Auschwitz memorial condemns presence of Nazi slogan at US anti-lockdown rally

Indeed. The Germans shouldn't have been allowed to have a single state in the first place.

Oh. An anti-German. How nice. Perhaps you are a good object to train some of our young headhunters. Its very diffcult to teach them not always to nail the head from an anti-German idiot like you over the front door of their house, as we always did in the good old times where wishes still were able to come true.
Your young headhunters? How often are they allowed to leave their nursing home?

You would be astonished what Germans do the whole long day if it is a boring day. I remember now in this context for example how Australians tried to help a German, who was lost in the outcast on his travel through the dreamtime of the aborigenes. An Australian spoke with him a while and found out he's a nice guy, eats insects and has not any problem. Then he disappeared. I guess he's dead now, he became an aborigine or he's back in Germany. What will he answer, if I will ask him to bring me your shrinking head? Exactly - he will answer such an awry clownfish like you will perhaps be a protected species in a culture reserve.

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Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
The sign in the top picture is indefensible

probably mere ignorance by the person wielding it

but ignorance in the 2nd picture belongs to the op

because that sign is attacking the democrat governor of the state, not glorifying nazism
Indeed. The Germans shouldn't have been allowed to have a single state in the first place.

Oh. An anti-German. How nice. Perhaps you are a good object to train some of our young headhunters. Its very diffcult to teach them not always to nail the head from an anti-German idiot like you over the front door of their house, as we always did in the good old times where wishes still were able to come true.
Your young headhunters? How often are they allowed to leave their nursing home?

You would be astonished what Germans do the whole long day if it is a boring day. I remember now in this context for example how Australians tried to help a German, who was lost in the outcast on his travel through the dreamtime of the aborigenes. An Australian spoke with him a while and found out he's a nice guy, eats insects and has not any problem. Then he disappeared. I guess he's dead now, he became an aborigine or he's back in Germany. What will he answer, if I will ask him to bring me your shrinking head? Exactly - he will answer such an awry clownfish like you will perhaps be a protected species in a culture reserve.

What are you babbling, dude? You are drunk or what? Better tell this story to your Afghan guests.

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Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.

The first sign is the same words jewish people saw when they first walked into concentration camps. It says "Work Sets You Free."

Yet these republicans call anyone who doesn't agree with their view a nazi.

Here's a photo of the front gates of auschwitz

Screen Shot 2020-05-03 at 9.02.21 AM.png

Here's one of the signs from a trump person at one of the rallies against the shutdown. Interesting, the protests are mostly in states with a democratic governor.

Screen Shot 2020-04-19 at 5.44.15 PM.png
Yeah ... my Israeli friends tell me to leave my swastika armbands at home if I come to visit ... there's a scene in the movie The Producers that just screams First Amendment better than anything else ...

I don't think showing the world truth through images is trying to silence anyone.

It is showing the truth about some trump supporters.

Everyone has a right to free speech. Even those who speak up about the fact that some trump supporters are nazis.

So it's free speech for the trump supporters but speaking out about what some trump supporters are doing isn't free speech and no one has the right to speak up.

I wonder how many Germans wanted to speak up but didn't because they were too afraid? What would have happened if the people of Germany had gotten truth to hitler's lies and evil? Would they have allowed him to become their leader and commit all those crimes against humanity?

We will never know.

However maybe speaking out now and showing what some trump supporters are may help America avoid making another huge mistake and reelect trump.

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View attachment 330939

Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Those signs don't mean the people holding them espouse Nazi beliefs! They're accusing the Governor of being a fascist...something that seems to have gone right over your head!

Get your panties out of a bunch, Tommy! This string is stupid.
Yeah right. Trash supporting trash.

It's pretty obvious that the protesters are suggesting that the governor's actions are akin to Nazism, not that they are Nazis.

C'mon man, think.

Then why did the photo show an image with a woman holding a sign she obviously made saying "work makes you free?"

Do you know that's what was on the gates of concentration camps and the first jewish people saw of the camp as they walked into it to die?

How is using that exact phrase saying that the democratic governor is a nazi by shutting down the state to protect people from dying from the virus?

You are posting what you want to believe but it's not true. You want that to be the reason for those nazi symbols and words but you're lying to yourself to make yourself feel better for justifying your support of a politician who embraces supporters who are nazis.

Keep lying to yourself. It seems to be working for you thus far. The problem is you're going to have a very rude awakening very soon.

Good luck with that.
There is too much ignorance in this thread to even begin to think about addressing it...

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View attachment 330939

Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Those signs don't mean the people holding them espouse Nazi beliefs! They're accusing the Governor of being a fascist...something that seems to have gone right over your head!

