Aug 2012 BLS report

You failed the test you lied. I knew you were an obama support by the way you defended obama's labor department unemployment numbers. Asking you how you felt about Reaganomics is relevant, it outed you for the lying hack you are.

I also defended the BLS numbers under Bush back when Democrats were crying about them cooking the books. How did your question on Reaganomics "out" me as anything? I didn't answer because it is irrelevant to the OP.

I'm sure you did :eusa_whistle: your non answer to Reaganomics question was the tell all about what you stand for. obama drone.

I'd love to hear your logic behind that one.
I also defended the BLS numbers under Bush back when Democrats were crying about them cooking the books. How did your question on Reaganomics "out" me as anything? I didn't answer because it is irrelevant to the OP.

I'm sure you did :eusa_whistle: your non answer to Reaganomics question was the tell all about what you stand for. obama drone.

I'd love to hear your logic behind that one.

you're a liar because that is what obama supporters do best.
I'm sure you did :eusa_whistle: your non answer to Reaganomics question was the tell all about what you stand for. obama drone.

I'd love to hear your logic behind that one.

you're a liar because that is what obama supporters do best.

And yet you can't show one actual instance of me lying. You're just claiming I lied, though you can't point to a single actual lie. You're saying that because I refuse to answer an irrelevant question (and how many relevant questions have you dodged?) that's proof I'm lying that I don't support Obama? Your logic is even more flawed than your reading comprehension.
I'd love to hear your logic behind that one.

you're a liar because that is what obama supporters do best.

And yet you can't show one actual instance of me lying. You're just claiming I lied, though you can't point to a single actual lie. You're saying that because I refuse to answer an irrelevant question (and how many relevant questions have you dodged?) that's proof I'm lying that I don't support Obama? Your logic is even more flawed than your reading comprehension.

You said you wasn't an obama supporter, that was the lie. I asked you was Reaganomics good, your non answer showed you to be an obama supporter. Therefore made you a liar.


House Has Passed 22 Bipartisan Jobs Bills, & Counting
House Has Passed 22 Bipartisan Jobs Bills, & Counting |
To prove my point: The economy improved greatly under Reagan, in a large part due to his policies.

But you won't retract your claim that I'm an Obama supporter, you'll just say I'm lying and don't really mean it.

Dude you proved my point long ago.
Can I call them, or what?

you argue for obama's labor department unemployment numbers way to hard, like a rabid sheeple. you're non answer to the Reaganomics question. you lied and keep defending that lie.
Your rabid defense of the BLS numbers. Who in the fuck hired the head of THE Department of labor?

Are you really this fucking stupid? You're a punk coward who wants to blame all your failures on some whack conspiracy. Did you happen to notice what the job creation numbers were for August? That's not a BLS statistic. What does it say to your pea brain that unemployment rates are high in a month where job creation numbers top 210,000? That's right, you're one of those retarded morons who want to count people returning to school for the fall semester and people retiring as if they're unemployed.

Sorry clown, but your bullshit spin is weak.
Dude you proved my point long ago.
Can I call them, or what?

you argue for obama's labor department unemployment numbers way to hard, like a rabid sheeple. you're non answer to the Reaganomics question. you lied and keep defending that lie.

How many private sector jobs were created under Reagan (I wish we had a way to keep beltway bandits off that list). How many private sector jobs were created under Bush? How many private sector jobs under Obama?
I thought obama's bailout of GM was supposed to help the auto industry? What happen?

Duh, people need jobs to buy new vehicles - and many are holding on to their used vehcles due to slow/unsure economy. Bush fucked us really long time.

Well Hell. How come Barry the Great hasn't straightened things out yet?? He's had almost 4 whole years. He said he could do it in one term.

Oh wait. I forgot. His polices ain't worth shit and he hasn't got a clue how to fix the economy.

Never mine

I must admit that Barry is the master of excuses. Although he said he would half the deficit and keep unemployment below 8 percent, none of which obviously happened, he developed the perfect excuse. Things were worse then he thought. Yes, every year that he made things worse he can claim things are worse then he thought. Worse because of him, just like we said would happen. But the MSM will cook the numbers and say up is down and down is up. Hard to beat and incumbent when the MSM lies for him. Carter and Bush 1 lost because the mediaswas honest during Carter and lied their asses off concerning Bush 1. Can't trust no one, trust what you see.

