"Avoid women at all costs"- new Wall Street rule

That doesn't appear to be the intent of this thread to me. Instead, the intent seems to be to point that false allegations have led many men who don't do things wrong to think twice about trusting women. And the reason for this is not because of the women who make false allegations, but because of the people who defend the women who make false allegations.

Do you not have any brothers, or sons, or grandsons, or even friends who are single men? If so, you do them a huge disservice when you defend the principle of guilty until proven innocent when it comes to sexual misconduct allegations.
I've never defended the principle of guilty until proven innocent; I have never agreed with the way the allegations against the famous are getting out there and causing them to lose their jobs due to bad publicity. It isn't metoo that is publicizing this stuff, is it? It's the reporters whose job it is to cover the court beat--they see the name in the civil complaint and run it up the flagpole. Or a reporter gets a tip from PBS about allegations against Keillor...or from the Hill about a Senator.... We don't need to know any of this--including all the nonsense with Stormy Daniels--until it has been adjudicated or thrown out or settled. That's my opinion. Like the stuff about the owner of Fox--Ayles, was it--we just heard he was out. HR and legal teams were up to their eyeballs in it, no doubt, and it wasn't done willy nilly in 24 hours, but that's the way it should be done. After the fact.

I agree, but that's not the way it is done because the American idiot insists otherwise. How many Americans that absolutely have no idea what did or did not happen 30 something years ago with Kav and Ford declared him damn near if not in actuality a rapist based on NOTHING more than her allegations?? Those idiots are why things like this are news.

That is the point of this thread, and certainly of my posts in this thread. You say you are against such behaviors , and I take you at your word, yet you don't speak out against them, maybe if you did, and other liberals did, things would change. Conservatives screaming "this isn't fair, what happened to innocent until proven guilty?" Isn't going to change any liberals who are willing to throw out all sense of fairness to "get" a conservative. Fair minded liberals must do that. In this particular case all the better if it's fair minded female liberals who stand up and say "enough, this isn't right" and perhaps when enough young ladies realize "hey we're not getting asked out on dates and such because of this crap" things will change.

And of course you could apply this principle to oh so many topics.
Actually, I didn't take "innocent until proven guilty" to be the point of this thread. It has pretty much run to the theme of women are liars, lying in wait to ruin them.

The Kavanaugh circus was 99.9% pure politics and NONE of us know what happened there thirty years ago. I said that repeatedly during the days we debated it here. I defended Ford's right to be HEARD though and it seemed to me her accusations were no weaker than Kavanaugh's defense. A great many people said a great deal of very ugly things in both directions. That is not a good case to allude to, because like you said, it had too much to do with whether they wanted to see him in the Supreme Court.

I do not think it will happen that young ladies are not asked out on dates and such. Human nature does not change. How men treat women certainly can though, when it comes to simple courtesy.

I , obviously, wasn't hear during the Kav stuff and I'm not going to search through old threads, so I'll take your word for what you said. However, I will say this.

No, that woman should NOT have had a right to "tell her story" A woman, or anyone else for that matter, should be required to show at least a modicum of evidence beyond "her story" before such allegations are made in any form that could be made public. Look at the way this guy was relentlessy hammered simply because one woman said something happened. And we see it all the time.

Call me an asshole if you wish, but these women who make allegations that they can't even provide a single shred of evidence to support should be silenced. I don't care if it' against a Republican, a Democrat, or a Communist, or a Martian. No man should be subject to such a spectacle based on a woman's testimony alone. I don't care if 100 women claim something happened common sense tells us if 100 women were sexually mistreated by a man there should be some witness or other piece of evidence to corroborate at least one of the stories.

Then when you add in all the dirty tricks other people are willing to use in conjunction with unsubstantiated claims, you quickly have a situation where men become in affect a second class citizen who isn't afforded the basic of civil rights.

Don't take her word for it, go and read her posts. She's lying.
I don't lie.
Predictable. What's professional and respectful to one person may be something different to another.

That's part of being human. We're different, even if some want to make us all the same.

But now that virtually everyone is worried that what they say, do or think may be their ruination, they have to be careful.

