Audacity of Nope: Supermax Prison Calls Obama Books Objectionable

the supermax prisons are NOT allowing the books, are they?
thats total honesty in that title

No it's not total honesty. They find PASSAGES objectionable, not the entire book. By saying they find the books objectionable imply the entire thing.

so they're allowing the inmate to have the book, they're just removing the objectionable "passages"?

I don't think so.

The headline is fine.
The proof is in the semantics.

Both books use widely differing predicates in their descriptions, use of analogy and metaphor, and general linguistic construction.

And neither match up with Barry Obubblehead's general speech patterns or writings, like that rambling abortion of an inauguration speech.

I call bullshit, grade A bullshit. Writing a book and writing a speech are two entirely different things first off. Secondly, the books were written over ten years apart, you seriously don't think he couldn't of improved his writing skills in that time period?

For the record, we ALL can always improve our writing.

I KNOW you're better than saying bullshit like you did above Dude.

The allegation is positively ludicrous. For one thing, once a publisher accepts a manuscript THEY will edit the manuscript for style, story flow, grammar, emphasis and de-emphasis, and recommend any changes that might possibly change the premise of a new book. Obama's inaugural speech (or any of them, for that matter) don't sound the same because McGraw, Hill didn't do the editing! :lol:
No sale.

Articulate people are articulate people, no matter the medium.

A 2,400-odd word speech is decidedly more brief than anything more than a short story, let alone an "autobiography".

Barry Obubblehead is neither articulate, nor the author of his two 'autobiographies".

The linguistics, semantics, thematic structures, and use of metaphor/analogy give him dead away as the fraud of inarticulacy he is....Except to those who've bought into his carefully crafted cachet.

You're hopeless. Get some help, "ABIDE" [giggle]

Profile of the Sociopath
How the hell do PRISON OFFICIALS determine what is "potentially detrimental to national security"?

Load of prison-official, control-freaking blather, that.

My guess is there were many books not allowed. It's like a school library-not public libraries. It's ok to censure some materials. Islam conversions are problematic in prisons so probably any reference to it is prohibited. Rights in prison is not the same as the rest of society, obviously.

Very true. For some of the old timers here on the board you'll remember I worked two and half years in a Super Maximum prison in Wisconsin, and yes what the inmates could read is quite limited, for many different reasons. They didn't allow Playboy either, which is much the same type of garbage that obama's books are... SMUT.
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Prison officials cite specific pages - but not specific passages - in the books that they deem objectionable. They include one page in Obama's 1995 book, "Dreams from My Father," and 22 separate pages in his policy-oriented 2006 book, "The Audacity of Hope." It was not immediately obvious what passages might have been deemed problematic, though nearly half of the pages cited are in a chapter devoted to foreign affairs.

Of course, Fox News makes it seem like the whole book is objected.
and THAT is a lie

the original quote in the OP said:
But prison officials, citing guidance from the FBI, determined that passages in both books contain information that could damage national security.
what part of that makes it seem like "the whole book", bobby?

Here is the TITLE of the original AP release:

Supermax prison: Obama's books objectionable
Associated Press

Do you see anything therein that says "AUDACITY OF NOPE"?????? It's F.A.U.X news doing their usual biased embellishing by re-naming the title in its headline, which of course took off and every fucking radical rightie on the globe only read THAT faux title.
and THAT is a lie

what part of that makes it seem like "the whole book", bobby?

Seriously, ONE page in an entire book, they really couldn't just tear out that one page?

22 separate pages in the other book that they couldn't do just like I said.

The title of the article doesn't say specific passages or even one page from the book.

By the way? What else makes it seem like the whole book other then the first paragraph?

Audacity of Nope: Supermax Prison Calls Obama Books Objectionable.
since when does the title tell the whole story?
journalism 101, give it a catchy headline to draw the readers interest

Ah yes, and "fair and balanced" FAUXNEWS does that so well. I rest my case.
Seriously, ONE page in an entire book, they really couldn't just tear out that one page?

