Attorney General says Mueller investigation 'close to being completed'

Leading to house investigations" LO
Absolutely. The multitude of information about his businesses, for instance. So cackle and prance and dance all you like...this is what will happen...

I was laughing at the laughable that being that the turds in the House are opening investigations based on anything other than they hate Trump.

And what's more they are counting on idiots like you to hoot and holler being too stupid to realize that they are just playing political games and not doing anything to actually improve the lives of anyone who was dumb enough to vote for them.
Senator Joseph McCarthy from the 1950's called. He wants his witch hunt back.
Except McCarthy was largely right. The government has, in fact been infiltrated at nearly all levels with socialists. Most of them call themselves Democrats these days though...
Socialism is permissible under our Constitution and there`s nothing you can do about it. Of course you`re free to move to someplace like Honduras or Guatemala or perhaps Somalia where life is so much better.
Sure there is dummy. I can vote for those who are against it. Duh...
Yes you can but Medicare and Social Security are here to stay and so is the police dept. along with the socialistic fire dept. Good luck trying to rid this country of that kind of commie crap.
Senator Joseph McCarthy from the 1950's called. He wants his witch hunt back.
Except McCarthy was largely right. The government has, in fact been infiltrated at nearly all levels with socialists. Most of them call themselves Democrats these days though...
Socialism is permissible under our Constitution and there`s nothing you can do about it. Of course you`re free to move to someplace like Honduras or Guatemala or perhaps Somalia where life is so much better.
Sure there is dummy. I can vote for those who are against it. Duh...
Yes you can but Medicare and Social Security are here to stay and so is the police dept. along with the socialistic fire dept. Good luck trying to rid this country of that kind of commie crap.
lol! Not quite. Only until the rest of the world recognizes that the US Petrodollar isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on... Then all your nanny state parasite programs go tits up. Along with the useless eaters that depend on them. 50 years. Tops...
I was laughing at the laughable that being that the turds in the House are opening investigations based on anything other than they hate Trump.
Oh , well then, surely they won't find anything. So think of it just like all those years you cheered on Darrell Issa, and his nothingburgers.

Yep, nothing to see here....
The investigation that never should have happened is almost over, but the mainstream media will keep it going for another year or two somehow.
View attachment 242742

WASHINGTON – Special counsel Robert Mueller's review of Russian interference in the 2016 election is "close to being completed," Acting Attorney General Mathew Whitaker said Monday, suggesting that the investigation that has roiled Washington for nearly two years may be nearing its conclusion.

“Right now the investigation is – I think – close to being completed," Whitaker said in his first public comments on the probe he now supervises. "I hope we can get the report from Director Mueller as soon as possible."

The timing of Mueller's investigation had been a matter of intense speculation since months after it began in May 2017. Since then, the special counsel has brought criminal charges against a succession of aides and associates of President Donald Trump, mainly for lying about interactions with Russia or intermediaries linked to the Kremlin. The charges have laid out intense interest by Trump's associates in benefiting from Russian efforts to sway the election in his favor, but have not accused the president or any of his aides of participating in the scheme.

Attorney General says Mueller investigation 'close to being completed'
I doubt it. Mueller hasn't finished his indictment portfolio.
Acting Attorney General and caucasian M&M--Matt Whitaker.
That will happen no matter what the report says.
But the report will give them actionable information, so there's a difference. You will see the contrast between these focused investigations founded on evidence and, for instance, the 8 years of Darrell Issa's fruitless fishing expeditions.
That will happen no matter what the report says.
But the report will give them actionable information, so there's a difference. You will see the contrast between these focused investigations founded on evidence and, for instance, the 8 years of Darrell Issa's fruitless fishing expeditions.

Or not. Like I said, the contents of Mueller's final report won't change a thing in what the democrats are planning. Exoneration will just cause them to insist he was part of the conspiracy from the start and they'll try to impeach his character along with everyone else's. It's just the way democrats act. You know that.
The investigation that never should have happened is almost over, but the mainstream media will keep it going for another year or two somehow.
View attachment 242742

WASHINGTON – Special counsel Robert Mueller's review of Russian interference in the 2016 election is "close to being completed," Acting Attorney General Mathew Whitaker said Monday, suggesting that the investigation that has roiled Washington for nearly two years may be nearing its conclusion.

“Right now the investigation is – I think – close to being completed," Whitaker said in his first public comments on the probe he now supervises. "I hope we can get the report from Director Mueller as soon as possible."