Get your panties out of a bunch, Tommy! This string is stupid.
Yeah right. Trash supporting trash.
Did you just call me trash, Tommy? Tsk...tsk!
It's a stupid string. Attacking me for pointing it out won't change that fact!

It is not unusual for ALL Leftists to refer to ANYONE who disagrees with The Leftist Agenda as being trash.

Just a tad triggered yesterday were ya Lucy? :lol:

View attachment 330938

View attachment 330939

Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Those signs don't mean the people holding them espouse Nazi beliefs! They're accusing the Governor of being a fascist...something that seems to have gone right over your head!

Get your panties out of a bunch, Tommy! This string is stupid.
Yeah right. Trash supporting trash.

It's pretty obvious that the protesters are suggesting that the governor's actions are akin to Nazism, not that they are Nazis.

C'mon man, think.

Then why did the photo show an image with a woman holding a sign she obviously made saying "work makes you free?"

Do you know that's what was on the gates of concentration camps and the first jewish people saw of the camp as they walked into it to die?

How is using that exact phrase saying that the democratic governor is a nazi by shutting down the state to protect people from dying from the virus?

You are posting what you want to believe but it's not true. You want that to be the reason for those nazi symbols and words but you're lying to yourself to make yourself feel better for justifying your support of a politician who embraces supporters who are nazis.

Keep lying to yourself. It seems to be working for you thus far. The problem is you're going to have a very rude awakening very soon.

Good luck with that.

That D governor is also Jewish - The lady meant something else by her sign? I call BULLSHIT.

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Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.

Ummmm, Pritzker is the governor of illinois, so they are accusing him of being a NAZI, you ignorant twat.
Even you are not that fucking stupid.

Wanna wager on that? :)

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View attachment 330939

Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Those signs don't mean the people holding them espouse Nazi beliefs! They're accusing the Governor of being a fascist...something that seems to have gone right over your head!

Get your panties out of a bunch, Tommy! This string is stupid.

Why are not that PERPETUAL Bedwetting whining crowd ever offended when their fellow Leftists have these type of signs about The Donald? Oh that's right because it's SELECTIVE outrage at ONLY Right-Winger's and ANYONE who displays Patriotism, that Bedwetting crowd 99.9% of them are Leftists and as they are also Traitors in whatever Host Nation they HATE displays of Patriotism. The majority of that Bedwetting crowds Ancestors were Bolsheviks and common Communists and so it is no shock they are a majority Leftist and display SELECTIVE outrage at ONLY Right-Winger's and Patriots and their American Shabbos in filthy RACIST BIGOT organisations like the SPLC are the same.

Here are some signs about The Donald from Leftist protests, but NO outrage about them:

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Also that Bedwetting crowd being 99.9% Leftist Jews HATE Israel and NEVER criticise when Leftist scum are on the streets screaming about Israel and Bibi and holding signs and also doing Memes like the one below. WTF ANYONE does a Pepi The Frog Meme and that crowd literally SHIT themselves but doing the below Meme they are SILENT about. Total HYPOCRITES who can GTFO already:

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Israel is a Fascist State

It is a natural thing to want ONLY your OWN in your OWN nation. Bibi knows this, Likud know this and it is why they support Patriotic Nations who do NOT want Muh Refugees in to filth up our beautiful nations. Bibi and Likud don't give a SHIT about Britain or Sweden so they do not help those nations with moral support like they do us and Hungary for example. Bibi and Likud do not like Merkel and so they don't give a shit about Merkel-Stan either.

What we have is a choice of two things, different sides of the SAME coin, on side one Communism on side two Fascism. Historically Communism is Anti-Fascism and Fascism is Anti-Communism, so make your choice which side of the coin you eventually are going to be forced to go with.
Americans take the THIRD CHOICE. Nazis and commies are PROGRESSIVE big Godvernmet intruders on INDIVODUAL CHOICE. I support only the third option
Why would I answer you. Answer the question are you a Leftist Jew Athiest? If so, GTFO. Why are you Christ on a Croissant? You are upset at my posts in this thread because Leftist Joos upset at Americans protesting because they want to work. Have I Trolled you? No. You have a Blasphemy of a name to use. My only logical thinking about why YOU are so upset at my comments in this thread is because you are a Leftist Athiest Jesus Christ Hating Jew and if you don't like that I do not give a SHIT. Seek help? No YOU seek help because you are going to need it.
View attachment 331361

Secret camera captures Lucy at home. :D

Then why did the photo show an image with a woman holding a sign she obviously made saying "work makes you free?"

