Auschwitz memorial condemns presence of Nazi slogan at US anti-lockdown rally

Indeed. The Germans shouldn't have been allowed to have a single state in the first place.

Oh. An anti-German. How nice. Perhaps you are a good object to train some of our young headhunters. Its very diffcult to teach them not always to nail the head from an anti-German idiot like you over the front door of their house, as we always did in the good old times where wishes still were able to come true.

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Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Those signs don't mean the people holding them espouse Nazi beliefs! They're accusing the Governor of being a fascist...something that seems to have gone right over your head!

Get your panties out of a bunch, Tommy! This string is stupid.

Why are not that PERPETUAL Bedwetting whining crowd ever offended when their fellow Leftists have these type of signs about The Donald? Oh that's right because it's SELECTIVE outrage at ONLY Right-Winger's and ANYONE who displays Patriotism, that Bedwetting crowd 99.9% of them are Leftists and as they are also Traitors in whatever Host Nation they HATE displays of Patriotism. The majority of that Bedwetting crowds Ancestors were Bolsheviks and common Communists and so it is no shock they are a majority Leftist and display SELECTIVE outrage at ONLY Right-Winger's and Patriots and their American Shabbos in filthy RACIST BIGOT organisations like the SPLC are the same.

Here are some signs about The Donald from Leftist protests, but NO outrage about them:

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Also that Bedwetting crowd being 99.9% Leftist Jews HATE Israel and NEVER criticise when Leftist scum are on the streets screaming about Israel and Bibi and holding signs and also doing Memes like the one below. WTF ANYONE does a Pepi The Frog Meme and that crowd literally SHIT themselves but doing the below Meme they are SILENT about. Total HYPOCRITES who can GTFO already:

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Israel is a Fascist State

It is a natural thing to want ONLY your OWN in your OWN nation. Bibi knows this, Likud know this and it is why they support Patriotic Nations who do NOT want Muh Refugees in to filth up our beautiful nations. Bibi and Likud don't give a SHIT about Britain or Sweden so they do not help those nations with moral support like they do us and Hungary for example. Bibi and Likud do not like Merkel and so they don't give a shit about Merkel-Stan either.

What we have is a choice of two things, different sides of the SAME coin, on side one Communism on side two Fascism. Historically Communism is Anti-Fascism and Fascism is Anti-Communism, so make your choice which side of the coin you eventually are going to be forced to go with.

I like neither Communism nor Fascism, I'm a Trump Voter and Libertarian
When Bibi hates Merkel I like Bibi


Well this is okay and okay.

No government, no ideology, Freedom & Capitalism, Ron Paul!

You think capitalism is not an ideology and is freedom? Funny.

It seems the right finds it impossible to protest without invoking the nazi symbols that their Grandfathers once fought against.

What's about India, where Swastika is attribute of any second temple.
Jews have as symbol Magen David Adom, why Arians are prohibited to have an own Symbol too?


There are literally milllions of the things across India and there is nothing wrong with that. The Hindu's are okay.
That’s because the swastika in India and elsewhere — like in Native American culture— means something completely different than what it symbolizes for Nazis. But you already knew that. So, why be disingenuous?
Indeed. The Germans shouldn't have been allowed to have a single state in the first place.

Oh. An anti-German. How nice. Perhaps you are a good object to train some of our young headhunters. Its very diffcult to teach them not always to nail the head from an anti-German idiot like you over the front door of their house, as we always did in the good old times where wishes still were able to come true.
Your young headhunters? How often are they allowed to leave their nursing home?

It seems the right finds it impossible to protest without invoking the nazi symbols that their Grandfathers once fought against.

What's about India, where Swastika is attribute of any second temple.
Jews have as symbol Magen David Adom, why Arians are prohibited to have an own Symbol too?


There are literally milllions of the things across India and there is nothing wrong with that. The Hindu's are okay.
That’s because the swastika in India and elsewhere — like in Native American culture— means something completely different than what it symbolizes for Nazis. But you already knew that. So, why be disingenuous?
Before the 1930s, The Army's 45th Infantry Division s symbol was a red square with a yellow swastika, a tribute to the large Native American population in the southwestern United States.


It seems the right finds it impossible to protest without invoking the nazi symbols that their Grandfathers once fought against.

What's about India, where Swastika is attribute of any second temple.
Jews have as symbol Magen David Adom, why Arians are prohibited to have an own Symbol too?


There are literally milllions of the things across India and there is nothing wrong with that. The Hindu's are okay.
That’s because the swastika in India and elsewhere — like in Native American culture— means something completely different than what it symbolizes for Nazis. But you already knew that. So, why be disingenuous?

Why should a Christian respond to someone calling themselves Christ on a Croissant? GTFO. Are you a Leftist Jew Athiest or something? My posts in this thread seem to have Triggered you with the Dislike rating. Idiot. Joined April 4 you obviously are a Troll.

