“Avoid Violence” – Liberals’ New Phony Excuse


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Especially in the Charlottesville turmoil, it has become routine for liberal city fathers to not permit marches, rallies protests, or other forms of conservative free speech. Alleged fear of violence is being used as the excuse. Nobody (other tahl leftist lunatics) wants violence, especially deaths like Heather Myers, but we all (and our 1st amendment right) is being attacked.

Conservatives, (both rational and radical), are being denied access to public speaking events. Recently, the University of California at Berkeley canceled conservative commentator Ann Coulter’s April 27 speech, amid threats of violence. In February, UC Berkeley also canceled a campus event featuring conservative Milo Yiannopoulos, after protesters threw rocks, broke windows, and set fires outside the school’s student union building to protest his appearance.

Some liberals have openly lent support to this speech stifling. Richard Cohen of Southern Poverty Law Center said that students and universities “should not give racists an audience.” That within the context of his definition of “racists”.

In other eyebrow raising events, Michael Savage has been banned from an entire, very liberal country (England). And in San Francisco, the pro-Trump group Patriot Prayer canceled the “Freedom Rally,” they had planned, due to excpected violence from counterprotesters, and a likely lack of police protection (FOR THEM). Organizers of the “Freedom Rally,” blamed the cancellation of their event on public officials, who they say have falsely portrayed them as violent right-wing extremists intent on bringing hate to San Francisco. Speaking with reporters Saturday afternoon, Joey Gibson, founder of Patriot Prayer, also blamed “antifa,” referring to anti-fascist groups, and BAMN, or By Any Means Necessary, a left-wing group. He said the groups followed them throughout the day and kept them from holding events.

But is it really violence that these pious politicians are worried about ? Or is it the truth they fear ? >> …..and that conservatives could deprogram millions of brainwashed and wrongheaded people ?

There is really no reason to fear violence in the street, on college campuses, or anywhere else. Whatever troublemaker loons begin to cause can be controlled and stopped quickly and effectively, by police, private security, state police, and National Guard if necessary. At worst, federal troops can stop civil disturbances, but rarely would that be necessary.

The only reason violence has been occurring in US streets (Chicago, San Jose, Ferguson, Baltimore, New York, Charlottesville) is because Democrat mayors have been stopping their police from taking action . As in these cities, in Tampa, FL, protestors blocked traffic in a downtown street for about 2 hours. Police made no arrests. Took no action. Why ? Democrat mayor in political sympathy with the traffic blockers (AKA “terrorists”), could be the only reason. No way, this was the decision of police, on their own. It is politics gone wild (and crazy) that is responsible for violence BEING PERMITTED, and coming from mayors’ offices.

Simple solution ? Don’t permit violence. Crack down on it, and hard. When the leftist, anarchist nuts know they will be arrested, and cannot stop free speech of conservatives (or anyone), their whole regimen will cease.

They only show up and cause violence (in cities with Democrat mayors) when they know that mayor will have police stand down, and allow them to block traffic, attack protesters, vandalize monuments or other public items, shout down speakers, etc.

Threat of violence ? Bull! Don’t you believe that. That is a red herring. Violence can easily be stopped (or prevented entirely) as long as there is a WILL to stop it. America’s problem right now is rogue mayors who allow it, by handcuffing their own police, and occasionally Democrat governors (ex. Jay Nixon - Missouri), who called out the National Guard, in response to the Ferguson rioting, and then moved them far away from the violence/rioting.

Pro-Trump group cancels San Francisco rally as hundreds of counterprotesters march on the streets

College students testify: Free speech under assault on campuses
Especially in the Charlottesville turmoil, it has become routine for liberal city fathers to not permit marches, rallies protests, or other forms of conservative free speech. Alleged fear of violence is being used as the excuse. Nobody (other tahl leftist lunatics) wants violence, especially deaths like Heather Myers, but we all (and our 1st amendment right) is being attacked.

Conservatives, (both rational and radical), are being denied access to public speaking events. Recently, the University of California at Berkeley canceled conservative commentator Ann Coulter’s April 27 speech, amid threats of violence. In February, UC Berkeley also canceled a campus event featuring conservative Milo Yiannopoulos, after protesters threw rocks, broke windows, and set fires outside the school’s student union building to protest his appearance.

Some liberals have openly lent support to this speech stifling. Richard Cohen of Southern Poverty Law Center said that students and universities “should not give racists an audience.” That within the context of his definition of “racists”.

In other eyebrow raising events, Michael Savage has been banned from an entire, very liberal country (England). And in San Francisco, the pro-Trump group Patriot Prayer canceled the “Freedom Rally,” they had planned, due to excpected violence from counterprotesters, and a likely lack of police protection (FOR THEM). Organizers of the “Freedom Rally,” blamed the cancellation of their event on public officials, who they say have falsely portrayed them as violent right-wing extremists intent on bringing hate to San Francisco. Speaking with reporters Saturday afternoon, Joey Gibson, founder of Patriot Prayer, also blamed “antifa,” referring to anti-fascist groups, and BAMN, or By Any Means Necessary, a left-wing group. He said the groups followed them throughout the day and kept them from holding events.

But is it really violence that these pious politicians are worried about ? Or is it the truth they fear ? >> …..and that conservatives could deprogram millions of brainwashed and wrongheaded people ?

There is really no reason to fear violence in the street, on college campuses, or anywhere else. Whatever troublemaker loons begin to cause can be controlled and stopped quickly and effectively, by police, private security, state police, and National Guard if necessary. At worst, federal troops can stop civil disturbances, but rarely would that be necessary.

The only reason violence has been occurring in US streets (Chicago, San Jose, Ferguson, Baltimore, New York, Charlottesville) is because Democrat mayors have been stopping their police from taking action . As in these cities, in Tampa, FL, protestors blocked traffic in a downtown street for about 2 hours. Police made no arrests. Took no action. Why ? Democrat mayor in political sympathy with the traffic blockers (AKA “terrorists”), could be the only reason. No way, this was the decision of police, on their own. It is politics gone wild (and crazy) that is responsible for violence BEING PERMITTED, and coming from mayors’ offices.

