Average Gas Prices by State


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

I can understand the ridiculous price in Hawaii. Nevada? Well, we get ours piped in from refineries in Cal. Notice which have the highest state taxes for gas?

Read more @ How Much is Your State Paying for a Gallon of Gas

I can understand the ridiculous price in Hawaii. Nevada? Well, we get ours piped in from refineries in Cal. Notice which have the highest state taxes for gas?

Read more @ How Much is Your State Paying for a Gallon of Gas
Blue States love to tax the shit out of their people and then say it's for their own good and that they are for the people as they take their money.

Pretty typical actually.
Granny says higher domestic gas prices due to the siphoning off of oil supply to outside markets oughta make his rich, oil baron buddies happy, get him more campaign contributions to boot...

Bush to call for lifting of ban on U.S. crude oil exports
Fri Sep 25, 2015 - Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush will call for a decades-old ban on exporting U.S. crude oil to be lifted in a speech next week that will lay out an aggressive approach to growing jobs in the energy sector.
Bush's speech on Tuesday at Rice Energy Inc., a natural gas and oil company in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh, will mark his latest foray into the detailed policy plans he would pursue if elected in November 2016. As rival Donald Trump steals the headlines and leads the polls, Bush has been building a detailed policy agenda with the aim of convincing Republican voters he has the can-do spirit and intellectual heft to pursue a conservative agenda. A campaign aide said Bush will pledge to lift the four-decades-old ban on exporting crude oil and work to speed up exports of natural gas.

He will also call for permitting construction of the Canada-to-Texas Keystone XL pipeline, TransCanada Corp's project to bring Canadian oil to refineries on the Gulf of Mexico via Nebraska. The Obama administration has stalled this project and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton has pledged to block it. Bush frequently says on the campaign trail that he would seek to take greater advantage of America's burgeoning energy resources to create jobs and trigger higher U.S. economic growth of up to 4 percent a year. Bush will also call for giving states more authority over energy decisions, the aide said.

A variety of Republicans have said the United States should export more natural gas to European allies to allow Europe to wean itself from Russian natural gas and punish Russian President Vladimir Putin for his aggression against Ukraine. Exporting crude oil would be a boon to domestic producers of crude who have been hampered by a worldwide plunge in oil prices. A president can end the export ban without congressional approval.

Oil producers are pressing for a full repeal of the ban to keep the domestic drilling boom alive. The issue will be debated in Congress this fall, but sponsors of legislation to lift the ban need to secure more Democratic votes. Bush this week in a speech pledging to cut back on the Obama administration's increase in regulations said he would block Obama's Clean Power Plan, the name for new carbon emission limits on power plants.

Bush to call for lifting of ban on U.S. crude oil exports

I can understand the ridiculous price in Hawaii. Nevada? Well, we get ours piped in from refineries in Cal. Notice which have the highest state taxes for gas?

Read more @ How Much is Your State Paying for a Gallon of Gas
Blue States love to tax the shit out of their people and then say it's for their own good and that they are for the people as they take their money.

Pretty typical actually.

For you "Right To Work"ers, just a little heads up... Low wage states, i.e. right to work for less states are more vulnerable to consumer price fluctuation.

Right to work staters should be thanking President Obama for setting the table for low gas prices.

Which U.S. states are most vulnerable to gas price hikes?

By Wendy Koch, USA TODAY

Drivers in Mississippi spent nearly two and a half times more of their income on gasoline than those in Connecticut, finds a new 50-state ranking on the impact of gas price hikes.

Some U.S. states are far more dependent on oil and vulnerable to price increases than others, and most aren't doing enough to lessen that dependence, according to the 2010 edition of the annual "Fighting Oil Addition" report by the Natural Resources Defense Council, an environmental group.

Mississippi drivers remain the most vulnerabe for the fourth consecutive year, having spent on average 6.35% of their income on gas in 2008. They're followed by drivers in Montana, Louisiana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Kentucky, Utah, Idaho and Arkansas.