This is what happens when some authoritarians in a society decide that "live and let live" just isn't good enough for them.

This all began in the early 2000s when Human Resouces depts decided that mandatory 'Diversity in the Workplace' programs were for the betterment of all.
Been there, experienced the brainwashing effects.
So....you want a workplace with NO diversity? What is the default for you then?

Diversity is fine, unless is forced upon us.

Anyone who ever had a job knows that a team of like minded individuals performs way better than a rag tag team of wahmen, preop transgenders, transsexual indians and white omega males.

But you are leftist beta who probably never had a job and your parents are paying for everything.
The "me-too" movement has necessitated this new rule, which is certainly a positive move for Homoamericans seeking employment in finance. The Light-in-the-loafers crowd will have no problem with the new dictates from the Wall Street crowd.

Wall Street rule for the #MeToo era: Avoid women at all costs
How sad guys can't just be respectful and professional while at work.
It's not that simple.
These days, a woman can make a false accusation and have someone fired from their job.
This is nothing but fascism.
Do you honestly think H.R. doesn't look into this type of thing before making a decision, mud? They do. THEY can be sued, too, you know, and they are fully aware that sometimes people lie for the sake of office politics. You think they LIKE making settlements? No. It is not the way you portray it, that a woman walks into H.R. in tears with a tale, and the guy is out the door just like that. It has never been that way and it still isn't. For the most part, women aren't lying. But I know that it is not such a big deal for men to "protect" themselves from allegations--when I worked for doctors in 1980, they were already making it a point to never be alone with a female patient. A nurse was present or the door was open.
The "me-too" movement has necessitated this new rule, which is certainly a positive move for Homoamericans seeking employment in finance. The Light-in-the-loafers crowd will have no problem with the new dictates from the Wall Street crowd.

Wall Street rule for the #MeToo era: Avoid women at all costs
How sad guys can't just be respectful and professional while at work.
It's not that simple.
These days, a woman can make a false accusation and have someone fired from their job.
This is nothing but fascism.
Do you honestly think H.R. doesn't look into this type of thing before making a decision, mud? They do. THEY can be sued, too, you know, and they are fully aware that sometimes people lie for the sake of office politics. You think they LIKE making settlements? No. It is not the way you portray it, that a woman walks into H.R. in tears with a tale, and the guy is out the door just like that. It has never been that way and it still isn't. For the most part, women aren't lying. But I know that it is not such a big deal for men to "protect" themselves from allegations--when I worked for doctors in 1980, they were already making it a point to never be alone with a female patient. A nurse was present or the door was open.
Again, it's not that simple.
Where I work there are few women around.
But wherever there are, special precautions have to be taken.
When you're working in their rooms you have to have a witness there to make sure nothing goes on.

I figure most of the time the accusations are honest.
But I have come across situations where the woman is lying just to get even with some guy that rejected them or simply did something they didn't like.
Women can be pretty petty and devious you know.
The Metoo movement makes it much easier for bad actors to get away with it.
I've never defended the principle of guilty until proven innocent; I have never agreed with the way the allegations against the famous are getting out there and causing them to lose their jobs due to bad publicity. It isn't metoo that is publicizing this stuff, is it? It's the reporters whose job it is to cover the court beat--they see the name in the civil complaint and run it up the flagpole. Or a reporter gets a tip from PBS about allegations against Keillor...or from the Hill about a Senator.... We don't need to know any of this--including all the nonsense with Stormy Daniels--until it has been adjudicated or thrown out or settled. That's my opinion. Like the stuff about the owner of Fox--Ayles, was it--we just heard he was out. HR and legal teams were up to their eyeballs in it, no doubt, and it wasn't done willy nilly in 24 hours, but that's the way it should be done. After the fact.

I agree, but that's not the way it is done because the American idiot insists otherwise. How many Americans that absolutely have no idea what did or did not happen 30 something years ago with Kav and Ford declared him damn near if not in actuality a rapist based on NOTHING more than her allegations?? Those idiots are why things like this are news.