Simple solution ? Don’t permit violence. Crack down on it, and hard. When the leftist, anarchist nuts know they will be arrested, and cannot stop free speech of conservatives (or anyone), their whole regimen will cease.

They only show up and cause violence (in cities with Democrat mayors) when they know that mayor will have police stand down, and allow them to block traffic, attack protesters, vandalize monuments or other public items, shout down speakers, etc.

Threat of violence ? Bull! Don’t you believe that. That is a red herring. Violence can easily be stopped (or prevented entirely) as long as there is a WILL to stop it. America’s problem right now is rogue mayors who allow it, by handcuffing their own police, and occasionally Democrat governors (ex. Jay Nixon - Missouri), who called out the National Guard, in response to the Ferguson rioting, and then moved them far away from the violence/rioting.

Pro-Trump group cancels San Francisco rally as hundreds of counterprotesters march on the streets

College students testify: Free speech under assault on campuses

Conservative speech is hate speech! It's really that simple.

The Supreme Court (ruled 5-4) in Morse v. Frederick, 551 U.S. 393 (2007) that:

The 1st A. does not prevent educators from suppressing, at or across the street from a school-supervised event, student speech that is reasonably viewed as promoting illegal drug use.

It does not take a genius to see the precedent set, which allows public officials to suppress hate speech which even a deplorable knows is incendiary and likely to cause violence in a public forum.
Especially in the Charlottesville turmoil, it has become routine for liberal city fathers to not permit marches, rallies protests, or other forms of conservative free speech. Alleged fear of violence is being used as the excuse. Nobody (other tahl leftist lunatics) wants violence, especially deaths like Heather Myers, but we all (and our 1st amendment right) is being attacked.

Conservatives, (both rational and radical), are being denied access to public speaking events. Recently, the University of California at Berkeley canceled conservative commentator Ann Coulter’s April 27 speech, amid threats of violence. In February, UC Berkeley also canceled a campus event featuring conservative Milo Yiannopoulos, after protesters threw rocks, broke windows, and set fires outside the school’s student union building to protest his appearance.

Some liberals have openly lent support to this speech stifling. Richard Cohen of Southern Poverty Law Center said that students and universities “should not give racists an audience.” That within the context of his definition of “racists”.

In other eyebrow raising events, Michael Savage has been banned from an entire, very liberal country (England). And in San Francisco, the pro-Trump group Patriot Prayer canceled the “Freedom Rally,” they had planned, due to excpected violence from counterprotesters, and a likely lack of police protection (FOR THEM). Organizers of the “Freedom Rally,” blamed the cancellation of their event on public officials, who they say have falsely portrayed them as violent right-wing extremists intent on bringing hate to San Francisco. Speaking with reporters Saturday afternoon, Joey Gibson, founder of Patriot Prayer, also blamed “antifa,” referring to anti-fascist groups, and BAMN, or By Any Means Necessary, a left-wing group. He said the groups followed them throughout the day and kept them from holding events.

But is it really violence that these pious politicians are worried about ? Or is it the truth they fear ? >> …..and that conservatives could deprogram millions of brainwashed and wrongheaded people ?

There is really no reason to fear violence in the street, on college campuses, or anywhere else. Whatever troublemaker loons begin to cause can be controlled and stopped quickly and effectively, by police, private security, state police, and National Guard if necessary. At worst, federal troops can stop civil disturbances, but rarely would that be necessary.

The only reason violence has been occurring in US streets (Chicago, San Jose, Ferguson, Baltimore, New York, Charlottesville) is because Democrat mayors have been stopping their police from taking action . As in these cities, in Tampa, FL, protestors blocked traffic in a downtown street for about 2 hours. Police made no arrests. Took no action. Why ? Democrat mayor in political sympathy with the traffic blockers (AKA “terrorists”), could be the only reason. No way, this was the decision of police, on their own. It is politics gone wild (and crazy) that is responsible for violence BEING PERMITTED, and coming from mayors’ offices.

Simple solution ? Don’t permit violence. Crack down on it, and hard. When the leftist, anarchist nuts know they will be arrested, and cannot stop free speech of conservatives (or anyone), their whole regimen will cease.

They only show up and cause violence (in cities with Democrat mayors) when they know that mayor will have police stand down, and allow them to block traffic, attack protesters, vandalize monuments or other public items, shout down speakers, etc.

Threat of violence ? Bull! Don’t you believe that. That is a red herring. Violence can easily be stopped (or prevented entirely) as long as there is a WILL to stop it. America’s problem right now is rogue mayors who allow it, by handcuffing their own police, and occasionally Democrat governors (ex. Jay Nixon - Missouri), who called out the National Guard, in response to the Ferguson rioting, and then moved them far away from the violence/rioting.

Pro-Trump group cancels San Francisco rally as hundreds of counterprotesters march on the streets

College students testify: Free speech under assault on campuses
yep it seems the reward goes to the violent antifa's how white of them. That only promotes violence btw. The way to remove the violence is to let the cops do their jobs and take these whackamoles out. You'll see that stop immediately. It's the equivalent of saying taking guns out of the hands of innocent people to allow the villain access and commit violence. It is only the stupid of the left. amazing.
Especially in the Charlottesville turmoil, it has become routine for liberal city fathers to not permit marches, rallies protests, or other forms of conservative free speech. Alleged fear of violence is being used as the excuse. Nobody (other tahl leftist lunatics) wants violence, especially deaths like Heather Myers, but we all (and our 1st amendment right) is being attacked.

Conservatives, (both rational and radical), are being denied access to public speaking events. Recently, the University of California at Berkeley canceled conservative commentator Ann Coulter’s April 27 speech, amid threats of violence. In February, UC Berkeley also canceled a campus event featuring conservative Milo Yiannopoulos, after protesters threw rocks, broke windows, and set fires outside the school’s student union building to protest his appearance.

Some liberals have openly lent support to this speech stifling. Richard Cohen of Southern Poverty Law Center said that students and universities “should not give racists an audience.” That within the context of his definition of “racists”.