Granny says, "Looks like dey's standin' in line with dey's hands out to jack up domestic gas prices...

Bush: Opening overseas markets to US oil, gas key to US boom
29 Sept.`15 — Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush says ending the ban on U.S. oil exports and easing restrictions on natural gas exports will unleash the nation's economy.
The former Florida governor is calling for ending the 1970s-era law prohibiting the U.S. from exporting crude oil at a time when domestic petroleum production has grown rapidly over the past decade. Calling it a "once-in-a-generation opportunity," Bush says in a piece posted today on the website Medium that reversing the export ban and widening U.S. natural gas markets would benefit U.S. consumers with lower energy costs, create a new manufacturing sector and fuel more rapid growth in the nation's economy.

Bush is scheduled to discuss the plan at Rice Energy near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday. "More domestic energy leads to more jobs, higher wages, lower gas prices, and smaller electricity bills," writes Bush, according to provisions of the energy plan provided to The Associated Press Monday. "In short, it means more money in people's pockets, allowing them more freedom to make more choices for themselves and their children." Bush has long said that opening domestic energy production is a key to sustained economic growth.

Bush, once the presumed front-runner in the large Republican field, is fighting for traction among more than a dozen GOP rivals led by billionaire Donald Trump. Trump has been slower to introduce policy as he campaigns, although he unveiled a tax-policy proposal Monday. The energy proposals not only could help the wonkish Bush take the policy mantle, it provides an opportunity to again take aim at Democrat Hillary Clinton, who leads in national preference polls for her party.


See also:

House panel votes to lift 40-year-old US ban on oil exports
September 17, 2015 - Republican-led House panel votes to lift crude oil export ban despite White House opposition
A key House committee endorsed a bill Thursday to lift the four-decade-old ban on crude oil exports, setting up a likely vote by the full House on a bill President Barack Obama opposes. The House Energy and Commerce Committee approved the legislation, 31-19, with three Democrats joining 28 Republicans to back the bill. The White House opposes the bill, arguing that a decision on whether to end the ban should be made by the Commerce Department, not Congress.

Lawmakers who support the bill say an ongoing boom in oil and gas drilling has made the 1970s-era restrictions obsolete. "Numerous studies, including those from the Congressional Budget Office, Government Accountability Office and Energy Information Administration, all conclude that (allowing) oil exports would be a net jobs creator," said Fred Upton, R-Mich., chairman of the energy panel. Lifting the export ban would also boost energy production and lower prices at the gasoline pump by increasing the overall crude supply, Upton said.

Opponents said lifting the ban would benefit big oil companies at the expense of U.S. consumers and even national security. The United States still imports about 25 percent of oil used by businesses and consumers, a figure that could rise if some U.S. oil is diverted to international markets, said Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Calif. Under a best-case scenario, allowing U.S. exports would reduce gas prices by about 2 cents a gallon, Eshoo said, a small benefit for consumers but a major windfall for oil companies. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., has said the House could vote on the export ban by the end of the month. "If there was ever a time to lift the oil export ban, it's now," McCarthy said this week in a speech to a Houston business group. "Lifting the oil export ban will not only help our economy, it will also bolster our geopolitical standing."

MORE House panel votes to lift 40-year-old US ban on oil exports
Now let';s see if it manages to make if from committee to the floor for a vote. And, if it passes the House, what will our spineless GOP leadership do with it in the Senate?

I can understand the ridiculous price in Hawaii. Nevada? Well, we get ours piped in from refineries in Cal. Notice which have the highest state taxes for gas?

Read more @ How Much is Your State Paying for a Gallon of Gas
Blue States love to tax the shit out of their people and then say it's for their own good and that they are for the people as they take their money.

Pretty typical actually.

For you "Right To Work"ers, just a little heads up... Low wage states, i.e. right to work for less states are more vulnerable to consumer price fluctuation.

Right to work staters should be thanking President Obama for setting the table for low gas prices.

Which U.S. states are most vulnerable to gas price hikes?

