Aussie STASI Going Door to Door Demanding Answer to "Are You Aware Of Any Planned Protests Or Events Coming Up?"

Almost understood it fully.
It's original far as I can see..."The amendment’s primary justification was to prevent the United States from needing a standing army.'

Given that it's been amended 17 times, who knows what it actually means today
Since the adoption of the constitution and the Bill of Rights, it has been amended 17 times to reflect changes to our society over the past 230 years.

The reason for the 2nd Amendment is to stop a tyrannical government.
As in our own Government.
The reason for the 2nd Amendment is to stop a tyrannical government.
As in our own Government.
It's 2021, ...your govt, if it were tyrannical, would be able to do whatever it liked.
Its military is mighty, far mightier than any citizens' militia.
"Break out the stealths", and the citizens' militia would be toast.

Having "the right to bear arms" so citizens can defend themselves from the bad people, and defend the country from takeover by foreign armies...different matter.
The bad people...rapists, serial killers knocking on doors during the day when wives are home alone and playing the piano (sadistically perverted serial killer BTK, "nice and friendly" pastor ), home invaders, kidnappers, murderers, terrorists out to behead/ hack people to death in the streets and churches(refer London, France etc), gang thugs...etc.
It's 2021, ...your govt, if it were tyrannical, would be able to do whatever it liked.
Its military is mighty, far mightier than any citizens' militia.
"Break out the stealths", and the citizens' militia would be toast.

Having "the right to bear arms" so citizens can defend themselves from the bad people, and defend the country from takeover by foreign armies...different matter.
The bad people...rapists, serial killers knocking on doors during the day when wives are home alone and playing the piano (sadistically perverted serial killer BTK, "nice and friendly" pastor ), home invaders, kidnappers, murderers, terrorists out to behead/ hack people to death in the streets and churches(refer London, France etc), gang thugs...etc.

So tell me,how did the Vietnamese and the Afghans run us out of their countries?
You need to study asymmetric warfare for a clue as to how it works. Do you believe the US military is just going to start killing civilians? How do they know who the bad guys are?
You need to stop and think,what do you think the guys in the military are going to do when the military starts shooting down their friends and families?
There will be mass desertions and who side do you think these deserters are going to be on?
Oh...civilians far outnumber our military especially when you consider most in the military will refuse to fire on their own country men.
If you've paid attention the left has been infiltrating our military. Barry fired a bunch of high ranking Generals and replaced them with ones that will follow his orders. But that still doesn't negate the Men in the field.
You're very naive.

So tell me,how did the Vietnamese and the Afghans run us out of their countries?
You need to study asymmetric warfare for a clue as to how it works. Do you believe the US military is just going to start killing civilians? How do they know who the bad guys are?
You need to stop and think,what do you think the guys in the military are going to do when the military starts shooting down their friends and families?
There will be mass desertions and who side do you think these deserters are going to be on?
Oh...civilians far outnumber our military especially when you consider most in the military will refuse to fire on their own country men.
If you've paid attention the left has been infiltrating our military. Barry fired a bunch of high ranking Generals and replaced them with ones that will follow his orders. But that still doesn't negate the Men in the field.
You're very naive.

You are correct of course...I now understand, your explanation is very enlightening.
If that footage was taking during the lockdown, all those people, depending on what the lockdown rules in Victoria state were, could all be at an Illegal protest, and in breach of mask laws.

The government here in the US doesnt have the power to force us to wear a mask.
And look what's happened in Australia. The same happened in Venezuela.
They took away the firearms and shortly after the gov became tyrannical.

You know nothing. There is no tyranny there. You keep suggesting guns will protect a country from it. It won't. You wouldn't have the guts to take up arms against the military. You're a wimp.

It happens every fucken time,and I bet those Australians wish they hadnt gave up their guns.

No they don't because they have no use for guns like you nuts. They are not frightened to walk about after dark like you sooks.

As far as those guns that are allowed? Notice that they're far less effective when it comes to fighting against a tyrannical gov.
How would you know that when you've never had an instance to test your theory. You had your chance when Obama was there. You called him a Muslim, a terrorist and not American but you never fired a shot. Home if the brave my arse.

It's the same reason dems here in America want to get rid of semi auto rifles like the AK and AR even though pistols are used in the vast majority of murders. They want to be the only ones who can kill at a distance.

Why would you need to kill at a distance?
You couldn't kill a fly. You're addicted to guns and invent pathetic excuses to have them.
The government here in the US doesnt have the power to force us to wear a mask.
State govts, and the fed govt in Australia have the power to make laws.
Mobile phone while driving laws, speeding laws, must wear clothes in public laws, drug laws, and pandemic health safety laws [including mask laws]. Breach mask laws in NSW state...that is a $200 fine for you.
State govts, and the fed govt in Australia have the power to make laws.
Mobile phone while driving laws, speeding laws, must wear clothes in public laws, drug laws, and pandemic health safety laws [including mask laws]. Breach mask laws in NSW state...that is a $200 fine for you.

Maybe you should read the Constitution to find out where gov power ends.
Maybe you should read the Constitution to find out where gov power ends.
Some Americans seem to think that their govt is already tyrannical, that said Americans should be able to do anything they like, when they like...'freedom'.
Some Americans seem to think that their govt is already tyrannical, that said Americans should be able to do anything they like, when they like...'freedom'.

They're definitely moving in that direction.
And it'll be socialist democrats that are going to be the ones to finalize that plan.
Aussie men.
Not allowed to carry guns, or knives, or machetes, or blades of any kind.
No long bows, no cross bows, no axes, no tomahawks, no claw hammers.
Anything that can be classed as a weapon is banned to carry.
Not even allowed to carry a Swiss Army Card the size of a credit card, because it has a very small letter opener in it, classed as a blade.
The best we can do to look tough is name our Chihuahuas "Rambo".

If i lived in America I'd be armed to the teeth.
I'd be walking funny, guns on board.
Would have to have silencers, don't like loud noises

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