious? That someone was doing something? Would you think it was something nefarious if the voice over hadn't told you what they were doing was something illegal? Would you have any idea of what was happening if they hadn't told you?

Someone posted a video of somebody doing something, and the liars told you that these people were "stealing the election", but that isn't what the video was showing at all. That's what they told you it was, and you believe them.

When these videos were used in court, the election workers testified under oath, as to what the ballots were, and where they came from. Since many of the states have rules that all of the live ballots be counted first, the mail in ballots, which could not be counted until after the live ballot count, were stored in the standard boxes and set aside for counting after the live ballot. Yes, the majority of mail-in ballots were from Democrats who had the good sense to stay home and away from a mass gathering like a live election.

None of these so called "proof videos" have shown what you have been told they are showing. When are you fools going to realize that Donald Trump is using these lies to get you to donate money to his lost cause.
hey dragontramp,,, you ever gonna stop lying and post some link s to all the BS youre saying
Trump would be well within his rights to call martial law and round up all the dominion voting machines

You are sick if you believe that. I’m glad well Americans voted to rid us of the first openly fascist President who is fraudulently conspiring with members in his political party to stay in power despite losing his right to serve a second term.

The Washington Post editorial board published a column Wednesday warning that President Donald Trump’s lies about the election may lead to violence if Republicans continue to inflame tensions with their complicity.​
Threats of violence are already surfacing. The editorial noted that officials in seven states have reported receiving threats or harassment in the wake of the Nov. 3 election. The Arizona Republican Party asked its Twitter followers Tuesday if they were willing to give their lives in the cause of overturning Trump’s loss.​

You don't understand fascism.
Cool. We'll call it, "Proud Boys Charge" (you know, instead of Pickett's Charge).
I hope someone takes pictures. :)
What do you mean by we foreigner?
Will you be joining up with the bent over snow *******
Lol Trudeau has threatened to send troops to restore "democracy "

Be sure to volunteer
View attachment 427020

Lotsa talk. No walk.
You'll move on just like the rest of us.
What do you mean rest of us foreigner?

Foreigner was a rock band from the 80's.
Proud Boys are a modern iteration of a brand of white supremacists.
I don't really pay attention to what a band of weekend warriors bloviates.
Neither does the rest of the country.
God you are ignorant ....

All ya heard out of the left is what a threat we are ...we need to be disarmed
Now we're nothing rotflmao

No one is coming to disarm you....unless your intent is to cause harm to others.
At this point, Trump lost. Only his most ardent supporters care.
The rest of us are moving on.
You keep saying this stuff and inch by inch you are removing rights of people. I would support this nation carved into a few smaller nations. It would reduce the tensions.
Does Trump understand that his political abs legal options won’t keep him in power? Are we descending into a fascist mad man’s Plan B?

Trump just tweeted: “We will soon be learning about the word “courage”, and saving our Country”

Is this the call to all his hunkered down white armed militia dudes and gals and riled up gun whackos snd Christian crusaders to win the election for him once and for all.

if not, it doesn’t take much courage to be stupid and dangerously opposed to our long historic tradition of the peaceful transition of power.

Except when you rob the entire nation of that tradition by stealing the election

Dumb ass

View attachment 427018
Nobody was robbed of anything you damn stupid moron.
i guess suitcases full of fraudulant ballots, rigging the modems, and lying is normal for you. right, retard?
None of that ever happened.
really? were you there? doubtful retard. its quite obvious on camera. where the fuck did you leave your brain?

"It's quite obvious on camera." What's obvious? That someone was doing something? Would you think it was something nefarious if the voice over hadn't told you what they were doing was something illegal? Would you have any idea of what was happening if they hadn't told you?

Someone posted a video of somebody doing something, and the liars told you that these people were "stealing the election", but that isn't what the video was showing at all. That's what they told you it was, and you believe them.

When these videos were used in court, the election workers testified under oath, as to what the ballots were, and where they came from. Since many of the states have rules that all of the live ballots be counted first, the mail in ballots, which could not be counted until after the live ballot count, were stored in the standard boxes and set aside for counting after the live ballot. Yes, the majority of mail-in ballots were from Democrats who had the good sense to stay home and away from a mass gathering like a live election.

None of these so called "proof videos" have shown what you have been told they are showing. When are you fools going to realize that Donald Trump is using these lies to get you to donate money to his lost cause? Every Secretary of every State in the Union has certified, under oath, that the election was properly held and the results are a fair an accurate count of the legally cast ballots. Are you saying that every state where Biden won, is lying?

The scam by trump is to fleece millions from his sheep. That is all it is. BOOM!

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