Auschwitz memorial condemns presence of Nazi slogan at US anti-lockdown rally

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Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Those signs don't mean the people holding them espouse Nazi beliefs! They're accusing the Governor of being a fascist...something that seems to have gone right over your head!

Get your panties out of a bunch, Tommy! This string is stupid.
Yeah right. Trash supporting trash.

It's pretty obvious that the protesters are suggesting that the governor's actions are akin to Nazism, not that they are Nazis.

C'mon man, think.

Then why did the photo show an image with a woman holding a sign she obviously made saying "work makes you free?"

Do you know that's what was on the gates of concentration camps and the first jewish people saw of the camp as they walked into it to die?

They are protesting the lockdown which they view as a form of fascism. The sign with the Nazi slogan is a sarcastic jab at the governor.

How is using that exact phrase saying that the democratic governor is a nazi by shutting down the state to protect people from dying from the virus?

Number 1.) They're telling the governor that THEY WANT TO GO BACK TO WORK. Why is this so hard for you people to grasp?

Number 2.) Not everyone agrees that the extent of the lockdown was necessary or that a lockdown was even necessary at all. This is why they're protesting. They're protesting the fact that they're being told to stay home and not work to bring income into the home over a disease that has proven to be less lethal than ordinary flu.

You are posting what you want to believe but it's not true.

If I am then so are you.

You want that to be the reason for those nazi symbols and words but you're lying to yourself to make yourself feel better for justifying your support of a politician who embraces supporters who are nazis.

How do you know what politicians I support?

People like you see Nazis behind every door, in line at the DMV and in their grilled cheese sandwiches. It has become a religious hysteria and has become dangerous.

Keep lying to yourself. It seems to be working for you thus far. The problem is you're going to have a very rude awakening very soon.

Good luck with that.

What do you know about what works for me and what doesn't? And what will this "rude awakening" entail?
I posted an article, last week, that highlighted the neo nazi roots of these dumb fucks. They are disgusting human beings.

Neo-Nazi roots of what dumbfucks? Did that article have anything to do with the people in this article? Specifically, did it have anything to do with the woman holding the sign?

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Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
That was a photo op by the Dems. They most likely infiltrated the rally, and without anyone noticing. They has taken pictures with Nazi's slogans to make it seem as if the Republican party are for the Nazi party.
It is too bad that we can't identify the person behind those sunglasses and mask.

If you dont want to be called nazis try this.
Dont associate with nazis. Dont glorify nazi symbols. Dont act like nazis.
It doesnt help you with the ingrained racism but it should sort out the nazi tag.

Try this:

Don't label people Nazis who are not.

It doesn't help you with the ingrained arrogant hypocritical moral judgmentalism but it should sort out your self-righteous angst and paranoia.

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Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.

They should STFU nobody is listening to this broken record anymore, those peoples protesting in Illinois have a RIGHT to hold what sign they want to illustrate WHY they are protesting and unlike the crowd Bedwetting those peoples in Illinois actually WANT to work.

This CONSTANTLY whining Bedwetting crowd need to learn that nobody gives a horsecrap about their whining and complaining and being offended. Good thing most of them will be dead within the next 10 years and then the world can move on and not be told WHAT to say, what NOT to say, WHAT NOT to protest about. That Bedwetting crowd probably SUPPORT the lockdowns because it's NOT affecting THEM because are they working or are they getting their money from History's Biggest Financial Gibs Me Dat Shakedown?

The peoples PROTESTING have a RIGHT to protest they are soon in danger of losing their jobs IF the irrational lockdown is NOT relaxed those peoples have bills to pay, they are NOT in the lucky position that the Bedwetters are in where they can go around the planet operating History's Biggest Financial Gibs Me Dat Shakedown using the EXCUSE of something that ended nearly 75 years ago. Get over it already, THIS is REAL LIFE happening in 2020, those peoples have a RIGHT to hold whatever signs they WANT to illustrate how ANGRY they are at being REFUSED the RIGHT to return to work.

