Austerity's Big Winners Prove To Be Wall Street And The Wealthy


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Austerity's Big Winners Prove To Be Wall Street And The Wealthy

The poor and middle classes have shouldered by far the heaviest burdens of the global political obsession with austerity policies over the past three years. In the United States, budget cuts have forced states to reduce education, public transportation, affordable housing and other social services. In Europe, welfare cuts have driven some severely disabled individuals to fear for their lives.

But the austerity game also has winners. Cutting or eliminating government programs that benefit the less advantaged has long been an ideological goal of conservatives. Doing so also generates a tidy windfall for the corporate class, as government services are privatized and savings from austerity pay for tax cuts for the wealthiest citizens.

But not for the middle and lower classes.
Austerity ?????????

These peons and leftist hacks in the media have got to be joking

What do they want, 100 trillion to print, borrow and spend ???
Concerning the countries of Europe, they are only doing austerity because they have no other choice left. As Margareth Thatcher pointed out, socialism finishes when you run out of other people's money.
I call a spade a spade, the poor and middle class will not benefit from austerity.
Concerning the countries of Europe, they are only doing austerity because they have no other choice left. As Margareth Thatcher pointed out, socialism finishes when you run out of other people's money.

Thatcher was a POS who didn't care for the poor.
I call a spade a spade, the poor and middle class will not benefit from austerity.

So they don't benefit from working less for the government and more for themselves? They dont benefit from a strong economy? They dont benefit from a solid dollar? They dont benefit from less debt? They don't benefit from the government getting the heck out of their way so they can actually be mobile in their economic fortunes?
Everyone benefits from a strong economy caused by spending and tax cuts.

Tax cuts are making damn few jobs and jobs and wages are what is needed in a consumer spending driven economy to make it strong. If a consumer spending driven economy can ever be truly strong.

Lose your faith in the corporate mantra and realize truth.
The market is not the economy.
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Austerity's Big Winners Prove To Be Wall Street And The Wealthy

The poor and middle classes have shouldered by far the heaviest burdens of the global political obsession with austerity policies over the past three years. In the United States, budget cuts have forced states to reduce education, public transportation, affordable housing and other social services. In Europe, welfare cuts have driven some severely disabled individuals to fear for their lives.

But the austerity game also has winners. Cutting or eliminating government programs that benefit the less advantaged has long been an ideological goal of conservatives. Doing so also generates a tidy windfall for the corporate class, as government services are privatized and savings from austerity pay for tax cuts for the wealthiest citizens.

But not for the middle and lower classes.

Wow! That kind of delusion really takes some doing! We do not have an austerity program in place! Hoooooooly shit!

Food stamp giveaways are at a record high. Unemployment benefits have been extended and then extended again. Then there was almost a trillion dollars spent in the "stimulus" bill.

What the fuck are you talking about, austerity? Our national debt has skyrocketed!!!

This bogus piece is nothing more than a thinly veiled and miserable failure of an attempt to justify raising taxes on "the rich".
Concerning the countries of Europe, they are only doing austerity because they have no other choice left. As Margareth Thatcher pointed out, socialism finishes when you run out of other people's money.

Thatcher was a POS who didn't care for the poor.

The poor are not entitled to prosperity. To achieve it, they must struggle, like everybody else. Whoever said life was easy?
Everyone benefits from a strong economy caused by spending and tax cuts.

Tax cuts are making damn few jobs and jobs and wages are what is needed in a consumer spending driven economy to make it strong. If a consumer spending driven economy can ever be truly strong.

Lose your faith in the corporate mantra and realize truth.
The market is not the economy.

Which basically brings up the point..

Are conservatives really serious about capitalism? Because they don't seem to be.
Austerity's Big Winners Prove To Be Wall Street And The Wealthy

The poor and middle classes have shouldered by far the heaviest burdens of the global political obsession with austerity policies over the past three years. In the United States, budget cuts have forced states to reduce education, public transportation, affordable housing and other social services. In Europe, welfare cuts have driven some severely disabled individuals to fear for their lives.