In other eyebrow raising events, Michael Savage has been banned from an entire, very liberal country (England). And in San Francisco, the pro-Trump group Patriot Prayer canceled the “Freedom Rally,” they had planned, due to excpected violence from counterprotesters, and a likely lack of police protection (FOR THEM). Organizers of the “Freedom Rally,” blamed the cancellation of their event on public officials, who they say have falsely portrayed them as violent right-wing extremists intent on bringing hate to San Francisco. Speaking with reporters Saturday afternoon, Joey Gibson, founder of Patriot Prayer, also blamed “antifa,” referring to anti-fascist groups, and BAMN, or By Any Means Necessary, a left-wing group. He said the groups followed them throughout the day and kept them from holding events.

But is it really violence that these pious politicians are worried about ? Or is it the truth they fear ? >> …..and that conservatives could deprogram millions of brainwashed and wrongheaded people ?

There is really no reason to fear violence in the street, on college campuses, or anywhere else. Whatever troublemaker loons begin to cause can be controlled and stopped quickly and effectively, by police, private security, state police, and National Guard if necessary. At worst, federal troops can stop civil disturbances, but rarely would that be necessary.

The only reason violence has been occurring in US streets (Chicago, San Jose, Ferguson, Baltimore, New York, Charlottesville) is because Democrat mayors have been stopping their police from taking action . As in these cities, in Tampa, FL, protestors blocked traffic in a downtown street for about 2 hours. Police made no arrests. Took no action. Why ? Democrat mayor in political sympathy with the traffic blockers (AKA “terrorists”), could be the only reason. No way, this was the decision of police, on their own. It is politics gone wild (and crazy) that is responsible for violence BEING PERMITTED, and coming from mayors’ offices.

Simple solution ? Don’t permit violence. Crack down on it, and hard. When the leftist, anarchist nuts know they will be arrested, and cannot stop free speech of conservatives (or anyone), their whole regimen will cease.

They only show up and cause violence (in cities with Democrat mayors) when they know that mayor will have police stand down, and allow them to block traffic, attack protesters, vandalize monuments or other public items, shout down speakers, etc.

Threat of violence ? Bull! Don’t you believe that. That is a red herring. Violence can easily be stopped (or prevented entirely) as long as there is a WILL to stop it. America’s problem right now is rogue mayors who allow it, by handcuffing their own police, and occasionally Democrat governors (ex. Jay Nixon - Missouri), who called out the National Guard, in response to the Ferguson rioting, and then moved them far away from the violence/rioting.

Pro-Trump group cancels San Francisco rally as hundreds of counterprotesters march on the streets

College students testify: Free speech under assault on campuses

Conservative speech is hate speech! It's really that simple.

The Supreme Court (ruled 5-4) in Morse v. Frederick, 551 U.S. 393 (2007) that:

The 1st A. does not prevent educators from suppressing, at or across the street from a school-supervised event, student speech that is reasonably viewed as promoting illegal drug use.

It does not take a genius to see the precedent set, which allows public officials to suppress hate speech which even a deplorable knows is incendiary and likely to cause violence in a public forum.
who are you?
Especially in the Charlottesville turmoil, it has become routine for liberal city fathers to not permit marches, rallies protests, or other forms of conservative free speech. Alleged fear of violence is being used as the excuse. Nobody (other tahl leftist lunatics) wants violence, especially deaths like Heather Myers, but we all (and our 1st amendment right) is being attacked.

Conservatives, (both rational and radical), are being denied access to public speaking events. Recently, the University of California at Berkeley canceled conservative commentator Ann Coulter’s April 27 speech, amid threats of violence. In February, UC Berkeley also canceled a campus event featuring conservative Milo Yiannopoulos, after protesters threw rocks, broke windows, and set fires outside the school’s student union building to protest his appearance.

Some liberals have openly lent support to this speech stifling. Richard Cohen of Southern Poverty Law Center said that students and universities “should not give racists an audience.” That within the context of his definition of “racists”.

In other eyebrow raising events, Michael Savage has been banned from an entire, very liberal country (England). And in San Francisco, the pro-Trump group Patriot Prayer canceled the “Freedom Rally,” they had planned, due to excpected violence from counterprotesters, and a likely lack of police protection (FOR THEM). Organizers of the “Freedom Rally,” blamed the cancellation of their event on public officials, who they say have falsely portrayed them as violent right-wing extremists intent on bringing hate to San Francisco. Speaking with reporters Saturday afternoon, Joey Gibson, founder of Patriot Prayer, also blamed “antifa,” referring to anti-fascist groups, and BAMN, or By Any Means Necessary, a left-wing group. He said the groups followed them throughout the day and kept them from holding events.

But is it really violence that these pious politicians are worried about ? Or is it the truth they fear ? >> …..and that conservatives could deprogram millions of brainwashed and wrongheaded people ?

There is really no reason to fear violence in the street, on college campuses, or anywhere else. Whatever troublemaker loons begin to cause can be controlled and stopped quickly and effectively, by police, private security, state police, and National Guard if necessary. At worst, federal troops can stop civil disturbances, but rarely would that be necessary.

The only reason violence has been occurring in US streets (Chicago, San Jose, Ferguson, Baltimore, New York, Charlottesville) is because Democrat mayors have been stopping their police from taking action . As in these cities, in Tampa, FL, protestors blocked traffic in a downtown street for about 2 hours. Police made no arrests. Took no action. Why ? Democrat mayor in political sympathy with the traffic blockers (AKA “terrorists”), could be the only reason. No way, this was the decision of police, on their own. It is politics gone wild (and crazy) that is responsible for violence BEING PERMITTED, and coming from mayors’ offices.

Simple solution ? Don’t permit violence. Crack down on it, and hard. When the leftist, anarchist nuts know they will be arrested, and cannot stop free speech of conservatives (or anyone), their whole regimen will cease.

They only show up and cause violence (in cities with Democrat mayors) when they know that mayor will have police stand down, and allow them to block traffic, attack protesters, vandalize monuments or other public items, shout down speakers, etc.

Threat of violence ? Bull! Don’t you believe that. That is a red herring. Violence can easily be stopped (or prevented entirely) as long as there is a WILL to stop it. America’s problem right now is rogue mayors who allow it, by handcuffing their own police, and occasionally Democrat governors (ex. Jay Nixon - Missouri), who called out the National Guard, in response to the Ferguson rioting, and then moved them far away from the violence/rioting.

