Audacity of Nope: Supermax Prison Calls Obama Books Objectionable

The proof is in the semantics.

Both books use widely differing predicates in their descriptions, use of analogy and metaphor, and general linguistic construction.

And neither match up with Barry Obubblehead's general speech patterns or writings, like that rambling abortion of an inauguration speech.
The proof is in the semantics.

Both books use widely differing predicates in their descriptions, use of analogy and metaphor, and general linguistic construction.

And neither match up with Barry Obubblehead's general speech patterns or writings, like that rambling abortion of an inauguration speech.

I call bullshit, grade A bullshit. Writing a book and writing a speech are two entirely different things first off. Secondly, the books were written over ten years apart, you seriously don't think he couldn't of improved his writing skills in that time period?

For the record, we ALL can always improve our writing.

I KNOW you're better than saying bullshit like you did above Dude.
Call all the bullshit you want...A person's use of language reflects the subjective sensory filters, through which they experience their lives.

This always (and I don't toss around my universal qualifiers lightly) comes out in the way they describe those experiences.....Which are markedly different in both "autobiographies".

Being able to write a relatively brief speech should be absolutely no problem for such an adept writer of prose, especially when one has the better part of ten weeks to write it.

It's not that difficult to decipher when you know what to look and listen for.
Call all the bullshit you want...A person's use of language reflects the subjective sensory filters, through which they experience their lives.

This always (and I don't toss around my universal qualifiers lightly) comes out in the way they describe those experiences.....Which are markedly different in both "autobiographies".

Being able to write a relatively brief speech should be absolutely no problem for such an adept writer of prose, especially when one has the better part of ten weeks to write it.

It's not that difficult to decipher when you know what to look and listen for.

Let me ask you, have you ever written a book? Then let me ask you, have you written a speech for a large audience?

The writing styles, analogies/metaphors, and definitely the construction are completely different. Obama's speech wasn't brief by any means but it was nowhere near a book or even a short story. It runs about at 2,402 words.

Also, whenever you write any kind of book, you are trying to aim for a target audience. When you write a speech, especially the size of Obama's, you try to write a speech to please everyone. So the way you go about both are completely different as you have two different objectives.
No sale.

Articulate people are articulate people, no matter the medium.

A 2,400-odd word speech is decidedly more brief than anything more than a short story, let alone an "autobiography".

Barry Obubblehead is neither articulate, nor the author of his two 'autobiographies".

The linguistics, semantics, thematic structures, and use of metaphor/analogy give him dead away as the fraud of inarticulacy he is....Except to those who've bought into his carefully crafted cachet.
No sale.

Articulate people are articulate people, no matter the medium.

A 2,400-odd word speech is decidedly more brief than anything more than a short story, let alone an "autobiography".

Barry Obubblehead is neither articulate, nor the author of his two 'autobiographies".

The linguistics, semantics, thematic structures, and use of metaphor/analogy give him dead away as the fraud of inarticulacy he is.
...Except to those who've bought into his carefully crafted cachet.

At this point, things that I've bolded are mere opinions of yours.

I'll give you a great example since you don't seem to get it.

Ray Bradbury is perhaps the greatest short story writer in modern literature. He has written great short story after great short story along with many excellent essays. However, excluding Something Wicked This Way Comes and Fahrenheit 451, his novels pale in comparison to his short stories. Now, because Ray Bradbury isn't a good novelist as he is short story writer does that make him a fraud? No, obviously not.

Do you get the point yet or you're going to let such partisan thoughts cloud your judgment? This is coming from a person by the way who tries to write short stories daily, and a little bit of a novel when I have the opportunity. I've also written essays/speeches such as my first post back on this board in six months if you didn't see it.
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Prison officials cite specific pages - but not specific passages - in the books that they deem objectionable. They include one page in Obama's 1995 book, "Dreams from My Father," and 22 separate pages in his policy-oriented 2006 book, "The Audacity of Hope." It was not immediately obvious what passages might have been deemed problematic, though nearly half of the pages cited are in a chapter devoted to foreign affairs.

