Auschwitz memorial condemns presence of Nazi slogan at US anti-lockdown rally

It seems the right finds it impossible to protest without invoking the nazi symbols that their Grandfathers once fought against.

That is silly. We often protest without using such symbols. But sometimes they are appropriate. THe shutdown is really hurting a lot of people. They have a right to express that anger.

And my understanding is the governor is being very authoritarian.

Your pretense that this is any more than a little hyperbolic, is you being the bad guy here, smearing someone who does not deserve it, because you are a lefty asshole.
I'm not sure how this is any different that UK papers comparing President Trump to Hitler... I guess it all depends on how you're bent.

The difference as I already comment is that they ignore it when Leftists do because they are Leftists. I provide images in this thread of Leftists using imagery about Bibi and Israel that these Leftist Bedwetters ignore, but they begin whining when Conservatives use that imagery to protest at a Neo-Communist Governor who will not allow them to return to work.

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Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Those signs don't mean the people holding them espouse Nazi beliefs! They're accusing the Governor of being a fascist...something that seems to have gone right over your head!

Get your panties out of a bunch, Tommy! This string is stupid.

Why are not that PERPETUAL Bedwetting whining crowd ever offended when their fellow Leftists have these type of signs about The Donald? Oh that's right because it's SELECTIVE outrage at ONLY Right-Winger's and ANYONE who displays Patriotism, that Bedwetting crowd 99.9% of them are Leftists and as they are also Traitors in whatever Host Nation they HATE displays of Patriotism. The majority of that Bedwetting crowds Ancestors were Bolsheviks and common Communists and so it is no shock they are a majority Leftist and display SELECTIVE outrage at ONLY Right-Winger's and Patriots and their American Shabbos in filthy RACIST BIGOT organisations like the SPLC are the same.

Here are some signs about The Donald from Leftist protests, but NO outrage about them:

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Also that Bedwetting crowd being 99.9% Leftist Jews HATE Israel and NEVER criticise when Leftist scum are on the streets screaming about Israel and Bibi and holding signs and also doing cartoons like the one below ANYONE does a Pepe The Frog Meme and that crowd literally SHIT themselves but holding the below signs and doing the below cartoons and using the below imagery and they are 100% SILENT. They can GTFO, nobody want to listen to their whining anymore, they are a broken record they also are TOTAL hypocrites.

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it's DIFFERENT when they do it. Because in their hearts, they know they are good people.

SO they have different rules for different people. Based on being it the right group. or not.

Sometimes, these rules vary based on race. It is very confusing. just trust the libs. they always know.
Why would I answer you. Answer the question are you a Leftist Jew Athiest? If so, GTFO. Why are you Christ on a Croissant? You are upset at my posts in this thread because Leftist Joos upset at Americans protesting because they want to work. Have I Trolled you? No. You have a Blasphemy of a name to use. My only logical thinking about why YOU are so upset at my comments in this thread is because you are a Leftist Athiest Jesus Christ Hating Jew and if you don't like that I do not give a SHIT. Seek help? No YOU seek help because you are going to need it.
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No I am not Triggered but you are or you would not be in this thread, you got into this thread because you are a Leftist Athiest Jew Boi and my comments Triggered you.

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Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Yes, this is truly as idiotic as it is wrong and ridiculous.

Comparing the necessary, proper, and Constitutional health and safety guidelines to the Nazis is indeed moronic – particularly with the courts consistently holding that the guidelines in no manner violate the rights and protected liberties of citizens.

Are you pretending to not get that Tommy is implying that the protestors are nazis?

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Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Those signs don't mean the people holding them espouse Nazi beliefs! They're accusing the Governor of being a fascist...something that seems to have gone right over your head!

Get your panties out of a bunch, Tommy! This string is stupid.

Why are not that PERPETUAL Bedwetting whining crowd ever offended when their fellow Leftists have these type of signs about The Donald? Oh that's right because it's SELECTIVE outrage at ONLY Right-Winger's and ANYONE who displays Patriotism, that Bedwetting crowd 99.9% of them are Leftists and as they are also Traitors in whatever Host Nation they HATE displays of Patriotism. The majority of that Bedwetting crowds Ancestors were Bolsheviks and common Communists and so it is no shock they are a majority Leftist and display SELECTIVE outrage at ONLY Right-Winger's and Patriots and their American Shabbos in filthy RACIST BIGOT organisations like the SPLC are the same.