Pro-Trump group cancels San Francisco rally as hundreds of counterprotesters march on the streets

College students testify: Free speech under assault on campuses
yep it seems the reward goes to the violent antifa's how white of them. That only promotes violence btw. The way to remove the violence is to let the cops do their jobs and take these whackamoles out. You'll see that stop immediately. It's the equivalent of saying taking guns out of the hands of innocent people to allow the villain access and commit violence. It is only the stupid of the left. amazing.
ANTIFA are violent anarchists, they don't represent liberals democrats conservatives or republicans.
In the election, Dems were not avoiding it, Hillary campaign "workers" were starting it and then the fake news would lie and blame Trump...
Especially in the Charlottesville turmoil, it has become routine for liberal city fathers to not permit marches, rallies protests, or other forms of conservative free speech. Alleged fear of violence is being used as the excuse. Nobody (other tahl leftist lunatics) wants violence, especially deaths like Heather Myers, but we all (and our 1st amendment right) is being attacked.

Conservatives, (both rational and radical), are being denied access to public speaking events. Recently, the University of California at Berkeley canceled conservative commentator Ann Coulter’s April 27 speech, amid threats of violence. In February, UC Berkeley also canceled a campus event featuring conservative Milo Yiannopoulos, after protesters threw rocks, broke windows, and set fires outside the school’s student union building to protest his appearance.

Some liberals have openly lent support to this speech stifling. Richard Cohen of Southern Poverty Law Center said that students and universities “should not give racists an audience.” That within the context of his definition of “racists”.

In other eyebrow raising events, Michael Savage has been banned from an entire, very liberal country (England). And in San Francisco, the pro-Trump group Patriot Prayer canceled the “Freedom Rally,” they had planned, due to excpected violence from counterprotesters, and a likely lack of police protection (FOR THEM). Organizers of the “Freedom Rally,” blamed the cancellation of their event on public officials, who they say have falsely portrayed them as violent right-wing extremists intent on bringing hate to San Francisco. Speaking with reporters Saturday afternoon, Joey Gibson, founder of Patriot Prayer, also blamed “antifa,” referring to anti-fascist groups, and BAMN, or By Any Means Necessary, a left-wing group. He said the groups followed them throughout the day and kept them from holding events.

But is it really violence that these pious politicians are worried about ? Or is it the truth they fear ? >> …..and that conservatives could deprogram millions of brainwashed and wrongheaded people ?

There is really no reason to fear violence in the street, on college campuses, or anywhere else. Whatever troublemaker loons begin to cause can be controlled and stopped quickly and effectively, by police, private security, state police, and National Guard if necessary. At worst, federal troops can stop civil disturbances, but rarely would that be necessary.

The only reason violence has been occurring in US streets (Chicago, San Jose, Ferguson, Baltimore, New York, Charlottesville) is because Democrat mayors have been stopping their police from taking action . As in these cities, in Tampa, FL, protestors blocked traffic in a downtown street for about 2 hours. Police made no arrests. Took no action. Why ? Democrat mayor in political sympathy with the traffic blockers (AKA “terrorists”), could be the only reason. No way, this was the decision of police, on their own. It is politics gone wild (and crazy) that is responsible for violence BEING PERMITTED, and coming from mayors’ offices.

Simple solution ? Don’t permit violence. Crack down on it, and hard. When the leftist, anarchist nuts know they will be arrested, and cannot stop free speech of conservatives (or anyone), their whole regimen will cease.

They only show up and cause violence (in cities with Democrat mayors) when they know that mayor will have police stand down, and allow them to block traffic, attack protesters, vandalize monuments or other public items, shout down speakers, etc.

Threat of violence ? Bull! Don’t you believe that. That is a red herring. Violence can easily be stopped (or prevented entirely) as long as there is a WILL to stop it. America’s problem right now is rogue mayors who allow it, by handcuffing their own police, and occasionally Democrat governors (ex. Jay Nixon - Missouri), who called out the National Guard, in response to the Ferguson rioting, and then moved them far away from the violence/rioting.

Pro-Trump group cancels San Francisco rally as hundreds of counterprotesters march on the streets

College students testify: Free speech under assault on campuses

Conservative speech is hate speech! It's really that simple.

The Supreme Court (ruled 5-4) in Morse v. Frederick, 551 U.S. 393 (2007) that:

The 1st A. does not prevent educators from suppressing, at or across the street from a school-supervised event, student speech that is reasonably viewed as promoting illegal drug use.

It does not take a genius to see the precedent set, which allows public officials to suppress hate speech which even a deplorable knows is incendiary and likely to cause violence in a public forum.
who are you?

Just a guy with an IQ and an education way beyond your double digit level and GED.
Especially in the Charlottesville turmoil, it has become routine for liberal city fathers to not permit marches, rallies protests, or other forms of conservative free speech. Alleged fear of violence is being used as the excuse. Nobody (other tahl leftist lunatics) wants violence, especially deaths like Heather Myers, but we all (and our 1st amendment right) is being attacked.

Conservatives, (both rational and radical), are being denied access to public speaking events. Recently, the University of California at Berkeley canceled conservative commentator Ann Coulter’s April 27 speech, amid threats of violence. In February, UC Berkeley also canceled a campus event featuring conservative Milo Yiannopoulos, after protesters threw rocks, broke windows, and set fires outside the school’s student union building to protest his appearance.

Some liberals have openly lent support to this speech stifling. Richard Cohen of Southern Poverty Law Center said that students and universities “should not give racists an audience.” That within the context of his definition of “racists”.

In other eyebrow raising events, Michael Savage has been banned from an entire, very liberal country (England). And in San Francisco, the pro-Trump group Patriot Prayer canceled the “Freedom Rally,” they had planned, due to excpected violence from counterprotesters, and a likely lack of police protection (FOR THEM). Organizers of the “Freedom Rally,” blamed the cancellation of their event on public officials, who they say have falsely portrayed them as violent right-wing extremists intent on bringing hate to San Francisco. Speaking with reporters Saturday afternoon, Joey Gibson, founder of Patriot Prayer, also blamed “antifa,” referring to anti-fascist groups, and BAMN, or By Any Means Necessary, a left-wing group. He said the groups followed them throughout the day and kept them from holding events.