By Wendy Koch, USA TODAY

Drivers in Mississippi spent nearly two and a half times more of their income on gasoline than those in Connecticut, finds a new 50-state ranking on the impact of gas price hikes.

Some U.S. states are far more dependent on oil and vulnerable to price increases than others, and most aren't doing enough to lessen that dependence, according to the 2010 edition of the annual "Fighting Oil Addition" report by the Natural Resources Defense Council, an environmental group.

Mississippi drivers remain the most vulnerabe for the fourth consecutive year, having spent on average 6.35% of their income on gas in 2008. They're followed by drivers in Montana, Louisiana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Kentucky, Utah, Idaho and Arkansas.


We are paying far less than the national average down near the coast. We should thank Obama for it...............


We should thank Saudi Arabia for trying to put other energy producers out of business............They are trying to punish Russia, Fracking, and the expansion of Natural Gas. The new LNG plant built down here is idle, and it's brand new.

I can understand the ridiculous price in Hawaii. Nevada? Well, we get ours piped in from refineries in Cal. Notice which have the highest state taxes for gas?

Read more @ How Much is Your State Paying for a Gallon of Gas
" The current US goal of increasing LNG supplies to Europe can be adjusted by domestic demand, he believes. The fact is that the boost of gas exports from the United States will destroy the current domestic oversupply and lead to rising gas prices in the United States. According to the EIA, the price of gas in the domestic market will grow by about 35-40 percent to $6/MBTE five years after the US launches deliveries overseas...
US to launch LNG exports by end of 2015

The US is expected to start deliveries of liquefied natural gas at the end of the year, a move aimed at loosening European dependence on Russian energy, said Amos Hochstein, US State Department Coordinator for International Energy Affairs.... Russia and Europe disagreed over the construction of the South Stream gas pipeline, which was planned to deliver 63 billion cubic meters of gas to Europe. The EU believed Russia didn’t meet the third energy package regulations, which stipulates that a single company can’t both produce and transport oil and gas....The US and the EU have long been discussing loosening Europe’s dependence on Russian energy sources. The talks became more intense amid geopolitical tension over the crisis in Ukraine. Western countries have repeatedly suggested imposing sanctions on Russia in the energy sector. thumbnail.jpg

With new major players emerging in the global energy market, the world production capacity of LNG can at least double by 2020. The construction of 20 LNG plants with total capacity of up to 200 million tons per year has been claimed in North America. Ten plants (six in the US and four in Canada) have already received export licenses for 100 million tons per year. In this way the US can increase the supplies of LNG to 45 million tons per year by 2020 with around a third of the volume directed to Europe, according to the Skolkovo innovation center experts’ estimates.

However, it doesn’t mean that European countries will be able to automatically substitute half of Russian gas imports, said Grigory Vygon, director of Skolkovo business school’s energy center, according to the Novaya Gazeta newspaper. Even if the US government issues export license for each of the applicants, it cannot force the companies to deliver all their production to Europe. Businesses are likely to choose the most profitable market for themselves, and Vygon believes that in terms of prices it’s going to be the Asia-Pacific region."

2014 ! Ukraine, Russia, EU agree to natural gas supply deal. russia-ukraine-gas-tunnel-conflight-comics-illustration1000.jpg

"Gas supplies were halted over late payments when Russia scrapped subsidies given to Ukraine for importing gas, meaning the price paid by Ukraine rose sharply.
However, the backdrop to the row is Russia's conflict with Ukraine and Western sanctions on Moscow.
Although the impact of the gas ban has been relatively small, the onset of winter made the need for a deal more urgent.

Ukraine has relied on Russia for around 50% of its gas. Despite storage facilities Ukraine has a winter shortfall of around 3 billion to 4 billion cubic metres of gas, analysts say.
Russia provides around a third of the European Union's gas, about half of which is pumped via Ukraine."
The Orthodox Christian Channel - OCC247: Ukraine, Russia, EU agree to natural gas supply deal

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