8 percent unemployment for his whole term. Unitil the numbers get cooked next month. Those jobs added are mostly low paying greeters at Wallmart.

More people on food stamps then ever.

Gasoline, and home heating oil, twice when Obama took office with no end in sight.

Obamatax the largest tax increase in US history. Which has to result in less service at a higher price.

Our citizens dying in the ME.

Maybe Romney is not the best but at least he is something different and it definitely would send a message to the MSM and the ruling elite.
Your rabid defense of the BLS numbers. Who in the fuck hired the head of THE Department of labor?

Are you really this fucking stupid? You're a punk coward who wants to blame all your failures on some whack conspiracy. Did you happen to notice what the job creation numbers were for August? That's not a BLS statistic. What does it say to your pea brain that unemployment rates are high in a month where job creation numbers top 210,000? That's right, you're one of those retarded morons who want to count people returning to school for the fall semester and people retiring as if they're unemployed.

Sorry clown, but your bullshit spin is weak.

How did Obama create one private sector job?

Truth is that history has shown that the bigger the recession the bigger the recovery, until Obama. We said what he was doing would drag out the recovery and we were right and Obama was WRONG. You don't have to look at any numbers on any site to know that to be a fact. The economy was always going to recover it was just a matter of how big and how long. Obama made it the weakest and longest in history. When he could have been a hero he turned out to be a zero.
Your rabid defense of the BLS numbers. Who in the fuck hired the head of THE Department of labor?

Are you really this fucking stupid? You're a punk coward who wants to blame all your failures on some whack conspiracy.
Well, that's all true.
Did you happen to notice what the job creation numbers were for August? That's not a BLS statistic. What does it say to your pea brain that unemployment rates are high in a month where job creation numbers top 210,000?
Where on Earth did you get that number? BLS, which certainly does track net change in jobs, showed +96,000 non-farm payroll jobs (+103,000 private sector). Table B-1. Employees on nonfarm payrolls by industry sector and selected industry detail
ADP showed +101,000 private sector jobs but they're not as accurate as BLS.
Your rabid defense of the BLS numbers. Who in the fuck hired the head of THE Department of labor?

Are you really this fucking stupid? You're a punk coward who wants to blame all your failures on some whack conspiracy. Did you happen to notice what the job creation numbers were for August? That's not a BLS statistic. What does it say to your pea brain that unemployment rates are high in a month where job creation numbers top 210,000? That's right, you're one of those retarded morons who want to count people returning to school for the fall semester and people retiring as if they're unemployed.

Sorry clown, but your bullshit spin is weak.
No you're that much of a coward and that stupid. Fucking punk ass bitch.,
Can I call them, or what?

you argue for obama's labor department unemployment numbers way to hard, like a rabid sheeple. you're non answer to the Reaganomics question. you lied and keep defending that lie.

How many private sector jobs were created under Reagan (I wish we had a way to keep beltway bandits off that list). How many private sector jobs were created under Bush? How many private sector jobs under Obama?

Reagan got the government out of the way He didn't create any.
Can I call them, or what?

you argue for obama's labor department unemployment numbers way to hard, like a rabid sheeple. you're non answer to the Reaganomics question. you lied and keep defending that lie.

How many private sector jobs were created under Reagan (I wish we had a way to keep beltway bandits off that list). How many private sector jobs were created under Bush? How many private sector jobs under Obama?
Under Reagan, +14.5 million
G.W. Bush, -596,000
Obama, +415,000
Since Reagan and Bush were Jan to Jan, I used not seasonally adjusted but used adjusted for Obama since it's Jan to Aug.
Something worth mentioning within the report how healthy is the economy? Well here you go
Employment Situation Summary
Manufacturing employment edged down in August (-15,000). A decline in motor vehicles
and parts (-8,000) partially offset a gain in July. Auto manufacturers laid off fewer
workers for factory retooling than usual in July, and fewer workers than usual were
recalled in August.

Employment in other major industries, including mining and logging, construction,
retail trade, transportation and warehousing, information, and government, showed
little change over the month.
If the main engine of the economy is not moving up or losing employees the economy is not good and people are not doing better than 4 years ago.

We're informed that finally existing REAL ESTATE sales and new home start ups are picking up.

Things still look pretty bleak on the employment side though.

All in all I'd rate this so called recovery about a D+.

We've supported the Banksters with promises amounting to TRILLIONS but almost completely ignored their victims.

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