But is it really violence that these pious politicians are worried about ? Or is it the truth they fear ? >> …..and that conservatives could deprogram millions of brainwashed and wrongheaded people ?

There is really no reason to fear violence in the street, on college campuses, or anywhere else. Whatever troublemaker loons begin to cause can be controlled and stopped quickly and effectively, by police, private security, state police, and National Guard if necessary. At worst, federal troops can stop civil disturbances, but rarely would that be necessary.

The only reason violence has been occurring in US streets (Chicago, San Jose, Ferguson, Baltimore, New York, Charlottesville) is because Democrat mayors have been stopping their police from taking action . As in these cities, in Tampa, FL, protestors blocked traffic in a downtown street for about 2 hours. Police made no arrests. Took no action. Why ? Democrat mayor in political sympathy with the traffic blockers (AKA “terrorists”), could be the only reason. No way, this was the decision of police, on their own. It is politics gone wild (and crazy) that is responsible for violence BEING PERMITTED, and coming from mayors’ offices.

Simple solution ? Don’t permit violence. Crack down on it, and hard. When the leftist, anarchist nuts know they will be arrested, and cannot stop free speech of conservatives (or anyone), their whole regimen will cease.

They only show up and cause violence (in cities with Democrat mayors) when they know that mayor will have police stand down, and allow them to block traffic, attack protesters, vandalize monuments or other public items, shout down speakers, etc.

Threat of violence ? Bull! Don’t you believe that. That is a red herring. Violence can easily be stopped (or prevented entirely) as long as there is a WILL to stop it. America’s problem right now is rogue mayors who allow it, by handcuffing their own police, and occasionally Democrat governors (ex. Jay Nixon - Missouri), who called out the National Guard, in response to the Ferguson rioting, and then moved them far away from the violence/rioting.

Pro-Trump group cancels San Francisco rally as hundreds of counterprotesters march on the streets

College students testify: Free speech under assault on campuses
yep it seems the reward goes to the violent antifa's how white of them. That only promotes violence btw. The way to remove the violence is to let the cops do their jobs and take these whackamoles out. You'll see that stop immediately. It's the equivalent of saying taking guns out of the hands of innocent people to allow the villain access and commit violence. It is only the stupid of the left. amazing.
ANTIFA are violent anarchists, they don't represent liberals democrats conservatives or republicans.
sure they do, you won't condemn them you are one of them. I've asked you repeatedly in other threads and you still won't condemn them. You're too late now. so you are one.
Especially in the Charlottesville turmoil, it has become routine for liberal city fathers to not permit marches, rallies protests, or other forms of conservative free speech. Alleged fear of violence is being used as the excuse. Nobody (other tahl leftist lunatics) wants violence, especially deaths like Heather Myers, but we all (and our 1st amendment right) is being attacked.

Conservatives, (both rational and radical), are being denied access to public speaking events. Recently, the University of California at Berkeley canceled conservative commentator Ann Coulter’s April 27 speech, amid threats of violence. In February, UC Berkeley also canceled a campus event featuring conservative Milo Yiannopoulos, after protesters threw rocks, broke windows, and set fires outside the school’s student union building to protest his appearance.

Some liberals have openly lent support to this speech stifling. Richard Cohen of Southern Poverty Law Center said that students and universities “should not give racists an audience.” That within the context of his definition of “racists”.

In other eyebrow raising events, Michael Savage has been banned from an entire, very liberal country (England). And in San Francisco, the pro-Trump group Patriot Prayer canceled the “Freedom Rally,” they had planned, due to excpected violence from counterprotesters, and a likely lack of police protection (FOR THEM). Organizers of the “Freedom Rally,” blamed the cancellation of their event on public officials, who they say have falsely portrayed them as violent right-wing extremists intent on bringing hate to San Francisco. Speaking with reporters Saturday afternoon, Joey Gibson, founder of Patriot Prayer, also blamed “antifa,” referring to anti-fascist groups, and BAMN, or By Any Means Necessary, a left-wing group. He said the groups followed them throughout the day and kept them from holding events.

But is it really violence that these pious politicians are worried about ? Or is it the truth they fear ? >> …..and that conservatives could deprogram millions of brainwashed and wrongheaded people ?

There is really no reason to fear violence in the street, on college campuses, or anywhere else. Whatever troublemaker loons begin to cause can be controlled and stopped quickly and effectively, by police, private security, state police, and National Guard if necessary. At worst, federal troops can stop civil disturbances, but rarely would that be necessary.

The only reason violence has been occurring in US streets (Chicago, San Jose, Ferguson, Baltimore, New York, Charlottesville) is because Democrat mayors have been stopping their police from taking action . As in these cities, in Tampa, FL, protestors blocked traffic in a downtown street for about 2 hours. Police made no arrests. Took no action. Why ? Democrat mayor in political sympathy with the traffic blockers (AKA “terrorists”), could be the only reason. No way, this was the decision of police, on their own. It is politics gone wild (and crazy) that is responsible for violence BEING PERMITTED, and coming from mayors’ offices.

Simple solution ? Don’t permit violence. Crack down on it, and hard. When the leftist, anarchist nuts know they will be arrested, and cannot stop free speech of conservatives (or anyone), their whole regimen will cease.

They only show up and cause violence (in cities with Democrat mayors) when they know that mayor will have police stand down, and allow them to block traffic, attack protesters, vandalize monuments or other public items, shout down speakers, etc.

Threat of violence ? Bull! Don’t you believe that. That is a red herring. Violence can easily be stopped (or prevented entirely) as long as there is a WILL to stop it. America’s problem right now is rogue mayors who allow it, by handcuffing their own police, and occasionally Democrat governors (ex. Jay Nixon - Missouri), who called out the National Guard, in response to the Ferguson rioting, and then moved them far away from the violence/rioting.

Pro-Trump group cancels San Francisco rally as hundreds of counterprotesters march on the streets

College students testify: Free speech under assault on campuses

Conservative speech is hate speech! It's really that simple.

The Supreme Court (ruled 5-4) in Morse v. Frederick, 551 U.S. 393 (2007) that:

The 1st A. does not prevent educators from suppressing, at or across the street from a school-supervised event, student speech that is reasonably viewed as promoting illegal drug use.