The timing of Mueller's investigation had been a matter of intense speculation since months after it began in May 2017. Since then, the special counsel has brought criminal charges against a succession of aides and associates of President Donald Trump, mainly for lying about interactions with Russia or intermediaries linked to the Kremlin. The charges have laid out intense interest by Trump's associates in benefiting from Russian efforts to sway the election in his favor, but have not accused the president or any of his aides of participating in the scheme.

Attorney General says Mueller investigation 'close to being completed'
Except it's not. Remember TY Cobb? Lol!
Senator Joseph McCarthy from the 1950's called. He wants his witch hunt back.
Unlike McCarthy Mueller is bagging witches by the dozens. How can an investigation end when every rock that the investigators turn over has a couple more snakes under it?Another one of Trump`s inner circle got thrown in the slammer Friday morning and you`re spiking the ball and high fiving still? Why?
This investigation will not end until it`s known why so many of Trump`s goons have been caught lying under oath.

He sure is.

Bagging people for crimes that are ten years old.

No word of collusion between Trump and the Russians.

Just arrests for everything but what his investigation was supposed to be about.
Flynn, Trump Jr. and Roger Stone lying to the FBI is not ten years old.
The investigation that never should have happened is almost over, but the mainstream media will keep it going for another year or two somehow.
View attachment 242742

WASHINGTON – Special counsel Robert Mueller's review of Russian interference in the 2016 election is "close to being completed," Acting Attorney General Mathew Whitaker said Monday, suggesting that the investigation that has roiled Washington for nearly two years may be nearing its conclusion.

“Right now the investigation is – I think – close to being completed," Whitaker said in his first public comments on the probe he now supervises. "I hope we can get the report from Director Mueller as soon as possible."

The timing of Mueller's investigation had been a matter of intense speculation since months after it began in May 2017. Since then, the special counsel has brought criminal charges against a succession of aides and associates of President Donald Trump, mainly for lying about interactions with Russia or intermediaries linked to the Kremlin. The charges have laid out intense interest by Trump's associates in benefiting from Russian efforts to sway the election in his favor, but have not accused the president or any of his aides of participating in the scheme.

Attorney General says Mueller investigation 'close to being completed'

It most certainly should have happened.

The fact that Mueller went to court to extend his grand jury another 6 months doesn't suggest that the investigation is going to end soon. The judge granted that extension.

I hope that the AG is correct but the fact that the grand jury is extended another 6 months suggests otherwise.
Remember, the testimony from Trump Jr. Kushner, Prince, and Hope Hicks, were a bust. Republican criminals in Congress did not follow up on the lies.
After the Mueller report comes out, exonerating Trump, he should grant pardons to everyone who was indicted.

That ought to kick things up a notch.
Trump won't be exonerated. He is implicated in his own crime by prosecutors that he himself initiated with Cohen and hush money.
Ty Cobb....right. :icon_rolleyes:
The guy who appointed Mueller , Rosenstein will be investigated too eventually ....

FBI’s 37 secret pages of memos about Russia, Clintons and Uranium One

One former U.S. official, who had access to the evidence shared with CFIUS during the Uranium One deal, said this to me: “There is definitely material that would be illuminating to the issues that have been raised. Somebody should fight to make it public.”

That somebody could be President Trump, who could add these 37 pages of now-secret documents to his declassification order he is considering in the Russia case.

Or, those Republicans leading the charge on exposing failures in the Russia probe could use their bully pulpits to pressure for the release.
Flynn, Trump Jr. and Roger Stone lying to the FBI is not ten years old.
Mueller has lied to Congress before.
But since he's friends with the Bush's and Clinton's he not only
never went to prison but got promoted
Ty Cobb....right. :icon_rolleyes:
The guy who appointed Mueller , Rosenstein will be investigated too eventually ....

FBI’s 37 secret pages of memos about Russia, Clintons and Uranium One

One former U.S. official, who had access to the evidence shared with CFIUS during the Uranium One deal, said this to me: “There is definitely material that would be illuminating to the issues that have been raised. Somebody should fight to make it public.”

That somebody could be President Trump, who could add these 37 pages of now-secret documents to his declassification order he is considering in the Russia case.

Or, those Republicans leading the charge on exposing failures in the Russia probe could use their bully pulpits to pressure for the release.
"Ty Cobb", right. The guy Trump hired. :laughing0301:

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