Here are some signs about The Donald from Leftist protests, but NO outrage about them:

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Also that Bedwetting crowd being 99.9% Leftist Jews HATE Israel and NEVER criticise when Leftist scum are on the streets screaming about Israel and Bibi and holding signs and also doing cartoons like the one below ANYONE does a Pepe The Frog Meme and that crowd literally SHIT themselves but holding the below signs and doing the below cartoons and using the below imagery and they are 100% SILENT. They can GTFO, nobody want to listen to their whining anymore, they are a broken record they also are TOTAL hypocrites.

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it's DIFFERENT when they do it. Because in their hearts, they know they are good people.

SO they have different rules for different people. Based on being it the right group. or not.

Sometimes, these rules vary based on race. It is very confusing. just trust the libs. they always know.

They are Hypocrites and they get nowhere with someone like me with all their hysterical hypocritical Bedwetting and as a Christian why should I give a SHIT about what a crowd of Leftist Athiest Jews think when they SHIT on Jesus Christ Our Lord and Messiah? I have ZERO respect for them, they can GTFO and hurry up and die already so they can return to their god Satan in Hell.
Of course, it’s amusing to see rightists making references to fascism when conservatism itself is fundamentally authoritarian and fearful of expressions of individual liberty.

Mmm, so, their actions don't mesh with your expectations of their beliefs....

Could it be that your self serving assumptions of people you hate, is not correct?

NAH, they must be so stupid, that they don't even understand what they think.

Yeah, that must be it.

Your world must be so empowering to you. EVERYTHING that happens, reinforces your image of yourself as a wise and kind and all knowing.... something wise and cool...

So, how old were you, when you realized that you knew everything and was done with learning?

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Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Yes, this is truly as idiotic as it is wrong and ridiculous.

Comparing the necessary, proper, and Constitutional health and safety guidelines to the Nazis is indeed moronic – particularly with the courts consistently holding that the guidelines in no manner violate the rights and protected liberties of citizens.

Are you pretending to not get that Tommy is implying that the protestors are nazis?

The protestors are Conservative and White and to Leftists ALL White Conservatives are Nazi's AND White Supremacists, actually to Leftists ANYONE who is against the Leftist Agenda is also a Nazi and a White Supremacist. The protestors are making a point about the Neo-Communist Governor who refuse to allow them to return to work and with this illustrates he wants them to be financially ruined.
Of course, it’s amusing to see rightists making references to fascism when conservatism itself is fundamentally authoritarian and fearful of expressions of individual liberty.

It's the world wide Leftists right now SCREAMING their support for Perpetual Lockdown and even more extreme Authoritarian measures to keep law-abiding human beings under effective House Arrest also you have Leftists going around like Walking Advertisements For The Stasi, phoning the police and telling them to go and arrest their neighbours because OMG they have been out of their house TWO TIMES in ONE day.

It is Right-Winger's and Conservatives in general who are AGAINST Perpetual Lockdown and the destroying of the Western Economy.

He can't hear you. His mind edits everything you say, to fit his preconceived notions.

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Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.

They should STFU nobody is listening to this broken record anymore, those peoples protesting in Illinois have a RIGHT to hold what sign they want to illustrate WHY they are protesting and unlike the crowd Bedwetting those peoples in Illinois actually WANT to work.

This CONSTANTLY whining Bedwetting crowd need to learn that nobody gives a horsecrap about their whining and complaining and being offended. Good thing most of them will be dead within the next 10 years and then the world can move on and not be told WHAT to say, what NOT to say, WHAT NOT to protest about. That Bedwetting crowd probably SUPPORT the lockdowns because it's NOT affecting THEM because are they working or are they getting their money from History's Biggest Financial Gibs Me Dat Shakedown?

The peoples PROTESTING have a RIGHT to protest they are soon in danger of losing their jobs IF the irrational lockdown is NOT relaxed those peoples have bills to pay, they are NOT in the lucky position that the Bedwetters are in where they can go around the planet operating History's Biggest Financial Gibs Me Dat Shakedown using the EXCUSE of something that ended nearly 75 years ago. Get over it already, THIS is REAL LIFE happening in 2020, those peoples have a RIGHT to hold whatever signs they WANT to illustrate how ANGRY they are at being REFUSED the RIGHT to return to work.

If any of The Usual Suspects and their Shabbos do NOT like these comments well then I do NOT give a SHIT and I am immune to any name calling and so if you decide to go to your Name Calling Mode in an attempt to make someone shut up I do NOT give a SHIT about that either and if ANYONE wants an APOLOGY for possibly being OFFENDED, guess what? I don't give a SHIT about your feelings.
Guess what. I have the freedom to call you assfucks for doing it.