It does not take a genius to see the precedent set, which allows public officials to suppress hate speech which even a deplorable knows is incendiary and likely to cause violence in a public forum.
who are you?

Just a guy with an IQ and an education way beyond your double digit level and GED.
ANTIFA are violent anarchists, they don't represent liberals democrats conservatives or republicans.

There is 100% partisan hypocrisy on this issue.

Every leftist who goes batty, like the "lousy shot in the ballpark," never represents all Dems

Any non-leftist who does represents every single non-Dem on the planet

.... according to Dems, CNN and the rest...
Especially in the Charlottesville turmoil, it has become routine for liberal city fathers to not permit marches, rallies protests, or other forms of conservative free speech. Alleged fear of violence is being used as the excuse. Nobody (other tahl leftist lunatics) wants violence, especially deaths like Heather Myers, but we all (and our 1st amendment right) is being attacked.

Conservatives, (both rational and radical), are being denied access to public speaking events. Recently, the University of California at Berkeley canceled conservative commentator Ann Coulter’s April 27 speech, amid threats of violence. In February, UC Berkeley also canceled a campus event featuring conservative Milo Yiannopoulos, after protesters threw rocks, broke windows, and set fires outside the school’s student union building to protest his appearance.

Some liberals have openly lent support to this speech stifling. Richard Cohen of Southern Poverty Law Center said that students and universities “should not give racists an audience.” That within the context of his definition of “racists”.

In other eyebrow raising events, Michael Savage has been banned from an entire, very liberal country (England). And in San Francisco, the pro-Trump group Patriot Prayer canceled the “Freedom Rally,” they had planned, due to excpected violence from counterprotesters, and a likely lack of police protection (FOR THEM). Organizers of the “Freedom Rally,” blamed the cancellation of their event on public officials, who they say have falsely portrayed them as violent right-wing extremists intent on bringing hate to San Francisco. Speaking with reporters Saturday afternoon, Joey Gibson, founder of Patriot Prayer, also blamed “antifa,” referring to anti-fascist groups, and BAMN, or By Any Means Necessary, a left-wing group. He said the groups followed them throughout the day and kept them from holding events.

But is it really violence that these pious politicians are worried about ? Or is it the truth they fear ? >> …..and that conservatives could deprogram millions of brainwashed and wrongheaded people ?

There is really no reason to fear violence in the street, on college campuses, or anywhere else. Whatever troublemaker loons begin to cause can be controlled and stopped quickly and effectively, by police, private security, state police, and National Guard if necessary. At worst, federal troops can stop civil disturbances, but rarely would that be necessary.

The only reason violence has been occurring in US streets (Chicago, San Jose, Ferguson, Baltimore, New York, Charlottesville) is because Democrat mayors have been stopping their police from taking action . As in these cities, in Tampa, FL, protestors blocked traffic in a downtown street for about 2 hours. Police made no arrests. Took no action. Why ? Democrat mayor in political sympathy with the traffic blockers (AKA “terrorists”), could be the only reason. No way, this was the decision of police, on their own. It is politics gone wild (and crazy) that is responsible for violence BEING PERMITTED, and coming from mayors’ offices.

Simple solution ? Don’t permit violence. Crack down on it, and hard. When the leftist, anarchist nuts know they will be arrested, and cannot stop free speech of conservatives (or anyone), their whole regimen will cease.

They only show up and cause violence (in cities with Democrat mayors) when they know that mayor will have police stand down, and allow them to block traffic, attack protesters, vandalize monuments or other public items, shout down speakers, etc.

Threat of violence ? Bull! Don’t you believe that. That is a red herring. Violence can easily be stopped (or prevented entirely) as long as there is a WILL to stop it. America’s problem right now is rogue mayors who allow it, by handcuffing their own police, and occasionally Democrat governors (ex. Jay Nixon - Missouri), who called out the National Guard, in response to the Ferguson rioting, and then moved them far away from the violence/rioting.

Pro-Trump group cancels San Francisco rally as hundreds of counterprotesters march on the streets

College students testify: Free speech under assault on campuses
yep it seems the reward goes to the violent antifa's how white of them. That only promotes violence btw. The way to remove the violence is to let the cops do their jobs and take these whackamoles out. You'll see that stop immediately. It's the equivalent of saying taking guns out of the hands of innocent people to allow the villain access and commit violence. It is only the stupid of the left. amazing.
ANTIFA are violent anarchists, they don't represent liberals democrats conservatives or republicans.

Yep, they are the ones who created violence and shit in the street during OWS demonstrations, which the RW dishonestly claimed they were students, liberals and Democrats.
Especially in the Charlottesville turmoil, it has become routine for liberal city fathers to not permit marches, rallies protests, or other forms of conservative free speech. Alleged fear of violence is being used as the excuse. Nobody (other tahl leftist lunatics) wants violence, especially deaths like Heather Myers,

"Heather Myers"? You can't even be bothered to learn her name?

What are you, an American Citizen hater?

So if I follow this, "nobody wants violence" but when it happens the victim is nameless, and that's how much 'nobody wants violence' is it?
Especially in the Charlottesville turmoil, it has become routine for liberal city fathers to not permit marches, rallies protests, or other forms of conservative free speech. Alleged fear of violence is being used as the excuse. Nobody (other tahl leftist lunatics) wants violence, especially deaths like Heather Myers, but we all (and our 1st amendment right) is being attacked.

Conservatives, (both rational and radical), are being denied access to public speaking events. Recently, the University of California at Berkeley canceled conservative commentator Ann Coulter’s April 27 speech, amid threats of violence. In February, UC Berkeley also canceled a campus event featuring conservative Milo Yiannopoulos, after protesters threw rocks, broke windows, and set fires outside the school’s student union building to protest his appearance.

Some liberals have openly lent support to this speech stifling. Richard Cohen of Southern Poverty Law Center said that students and universities “should not give racists an audience.” That within the context of his definition of “racists”.

