Australia is looking for help, they can't help themselves

Australians are protesting covid restrictions.
You think owning a gun will stop police from arresting people for violating them, rioting, attacking the police?
/——/ First of all, I support the police. When I’m in trouble they are the first ones I call for help. Secondly, if a suspect is armed, the police use different tactics than when the person is unarmed. So, knowing the population is armed makes a big difference.

Most countries on earth have used the military as their LAB RATS in history. Doesn't make it right. And doesn't make it a LAWFULL ORDER. Biden ORDERED IT. A whole bunch in our military have said LETS GO BRANDON.

Now it's a purge........Communist tactics to purge the military of those who would stand up for rights in this country. So they can get in their brain washed types instead.
No objections, until the covid vaccine.
I had none with the small pox vaccine and that was still prevalent in the US at the time.

'...Communist tactics to purge the military of those who would stand up for rights in this country'.
Ummm. In the military, you ain't got no rights.
"officials locking people out of their bank accounts and stealing their homes"?

Any proof of this, and in what circumstances it allegedly happened?

People who can't explain where they got all the money in their bank accounts, how they paid for their homes, cars, boats, etc...could well have all those assets seized by said "officials"....police, courts, govts.
There are such laws.
"Money laundering", "proceeds of crime", "hiding money from the ATO" [IRS in America]....etc, would be the suspected behaviours.

In my mind it's all good.
Everyone should be honest, not commit crimes, and pay the taxes they are supposed to.
I GOOGLED..............

Quote the post. And how does that statement imply I went to the Middle East?
Short for middle east.

That's what my nephew and his referred to it as, the sandbox was also used.
Or Iraq, Afghanistan but generally M-E.
No objections, until the covid vaccine.
I had none with the small pox vaccine and that was still prevalent in the US at the time.

'...Communist tactics to purge the military of those who would stand up for rights in this country'.
Ummm. In the military, you ain't got no rights.
Yeah that is what peeps say. Unlawful order is what is being discussed right now. Those that see what is going on in this country and believe in the Oath they took.

I got sunburned once and they said we can take you to mast for destruction of Gov't property. I told them to stick it. And if they did I'd forget how to work on anything all of a sudden. The person telling me that was dumb as a rock but kissed ass for rank.

I'm VERY AWARE of how it works.
Short for middle east.

That's what my nephew and his referred to it as, the sandbox was also used.
Or Iraq, Afghanistan but generally M-E.
So once again I'll ask you.

How does that statement imply I ever went to the Middle East?

And A little FYI.

No one write the ME when referring to a state.

You don't say I went to the Maine unless you are talking about a battleship

You say I went to ME for the weekend. (I went to Maine for the weekend)

The ME should have been easy to figure out though
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It's not difficult to overthrow a government.

There's more of YOU than there are of THEM.

If it's done correctly, and there's a leader of the people that is adept in social and warfare tactics, it's pretty easy.

The problem today is, too many people are too fucking lazy to get out of their recliner to DO anything besides get another soda and open another bag of chips.
What don't you understand about the idea of personal choice?
You've explained that you/Americans have/should have the choice to wander around infecting others. It's perfectly clear.

I understand how the US has ≈ 4% of world population and ≈ 15% of COVID fatalities.
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I GOOGLED..............

The govt is not just seizing homes, and raiding bank's debt collection, there are laws and processes to be followed.
The govt can and will cancel driving licences for unpaid fines...they do it at elections if people don't vote and then don't pay the fine for not voting.
People have to pay fines they incur....debts they owe.
Don't make the payments on your car? you won't have the car for long, the repo guys will take it.

Owe money for fines? the govt gives you a chance to go on a payment plan, have money taken out of your wages...or if you have money in the bank to pay the fines but won't, the govt can get a court order to freeze your bank account.
They can also register a caveat over the title of your home so you can't sell it without paying the debt, and interest.
In extreme circumstances the govt can get a court order to sell your home to get their money.
It's QLD state, they could be getting tough.

In America, you can't just ignore traffic tickets....stack them up on the dining room table and look at them?
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"Risky freedom" is way overrated.
And besides that, like someone wrote here earlier, people getting Covid in great numbers are a burden on the health system and society as they spread it around.

Looks like Austria...the one in Europe that gets confused with Australia...has tried that and it didn't work out well...Austria is to be locked down and vaccination made mandatory, reportedly.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Austria Enters Full National Lockdown, Orders Mandatory Covid Vaccines

Austria will become the first western European country to impose widespread restrictions after curbs on unvaccinated people failed to stem a surge in new infections. It will also become the first European country to mandate Covid-19 shots as it seeks to exit the crisis.

“There are too many among us who haven’t shown solidarity,” Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said in Tyrol after meeting with provincial governors. “Raising the vaccination rate is the only way to break this vicious circle.”
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I've read more studies since this started than I cared to ever know. I've posted a ton of them.

So I could care less what you think on it. Take a look at India data. Then look at the rest of the world and get back to me.
Sure .