If any of The Usual Suspects and their Shabbos do NOT like these comments well then I do NOT give a SHIT and I am immune to any name calling and so if you decide to go to your Name Calling Mode in an attempt to make someone shut up I do NOT give a SHIT about that either and if ANYONE wants an APOLOGY for possibly being OFFENDED, guess what? I don't give a SHIT about your feelings.
Guess what. I have the freedom to call you assfucks for doing it.

Stupidity is you morons protesting without masks which could spike the stats & make trhe stay at home order be extended.

The numbers used to justify the current policy have been shown to be widely inaccurate. Why are you ignoring the fact that the basis for the policy is wrong?
No they have not.
Trump predicts 50,000 to 60,000 deaths. We are at 66,000 and Trump is now saying 60,000 to 70,000.

THIS is how fucking stupid you Trumpettes are.

Birx said today the administration has always predicted between 100,000 and 240,000 deaths with migtigations & social distancing in place.

So shove your "Fake News:" up your ass,.
Of course, it’s amusing to see rightists making references to fascism when conservatism itself is fundamentally authoritarian and fearful of expressions of individual liberty.

It's the world wide Leftists right now SCREAMING their support for Perpetual Lockdown and even more extreme Authoritarian measures to keep law-abiding human beings under effective House Arrest also you have Leftists going around like Walking Advertisements For The Stasi, phoning the police and telling them to go and arrest their neighbours because OMG they have been out of their house TWO TIMES in ONE day.

It is Right-Winger's and Conservatives in general who are AGAINST Perpetual Lockdown and the destroying of the Western Economy.

He can't hear you. His mind edits everything you say, to fit his preconceived notions.

Why should anyone care about a crowd who are OFFENDED by EVERYTHING, being OFFENSIVE IS an IMPORTANT part of Freedom of Expression and also NEVER APOLOGISE for ANYTHING you comment EVER. If they have thin skin that is NOT our problem.

View attachment 331390

Bigoted & proud of it. Typican Trumpette.
If you dont want to be called nazis try this.
Dont associate with nazis. Dont glorify nazi symbols. Dont act like nazis.
It doesnt help you with the ingrained racism but it should sort out the nazi tag.

Let's be honest here, doesn't matter what we on the right on the left are going to call us Nazis and racists because that's your "default" narrative! The Nazis were terrible people who did despicable things! Conservatives don't even come CLOSE to being what the Nazis were yet it's the first thing that comes out of your mouths whenever a debate isn't going your way!

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Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Those signs don't mean the people holding them espouse Nazi beliefs! They're accusing the Governor of being a fascist...something that seems to have gone right over your head!

Get your panties out of a bunch, Tommy! This string is stupid.
Yeah right. Trash supporting trash.

It's pretty obvious that the protesters are suggesting that the governor's actions are akin to Nazism, not that they are Nazis.

C'mon man, think.

Then why did the photo show an image with a woman holding a sign she obviously made saying "work makes you free?"

Do you know that's what was on the gates of concentration camps and the first jewish people saw of the camp as they walked into it to die?

They are protesting the lockdown which they view as a form of fascism. The sign with the Nazi slogan is a sarcastic jab at the governor.

How is using that exact phrase saying that the democratic governor is a nazi by shutting down the state to protect people from dying from the virus?

Number 1.) They're telling the governor that THEY WANT TO GO BACK TO WORK. Why is this so hard for you people to grasp?

Number 2.) Not everyone agrees that the extent of the lockdown was necessary or that a lockdown was even necessary at all. This is why they're protesting. They're protesting the fact that they're being told to stay home and not work to bring income into the home over a disease that has proven to be less lethal than ordinary flu.

You are posting what you want to believe but it's not true.

If I am then so are you.

You want that to be the reason for those nazi symbols and words but you're lying to yourself to make yourself feel better for justifying your support of a politician who embraces supporters who are nazis.

How do you know what politicians I support?

People like you see Nazis behind every door, in line at the DMV and in their grilled cheese sandwiches. It has become a religious hysteria and has become dangerous.

Keep lying to yourself. It seems to be working for you thus far. The problem is you're going to have a very rude awakening very soon.

Good luck with that.