Of course, Fox News makes it seem like the whole book is objected.
and THAT is a lie

the original quote in the OP said:
But prison officials, citing guidance from the FBI, determined that passages in both books contain information that could damage national security.
what part of that makes it seem like "the whole book", bobby?
and THAT is a lie

the original quote in the OP said:
But prison officials, citing guidance from the FBI, determined that passages in both books contain information that could damage national security.
what part of that makes it seem like "the whole book", bobby?

Seriously, ONE page in an entire book, they really couldn't just tear out that one page?

22 separate pages in the other book that they couldn't do just like I said.

The title of the article doesn't say specific passages or even one page from the book.

By the way? What else makes it seem like the whole book other then the first paragraph?

Audacity of Nope: Supermax Prison Calls Obama Books Objectionable.
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and THAT is a lie

the original quote in the OP said:
But prison officials, citing guidance from the FBI, determined that passages in both books contain information that could damage national security.
what part of that makes it seem like "the whole book", bobby?

Seriously, ONE page in an entire book, they really couldn't just tear out that one page?

22 separate pages in the other book that they couldn't do just like I said.

The title of the article doesn't say specific passages or even one page from the book.

By the way? What else makes it seem like the whole book other then the first paragraph?

Audacity of Nope: Supermax Prison Calls Obama Books Objectionable.
since when does the title tell the whole story?
journalism 101, give it a catchy headline to draw the readers interest
since when does the title tell the whole story?
journalism 101, give it a catchy headline to draw the readers interest

In the advertising business, one would call that false advertising.

A catchy headline and a misleading headline are two different things.

FOX News is not alone in this by any means.
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since when does the title tell the whole story?
journalism 101, give it a catchy headline to draw the readers interest

In the advertising business, one would call that false advertising.

A catchy headline and a misleading headline are two different things.

FOX News is not alone in this by any means.
i'd say it worked
you're reading the thread, are you not?
and it wasnt dishonest at all
the supermax prisons are NOT allowing the books, are they?
thats total honesty in that title
the supermax prisons are NOT allowing the books, are they?
thats total honesty in that title

No it's not total honesty. They find PASSAGES objectionable, not the entire book. By saying they find the books objectionable imply the entire thing.
i'd say it worked
you're reading the thread, are you not?
and it wasnt dishonest at all

I'm reading this thread because there's not too many new threads being updated at 4:30 in the morning. :lol:
the supermax prisons are NOT allowing the books, are they?
thats total honesty in that title

No it's not total honesty. They find PASSAGES objectionable, not the entire book. By saying they find the books objectionable imply the entire thing.
yes, and because of those passages the BOOKS are objectionable
you are grasping at straws
and Fox didnt write it, the AP did
Just how full of yourself do you have to be to write and autobiography while still in your mid twenties?

And why would anyone with sense want to read such self serving pap.

Neither one were "autobiographies." And yet millions read both "Dreams of My Father" and "Audacity of Hope" before Obama ran for president. Just because you wouldn't read either is hardly important.

It one has something to say and writing talent, he writes and tries to get published. Is there supposed to be an age assigned to when that happens? You can argue the contents of the books 'till pigs fly, but your silly premise here is ignorant.
The proof is in the semantics.

Both books use widely differing predicates in their descriptions, use of analogy and metaphor, and general linguistic construction.

And neither match up with Barry Obubblehead's general speech patterns or writings, like that rambling abortion of an inauguration speech.

:clap2: That is undoubtedly the biggest load of horseshit I've seen you post yet. Congratulations on diminishing yourself to the level of Wi...aww nevermind...
How the hell do PRISON OFFICIALS determine what is "potentially detrimental to national security"?

Load of prison-official, control-freaking blather, that.

Yeah, there's no reason they'd be concerned with SECURITY in a prison.


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