Stupidity is you morons protesting without masks which could spike the stats & make trhe stay at home order be extended.
Of course, it’s amusing to see rightists making references to fascism when conservatism itself is fundamentally authoritarian and fearful of expressions of individual liberty.

It's the world wide Leftists right now SCREAMING their support for Perpetual Lockdown and even more extreme Authoritarian measures to keep law-abiding human beings under effective House Arrest also you have Leftists going around like Walking Advertisements For The Stasi, phoning the police and telling them to go and arrest their neighbours because OMG they have been out of their house TWO TIMES in ONE day.

It is Right-Winger's and Conservatives in general who are AGAINST Perpetual Lockdown and the destroying of the Western Economy.

He can't hear you. His mind edits everything you say, to fit his preconceived notions.

Yes like other things eg. you can slap Mooselimbs, you can slap Buddhists, you can slap other Christians but if you slap Leftist Athiest Gibs Me Dat Jews they SHIT themselves, WTF the most thin skin peoples on the planet EVER in the history of the planet. They should grow up and deal with it as we have Freedom I or you or anyone can slap or criticise ANYONE we want to.

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Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Those signs don't mean the people holding them espouse Nazi beliefs! They're accusing the Governor of being a fascist...something that seems to have gone right over your head!

Get your panties out of a bunch, Tommy! This string is stupid.
Yeah right. Trash supporting trash.

It's pretty obvious that the protesters are suggesting that the governor's actions are akin to Nazism, not that they are Nazis.

C'mon man, think.
A distinction without a difference; suggesting that the governor's actions are ‘akin’ to Nazism is just as ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.

Irrelevant. Unless the distinction means that they are Nazis in either case, there most definitely IS a difference. Promoting an ignorant, ridiculous and wrong narrative doesn't make them Nazis.

The premise of the OP is that these people are quoting Nazi slogans out of an appreciation or admiration of Nazi ideals. They are not.
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Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.

They should STFU nobody is listening to this broken record anymore, those peoples protesting in Illinois have a RIGHT to hold what sign they want to illustrate WHY they are protesting and unlike the crowd Bedwetting those peoples in Illinois actually WANT to work.

This CONSTANTLY whining Bedwetting crowd need to learn that nobody gives a horsecrap about their whining and complaining and being offended. Good thing most of them will be dead within the next 10 years and then the world can move on and not be told WHAT to say, what NOT to say, WHAT NOT to protest about. That Bedwetting crowd probably SUPPORT the lockdowns because it's NOT affecting THEM because are they working or are they getting their money from History's Biggest Financial Gibs Me Dat Shakedown?

The peoples PROTESTING have a RIGHT to protest they are soon in danger of losing their jobs IF the irrational lockdown is NOT relaxed those peoples have bills to pay, they are NOT in the lucky position that the Bedwetters are in where they can go around the planet operating History's Biggest Financial Gibs Me Dat Shakedown using the EXCUSE of something that ended nearly 75 years ago. Get over it already, THIS is REAL LIFE happening in 2020, those peoples have a RIGHT to hold whatever signs they WANT to illustrate how ANGRY they are at being REFUSED the RIGHT to return to work.

If any of The Usual Suspects and their Shabbos do NOT like these comments well then I do NOT give a SHIT and I am immune to any name calling and so if you decide to go to your Name Calling Mode in an attempt to make someone shut up I do NOT give a SHIT about that either and if ANYONE wants an APOLOGY for possibly being OFFENDED, guess what? I don't give a SHIT about your feelings.
Guess what. I have the freedom to call you assfucks for doing it.

Stupidity is you morons protesting without masks which could spike the stats & make trhe stay at home order be extended.

The numbers used to justify the current policy have been shown to be widely inaccurate. Why are you ignoring the fact that the basis for the policy is wrong?

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Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.

They should STFU nobody is listening to this broken record anymore, those peoples protesting in Illinois have a RIGHT to hold what sign they want to illustrate WHY they are protesting and unlike the crowd Bedwetting those peoples in Illinois actually WANT to work.