What do you know about what works for me and what doesn't? And what will this "rude awakening" entail?
I posted an article, last week, that highlighted the neo nazi roots of these dumb fucks. They are disgusting human beings.

Is this the thread you're referring to?:

Michigan protests orchestrated by trump loving neo nazis

If it is, I read the article and the OP and the only place neo-Nazis are mentioned is in the thread title. I saw no Nazi slogans or insignia or any reference at all to Nazis in the pictures and Nazis - neo or paleo - are never mentioned in the article. So how did you get neo-nazis out of any of that?

Also, as I suspected (and my suspicion was reinforced by the fact that you never answered my question), that article had nothing to do with the article in this thread and in fact, the events took place in an entirely different state involving an entirely different group of people.

Rather disingenuous and intellectually dishonest of you, I must say.
Of course, it’s amusing to see rightists making references to fascism when conservatism itself is fundamentally authoritarian and fearful of expressions of individual liberty.
true, but i find myself siding w/them Clay
and watching Tucker Carson at that
quess the aclu won't want me back this year?

Yet they have no problem trying to Jew down the dealer on the price of an new Audi.
If you dont want to be called nazis try this.
Dont associate with nazis. Dont glorify nazi symbols. Dont act like nazis.
It doesnt help you with the ingrained racism but it should sort out the nazi tag.

Ummmm, they weren't glorifying NAZI'S, you dolt. They were insulting you!
How dense can you be "Heil Pritzker" obviously calling him a Nazi, not exalting Nazis.
Of course, it’s amusing to see rightists making references to fascism when conservatism itself is fundamentally authoritarian and fearful of expressions of individual liberty.

It's the world wide Leftists right now SCREAMING their support for Perpetual Lockdown and even more extreme Authoritarian measures to keep law-abiding human beings under effective House Arrest also you have Leftists going around like Walking Advertisements For The Stasi, phoning the police and telling them to go and arrest their neighbours because OMG they have been out of their house TWO TIMES in ONE day.

It is Right-Winger's and Conservatives in general who are AGAINST Perpetual Lockdown and the destroying of the Western Economy.

He can't hear you. His mind edits everything you say, to fit his preconceived notions.

Why should anyone care about a crowd who are OFFENDED by EVERYTHING, being OFFENSIVE IS an IMPORTANT part of Freedom of Expression and also NEVER APOLOGISE for ANYTHING you comment EVER. If they have thin skin that is NOT our problem.

View attachment 331390

Bigoted & proud of it. Typican Trumpette.

That you interpret any and all criticism as bigotry is just you being, ironically a bigot.

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Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
YOU are the nazi bastard and the worst kind of shit
...your Chamberlain was the DUMBASS who let hitler have his way and KISSED his ass remind me of Lord Haw Haw
...STFU about the US--you know NOTHING about it = you are ignorant

He’s on a roll today. Dancing around the threads, riling everyone up, with malice aforethought.
Of course, it’s amusing to see rightists making references to fascism when conservatism itself is fundamentally authoritarian and fearful of expressions of individual liberty.

It's the world wide Leftists right now SCREAMING their support for Perpetual Lockdown and even more extreme Authoritarian measures to keep law-abiding human beings under effective House Arrest also you have Leftists going around like Walking Advertisements For The Stasi, phoning the police and telling them to go and arrest their neighbours because OMG they have been out of their house TWO TIMES in ONE day.

It is Right-Winger's and Conservatives in general who are AGAINST Perpetual Lockdown and the destroying of the Western Economy.

He can't hear you. His mind edits everything you say, to fit his preconceived notions.

Why should anyone care about a crowd who are OFFENDED by EVERYTHING, being OFFENSIVE IS an IMPORTANT part of Freedom of Expression and also NEVER APOLOGISE for ANYTHING you comment EVER. If they have thin skin that is NOT our problem.

View attachment 331390

Bigoted & proud of it. Typican Trumpette.

That you interpret any and all criticism as bigotry is just you being, ironically a bigot.
I identify bigots like you who are posting here on a daily basis.
Actually our Liberal Friends have been lying about this, photoshopping pictures to make it seem as if those who oppose House Arrest are National Socialists.

Really impeaches their credibility when they say other shit.


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