View attachment 330938

View attachment 330939

Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Those signs don't mean the people holding them espouse Nazi beliefs! They're accusing the Governor of being a fascist...something that seems to have gone right over your head!

Get your panties out of a bunch, Tommy! This string is stupid.

Why are not that PERPETUAL Bedwetting whining crowd ever offended when their fellow Leftists have these type of signs about The Donald? Oh that's right because it's SELECTIVE outrage at ONLY Right-Winger's and ANYONE who displays Patriotism, that Bedwetting crowd 99.9% of them are Leftists and as they are also Traitors in whatever Host Nation they HATE displays of Patriotism. The majority of that Bedwetting crowds Ancestors were Bolsheviks and common Communists and so it is no shock they are a majority Leftist and display SELECTIVE outrage at ONLY Right-Winger's and Patriots and their American Shabbos in filthy RACIST BIGOT organisations like the SPLC are the same.

Here are some signs about The Donald from Leftist protests, but NO outrage about them:

View attachment 330951

View attachment 330952

Also that Bedwetting crowd being 99.9% Leftist Jews HATE Israel and NEVER criticise when Leftist scum are on the streets screaming about Israel and Bibi and holding signs and also doing Memes like the one below. WTF ANYONE does a Pepi The Frog Meme and that crowd literally SHIT themselves but doing the below Meme they are SILENT about. Total HYPOCRITES who can GTFO already:

View attachment 330960

View attachment 330957

View attachment 330962

View attachment 330965

Israel is a Fascist State

It is a natural thing to want ONLY your OWN in your OWN nation. Bibi knows this, Likud know this and it is why they support Patriotic Nations who do NOT want Muh Refugees in to filth up our beautiful nations. Bibi and Likud don't give a SHIT about Britain or Sweden so they do not help those nations with moral support like they do us and Hungary for example. Bibi and Likud do not like Merkel and so they don't give a shit about Merkel-Stan either.

What we have is a choice of two things, different sides of the SAME coin, on side one Communism on side two Fascism. Historically Communism is Anti-Fascism and Fascism is Anti-Communism, so make your choice which side of the coin you eventually are going to be forced to go with.

I like neither Communism nor Fascism, I'm a Trump Voter and Libertarian
When Bibi hates Merkel I like Bibi


Well this is okay and okay.

No government, no ideology, Freedom & Capitalism, Ron Paul!

You think capitalism is not an ideology and is freedom? Funny.

Capitalism is an ideology. Freedom is a right. No Government not a good idea, no Government would be Anarchy.
Why should a Christian respond to someone calling themselves Christ on a Croissant? GTFO. Are you a Leftist Jew Athiest or something? My posts in this thread seem to have Triggered you with the Dislike rating. Idiot.
So, you don’t want to answer the question. You could have just not responded. But instead, we get this ^^^^ nonsense. Seek help.
Why should a Christian respond to someone calling themselves Christ on a Croissant? GTFO. Are you a Leftist Jew Athiest or something? My posts in this thread seem to have Triggered you with the Dislike rating. Idiot.
So, you don’t want to answer the question. You could have just not responded. But instead, we get this ^^^^ nonsense. Seek help.

Why would I answer you. Answer the question are you a Leftist Jew Athiest? If so, GTFO. Why are you Christ on a Croissant? You are upset at my posts in this thread because Leftist Joos upset at Americans protesting because they want to work. Have I Trolled you? No. You have a Blasphemy of a name to use. My only logical thinking about why YOU are so upset at my comments in this thread is because you are a Leftist Athiest Jesus Christ Hating Jew and if you don't like that I do not give a SHIT. Seek help? No YOU seek help because you are going to need it.

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Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.

They should STFU nobody is listening to this broken record anymore, those peoples protesting in Illinois have a RIGHT to hold what sign they want to illustrate WHY they are protesting and unlike the crowd Bedwetting those peoples in Illinois actually WANT to work.

This CONSTANTLY whining Bedwetting crowd need to learn that nobody gives a horsecrap about their whining and complaining and being offended. Good thing most of them will be dead within the next 10 years and then the world can move on and not be told WHAT to say, what NOT to say, WHAT NOT to protest about. That Bedwetting crowd probably SUPPORT the lockdowns because it's NOT affecting THEM because are they working or are they getting their money from History's Biggest Financial Gibs Me Dat Shakedown?

The peoples PROTESTING have a RIGHT to protest they are soon in danger of losing their jobs IF the irrational lockdown is NOT relaxed those peoples have bills to pay, they are NOT in the lucky position that the Bedwetters are in where they can go around the planet operating History's Biggest Financial Gibs Me Dat Shakedown using the EXCUSE of something that ended nearly 75 years ago. Get over it already, THIS is REAL LIFE happening in 2020, those peoples have a RIGHT to hold whatever signs they WANT to illustrate how ANGRY they are at being REFUSED the RIGHT to return to work.