This CONSTANTLY whining Bedwetting crowd need to learn that nobody gives a horsecrap about their whining and complaining and being offended. Good thing most of them will be dead within the next 10 years and then the world can move on and not be told WHAT to say, what NOT to say, WHAT NOT to protest about. That Bedwetting crowd probably SUPPORT the lockdowns because it's NOT affecting THEM because are they working or are they getting their money from History's Biggest Financial Gibs Me Dat Shakedown?

The peoples PROTESTING have a RIGHT to protest they are soon in danger of losing their jobs IF the irrational lockdown is NOT relaxed those peoples have bills to pay, they are NOT in the lucky position that the Bedwetters are in where they can go around the planet operating History's Biggest Financial Gibs Me Dat Shakedown using the EXCUSE of something that ended nearly 75 years ago. Get over it already, THIS is REAL LIFE happening in 2020, those peoples have a RIGHT to hold whatever signs they WANT to illustrate how ANGRY they are at being REFUSED the RIGHT to return to work.

If any of The Usual Suspects and their Shabbos do NOT like these comments well then I do NOT give a SHIT and I am immune to any name calling and so if you decide to go to your Name Calling Mode in an attempt to make someone shut up I do NOT give a SHIT about that either and if ANYONE wants an APOLOGY for possibly being OFFENDED, guess what? I don't give a SHIT about your feelings.
Guess what. I have the freedom to call you assfucks for doing it.

Stupidity is you morons protesting without masks which could spike the stats & make trhe stay at home order be extended.

I have been wearing a mask and gloves for more than 5 weeks when I am out.

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Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Those signs don't mean the people holding them espouse Nazi beliefs! They're accusing the Governor of being a fascist...something that seems to have gone right over your head!

Get your panties out of a bunch, Tommy! This string is stupid.
Yeah right. Trash supporting trash.

It's pretty obvious that the protesters are suggesting that the governor's actions are akin to Nazism, not that they are Nazis.

C'mon man, think.
A distinction without a difference; suggesting that the governor's actions are ‘akin’ to Nazism is just as ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.

Irrelevant. Unless the distinction means that they are Nazis in either case, there most definitely IS a difference. Promoting an ignorant, ridiculous and wrong narrative doesn't make them Nazis.

The premise of the OP is that these people are quoting Nazi slogans out of an appreciation or admiration of Nazi ideals. They are not.

From the Bedwetters point they are working toward the usual point with them. The next point will be because of Muh Feelings the taxpayers of Illinois they will DEMAND pay them money because of Muh Feelings because of Muh Signs the protestors were holding, you know the usual MO. With them it's ALL about getting Gibs Me Dat, they are History's biggest Shakedown artists, they have been running History's Biggest Financial Shakedown....Gibs Me Dat Perpetually, for them, when they are dead it will be Gibs Me Dat for the grandchildren then the great-grandchildren, their biggest FEAR is NOT peoples holding signs their biggest FEAR is that the MONEY is going to stop. Name ONE other group of peoples who are given FREE money from Western nations because of something that ENDED more than half a Century ago? Zero. It's a Financial Scam that NEEDS to be put a STOP to.

Meanwhile this crowd of the sewer can stand there and say FUCK JESUS CHRIST, and DEMAND ONLY Western nations destroy their borders to allow unlimited amounts of Mooselimbs and Third Worlders in because of you know the SAME excuse what ended more than half a Century ago, it's the excuse they use for EVERYTHING. They are NOT our friends, we should have NO contact with them and WHEN they come calling they SHOULD be told to fuck off. As I already comment 99.9% of them are full on Leftists and they hate EVERYONE who is NOT them, they especially HATE Patriotism and like the children of Satan they are the SIGHT of Christianity and Christian symbols drives them MORE insane than they already are. Die already and return to your god in Hell.

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View attachment 330939

Here are trumps "fine people" No dfferent to the worst kind of shit on this board.
Those signs don't mean the people holding them espouse Nazi beliefs! They're accusing the Governor of being a fascist...something that seems to have gone right over your head!

Get your panties out of a bunch, Tommy! This string is stupid.
Yeah right. Trash supporting trash.

It's pretty obvious that the protesters are suggesting that the governor's actions are akin to Nazism, not that they are Nazis.

C'mon man, think.
A distinction without a difference; suggesting that the governor's actions are ‘akin’ to Nazism is just as ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.

Irrelevant. Unless the distinction means that they are Nazis in either case, there most definitely IS a difference. Promoting an ignorant, ridiculous and wrong narrative doesn't make them Nazis.

The premise of the OP is that these people are quoting Nazi slogans out of an appreciation or admiration of Nazi ideals. They are not.