That is the point of this thread, and certainly of my posts in this thread. You say you are against such behaviors , and I take you at your word, yet you don't speak out against them, maybe if you did, and other liberals did, things would change. Conservatives screaming "this isn't fair, what happened to innocent until proven guilty?" Isn't going to change any liberals who are willing to throw out all sense of fairness to "get" a conservative. Fair minded liberals must do that. In this particular case all the better if it's fair minded female liberals who stand up and say "enough, this isn't right" and perhaps when enough young ladies realize "hey we're not getting asked out on dates and such because of this crap" things will change.

And of course you could apply this principle to oh so many topics.
Actually, I didn't take "innocent until proven guilty" to be the point of this thread. It has pretty much run to the theme of women are liars, lying in wait to ruin them.

The Kavanaugh circus was 99.9% pure politics and NONE of us know what happened there thirty years ago. I said that repeatedly during the days we debated it here. I defended Ford's right to be HEARD though and it seemed to me her accusations were no weaker than Kavanaugh's defense. A great many people said a great deal of very ugly things in both directions. That is not a good case to allude to, because like you said, it had too much to do with whether they wanted to see him in the Supreme Court.

I do not think it will happen that young ladies are not asked out on dates and such. Human nature does not change. How men treat women certainly can though, when it comes to simple courtesy.

I , obviously, wasn't hear during the Kav stuff and I'm not going to search through old threads, so I'll take your word for what you said. However, I will say this.

No, that woman should NOT have had a right to "tell her story" A woman, or anyone else for that matter, should be required to show at least a modicum of evidence beyond "her story" before such allegations are made in any form that could be made public. Look at the way this guy was relentlessy hammered simply because one woman said something happened. And we see it all the time.

Call me an asshole if you wish, but these women who make allegations that they can't even provide a single shred of evidence to support should be silenced. I don't care if it' against a Republican, a Democrat, or a Communist, or a Martian. No man should be subject to such a spectacle based on a woman's testimony alone. I don't care if 100 women claim something happened common sense tells us if 100 women were sexually mistreated by a man there should be some witness or other piece of evidence to corroborate at least one of the stories.

Then when you add in all the dirty tricks other people are willing to use in conjunction with unsubstantiated claims, you quickly have a situation where men become in affect a second class citizen who isn't afforded the basic of civil rights.

Don't take her word for it, go and read her posts. She's lying.
I don't lie.
Only because you believe the lies you tell yourself.
I'd be surprised if a woman, or a man, would feel sexually harassed by someone they were attracted to that was flirting with them. Again, you don't seem to grasp the difference between harassment and flirtation.
Yes, if I was interested in someone who suddenly harassed me instead of flirting, that would be the end of my interest in him.

You would not be interested in someone that could possibly sexual harass you silly.
That's a silly statement.
In your opinion.

I fancy myself to be a pretty intuitive person. I have seen you post a lot.

I know you wouldn't be attracted to anyone that could possibly ever disrespect you. Let's not be disingenuous, shall we?
I'm not going to be rough on you, Mister Beale, because you have no clue what sexual harassment is. That does not surprise me, because I DO guess that is not the kind of guy you are. But as someone who has been on the receiving end of sexual harassment, it is not the same as some uncouth, belching guy with a dirty t-shirt walking up and saying something vulgar. You can predict that. But you can work next to someone, or in other ways interact with them, for months, years even and suddenly the Ugly comes out.
I know what you mean. I remember when women treated me like a slab of beef.

Start with Daniel Holtzclaw
How about a list of those ruined by false accusations and those ruined by true accusations so we can have some actual statistics.
With millions of accusations Nationwide sure go find them
So you have nothing to back yourself up.
Yes I do and have proven it
Are you saying that there are millions of false sexual harassment accusations nationwide?

He's not saying that, and you know it.

He's saying there are millions of accusations, both true and false, that you feminazis are treating like they're all true by default.
Maybe. I understand the "perception" point. But if you had ever been on the receiving end of sexual harassment or just some out of bounds pig, you would know that it isn't a question of "perception." This type of argument going on here is an attempt to erode women's voices. Again.