In other eyebrow raising events, Michael Savage has been banned from an entire, very liberal country (England). And in San Francisco, the pro-Trump group Patriot Prayer canceled the “Freedom Rally,” they had planned, due to excpected violence from counterprotesters, and a likely lack of police protection (FOR THEM). Organizers of the “Freedom Rally,” blamed the cancellation of their event on public officials, who they say have falsely portrayed them as violent right-wing extremists intent on bringing hate to San Francisco. Speaking with reporters Saturday afternoon, Joey Gibson, founder of Patriot Prayer, also blamed “antifa,” referring to anti-fascist groups, and BAMN, or By Any Means Necessary, a left-wing group. He said the groups followed them throughout the day and kept them from holding events.

But is it really violence that these pious politicians are worried about ? Or is it the truth they fear ? >> …..and that conservatives could deprogram millions of brainwashed and wrongheaded people ?

There is really no reason to fear violence in the street, on college campuses, or anywhere else. Whatever troublemaker loons begin to cause can be controlled and stopped quickly and effectively, by police, private security, state police, and National Guard if necessary. At worst, federal troops can stop civil disturbances, but rarely would that be necessary.

The only reason violence has been occurring in US streets (Chicago, San Jose, Ferguson, Baltimore, New York, Charlottesville) is because Democrat mayors have been stopping their police from taking action . As in these cities, in Tampa, FL, protestors blocked traffic in a downtown street for about 2 hours. Police made no arrests. Took no action. Why ? Democrat mayor in political sympathy with the traffic blockers (AKA “terrorists”), could be the only reason. No way, this was the decision of police, on their own. It is politics gone wild (and crazy) that is responsible for violence BEING PERMITTED, and coming from mayors’ offices.

Simple solution ? Don’t permit violence. Crack down on it, and hard. When the leftist, anarchist nuts know they will be arrested, and cannot stop free speech of conservatives (or anyone), their whole regimen will cease.

They only show up and cause violence (in cities with Democrat mayors) when they know that mayor will have police stand down, and allow them to block traffic, attack protesters, vandalize monuments or other public items, shout down speakers, etc.

Threat of violence ? Bull! Don’t you believe that. That is a red herring. Violence can easily be stopped (or prevented entirely) as long as there is a WILL to stop it. America’s problem right now is rogue mayors who allow it, by handcuffing their own police, and occasionally Democrat governors (ex. Jay Nixon - Missouri), who called out the National Guard, in response to the Ferguson rioting, and then moved them far away from the violence/rioting.

Pro-Trump group cancels San Francisco rally as hundreds of counterprotesters march on the streets

College students testify: Free speech under assault on campuses
Yeah, the Regressives have been using this one for about a year.

They will come up with any excuse to shut down opposing speech.

I just hope they run out of excuses at some point.
Especially in the Charlottesville turmoil, it has become routine for liberal city fathers to not permit marches, rallies protests, or other forms of conservative free speech. Alleged fear of violence is being used as the excuse. Nobody (other tahl leftist lunatics) wants violence, especially deaths like Heather Myers, but we all (and our 1st amendment right) is being attacked.

Conservatives, (both rational and radical), are being denied access to public speaking events. Recently, the University of California at Berkeley canceled conservative commentator Ann Coulter’s April 27 speech, amid threats of violence. In February, UC Berkeley also canceled a campus event featuring conservative Milo Yiannopoulos, after protesters threw rocks, broke windows, and set fires outside the school’s student union building to protest his appearance.

Some liberals have openly lent support to this speech stifling. Richard Cohen of Southern Poverty Law Center said that students and universities “should not give racists an audience.” That within the context of his definition of “racists”.

In other eyebrow raising events, Michael Savage has been banned from an entire, very liberal country (England). And in San Francisco, the pro-Trump group Patriot Prayer canceled the “Freedom Rally,” they had planned, due to excpected violence from counterprotesters, and a likely lack of police protection (FOR THEM). Organizers of the “Freedom Rally,” blamed the cancellation of their event on public officials, who they say have falsely portrayed them as violent right-wing extremists intent on bringing hate to San Francisco. Speaking with reporters Saturday afternoon, Joey Gibson, founder of Patriot Prayer, also blamed “antifa,” referring to anti-fascist groups, and BAMN, or By Any Means Necessary, a left-wing group. He said the groups followed them throughout the day and kept them from holding events.

But is it really violence that these pious politicians are worried about ? Or is it the truth they fear ? >> …..and that conservatives could deprogram millions of brainwashed and wrongheaded people ?

There is really no reason to fear violence in the street, on college campuses, or anywhere else. Whatever troublemaker loons begin to cause can be controlled and stopped quickly and effectively, by police, private security, state police, and National Guard if necessary. At worst, federal troops can stop civil disturbances, but rarely would that be necessary.

The only reason violence has been occurring in US streets (Chicago, San Jose, Ferguson, Baltimore, New York, Charlottesville) is because Democrat mayors have been stopping their police from taking action . As in these cities, in Tampa, FL, protestors blocked traffic in a downtown street for about 2 hours. Police made no arrests. Took no action. Why ? Democrat mayor in political sympathy with the traffic blockers (AKA “terrorists”), could be the only reason. No way, this was the decision of police, on their own. It is politics gone wild (and crazy) that is responsible for violence BEING PERMITTED, and coming from mayors’ offices.

Simple solution ? Don’t permit violence. Crack down on it, and hard. When the leftist, anarchist nuts know they will be arrested, and cannot stop free speech of conservatives (or anyone), their whole regimen will cease.

They only show up and cause violence (in cities with Democrat mayors) when they know that mayor will have police stand down, and allow them to block traffic, attack protesters, vandalize monuments or other public items, shout down speakers, etc.

Threat of violence ? Bull! Don’t you believe that. That is a red herring. Violence can easily be stopped (or prevented entirely) as long as there is a WILL to stop it. America’s problem right now is rogue mayors who allow it, by handcuffing their own police, and occasionally Democrat governors (ex. Jay Nixon - Missouri), who called out the National Guard, in response to the Ferguson rioting, and then moved them far away from the violence/rioting.