Do you know that's what was on the gates of concentration camps and the first jewish people saw of the camp as they walked into it to die?

How is using that exact phrase saying that the democratic governor is a nazi by shutting down the state to protect people from dying from the virus?

You are posting what you want to believe but it's not true. You want that to be the reason for those nazi symbols and words but you're lying to yourself to make yourself feel better for justifying your support of a politician who embraces supporters who are nazis.

Keep lying to yourself. It seems to be working for you thus far. The problem is you're going to have a very rude awakening very soon.

Good luck with that.
Exactly how full of shit are you? A sign that is an ironic reference to a Nazi phrase is obviously meant to
compare the actions of a governor that won't let people go to work so they can support themselves and families to the dictators that ran the Third Reich. Even a child can see that.
You are a paranoid fool. This entire thread comes directly from the pages of the UK Guardian, a far left wing
tabloid piece of garbage, and you fit right in.

View attachment 330938

View attachment 330939

Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Those signs don't mean the people holding them espouse Nazi beliefs! They're accusing the Governor of being a fascist...something that seems to have gone right over your head!

Get your panties out of a bunch, Tommy! This string is stupid.
Yeah right. Trash supporting trash.
Did you just call me trash, Tommy? Tsk...tsk!
It's a stupid string. Attacking me for pointing it out won't change that fact!

It is not unusual for ALL Leftists to refer to ANYONE who disagrees with The Leftist Agenda as being trash.

Just a tad triggered yesterday were ya Lucy? :lol:

Keep Trolling me you Troll with the Dislike fuckhead and see what happens. Fuck off now.
Why would I answer you. Answer the question are you a Leftist Jew Athiest? If so, GTFO. Why are you Christ on a Croissant? You are upset at my posts in this thread because Leftist Joos upset at Americans protesting because they want to work. Have I Trolled you? No. You have a Blasphemy of a name to use. My only logical thinking about why YOU are so upset at my comments in this thread is because you are a Leftist Athiest Jesus Christ Hating Jew and if you don't like that I do not give a SHIT. Seek help? No YOU seek help because you are going to need it.
View attachment 331361

Secret camera captures Lucy at home. :D


Keep digging Troll Boi. Go and suck a Leftist Athiest Joos microdick and choke on it.

Notice you CAN NOT refute ANYTHING I posted in this thread because you do NOT have the intellectual capability to do so. Go on, I DARE you REFUTE ONE THING I have posted.
Then why did the photo show an image with a woman holding a sign she obviously made saying "work makes you free?"

Do you know that's what was on the gates of concentration camps and the first jewish people saw of the camp as they walked into it to die?

How is using that exact phrase saying that the democratic governor is a nazi by shutting down the state to protect people from dying from the virus?

You are posting what you want to believe but it's not true. You want that to be the reason for those nazi symbols and words but you're lying to yourself to make yourself feel better for justifying your support of a politician who embraces supporters who are nazis.

Keep lying to yourself. It seems to be working for you thus far. The problem is you're going to have a very rude awakening very soon.

Good luck with that.
Exactly how full of shit are you? A sign that is an ironic reference to a Nazi phrase is obviously meant to
compare the actions of a governor that won't let people go to work so they can support themselves and families to the dictators that ran the Third Reich. Even a child can see that.
You are a paranoid fool. This entire thread comes directly from the pages of the UK Guardian, a far left wing
tabloid piece of garbage, and you fit right in.

Why are you or anyone even attempting to have a NORMAL discussion with these morons? They do NOT WANT a discussion they just want to vomit the Leftist Propaganda that gets fed to them. Also 99% of them in this thread are just Trolls and have been Trolling this thread for many pages.
Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Dear Tommy, people have a right to protest anything here in America they feel is an illegal and unjust action especially if it has literally wrecked their lives. They have a right to be free of your kind of narrow-minded, fascist, jack-booted gestapo mentality! Imagine that: A fascist complaining about fascism. Suck my dick.

View attachment 330938

View attachment 330939

Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Those signs don't mean the people holding them espouse Nazi beliefs! They're accusing the Governor of being a fascist...something that seems to have gone right over your head!

Get your panties out of a bunch, Tommy! This string is stupid.
Yeah right. Trash supporting trash.
Did you just call me trash, Tommy? Tsk...tsk!
It's a stupid string. Attacking me for pointing it out won't change that fact!

It is not unusual for ALL Leftists to refer to ANYONE who disagrees with The Leftist Agenda as being trash.

Just a tad triggered yesterday were ya Lucy? :lol:

Put your head in an old style gas oven. This is my last comment to you.

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