Of course it's matter of perception.

If you suck your bosses dick to get the promotion, your perception changes from "good business decision" to "I was raped" the moment you realize you won't get promoted.

Now, would you cast on the Harvey Weinstein's couch for a movie role?
Why can't women understand that sexual harassment is a compliment? If a man walks past and sticks a finger in your butt it's because he likes you.

I look at it different. If you're a boss, and you need something done, you can do it yourself or have one of your male underlings do it.

Because if you holler at some broad "hey toots, get this shit done", she'll write you up and look to get you fired or worse.

Hire woman, she works for you six months, then she asks for a month off to find herself.
You tell her no, she get's pissed off and files baseless sexual harassment case. No matter what, your reputation is ruined.
I've never defended the principle of guilty until proven innocent; I have never agreed with the way the allegations against the famous are getting out there and causing them to lose their jobs due to bad publicity. It isn't metoo that is publicizing this stuff, is it? It's the reporters whose job it is to cover the court beat--they see the name in the civil complaint and run it up the flagpole. Or a reporter gets a tip from PBS about allegations against Keillor...or from the Hill about a Senator.... We don't need to know any of this--including all the nonsense with Stormy Daniels--until it has been adjudicated or thrown out or settled. That's my opinion. Like the stuff about the owner of Fox--Ayles, was it--we just heard he was out. HR and legal teams were up to their eyeballs in it, no doubt, and it wasn't done willy nilly in 24 hours, but that's the way it should be done. After the fact.

I agree, but that's not the way it is done because the American idiot insists otherwise. How many Americans that absolutely have no idea what did or did not happen 30 something years ago with Kav and Ford declared him damn near if not in actuality a rapist based on NOTHING more than her allegations?? Those idiots are why things like this are news.

That is the point of this thread, and certainly of my posts in this thread. You say you are against such behaviors , and I take you at your word, yet you don't speak out against them, maybe if you did, and other liberals did, things would change. Conservatives screaming "this isn't fair, what happened to innocent until proven guilty?" Isn't going to change any liberals who are willing to throw out all sense of fairness to "get" a conservative. Fair minded liberals must do that. In this particular case all the better if it's fair minded female liberals who stand up and say "enough, this isn't right" and perhaps when enough young ladies realize "hey we're not getting asked out on dates and such because of this crap" things will change.

And of course you could apply this principle to oh so many topics.
Actually, I didn't take "innocent until proven guilty" to be the point of this thread. It has pretty much run to the theme of women are liars, lying in wait to ruin them.

The Kavanaugh circus was 99.9% pure politics and NONE of us know what happened there thirty years ago. I said that repeatedly during the days we debated it here. I defended Ford's right to be HEARD though and it seemed to me her accusations were no weaker than Kavanaugh's defense. A great many people said a great deal of very ugly things in both directions. That is not a good case to allude to, because like you said, it had too much to do with whether they wanted to see him in the Supreme Court.

I do not think it will happen that young ladies are not asked out on dates and such. Human nature does not change. How men treat women certainly can though, when it comes to simple courtesy.

I , obviously, wasn't hear during the Kav stuff and I'm not going to search through old threads, so I'll take your word for what you said. However, I will say this.

No, that woman should NOT have had a right to "tell her story" A woman, or anyone else for that matter, should be required to show at least a modicum of evidence beyond "her story" before such allegations are made in any form that could be made public. Look at the way this guy was relentlessy hammered simply because one woman said something happened. And we see it all the time.

Call me an asshole if you wish, but these women who make allegations that they can't even provide a single shred of evidence to support should be silenced. I don't care if it' against a Republican, a Democrat, or a Communist, or a Martian. No man should be subject to such a spectacle based on a woman's testimony alone. I don't care if 100 women claim something happened common sense tells us if 100 women were sexually mistreated by a man there should be some witness or other piece of evidence to corroborate at least one of the stories.

Then when you add in all the dirty tricks other people are willing to use in conjunction with unsubstantiated claims, you quickly have a situation where men become in affect a second class citizen who isn't afforded the basic of civil rights.