But the austerity game also has winners. Cutting or eliminating government programs that benefit the less advantaged has long been an ideological goal of conservatives. Doing so also generates a tidy windfall for the corporate class, as government services are privatized and savings from austerity pay for tax cuts for the wealthiest citizens.

But not for the middle and lower classes.

Wow! That kind of delusion really takes some doing! We do not have an austerity program in place! Hoooooooly shit!

Food stamp giveaways are at a record high. Unemployment benefits have been extended and then extended again. Then there was almost a trillion dollars spent in the "stimulus" bill.

What the fuck are you talking about, austerity? Our national debt has skyrocketed!!!

This bogus piece is nothing more than a thinly veiled and miserable failure of an attempt to justify raising taxes on "the rich".

Concerning the countries of Europe, they are only doing austerity because they have no other choice left. As Margareth Thatcher pointed out, socialism finishes when you run out of other people's money.

Thatcher was a POS who didn't care for the poor.

When did she become caretaker of the poor?

Since when did govt become caretakers of the rich?
Everyone benefits from a strong economy caused by spending and tax cuts.

Tax cuts are making damn few jobs and jobs and wages are what is needed in a consumer spending driven economy to make it strong. If a consumer spending driven economy can ever be truly strong.

Lose your faith in the corporate mantra and realize truth.
The market is not the economy.

Which basically brings up the point..

Are conservatives really serious about capitalism? Because they don't seem to be.

I am a conservative, and here's my take. It isn't capitalism if no one is allowed to fail.

"Too Big Too Fail" is not capitalism.

It also isn't capitalism if known fraudsters don't go to prison. Like Fabrice Tourre, John Paulson, Angelo Mozilo, Daniel Sparks, Roland Arnall, and James Cayne.

Regardless, the OP's premise is entirely false.
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Austerity's Big Winners Prove To Be Wall Street And The Wealthy

The poor and middle classes have shouldered by far the heaviest burdens of the global political obsession with austerity policies over the past three years. In the United States, budget cuts have forced states to reduce education, public transportation, affordable housing and other social services. In Europe, welfare cuts have driven some severely disabled individuals to fear for their lives.

But the austerity game also has winners. Cutting or eliminating government programs that benefit the less advantaged has long been an ideological goal of conservatives. Doing so also generates a tidy windfall for the corporate class, as government services are privatized and savings from austerity pay for tax cuts for the wealthiest citizens.

But not for the middle and lower classes.

In the United States, budget cuts have forced states to reduce education, public transportation, affordable housing and other social services.

Where have these budget cuts happened? Could you be specific?
Tax cuts are making damn few jobs and jobs and wages are what is needed in a consumer spending driven economy to make it strong. If a consumer spending driven economy can ever be truly strong.

Lose your faith in the corporate mantra and realize truth.
The market is not the economy.

Which basically brings up the point..

Are conservatives really serious about capitalism? Because they don't seem to be.

I am a conservative, and here's my take. It isn't capitalism if no one is allowed to fail.

"Too Big Too Fail" is not capitalism.

It also isn't capitalism if known fraudsters don't go to prison. Like Fabrice Tourre, John Paulson, Angelo Mozilo, Daniel Sparks, Roland Arnall, and James Cayne.

Regardless, the OP's premise is entirely false.

What fraud did Jimmy Cayne commit?
Which basically brings up the point..

Are conservatives really serious about capitalism? Because they don't seem to be.

I am a conservative, and here's my take. It isn't capitalism if no one is allowed to fail.

"Too Big Too Fail" is not capitalism.

It also isn't capitalism if known fraudsters don't go to prison. Like Fabrice Tourre, John Paulson, Angelo Mozilo, Daniel Sparks, Roland Arnall, and James Cayne.

Regardless, the OP's premise is entirely false.

What fraud did Jimmy Cayne commit?

Permitted the defrauding of investors through its A. R. Baron subsidiary. Bear Stearns, of which Cayne was CEO, was well aware of what was going on, and allowed it to continue.

Richard Harriton should be in prison, too.

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