Audit shows Planned Parenthood overbilling is the norm, not the exception


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"...Planned Parenthood affiliates systematically take advantage of “overbilling” opportunities to maximize revenues in complex, well-funded federal and state programs that are understaffed and rely on the integrity of the provider for program compliance.

"There are 51 known external audits or other reviews of Planned Parenthood affiliates’ financial data and practices... Nearly all of the audits have found overbilling, and all are summarized below.

"These 51 audits found numerous improper practices resulting in significant Title XIX-Medicaid overpayments of more than $8.5 million to Planned Parenthood affiliates for family planning and reproductive health services claims. In combination with the $4.3 million settlement in the Reynolds False Claims Act lawsuit, auditors and investigators have specifically identified Planned Parenthood affiliates as the source of at least $12.8 million in waste, abuse, and potentially fraudulent overbilling and penalties.

" Former Planned Parenthood employees and others allege many millions more. Furthermore, 61 federal audits of state family planning programs by HHS-OIG found over $123.8 million in overbilling, yielding a total of nearly $132.4 million in overbillings based on audits alone."

So it is their common business practice to overbill, and to falsify reports.

"Three federal audits specifically identify Planned Parenthood – and only Planned Parenthood – as the problem in state family planning program overbilling. Seven of the federal HHS-OIG audits were of New York State and found federal overpayments in excess of $32 million to the New York State Medicaid family planning program.

"These audits likely led to the seven state audits of New York Planned Parenthood affiliates; 13 months after a federal audit of New York State that identified “especially Planned Parenthoods” as incorrectly claiming services as family planning, New York State released its first known audit report of a Planned Parenthood affiliate."
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1. Billing and being reimbursed by Title XIX agencies for medications and/or services provided in connection with an abortion procedure in violation of the Hyde Amendment (a process known as “unbundling” or “fragmentation”);
2. Dispensing prescription drugs, including oral contraceptives, without an authorizing order by a physician or other approved healthcare practitioner;
3. Dispensing prescription drugs, including oral contraceptives, to patients who have moved or have not been seen by the clinic for more than a year; 4. Billing in excess of actual acquisition cost or other statutorily approved cost for contraceptive barrier products, oral contraceptives, and emergency contraceptive-Plan B (i.e., § 340B drugs) products;
5. Billing for services that were not medically necessary, including services for men and for women who were already pregnant, sterilized, or postmenopausal;
6. Billing for services that were not actually rendered;
7. Duplicate billing for examinations and products, including billing products and services already billed as part of a service package, as fee for service; 8. Incorrectly coding and billing services;
9. Inadequate record-keeping, including lacking documentation to support the service billed and paid and not signing medical entries; and
10. Failing to pay the bills for which an affiliate had already been reimbursed with taxpayer funds."
They have to do that to be able to donate millions to demoquack election campaigns in order to continue murdering innocents
"In 2014 in Georgia, abortionist Tyrone Cecil Malloy was convicted of two counts of Medicaid fraud for overbilling more than $386,000 over three years for abortions, abortion-related procedures, and ultrasounds that were never actually performed. Presiding Justice Hugh Thompson wrote, “An ordinary person can easily understand that knowingly taking money from Medicaid to which one is not entitled is prohibited conduct.” For his crimes, Malloy was sentenced to four years in prison, six months of probation, and restitution payments to the Georgia Department of Community Health.99

" In Maine, the nonprofit organization Family Planning Association of Maine, Inc. (FPAM), is engaged in litigation in an attempt to avoid repaying the state $184,620 it billed between 2006-2010 for abortion-related services that the Maine Department of Health and Human Services spokesperson called “a clear violation.”100

" FPAM was further fined $36,016 by the Maine Department of Health and Human Services for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, for not following the correct cost sharing method, resulting in the misuse of restricted funds101 and $12,075.91 for overbillings relating to IUDs, including twenty billings for removals rather than insertions (thus requiring no IUD), five billings where no IUD was inserted, forty-four billings at approximately 150% of actual acquisition cost, and one billing without proper documentation."

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