Don't take her word for it, go and read her posts. She's lying.
I don't lie.
You just did...
I agree, but that's not the way it is done because the American idiot insists otherwise. How many Americans that absolutely have no idea what did or did not happen 30 something years ago with Kav and Ford declared him damn near if not in actuality a rapist based on NOTHING more than her allegations?? Those idiots are why things like this are news.

That is the point of this thread, and certainly of my posts in this thread. You say you are against such behaviors , and I take you at your word, yet you don't speak out against them, maybe if you did, and other liberals did, things would change. Conservatives screaming "this isn't fair, what happened to innocent until proven guilty?" Isn't going to change any liberals who are willing to throw out all sense of fairness to "get" a conservative. Fair minded liberals must do that. In this particular case all the better if it's fair minded female liberals who stand up and say "enough, this isn't right" and perhaps when enough young ladies realize "hey we're not getting asked out on dates and such because of this crap" things will change.

And of course you could apply this principle to oh so many topics.
Actually, I didn't take "innocent until proven guilty" to be the point of this thread. It has pretty much run to the theme of women are liars, lying in wait to ruin them.

The Kavanaugh circus was 99.9% pure politics and NONE of us know what happened there thirty years ago. I said that repeatedly during the days we debated it here. I defended Ford's right to be HEARD though and it seemed to me her accusations were no weaker than Kavanaugh's defense. A great many people said a great deal of very ugly things in both directions. That is not a good case to allude to, because like you said, it had too much to do with whether they wanted to see him in the Supreme Court.

I do not think it will happen that young ladies are not asked out on dates and such. Human nature does not change. How men treat women certainly can though, when it comes to simple courtesy.

I , obviously, wasn't hear during the Kav stuff and I'm not going to search through old threads, so I'll take your word for what you said. However, I will say this.

No, that woman should NOT have had a right to "tell her story" A woman, or anyone else for that matter, should be required to show at least a modicum of evidence beyond "her story" before such allegations are made in any form that could be made public. Look at the way this guy was relentlessy hammered simply because one woman said something happened. And we see it all the time.

Call me an asshole if you wish, but these women who make allegations that they can't even provide a single shred of evidence to support should be silenced. I don't care if it' against a Republican, a Democrat, or a Communist, or a Martian. No man should be subject to such a spectacle based on a woman's testimony alone. I don't care if 100 women claim something happened common sense tells us if 100 women were sexually mistreated by a man there should be some witness or other piece of evidence to corroborate at least one of the stories.

Then when you add in all the dirty tricks other people are willing to use in conjunction with unsubstantiated claims, you quickly have a situation where men become in affect a second class citizen who isn't afforded the basic of civil rights.

Don't take her word for it, go and read her posts. She's lying.
I don't lie.
Only because you believe the lies you tell yourself.
Where in hell did you come from? Get thee back to the basement!

Yes, if I was interested in someone who suddenly harassed me instead of flirting, that would be the end of my interest in him.

You would not be interested in someone that could possibly sexual harass you silly.
That's a silly statement.
In your opinion.

I fancy myself to be a pretty intuitive person. I have seen you post a lot.

I know you wouldn't be attracted to anyone that could possibly ever disrespect you. Let's not be disingenuous, shall we?
I'm not going to be rough on you, Mister Beale, because you have no clue what sexual harassment is. That does not surprise me, because I DO guess that is not the kind of guy you are. But as someone who has been on the receiving end of sexual harassment, it is not the same as some uncouth, belching guy with a dirty t-shirt walking up and saying something vulgar. You can predict that. But you can work next to someone, or in other ways interact with them, for months, years even and suddenly the Ugly comes out.
I know what you mean. I remember when women treated me like a slab of beef.
They cut you or they cooked you?
I agree, but that's not the way it is done because the American idiot insists otherwise. How many Americans that absolutely have no idea what did or did not happen 30 something years ago with Kav and Ford declared him damn near if not in actuality a rapist based on NOTHING more than her allegations?? Those idiots are why things like this are news.

