Autopsies Show Direct Causal Link Between Unexpected Deaths and COVID Vaccines

Lets see, we had years of Fauci humbuggery, wear a mask, no it doesn't work. then mandade masks. Um Vaccines, mandates, the SADS linked to the Covid vaccine...And then CERTAIN internet parties banned mentioning the Wohan lab, gain of function research. Because freedom of speech might KILL people, but then its doesn't. What the hell is REALLY going on here?
Now admit that fauchi and the scarf lady are a pair of Chicken Little’s who are bullies toward ordinary people that refused to take the jab (s)


They're dangerous authoritarian motherfuckers and you should comply with absoiutely NOTHING they want
Now admit that fauchi and the scarf lady are a pair of Chicken Little’s who are bullies toward ordinary people that refused to take the jab (s)

Wow, so that old Fauci dude and "scarf lady" bullied your tough guy macho man president into declaring a national emergency?
excess mortality since 2020 (the jab) 23.9 percent Portugal. Highest vax rate. highest excess mortality


least vaxxed country Bulgaria, also least excess mortality.
What are the number of deaths in Portugal?
Wow, so that old Fauci dude and "scarf lady" bullied your tough guy macho man president into declaring a national emergency?
Declaring a national emergency was called for in the early months of the disease

It allowed government to offer assistance to the states that it couldnt otherwise

The news spilling out of china, Italy and the UK were scary as hell

Would our emergency rooms run out of beds and people die for lack of ICU treatment?

It seemed to be a real possibility

But libs rode the hysteria far beyond the facts

And in many cases are still milking that cow
Declaring a national emergency was called for in the early months of the disease
It allowed government to offer assistance to the states that it couldnt otherwise
The news spilling out of china, Italy and the UK were scary as hell
Would our emergency rooms run out of beds and people die for lack of ICU treatment?
It seemed to be a real possibility
Well, that and your blob's mis-management of the CDC and his undermining of their sane and sensible recommendations contributed to a great many needless deaths.
Well, that and your blob's mis-management of the CDC and his undermining of their sane and sensible recommendations contributed to a great many needless deaths.
Fauchi was freaked out and gave cover to local leaders who wanted to close down their economy
Fauchi was freaked out and gave cover to local leaders who wanted to close down their economy
Oh brother.

The CDC came up with a roadmap to reopening. Your blob undermined it every chance he got up to and including forcing the Secret Service to cart his fat ass around in a closed vehicle while he didn't have a mask on after being hospitalized with Covid himself--you know the thing you guys say doesn't exist?

Do you blame your blob for anything?
Oh brother.

The CDC came up with a roadmap to reopening. Your blob undermined it every chance he got up to and including forcing the Secret Service to cart his fat ass around in a closed vehicle while he didn't have a mask on after being hospitalized with Covid himself--you know the thing you guys say doesn't exist?

Do you blame your blob for anything?
It was a roadmap to nowhere

And in any case the democrats were too busy playing politics to give up the power that CDC placed in their hands

Arresting small business owners in jail for violating the orders of a county level fuhrer was just too much fun give up
Oh brother.

The CDC came up with a roadmap to reopening. Your blob undermined it every chance he got up to and including forcing the Secret Service to cart his fat ass around in a closed vehicle while he didn't have a mask on after being hospitalized with Covid himself--you know the thing you guys say doesn't exist?

Do you blame your blob for anything?
Listen you lying sack, in my state we never locked down, didn't go full mask mandate, kept on working, contacted Covid (got over it in a 90 or more percentage rate ), and have been that way since the thing began. Then to add insult to your lie's and political bull crap, it is that your mobs were rioting, spitting, burning, killing, and all sorts of other mayhem, and guess what ? They weren't abiding by any of the mandates, mask wearing or other.

Funny thing is, is that in those many event's no groups were reported to have come down with masses of cases of COVID-19. Amazing right ?

Then you had the double mask wearing suggestions or input, the triple mask input, and people wearing mask while they jog outside, ride bikes outside, riding by themselves in car's with mask on. If the Covid was being politicized by the leftist, well it worked because people fell in line like good little cultist do.
It was a roadmap to nowhere
Wow, the blob's CDC failed...Trump was on stage when it was revealed. How come he allowed it?


So he was the cartographer on the roadmap to nowhere.

Why do you support this failure of a person?
Listen you lying sack, in my state we never locked down, didn't go full mask mandate, kept on working, contacted Covid (got over it in a 90 or more percentage rate ), and have been that way since the thing began. Then to add insult to your lie's and political bull crap, it is that your mobs were rioting, spitting, burning, killing, and all sorts of other mayhem, and guess what ? They weren't abiding by any of the mandates, mask wearing or other.

Funny thing is, is that in those many event's no groups were reported to have come down with masses of cases of COVID-19. Amazing right ?

Then you had the double mask wearing suggestions or input, the triple mask input, and people wearing mask while they jog outside, ride bikes outside, riding by themselves in car's with mask on. If the Covid was being politicized by the leftist, well it worked because people fell in line like good little cultist do.
Wow, you sound pretty irate. I guess being wrong so often and being exposed as a moron will do that to people. I wouldn't know.
Wow, you sound pretty irate. I guess being wrong so often and being exposed as a moron will do that to people. I wouldn't know.
Anyone listening to your leftist drivel ought to be irate... Hopefully it shows at the polls big time as leftist get swept into the dust bins of time. Republicans poised to take the Senate, and more to come.
Wow, the blob's CDC failed...Trump was on stage when it was revealed. How come he allowed it?

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So he was the cartographer on the roadmap to nowhere.

Why do you support this failure of a person?
It was never Trump’s CDC

That den of incompetent career government workers existed before trump took office and still exists today after he is gone

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