Australia is looking for help, they can't help themselves

I didn't vote for Trump.

Unlike you sheep Americans make their own decisions and what other people decide to do is none of my business.
GQP sheep.
Wasting little time, Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday signed into law four bills that offset federal mask and vaccine mandates less than 12 hours after state lawmakers passed the legislation along mostly party lines.

Claiming he was upholding the rights of Floridians to choose whether or not to be vaccinated, DeSantis said he was signing the strongest legislation yet that blunts a federal mandate on employer vaccine requirements.

So, if a privately owned business wants to protect their employees and customers, they get fined by the state of Florida, as per mini-Trump and the GQP legislature?
Cops will then shoot them with real bullets not rubber/bean bag bullets.
Yes, they will.
I own guns and I wouldn't carry my rifle or my pistol to any protest, if I were so inclined to attend any protest.
I don't get these gun nuts.....................................small penis syndrome?
I suppose that's why...
Could be, why would anyone go around parading their weapons?
'Look at me and my big powerful gun'.
I just never did that, except when I was 12 or 13 walking down our little road, on my way to the woods.
I had a .22 and a .410 in the gun rack of my pickup, a long time ago.

Maybe someone can give me some insight on why people do that?
GQP sheep.
Wasting little time, Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday signed into law four bills that offset federal mask and vaccine mandates less than 12 hours after state lawmakers passed the legislation along mostly party lines.

Claiming he was upholding the rights of Floridians to choose whether or not to be vaccinated, DeSantis said he was signing the strongest legislation yet that blunts a federal mandate on employer vaccine requirements.

So, if a privately owned business wants to protect their employees and customers, they get fined by the state of Florida, as per mini-Trump and the GQP legislature?

If you meant GOP you're barking up the wrong tree here. I am not a republican

You know so little about the US that you think everyone is either a republican or a democrat right?

Why don't you try not to be a 2 dimensional thinker for a change?
GQP sheep.
Wasting little time, Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday signed into law four bills that offset federal mask and vaccine mandates less than 12 hours after state lawmakers passed the legislation along mostly party lines.

Claiming he was upholding the rights of Floridians to choose whether or not to be vaccinated, DeSantis said he was signing the strongest legislation yet that blunts a federal mandate on employer vaccine requirements.

So, if a privately owned business wants to protect their employees and customers, they get fined by the state of Florida, as per mini-Trump and the GQP legislature?
Good. Because the Gov't has no right to order us to get the jab and neither do you.

DeSantis is the man flipping you off and I love it.
No, it isn't.
Their consequences are ending up costing the taxpayer $$$, by paying for their care and hospitalization.

No, it isn't.
They should be held financially responsible for their care.
SO what?

Lots of chop ices people make end up costing taxpyers money. That doesn't give you the right to force people to do what you want them to do.

Most people have health insurance so they are paying for their own care

If you meant GOP you're barking up the wrong tree here. I am not a republican

You know so little about the US that you think everyone is either a republican or a democrat right?

Why don't you try not to be a 2 dimensional thinker for a change?
Either am I.
But you defend their opinions.
Good. Because the Gov't has no right to order us to get the jab and neither do you.

DeSantis is the man flipping you off and I love it.
That's because, he's a dictator, republicans love their mini-Trump.
Telling private companies they can't practice safety?

' Gov't has no right to order us to get the jab'.

Yes, they do.
Getting a newborn out of the hospital?
Getting your 5 year old ready for grade school?
Are you trying to enter the USA for the first time?
Want to serve your country in the military?
Do you want to take a vacation outside the US?
That's because, he's a dictator, republicans love their mini-Trump.
Telling private companies they can't practice safety?

' Gov't has no right to order us to get the jab'.

Yes, they do.
Getting a newborn out of the hospital?
Getting your 5 year old ready for grade school?
Are you trying to enter the USA for the first time?
Want to serve your country in the military?
Do you want to take a vacation outside the US?
Your list of Fascist demands there. Up yours. I did 10 years and you remind me of what I saw in the Middle East. You WILL CONVERT TO ISLAM OR DIE............

We say bring it bitch. That is you right here right now.

You are a BILLBOARD sign for Fascism and people like you take a dump on the Constitution daily.

You try the shit going on in the world here. You had better be willing to back it up. Red states are telling you to Fuck off. We don't care if you like it or not.

You want the jab. Do it. You want 60 jabs. Do it. I really don't care. Order me to do so. Then we have a problem

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