If any of The Usual Suspects and their Shabbos do NOT like these comments well then I do NOT give a SHIT and I am immune to any name calling and so if you decide to go to your Name Calling Mode in an attempt to make someone shut up I do NOT give a SHIT about that either and if ANYONE wants an APOLOGY for possibly being OFFENDED, guess what? I don't give a SHIT about your feelings.

You and the morons LIKING this OP -- are actually clueless.. Arbeit Macht Freiheit "Work makes Freedom" was the gate sign over Aushwitz (and or others)... And you totally MISS the application of the phrase here... If you're ADDRESSING "Nazis" in government -- you use THEIR LANGUAGE.. There is absolutely NOTHING anti-semitic about the WORDS -- only hurt over WHO applied them to GOVERNMENT denying your freedom and STEALING your work...

We don't HAVE a "clean" totalitarian dictatorship to draw examples to when OUR GOVT leaders go down that road.. SO any old totalitarian dictatorship will do... Could have quoted the Robert Mugabe regime or the L'il Kim Chee regime slogans but then the black Americans or Koreans would be offended.

As a Jew I whole heartedly endorse this use.. Causes me no pain... As for the other pic, if you've been on USMB long enough, calling people Nazis should NOT cause anyone to meltdown.. HOWEVER -- it's a useless thing to do at a protest UNLESS -- there are REAL Nazis present...

I did not Like the OP Flac, I gave the OP no rating and I agree with your comments.

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View attachment 330939

Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.

They should STFU nobody is listening to this broken record anymore, those peoples protesting in Illinois have a RIGHT to hold what sign they want to illustrate WHY they are protesting and unlike the crowd Bedwetting those peoples in Illinois actually WANT to work.

This CONSTANTLY whining Bedwetting crowd need to learn that nobody gives a horsecrap about their whining and complaining and being offended. Good thing most of them will be dead within the next 10 years and then the world can move on and not be told WHAT to say, what NOT to say, WHAT NOT to protest about. That Bedwetting crowd probably SUPPORT the lockdowns because it's NOT affecting THEM because are they working or are they getting their money from History's Biggest Financial Gibs Me Dat Shakedown?

The peoples PROTESTING have a RIGHT to protest they are soon in danger of losing their jobs IF the irrational lockdown is NOT relaxed those peoples have bills to pay, they are NOT in the lucky position that the Bedwetters are in where they can go around the planet operating History's Biggest Financial Gibs Me Dat Shakedown using the EXCUSE of something that ended nearly 75 years ago. Get over it already, THIS is REAL LIFE happening in 2020, those peoples have a RIGHT to hold whatever signs they WANT to illustrate how ANGRY they are at being REFUSED the RIGHT to return to work.

If any of The Usual Suspects and their Shabbos do NOT like these comments well then I do NOT give a SHIT and I am immune to any name calling and so if you decide to go to your Name Calling Mode in an attempt to make someone shut up I do NOT give a SHIT about that either and if ANYONE wants an APOLOGY for possibly being OFFENDED, guess what? I don't give a SHIT about your feelings.

Lucy----could you define that group you call
"bedwetters" and tells us of what they will
die within the next ten years? Also, to what
"comments" do you refer as those for which
you would not "give a shit"?

Bedwetters = Perpetual Whining, Perpetual Gibs Me Dat. They will die because they are all old, old peoples die. The comments I refer to as not giving a shit what anyone thinks of them are ALL my comments in this thread but especially my FIRST comments in this thread.

View attachment 330938

View attachment 330939

Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Those signs don't mean the people holding them espouse Nazi beliefs! They're accusing the Governor of being a fascist...something that seems to have gone right over your head!

Get your panties out of a bunch, Tommy! This string is stupid.
Yeah right. Trash supporting trash.

Are you pretending that your point was not an accusation of nazism? Or are you pretending to accept that they were not, so you can just come back to it later?

I'm not sure how this is any different that UK papers comparing President Trump to Hitler... I guess it all depends on how you're bent.
They both gained power using racial and religious hatred but the comparison stops there. His followers? That`s a different story.
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The thread is not about Trump the thread is about that crowd protesting that Neo-Communist Governor and using things that the Perpetual Bedwetters who are 99.9% Leftists are upset about probably because they support Perpetual Lockdown because they have their Perpetual Money Shakedown that they do on the majority of Western nations, History's Biggest Financial Shakedown. Disgusting.
Why would I answer you. Answer the question are you a Leftist Jew Athiest? If so, GTFO. Why are you Christ on a Croissant? You are upset at my posts in this thread because Leftist Joos upset at Americans protesting because they want to work. Have I Trolled you? No. You have a Blasphemy of a name to use. My only logical thinking about why YOU are so upset at my comments in this thread is because you are a Leftist Athiest Jesus Christ Hating Jew and if you don't like that I do not give a SHIT. Seek help? No YOU seek help because you are going to need it.

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