Author of sex slavery book with graphic rape details claims it belongs in public schools after parental outcry

Does the book decry sex slavery or does it glamorize it? It's an important distinction and the fact that the author won't address it indicates that it's a grooming textbook.

Violence Against Women in the Hebrew Bible​

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Jewish Women's Archive › encyclopedia › article › violence-agai...

Jun 23, 2021 — In a number of biblical narratives, female characters are beaten, raped, mutilated, and killed. While physical violence is easy to identify, ...
Thanks - independent of "Hebrew Bible"
e.g. When Dinah is raped by Shechem, the prince of the city with the same name (Genesis 34), Dinah’s brothers take the assault as a matter of family honor and use the opportunity to massacre all the inhabitants of the town.
That is merely an account of a woman having been raped - it poses absolutely NO graphic detail in regards to the rape as such. That the Bible "Old Testimony" is full of violence, genocide and murder is known.
What are children expected to learn from reading this book?
If the book accurately describes the democrat sex slavery of children by all means keep it in schools. They must learn what democrats intend for them.
Does the book decry sex slavery or does it glamorize it? It's an important distinction and the fact that the author won't address it indicates that it's a grooming textbook.
I second this. The way that something is addressed is what makes all the difference.

God bless you always!!!

Sorry, but books with graphic details about rape and sexual slavery have no business in public schools.

Are you saying that there was never any raping of young children by the Masters during slavery?
Are you saying that there was never any raping of young children by the Masters during slavery?
One can't exclude the "Masters" with absolute certainty - whereby this "scenario" is far more, excessively inspired and upheld by Hollywood or Uncle Tom related books.
The vast majority of rapes in the USA occurred amongst the slaves themselves. In regards to whites - by the overseers, (who, if one is well read upon slavery) where also in majority Blacks.

Where this rape actually does come in - it's also documented - was by the slave traders, especially during the Sea voyage and whilst being collected/incarcerated at slave fortresses in Africa.
Why are you highlighting "young children" into this topic? They certainly presented an exception in this matter.

Also for your information, rape - is the number one recreational activity in today's Africa - US schoolchildren need to be taught about this far more. Or would that be racist?

I am not defending or excusing the Slavery system - just keeping the facts in line.
No, I jerk my jerky in a dehydrator.
Now that statement indeed represents a "graphic detailed description" - something that would certainly be inappropriate for a school book.
Thanks for clarifying that matter.

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