Auschwitz memorial condemns presence of Nazi slogan at US anti-lockdown rally

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Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.

The first sign is the same words jewish people saw when they first walked into concentration camps. It says "Work Sets You Free."

Yet these republicans call anyone who doesn't agree with their view a nazi.

Here's a photo of the front gates of auschwitz

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Here's one of the signs from a trump person at one of the rallies against the shutdown. Interesting, the protests are mostly in states with a democratic governor.

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Idiot, the sign is most likely from a counterprotester calling Trump and Pence Nazis.

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Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Those signs don't mean the people holding them espouse Nazi beliefs! They're accusing the Governor of being a fascist...something that seems to have gone right over your head!

Get your panties out of a bunch, Tommy! This string is stupid.
Yeah right. Trash supporting trash.
You would be the expert on trash!
Why would I answer you. Answer the question are you a Leftist Jew Athiest? If so, GTFO. Why are you Christ on a Croissant? You are upset at my posts in this thread because Leftist Joos upset at Americans protesting because they want to work. Have I Trolled you? No. You have a Blasphemy of a name to use. My only logical thinking about why YOU are so upset at my comments in this thread is because you are a Leftist Athiest Jesus Christ Hating Jew and if you don't like that I do not give a SHIT. Seek help? No YOU seek help because you are going to need it.
View attachment 331361

Secret camera captures Lucy at home. :D


Keep digging Troll Boi. Go and suck a Leftist Athiest Joos microdick and choke on it.

Notice you CAN NOT refute ANYTHING I posted in this thread because you do NOT have the intellectual capability to do so. Go on, I DARE you REFUTE ONE THING I have posted.

Why would I bother? - You're a freaking idiot who's never posted anything that wasn't incoherent and borderline insane. I'll go ahead and ignore ya though Trumptard. ;)

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View attachment 330939

Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Those signs don't mean the people holding them espouse Nazi beliefs! They're accusing the Governor of being a fascist...something that seems to have gone right over your head!

Get your panties out of a bunch, Tommy! This string is stupid.
Yeah right. Trash supporting trash.

It's pretty obvious that the protesters are suggesting that the governor's actions are akin to Nazism, not that they are Nazis.

C'mon man, think.

Then why did the photo show an image with a woman holding a sign she obviously made saying "work makes you free?"

Do you know that's what was on the gates of concentration camps and the first jewish people saw of the camp as they walked into it to die?

How is using that exact phrase saying that the democratic governor is a nazi by shutting down the state to protect people from dying from the virus?

You are posting what you want to believe but it's not true. You want that to be the reason for those nazi symbols and words but you're lying to yourself to make yourself feel better for justifying your support of a politician who embraces supporters who are nazis.

Keep lying to yourself. It seems to be working for you thus far. The problem is you're going to have a very rude awakening very soon.

Good luck with that.

That D governor is also Jewish - The lady meant something else by her sign? I call BULLSHIT.

Maybe Communist Jews should NOT be allowed to run American States then then there would be no problem. Maybe Communists in general should not be allowed to run American States, effectively the US Democrat Party is now basically Neo-Communist and this is where the problem begins.
Why would I answer you. Answer the question are you a Leftist Jew Athiest? If so, GTFO. Why are you Christ on a Croissant? You are upset at my posts in this thread because Leftist Joos upset at Americans protesting because they want to work. Have I Trolled you? No. You have a Blasphemy of a name to use. My only logical thinking about why YOU are so upset at my comments in this thread is because you are a Leftist Athiest Jesus Christ Hating Jew and if you don't like that I do not give a SHIT. Seek help? No YOU seek help because you are going to need it.
View attachment 331361

Secret camera captures Lucy at home. :D


Keep digging Troll Boi. Go and suck a Leftist Athiest Joos microdick and choke on it.

Notice you CAN NOT refute ANYTHING I posted in this thread because you do NOT have the intellectual capability to do so. Go on, I DARE you REFUTE ONE THING I have posted.

Why would I bother? - You're a freaking idiot who's never posted anything that wasn't incoherent and borderline insane. I'll go ahead and ignore ya though Trumptard. ;)

You have never posted anything beyond three lines, usually your vomit is just one liners. Classic Troll.

