Attorney General Sessions calls DACA - LEGALLY INDEFENSIBLE!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Obozo gave 800,000 ( actually millions) of foreign invaders a certificate saying they can live and work here even though the LAW says they can do neither and the constitution says the president "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed"
DACA is obstruction of justice on a multi-million count scale. .

AG Sessions Blasts Obama Amnesty: 'Lawfully,' DACA 'Cannot Be Defended' - Breitbart

nov 18 2017 Attorney General Jeff Sessions defended his ending of a President Obama-created temporary amnesty program for illegal aliens, saying it “cannot be defended” under the Rule of Law.
In a speech to the Federalist Society, Sessions — a pioneer of the immigration in the national interest movement — blasted the Obama administration’s creation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that has given temporary amnesty to nearly 800,000 illegal aliens.

“Similarly, no Cabinet Secretary has the power, through guidance, letters or otherwise, to wipe entire sections of immigration law,” Sessions said. “But that’s what the previous administration did with its Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, policy.”

“Under DACA—without the consent of Congress—individuals here illegally who met certain criteria were granted not only lawful presence but work authorization, and the right to participate in Social Security, which unlawful immigrants are not entitled to have,” Sessions continued. “So no matter what one thinks about the immigration issues and policy, it cannot be defended in my opinion lawfully.”
Obozo gave 800,000 ( actually millions) of foreign invaders a certificate saying they can live and work here even though the LAW says they can do neither and the constitution says the president "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed"
DACA is obstruction of justice on a multi-million count scale. .

AG Sessions Blasts Obama Amnesty: 'Lawfully,' DACA 'Cannot Be Defended' - Breitbart

nov 18 2017 Attorney General Jeff Sessions defended his ending of a President Obama-created temporary amnesty program for illegal aliens, saying it “cannot be defended” under the Rule of Law.
In a speech to the Federalist Society, Sessions — a pioneer of the immigration in the national interest movement — blasted the Obama administration’s creation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that has given temporary amnesty to nearly 800,000 illegal aliens.

“Similarly, no Cabinet Secretary has the power, through guidance, letters or otherwise, to wipe entire sections of immigration law,” Sessions said. “But that’s what the previous administration did with its Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, policy.”

“Under DACA—without the consent of Congress—individuals here illegally who met certain criteria were granted not only lawful presence but work authorization, and the right to participate in Social Security, which unlawful immigrants are not entitled to have,” Sessions continued. “So no matter what one thinks about the immigration issues and policy, it cannot be defended in my opinion lawfully.”

"I can't recall"? Is Adolf Sessions wearing the sheet on this one?
Sessions says a lot of stuff that turns out to be bullshit. He should go back to making cookies in that tree. He sucks at what he is doing now.
The classic Leftist rebuttal:

O'Bama ' s actions were illegal, and a violation of his oath of office.

Leftist rebuttal: You are a moron.

Well done.
We had eight years of Obama enforcing only the laws he agreed with...and ignoring his oath of office, and NOT enforcing the laws he and his cabal of Socialists disagreed with.

We became used to it.

Now, if Sessions has finally grown a set of balls, we are going to become a Nation of Laws again....the type of nation which has become the most successful experiment in governance in human history. Because it is not perfect is no reason to let fools like Barack Obama and criminals like Hillary Clinton tamper with it.

Hopefully, we can re-adjust, back to Normal, and get used to a fair enforcement of the Laws, as Congress intended when it passed them.

The Political philosophy coming out of Washington should not be: Keep inviting a Mexican Invasion until we Socialist can turn Texas Blue and can then come out of the Democrat Closet and declare ourselves Socialists.

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We had eight years of Obama enforcing only the laws he agreed with...and ignoring his oath of office, and NOT enforcing the laws he and his cabal of Socialists disagreed with.

It's really incredible what aunt barry did. He told congress - Either change these laws to what i want or i will not enforce them!!

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