Oct 26, 2021
PANAJI: Ninety-two per cent of people who succumbed to Covid-19 during the second wave were unvaccinated, state epidemiologist Dr Utkarsh Betodkar told reporters on Monday.
He said that of the 2,563 coronavirus deaths from March 1, a total of 2,359 (92%) hadn’t even taken a single dose of the vaccine. Another 185 (7%) had taken one shot. Only a very small number — 19 victims (0.7 %) — had taken both doses of the vaccine, of which 17 had major comorbid conditions, he said.

“Going by this data, it is clear that vaccination definitely helps. If you take the vaccine, you definitely will not get complications and will not reach a critical stage. There are fewer chances of being admitted and your infection will not progress,” he said while appealing to people who are due for their second dose of the vaccine to take it as soon as possible. Betodkar reasoned that as fewer daily Covid-19 cases are being reported, it was the right time for people to get their shots.

Most countries on earth have used the military as their LAB RATS in history. Doesn't make it right. And doesn't make it a LAWFULL ORDER. Biden ORDERED IT. A whole bunch in our military have said LETS GO BRANDON.

Now it's a purge........Communist tactics to purge the military of those who would stand up for rights in this country. So they can get in their brain washed types instead.
Yes, it does make it a lawful order.

Military law is clear that a servicemember can be ordered to submit to vaccinations. This happens when you join or when deploying to certain overseas areas, and when there is a concern for a specific type of illness or disease that will affect unit health and efficiency. This is a long-standing practice: for example, Yellow fever, Typhoid, Cholera, Tetanus. But, is that the case for every vaccine, e.g., COVID?

In 2012, the Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals affirmed Mixon's convictions on various offenses which included refusing the Anthrax vaccine. The Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces denied his petition.

Mixon was supposed to deploy to Afghanistan and said his religious beliefs meant he had to refuse the Anthrax and Smallpox vaccines.. He pleaded guilty to disobeying the order and did not defend on the order being unlawful because of the conflict with his religious beliefs. So, it appears that refusing for religious reasons is still open to debate in the military justice process.

So, not only is the military fascist, it's now communist too?

Most countries on earth have used the military as their LAB RATS in history. Doesn't make it right. And doesn't make it a LAWFULL ORDER. Biden ORDERED IT. A whole bunch in our military have said LETS GO BRANDON.

Now it's a purge........Communist tactics to purge the military of those who would stand up for rights in this country. So they can get in their brain washed types instead.
August 25 2021
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Wednesday ordered all military members to begin receiving the coronavirus vaccine following the Food and Drug Administration giving full approval to Pfizer’s shot.

Austin told commanders to “impose ambitious timelines for implementation” as the COVID vaccine is added to the list of inoculations that US troops receive as part of their service.

“To defend this Nation, we need a healthy and ready force,” Austin wrote in the memo announcing the directive. “After careful consultation with medical experts and military leadership, and with the support of the President, I have determined that mandatory vaccination against coronavirus.

So, if President Biden does order members of the military to take the vaccine, the failure to comply would be treated as a criminal act and could result in prosecution, confinement, and premature separation from the military in the form of a dishonorable discharge. For Officers, they could also face liability for a violation of article 133; the catch all provision banning any behavior deemed “conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman.” This is the worst-case scenario for anyone on active duty with the military for a “failure to follow a lawful order” type prosecution.
So once again I'll ask you.

How does that statement imply I ever went to the Middle East?

And A little FYI.

No one write the ME when referring to a state.

You don't say I went to the Maine unless you are talking about a battleship

You say I went to ME for the weekend. (I went to Maine for the weekend)

The ME should have been easy to figure out though
You still didn't state what you meant.

How to abbreviate Middle East? 4 short forms of Middle East. Abbreviation for Middle East:

30 Categories
Middle East Abbreviation

MEMiddle EastArmed Forces,RAF,WW2
MDEMiddle EastTechnology,Exploration
MEAMiddle EastAutomotive Systems
MID EASTMiddle East
You've explained that you/Americans have/should have the choice to wander around infecting others. It's perfectly clear.

I understand how the US has ≈ 4% of world population and ≈ 15% of COVID fatalities.
So what?

Why do you care what Americans do in America?

No one here gives a shit what you sheep fuckers do in New Zealand
Reject putting any med or tracking apps on your phones. We still have a flip phone and if that becomes an issue we'll go back to landline only.
I downloaded the Australian govt's 'Covid safe" app to my phone.
It runs continually...the govt's 'Covid tracers' can use it to contact me if necessary.

"The govt will track you" people cried out.
Said people seem to think they live in a secret part of society the govt doesn't know about. :)

Now, when I leave home I have to carry proof of my name and address, and vaccination status...proof of full Covid vaccination to travel some places...and produce them to a police officer or official is requested.

Before Covid, and anywhere and everywhere, when driving a car I can be stopped by the police and asked to produce my photo driving licence ID to them.
Can't do get fined. You'll then be asked to state your full name and address. Refuse to do that you will likely be arrested and taken back to the police station and locked in a cell until you do.
Digital licences are now available on there's no real excuse.

The govt knows who I am, where I live, what I look like, my age, and everything else about me.
Anyone who is only doing legal things in plain sight has nothing to fear from Covid tracing apps.

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