I gave my reasons in my posts, posts and comments low IQ morons like YOU do NOT have the intelligence to REFUTE. So just go and gas yourself and take your fellow Trump Derangement Syndrome crowd with you.
It's just patriotic citizens wanting to go back to work.
"Arbeit macht frei" (work sets you free) is the perfect slogan to express what the protest is all about. ... :cool:
And isn't it funny: Tommy is protesting Nazi signs and slogans, all ideas and inventions of Europe not too many miles from where he lives.
Dear Tommy, people have a right to protest anything here in America they feel is an illegal and unjust action especially if it has literally wrecked their lives. They have a right to be free of your kind of narrow-minded, fascist, jack-booted gestapo mentality!

In fact, our ancestors fought his ancestors, to establish these rights.

We shot and killed British filth, for trying to deny us these rights, among others.

Tainted Tommy would do well to remember that British filth trying to tell us Americans how to run our country has never ended well for the British filth, and it never will.

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View attachment 330939

Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Those signs don't mean the people holding them espouse Nazi beliefs! They're accusing the Governor of being a fascist...something that seems to have gone right over your head!

Get your panties out of a bunch, Tommy! This string is stupid.
Yeah right. Trash supporting trash.

It's pretty obvious that the protesters are suggesting that the governor's actions are akin to Nazism, not that they are Nazis.

C'mon man, think.

Then why did the photo show an image with a woman holding a sign she obviously made saying "work makes you free?"

Do you know that's what was on the gates of concentration camps and the first jewish people saw of the camp as they walked into it to die?

How is using that exact phrase saying that the democratic governor is a nazi by shutting down the state to protect people from dying from the virus?

You are posting what you want to believe but it's not true. You want that to be the reason for those nazi symbols and words but you're lying to yourself to make yourself feel better for justifying your support of a politician who embraces supporters who are nazis.

Keep lying to yourself. It seems to be working for you thus far. The problem is you're going to have a very rude awakening very soon.

Good luck with that.

That D governor is also Jewish - The lady meant something else by her sign? I call BULLSHIT.

OMG. I didn't know what state those people are in so I didn't know the governor is jewish.

That makes her sign even more disgusting.

No, those signs weren't accusing the governor of being a nazi. Those signs were proudly proclaiming that the holder of those signs are nazis. Trying to intimidate that jewish governor.

I just don't have the words to describe how sick and disgusting this is.

These republicans are so dangerous on so many levels.
Why are you or anyone even attempting to have a NORMAL discussion with these morons? They do NOT WANT a discussion they just want to vomit the Leftist Propaganda that gets fed to them. Also 99% of them in this thread are just Trolls and have been Trolling this thread for many pages.
I do it for the same reason you are still posting to people I long ago put on ignore: Because you can't just
cede these pages to liars and psychopaths and let them spew their filth unopposed. They would love to drive
intelligent decent people out of ALL public spaces so their perverted message is the only one there is.

I try to post judiciously and selectively but since on lock down I have so much dead time to waste away my
post numbers necessarily rise. But I do understand how they band together in a rat pack and attack
the weak and those that will not fight back, or fight ineffectively.

I will not let them win because I failed to fight.
Dear Tommy, people have a right to protest anything here in America they feel is an illegal and unjust action especially if it has literally wrecked their lives. They have a right to be free of your kind of narrow-minded, fascist, jack-booted gestapo mentality!

In fact, our ancestors fought his ancestors, to establish these rights.

We shot and killed British filth, for trying to deny us these rights, among others.

Tainted Tommy would do well to remember that British filth trying to tell us Americans how to run our country has never ended well for the British filth, and it never will.
The Brits, with more blood and shame on their hands than perhaps any other country on Earth, having brutalized, invaded, occupied and raped over 95% of the other countries on this planet at one time or the other! I think Tommy's past and heritage of even screwing over his own brothers in the other parts of the British Isles has simply become too much for him to handle and leaves such a bad taste in his mouth, he needs to project it onto others.

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View attachment 330939

Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Those signs don't mean the people holding them espouse Nazi beliefs! They're accusing the Governor of being a fascist...something that seems to have gone right over your head!

Get your panties out of a bunch, Tommy! This string is stupid.
Yeah right. Trash supporting trash.