That is the point of this thread, and certainly of my posts in this thread. You say you are against such behaviors , and I take you at your word, yet you don't speak out against them, maybe if you did, and other liberals did, things would change. Conservatives screaming "this isn't fair, what happened to innocent until proven guilty?" Isn't going to change any liberals who are willing to throw out all sense of fairness to "get" a conservative. Fair minded liberals must do that. In this particular case all the better if it's fair minded female liberals who stand up and say "enough, this isn't right" and perhaps when enough young ladies realize "hey we're not getting asked out on dates and such because of this crap" things will change.

And of course you could apply this principle to oh so many topics.
Actually, I didn't take "innocent until proven guilty" to be the point of this thread. It has pretty much run to the theme of women are liars, lying in wait to ruin them.

The Kavanaugh circus was 99.9% pure politics and NONE of us know what happened there thirty years ago. I said that repeatedly during the days we debated it here. I defended Ford's right to be HEARD though and it seemed to me her accusations were no weaker than Kavanaugh's defense. A great many people said a great deal of very ugly things in both directions. That is not a good case to allude to, because like you said, it had too much to do with whether they wanted to see him in the Supreme Court.

I do not think it will happen that young ladies are not asked out on dates and such. Human nature does not change. How men treat women certainly can though, when it comes to simple courtesy.

I , obviously, wasn't hear during the Kav stuff and I'm not going to search through old threads, so I'll take your word for what you said. However, I will say this.

No, that woman should NOT have had a right to "tell her story" A woman, or anyone else for that matter, should be required to show at least a modicum of evidence beyond "her story" before such allegations are made in any form that could be made public. Look at the way this guy was relentlessy hammered simply because one woman said something happened. And we see it all the time.

Call me an asshole if you wish, but these women who make allegations that they can't even provide a single shred of evidence to support should be silenced. I don't care if it' against a Republican, a Democrat, or a Communist, or a Martian. No man should be subject to such a spectacle based on a woman's testimony alone. I don't care if 100 women claim something happened common sense tells us if 100 women were sexually mistreated by a man there should be some witness or other piece of evidence to corroborate at least one of the stories.

Then when you add in all the dirty tricks other people are willing to use in conjunction with unsubstantiated claims, you quickly have a situation where men become in affect a second class citizen who isn't afforded the basic of civil rights.

Don't take her word for it, go and read her posts. She's lying.
I don't lie.
You just did...
The "me-too" movement has necessitated this new rule, which is certainly a positive move for Homoamericans seeking employment in finance. The Light-in-the-loafers crowd will have no problem with the new dictates from the Wall Street crowd.

Wall Street rule for the #MeToo era: Avoid women at all costs
How sad guys can't just be respectful and professional while at work.
Wait until you are replaced by one, betcha won't be saying that then.

NEWS FLASH they'll be moving in on your do suck up.

:clap: :clap:

That's exactly what, according to the article, the Wall Street is doing.

Real woman doesn't hate man. They team up with him. And those who hate men, and demanding for other to do the same...That's just the beginning, and it will continue happening after Armaggedon springs from Pandora's Box and these bitches must struggle to survive along with everyone else.

The loudmouth retard women will find themselves abandoned by their protection the moment they wanna get opinionated, left to fend themselves in a world that wants to abduct, rape, even outright kill them. The girls who know better will understand the rhythm and balance themselves upon it, because as it turns out they can't afford to annoy their male protection during the fall.
Actually, I didn't take "innocent until proven guilty" to be the point of this thread. It has pretty much run to the theme of women are liars, lying in wait to ruin them.

The Kavanaugh circus was 99.9% pure politics and NONE of us know what happened there thirty years ago. I said that repeatedly during the days we debated it here. I defended Ford's right to be HEARD though and it seemed to me her accusations were no weaker than Kavanaugh's defense. A great many people said a great deal of very ugly things in both directions. That is not a good case to allude to, because like you said, it had too much to do with whether they wanted to see him in the Supreme Court.

I do not think it will happen that young ladies are not asked out on dates and such. Human nature does not change. How men treat women certainly can though, when it comes to simple courtesy.