Pro-Trump group cancels San Francisco rally as hundreds of counterprotesters march on the streets

College students testify: Free speech under assault on campuses
yep it seems the reward goes to the violent antifa's how white of them. That only promotes violence btw. The way to remove the violence is to let the cops do their jobs and take these whackamoles out. You'll see that stop immediately. It's the equivalent of saying taking guns out of the hands of innocent people to allow the villain access and commit violence. It is only the stupid of the left. amazing.
ANTIFA are violent anarchists, they don't represent liberals democrats conservatives or republicans.
sure they do, you won't condemn them you are one of them. I've asked you repeatedly in other threads and you still won't. so you are one.
I did many times. I had no clue who they were so I condemned all members that were acting out in violence, I condemned that many times. If they had a good hearted anti-racism faction that was doing good work in the community then I'd support those values so I left that part open. It doesn't appear that they have that side to their group, or at least I haven't seen it, so if that's the case then I can easily condem the group. They are no good and cause more problems than good with their hypocritical violence. Arrest them
ANTIFA are violent anarchists, they don't represent liberals democrats conservatives or republicans.

There is 100% partisan hypocrisy on this issue.

Every leftist who goes batty, like the "lousy shot in the ballpark," never represents all Dems

Any non-leftist who does represents every single non-Dem on the planet

.... according to Dems, CNN and the rest...
but any white nut job means every white guy is a nut job. These libturds are hilarious withtheir self righteousness and mental disorder that they get to brand everyone.
ANTIFA are violent anarchists, they don't represent liberals democrats conservatives or republicans.

There is 100% partisan hypocrisy on this issue.

Every leftist who goes batty, like the "lousy shot in the ballpark," never represents all Dems

Any non-leftist who does represents every single non-Dem on the planet

.... according to Dems, CNN and the rest...
Not true at all. You're gonna have to do better than empty statements if you want to make a compelling point.
Especially in the Charlottesville turmoil, it has become routine for liberal city fathers to not permit marches, rallies protests, or other forms of conservative free speech. Alleged fear of violence is being used as the excuse. Nobody (other tahl leftist lunatics) wants violence, especially deaths like Heather Myers, but we all (and our 1st amendment right) is being attacked.

Conservatives, (both rational and radical), are being denied access to public speaking events. Recently, the University of California at Berkeley canceled conservative commentator Ann Coulter’s April 27 speech, amid threats of violence. In February, UC Berkeley also canceled a campus event featuring conservative Milo Yiannopoulos, after protesters threw rocks, broke windows, and set fires outside the school’s student union building to protest his appearance.

Some liberals have openly lent support to this speech stifling. Richard Cohen of Southern Poverty Law Center said that students and universities “should not give racists an audience.” That within the context of his definition of “racists”.

In other eyebrow raising events, Michael Savage has been banned from an entire, very liberal country (England). And in San Francisco, the pro-Trump group Patriot Prayer canceled the “Freedom Rally,” they had planned, due to excpected violence from counterprotesters, and a likely lack of police protection (FOR THEM). Organizers of the “Freedom Rally,” blamed the cancellation of their event on public officials, who they say have falsely portrayed them as violent right-wing extremists intent on bringing hate to San Francisco. Speaking with reporters Saturday afternoon, Joey Gibson, founder of Patriot Prayer, also blamed “antifa,” referring to anti-fascist groups, and BAMN, or By Any Means Necessary, a left-wing group. He said the groups followed them throughout the day and kept them from holding events.

But is it really violence that these pious politicians are worried about ? Or is it the truth they fear ? >> …..and that conservatives could deprogram millions of brainwashed and wrongheaded people ?

There is really no reason to fear violence in the street, on college campuses, or anywhere else. Whatever troublemaker loons begin to cause can be controlled and stopped quickly and effectively, by police, private security, state police, and National Guard if necessary. At worst, federal troops can stop civil disturbances, but rarely would that be necessary.

The only reason violence has been occurring in US streets (Chicago, San Jose, Ferguson, Baltimore, New York, Charlottesville) is because Democrat mayors have been stopping their police from taking action . As in these cities, in Tampa, FL, protestors blocked traffic in a downtown street for about 2 hours. Police made no arrests. Took no action. Why ? Democrat mayor in political sympathy with the traffic blockers (AKA “terrorists”), could be the only reason. No way, this was the decision of police, on their own. It is politics gone wild (and crazy) that is responsible for violence BEING PERMITTED, and coming from mayors’ offices.

Simple solution ? Don’t permit violence. Crack down on it, and hard. When the leftist, anarchist nuts know they will be arrested, and cannot stop free speech of conservatives (or anyone), their whole regimen will cease.

They only show up and cause violence (in cities with Democrat mayors) when they know that mayor will have police stand down, and allow them to block traffic, attack protesters, vandalize monuments or other public items, shout down speakers, etc.

Threat of violence ? Bull! Don’t you believe that. That is a red herring. Violence can easily be stopped (or prevented entirely) as long as there is a WILL to stop it. America’s problem right now is rogue mayors who allow it, by handcuffing their own police, and occasionally Democrat governors (ex. Jay Nixon - Missouri), who called out the National Guard, in response to the Ferguson rioting, and then moved them far away from the violence/rioting.

Pro-Trump group cancels San Francisco rally as hundreds of counterprotesters march on the streets

College students testify: Free speech under assault on campuses
yep it seems the reward goes to the violent antifa's how white of them. That only promotes violence btw. The way to remove the violence is to let the cops do their jobs and take these whackamoles out. You'll see that stop immediately. It's the equivalent of saying taking guns out of the hands of innocent people to allow the villain access and commit violence. It is only the stupid of the left. amazing.
ANTIFA are violent anarchists, they don't represent liberals democrats conservatives or republicans.
sure they do, you won't condemn them you are one of them. I've asked you repeatedly in other threads and you still won't. so you are one.
I did many times. I had no clue who they were so I condemned all members that were acting out in violence, I condemned that many times. If they had a good hearted anti-racism faction that was doing good work in the community then I'd support those values so I left that part open. It doesn't appear that they have that side to their group, or at least I haven't seen it, so if that's the case then I can easily condem the group. They are no good and cause more problems than good with their hypocritical violence. Arrest them
nope you never did. condemning members isn't condemning the group. hey, no skin off my back you wish to be a member and not condemn them. again, it's too late, if you couldn't tell by Charlottesville and campus universities who this group was, then you are part of them blinded.

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