It's pretty obvious that the protesters are suggesting that the governor's actions are akin to Nazism, not that they are Nazis.

C'mon man, think.

Then why did the photo show an image with a woman holding a sign she obviously made saying "work makes you free?"

Do you know that's what was on the gates of concentration camps and the first jewish people saw of the camp as they walked into it to die?

How is using that exact phrase saying that the democratic governor is a nazi by shutting down the state to protect people from dying from the virus?

You are posting what you want to believe but it's not true. You want that to be the reason for those nazi symbols and words but you're lying to yourself to make yourself feel better for justifying your support of a politician who embraces supporters who are nazis.

Keep lying to yourself. It seems to be working for you thus far. The problem is you're going to have a very rude awakening very soon.

Good luck with that.

That D governor is also Jewish - The lady meant something else by her sign? I call BULLSHIT.

OMG. I didn't know what state those people are in so I didn't know the governor is jewish.

That makes her sign even more disgusting.

No, those signs weren't accusing the governor of being a nazi. Those signs were proudly proclaiming that the holder of those signs are nazis. Trying to intimidate that jewish governor.

I just don't have the words to describe how sick and disgusting this is.

These republicans are so dangerous on so many levels.

Typical MO. Leftist Governor goes out of control shutting everything down and preventing peoples from returning to work so they can pay their bills, buy food, pay their mortgage etc and then they get upset and have a protest and the Leftists are all OMG OMG they are LITERAL Nazi's and showing they are look how they must have upset the Totalitarian Governor's Muh Feelings because he's a Jew. Yes using the Muh I'm A Jew EXCUSE does not work ANYMORE either.

Good Jews, POS Jews, Good Jews = Orthodox and Conservative, POS Jews = LEFTIST ones.

WHAT about when Leftists protest Bibi and Israel with signs like THIS, do your type of scum SHIT yourselves THEN? No. Fucking HYPOCRITES. Bibi is a Conservative AND a Jew and HE is an Observant Jew NOT like this POS Leftist Athiest Jew who is the Illinois Governor. There IS a reason why Leftists HATE Israel and why Leftists HATE Observant Jews, don't worry because THEY HATE you also.



WHAT about Leftist cartoons like the below, do you POS SHIT yourself about THIS? NO. Total hypocrites, complete human SCUM that you Leftist's are, what about the Israeli Flag in the second picture? Are you SHITTING yourself and FREAKING out like you are about that God HATING child of Satan who is running Illinois? NO. Fucking hypocrites.


Why are you or anyone even attempting to have a NORMAL discussion with these morons? They do NOT WANT a discussion they just want to vomit the Leftist Propaganda that gets fed to them. Also 99% of them in this thread are just Trolls and have been Trolling this thread for many pages.
I do it for the same reason you are still posting to people I long ago put on ignore: Because you can't just
cede these pages to liars and psychopaths and let them spew their filth unopposed. They would love to drive
intelligent decent people out of ALL public spaces so their perverted message is the only one there is.

I try to post judiciously and selectively but since on lock down I have so much dead time to waste away my
post numbers necessarily rise. But I do understand how they band together in a rat pack and attack
the weak and those that will not fight back, or fight ineffectively.

I will not let them win because I failed to fight.

You are correct they are psychopaths and sociopaths and yes their intention is to make peoples shut up so they are free to spread their filth unopposed.

They band together in a rat pack because they are rats, they are vermin in human form.

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Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Those signs don't mean the people holding them espouse Nazi beliefs! They're accusing the Governor of being a fascist...something that seems to have gone right over your head!

Get your panties out of a bunch, Tommy! This string is stupid.
Yeah right. Trash supporting trash.

It's pretty obvious that the protesters are suggesting that the governor's actions are akin to Nazism, not that they are Nazis.

C'mon man, think.

Then why did the photo show an image with a woman holding a sign she obviously made saying "work makes you free?"

Do you know that's what was on the gates of concentration camps and the first jewish people saw of the camp as they walked into it to die?

They are protesting the lockdown which they view as a form of fascism. The sign with the Nazi slogan is a sarcastic jab at the governor.

How is using that exact phrase saying that the democratic governor is a nazi by shutting down the state to protect people from dying from the virus?