The situation is it is pointless to discuss any of this, why? Because regardless of what ANYONE say they are STILL going to call you a Nazi because you are Conservative, White and a Christian. So in that situation when they start SCREAMING Nazi, say so what who cares, deal with it OR humour them and say thanks for the compliment. There are WORSE things than being called a Nazi by Leftist weirdos such as being called a Communist. Of course WHEN they are called Communists they get a wet spot in their panties because they literally ARE Communists and they are PROUD of being Communists because Communism was so great because Communists were Anti-Fascists and the Bedwetting Crowd History's Biggest Financial Shakedown MOB they are the descendents of the original Bolsheviks and Communists and because of the historical aversion to work and a work ethic Gibs Me Dat is their natural mode and the Communism they WORSHIP? THIS below is how GREAT Communism was and is:

The Capitalist African slave trade killed 150 million. How many died in the Capitalist wars in Vietnam and Korea? Has anyone ever starved to death under Capitalism? Hundreds of millions. Batista, Pinochet, Saddam and every other U.S. supported dictatorship killed plenty more but they weren`t commies so we were good with it.
Of course, it’s amusing to see rightists making references to fascism when conservatism itself is fundamentally authoritarian and fearful of expressions of individual liberty.

It's the world wide Leftists right now SCREAMING their support for Perpetual Lockdown and even more extreme Authoritarian measures to keep law-abiding human beings under effective House Arrest also you have Leftists going around like Walking Advertisements For The Stasi, phoning the police and telling them to go and arrest their neighbours because OMG they have been out of their house TWO TIMES in ONE day.

It is Right-Winger's and Conservatives in general who are AGAINST Perpetual Lockdown and the destroying of the Western Economy.

He can't hear you. His mind edits everything you say, to fit his preconceived notions.

Why should anyone care about a crowd who are OFFENDED by EVERYTHING, being OFFENSIVE IS an IMPORTANT part of Freedom of Expression and also NEVER APOLOGISE for ANYTHING you comment EVER. If they have thin skin that is NOT our problem.

Why would I answer you. Answer the question are you a Leftist Jew Athiest? If so, GTFO. Why are you Christ on a Croissant? You are upset at my posts in this thread because Leftist Joos upset at Americans protesting because they want to work. Have I Trolled you? No. You have a Blasphemy of a name to use. My only logical thinking about why YOU are so upset at my comments in this thread is because you are a Leftist Athiest Jesus Christ Hating Jew and if you don't like that I do not give a SHIT. Seek help? No YOU seek help because you are going to need it.
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THIS below is a Trigger, it is EVERYTHING that Leftists and ESPECIALLY EVERYTHING Leftist Athiest Jews HATE. OMG just LOOK at the below filthy family of Nazi's and White Supremacists! IMAGINE a biological WHITE man being married to a biological WHITE woman and them having WHITE children who have NOT been BRAINWASHED to DENY Biology 101 and Transgender and OMG how Nazi of them all to be eating MEAT and the WHITE girl having a WHITE boyfriend and OMG they MIGHT BREED more WHITE children and you just KNOW ONE of those WHITE children MIGHT grow up to be the NEW Adolf Hitler :omg:

The Capitalist African slave trade killed 150 million. How many died in the Capitalist wars in Vietnam and Korea? Has anyone ever starved to death under Capitalism? Hundreds of millions. Batista, Pinochet, Saddam and every other U.S. supported dictatorship killed plenty more but they weren`t commies so we were good with it.

Many more starved to death under Communism and THAT was a DELIBERATE policy. Do you have a link to show that hundreds of millions have starved under Capitalism?

Fulgencio Batista, Cuba was better with him than with the Communist Fidel Castro. Augusto Pinochet SAVED Chile from being turned into a Communist shit hole like Cuba under Fidel Castro. Pinochet and Jorge Videla in Argentina where removing from the planet filthy Communist scum who wanted to turn Chile and Argentina into Communist shit holes like Cuba. Pinochet and Jorge Videla were both Roman Catholic Christian men and were doing Our Lord's work on this earth as Communists being Athiests are of Satan.

The different one was Saddam Hussein who actually was an Arab Socialist he was not a Conservative, The Ba'ath Party are Socialist they are Left-Wing. America was ONLY supporting Saddam because he was against Iran and they were against Iran, when Saddam the Puppet was NOT needed anymore he could be disposed of and replaced by a vacuum which is why there is permanent chaos in Iraq.


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