Australian PM mocks Trump

The Australians think our far and alt right are clowns and meat puppets in The Phony Donald Show.
What's not to mock? There's enough clinical material there to sustain a week-long psychology symposium.

what's not to mock???? you are a fool


I have always had you pegged for a savvy right-of-center, reasonably well-grounded type.

Your fervent support of The Creature - in light of his continued damage to his own party - is rather surprising to me.

Apparently, my earlier assessment was in error; at least in connection with your judgment about Herr Drumpf.

No accounting for taste, I suppose; nor gullibility, by the look of it.

Damned shame, really... what a waste.

And you are saying I am all that because of the fact I like Trump... that I like and approve of Donald Trump?

For me it's almost unbelievable that you think that way Kondor3

Unbelievable and incomprehensible:dunno:
Well, I find people that like and agree with pathological liars to be such themselves.

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