Number 1.) They're telling the governor that THEY WANT TO GO BACK TO WORK. Why is this so hard for you people to grasp?

Number 2.) Not everyone agrees that the extent of the lockdown was necessary or that a lockdown was even necessary at all. This is why they're protesting. They're protesting the fact that they're being told to stay home and not work to bring income into the home over a disease that has proven to be less lethal than ordinary flu.

You are posting what you want to believe but it's not true.

If I am then so are you.

You want that to be the reason for those nazi symbols and words but you're lying to yourself to make yourself feel better for justifying your support of a politician who embraces supporters who are nazis.

How do you know what politicians I support?

People like you see Nazis behind every door, in line at the DMV and in their grilled cheese sandwiches. It has become a religious hysteria and has become dangerous.

Keep lying to yourself. It seems to be working for you thus far. The problem is you're going to have a very rude awakening very soon.

Good luck with that.

What do you know about what works for me and what doesn't? And what will this "rude awakening" entail?

View attachment 330938

View attachment 330939

Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Those signs don't mean the people holding them espouse Nazi beliefs! They're accusing the Governor of being a fascist...something that seems to have gone right over your head!

Get your panties out of a bunch, Tommy! This string is stupid.
Yeah right. Trash supporting trash.

It's pretty obvious that the protesters are suggesting that the governor's actions are akin to Nazism, not that they are Nazis.

C'mon man, think.

Then why did the photo show an image with a woman holding a sign she obviously made saying "work makes you free?"

Do you know that's what was on the gates of concentration camps and the first jewish people saw of the camp as they walked into it to die?

How is using that exact phrase saying that the democratic governor is a nazi by shutting down the state to protect people from dying from the virus?

You are posting what you want to believe but it's not true. You want that to be the reason for those nazi symbols and words but you're lying to yourself to make yourself feel better for justifying your support of a politician who embraces supporters who are nazis.

Keep lying to yourself. It seems to be working for you thus far. The problem is you're going to have a very rude awakening very soon.

Good luck with that.

That D governor is also Jewish - The lady meant something else by her sign? I call BULLSHIT.

Does the lady even know he's Jewish?

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View attachment 330939

Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.

Ummmm, Pritzker is the governor of illinois, so they are accusing him of being a NAZI, you ignorant twat.
Even you are not that fucking stupid.

Wanna wager on that? :)
Definitely not.

View attachment 330938

View attachment 330939

Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Those signs don't mean the people holding them espouse Nazi beliefs! They're accusing the Governor of being a fascist...something that seems to have gone right over your head!

Get your panties out of a bunch, Tommy! This string is stupid.
Yeah right. Trash supporting trash.

It's pretty obvious that the protesters are suggesting that the governor's actions are akin to Nazism, not that they are Nazis.

C'mon man, think.

Then why did the photo show an image with a woman holding a sign she obviously made saying "work makes you free?"

Do you know that's what was on the gates of concentration camps and the first jewish people saw of the camp as they walked into it to die?

They are protesting the lockdown which they view as a form of fascism. The sign with the Nazi slogan is a sarcastic jab at the governor.

How is using that exact phrase saying that the democratic governor is a nazi by shutting down the state to protect people from dying from the virus?

Number 1.) They're telling the governor that THEY WANT TO GO BACK TO WORK. Why is this so hard for you people to grasp?

Number 2.) Not everyone agrees that the extent of the lockdown was necessary or that a lockdown was even necessary at all. This is why they're protesting. They're protesting the fact that they're being told to stay home and not work to bring income into the home over a disease that has proven to be less lethal than ordinary flu.

You are posting what you want to believe but it's not true.

If I am then so are you.

You want that to be the reason for those nazi symbols and words but you're lying to yourself to make yourself feel better for justifying your support of a politician who embraces supporters who are nazis.

How do you know what politicians I support?

People like you see Nazis behind every door, in line at the DMV and in their grilled cheese sandwiches. It has become a religious hysteria and has become dangerous.

Keep lying to yourself. It seems to be working for you thus far. The problem is you're going to have a very rude awakening very soon.

Good luck with that.

What do you know about what works for me and what doesn't? And what will this "rude awakening" entail?
I posted an article, last week, that highlighted the neo nazi roots of these dumb fucks. They are disgusting human beings.

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