22 separate pages in the other book that they couldn't do just like I said.

The title of the article doesn't say specific passages or even one page from the book.

By the way? What else makes it seem like the whole book other then the first paragraph?

Audacity of Nope: Supermax Prison Calls Obama Books Objectionable.
since when does the title tell the whole story?
journalism 101, give it a catchy headline to draw the readers interest

Ah yes, and "fair and balanced" FAUXNEWS does that so well. I rest my case.

Ah yes, and that would be why FOX NEWS is beating the hell otta of all the rest of the LIBERAL msm all put together.

People are getting sick of liberalism. It's on the decline.
You're hopeless. Get some help, "ABIDE" [giggle]

Profile of the Sociopath
One of the abilities of the numerous people who've trained me is to spot sociopaths a mile away. Yet, I continue to pass their trainings and am asked to give my own presentations on such topics.

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Of course, Fox News makes it seem like the whole book is objected.
and THAT is a lie

the original quote in the OP said:
But prison officials, citing guidance from the FBI, determined that passages in both books contain information that could damage national security.
what part of that makes it seem like "the whole book", bobby?

Here is the TITLE of the original AP release:

Supermax prison: Obama's books objectionable
Associated Press

Do you see anything therein that says "AUDACITY OF NOPE"?????? It's F.A.U.X news doing their usual biased embellishing by re-naming the title in its headline, which of course took off and every fucking radical rightie on the globe only read THAT faux title.
i see no difference
the say basiccally the same thing
only a fucking moron like you would think otherwise

and next time, include a LINK to that AP story
So anyone know what this questionable passage says?

Id like eto see the text for myself. Granted, Im not curious enough to pay the President to buy his Book. But id like to see the questionable information.
Who cares? Inmates do not get to do whatever they like in prison. They are VERY restricted with regards to reading material. If they're in the hole, even more so.
since when does the title tell the whole story?
journalism 101, give it a catchy headline to draw the readers interest

Ah yes, and "fair and balanced" FAUXNEWS does that so well. I rest my case.

Ah yes, and that would be why FOX NEWS is beating the hell otta of all the rest of the LIBERAL msm all put together.

People are getting sick of liberalism. It's on the decline.

On the contrary, FOX is the only place on television where you can get your fix. Your foxfix. :lol:
You're hopeless. Get some help, "ABIDE" [giggle]

Profile of the Sociopath
One of the abilities of the numerous people who've trained me is to spot sociopaths a mile away. Yet, I continue to pass their trainings and am asked to give my own presentations on such topics.


I know.

From my link:

Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.
[ame=]YouTube - cool hand luke[/ame]
Ah yes, and "fair and balanced" FAUXNEWS does that so well. I rest my case.

Ah yes, and that would be why FOX NEWS is beating the hell otta of all the rest of the LIBERAL msm all put together.

People are getting sick of liberalism. It's on the decline.

On the contrary, FOX is the only place on television where you can get your fix. Your foxfix. :lol:
thank you for continuing to prove me right in calling you a moron
and THAT is a lie

what part of that makes it seem like "the whole book", bobby?

Here is the TITLE of the original AP release:

Supermax prison: Obama's books objectionable
Associated Press

Do you see anything therein that says "AUDACITY OF NOPE"?????? It's F.A.U.X news doing their usual biased embellishing by re-naming the title in its headline, which of course took off and every fucking radical rightie on the globe only read THAT faux title.
i see no difference
the say basiccally the same thing
only a fucking moron like you would think otherwise

and next time, include a LINK to that AP story

No difference? Why did FAUX need to preface the article with "AUDACITY OF NOPE"????

And you need to get KittenKoder to fix your search engine. Any 3-year old could find the original article, but here ya go. And don't ask again. Do your own fucking homework.

The Associated Press: Supermax prison: Obama's books objectionable

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