Attorney General says Mueller investigation 'close to being completed'

If he did, he would have already used it. Next!
If and when he needs to, he will. What Mueller and the Democrats and the mainstream media
are doing will cost them dearly politically and probably help Trump get reelected.
If he did, he would have already used it. Next!
If and when he needs to, he will. What Mueller and the Democrats and the mainstream media
are doing will cost them dearly politically and probably help Trump get reelected.
Not to worry. Never going to happen. Hell, his people are still finding amazing things in Hawaii. Lol! The man is a joke.
Acting Attorney General and caucasian M&M--Matt Whitaker.
View attachment 242904
Crazy people believe in Time Travel and Bigfoot. Whitaker belongs in a mental institution.
I heard she wacked that Foster dude but
gave all the FBI guys blowjobs and they called it suicide.

Well of course. That's what Sheep do. Believe everything they hear.
Sheep are afraid to look for the truth and expose it.
Sheep hide from the truth
and believe the MSM lies.
The same way you believe Whitaker right? Adam Schiff advised him to keep his mouth shut from an investigation the ethics committee advised him to recuse himself from. He has no business giving an opinion, considering he gave one before he was acting attorney General. Does he have evidence? No! He's a stoolie for Trump.
Well of course. That's what Sheep do. Believe everything they hear.
Sheep are afraid to look for the truth and expose it.
Sheep hide from the truth
and believe the MSM lies.
If your video is true, then back it up with the truth, instead of accusing others of lying. But you won't, because you can't. Which is why it is so easy to reveal who the real liar is.

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