Attorney General says Mueller investigation 'close to being completed'

Leading to house investigations" LO
Absolutely. The multitude of information about his businesses, for instance. So cackle and prance and dance all you like...this is what will happen...

I was laughing at the laughable that being that the turds in the House are opening investigations based on anything other than they hate Trump.

And what's more they are counting on idiots like you to hoot and holler being too stupid to realize that they are just playing political games and not doing anything to actually improve the lives of anyone who was dumb enough to vote for them.
38 indictments worth of political games right?
The lie in the first video is?
If you're too lazy to watch a 1:48 video why should I do your homework for you, or maybe can't watch on a phone ( I'll give you the benefit of the doubt ). About NSA spying, which is still happening against the Constitution. Next question .
Can't find the lies in those videos from Mueller. You'll have to quote him if you want to be taken seriously.
The lie in the first video is?
If you're too lazy to watch a 1:48 video why should I do your homework for you, or maybe can't watch on a phone ( I'll give you the benefit of the doubt ). About NSA spying, which is still happening against the Constitution. Next question .
"An NSA program that has been much discussed"? And, what about it? Is this what you refer to as a lie?
Can't find the lies in those videos from Mueller. You'll have to quote him if you want to be taken seriously.
Okay I see where this is going and I'm not getting into
an opinion-based argument with someone who's obviously seeing the world through Clinton -vision goggles.
Second video about NSA programs was referenced by Congress and approved by Congress. What about it? Where is the lie by Mueller?
Can't find the lies in those videos from Mueller. You'll have to quote him if you want to be taken seriously.
Okay I see where this is going and I'm not getting into
an opinion-based argument with someone who's obviously seeing the world through Clinton -vision goggles.
If you can't provide specifics, then all you did was set yourself up with videos that do not reveal anything more than events and policy procedure Mueller was stating and backing up. He didn't say anything revealing. I mean, what do you expect? Hell yea, he was lying out of his teeth? Lol! No he wasn't. So, if this is as far as you can go, you just tried to pull off your own manufactured lies.
Democrats are naive enough to believe Trump is as dumb as his little tweets.
But you want to talk impeachment ? Trump has all the real "dirt" on Hillary. If he goes down she'll go 10 times harder along with her partner slick Bill.

Trump knows everything.


Well, I will bet you fifty cents that USMB libs are in for a big disappointment.

Then the great Orange Douche should let the FULL Mueller report to be released to prove you're right.

You, you mean like how Obama should release his original birth certificate and school records to prove you are right? Like Hillary ought to release those 33,000 government emails she secretly kept and destroyed to prove you're right?
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