Zone1 Austrian newspaper writes protesting against Draq Queen story hours for children is "far right" and homphobic?

Do you think it is only if children themselfes want it? Or on volunteer basis? Or do you think it is mandatory for all children like maths and english? And why do you think if the latter, it is a important cause of the "left" to do that?
Too incoherent for me.
So you have no ambition. Unless it is to remain as you are. In which case, Mortimer has more ambition than you. Only a stupid person can't see that.

So reaching an age you can retire is a bad thing?
Holy fuck are you ever a moron!!!
Go ahead and work till ya die while I stand back and laugh.
Lack of ambition and employment leads to low self esteem according to you. You have as much employment and less ambition than Mortimer.


So when someone lives off the government it's okay to call yourself retired?
You're trash.

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