I , obviously, wasn't hear during the Kav stuff and I'm not going to search through old threads, so I'll take your word for what you said. However, I will say this.

No, that woman should NOT have had a right to "tell her story" A woman, or anyone else for that matter, should be required to show at least a modicum of evidence beyond "her story" before such allegations are made in any form that could be made public. Look at the way this guy was relentlessy hammered simply because one woman said something happened. And we see it all the time.

Call me an asshole if you wish, but these women who make allegations that they can't even provide a single shred of evidence to support should be silenced. I don't care if it' against a Republican, a Democrat, or a Communist, or a Martian. No man should be subject to such a spectacle based on a woman's testimony alone. I don't care if 100 women claim something happened common sense tells us if 100 women were sexually mistreated by a man there should be some witness or other piece of evidence to corroborate at least one of the stories.

Then when you add in all the dirty tricks other people are willing to use in conjunction with unsubstantiated claims, you quickly have a situation where men become in affect a second class citizen who isn't afforded the basic of civil rights.

Don't take her word for it, go and read her posts. She's lying.
I don't lie.
Only because you believe the lies you tell yourself.
Where in hell did you come from? Get thee back to the basement!

View attachment 233732
Don’t take it personal. Almost everyone does it. Some more than others. Women seem to be worse than men. Probably because they are emotional.
I , obviously, wasn't hear during the Kav stuff and I'm not going to search through old threads, so I'll take your word for what you said. However, I will say this.

No, that woman should NOT have had a right to "tell her story" A woman, or anyone else for that matter, should be required to show at least a modicum of evidence beyond "her story" before such allegations are made in any form that could be made public. Look at the way this guy was relentlessy hammered simply because one woman said something happened. And we see it all the time.

Call me an asshole if you wish, but these women who make allegations that they can't even provide a single shred of evidence to support should be silenced. I don't care if it' against a Republican, a Democrat, or a Communist, or a Martian. No man should be subject to such a spectacle based on a woman's testimony alone. I don't care if 100 women claim something happened common sense tells us if 100 women were sexually mistreated by a man there should be some witness or other piece of evidence to corroborate at least one of the stories.

Then when you add in all the dirty tricks other people are willing to use in conjunction with unsubstantiated claims, you quickly have a situation where men become in affect a second class citizen who isn't afforded the basic of civil rights.

Don't take her word for it, go and read her posts. She's lying.
I don't lie.
Only because you believe the lies you tell yourself.
Where in hell did you come from? Get thee back to the basement!

View attachment 233732
Don’t take it personal. Almost everyone does it. Some more than others. Women seem to be worse than men. Probably because they are emotional.
The "me-too" movement has necessitated this new rule, which is certainly a positive move for Homoamericans seeking employment in finance. The Light-in-the-loafers crowd will have no problem with the new dictates from the Wall Street crowd.

Wall Street rule for the #MeToo era: Avoid women at all costs
How sad guys can't just be respectful and professional while at work.
Wait until you are replaced by one, betcha won't be saying that then.

NEWS FLASH they'll be moving in on your do suck up.

:clap: :clap:

That's exactly what, according to the article, the Wall Street is doing.

Real woman doesn't hate man. They team up with him. And those who hate men, and demanding for other to do the same...That's just the beginning, and it will continue happening after Armaggedon springs from Pandora's Box and these bitches must struggle to survive along with everyone else.

The loudmouth retard women will find themselves abandoned by their protection the moment they wanna get opinionated, left to fend themselves in a world that wants to abduct, rape, even outright kill them. The girls who know better will understand the rhythm and balance themselves upon it, because as it turns out they can't afford to annoy their male protection during the fall.
That's just the beginning, and it will continue happening after Armaggedon springs from Pandora's Box and these bitches must struggle to survive along with everyone else.

The loudmouth retard women will find themselves abandoned by their protection the moment they wanna get opinionated, left to fend themselves in a world that wants to abduct, rape, even outright kill them.

A window into Americano's fantasy world. Talk about shades of grey....lol.
Don't take her word for it, go and read her posts. She's lying.
I don't lie.
Only because you believe the lies you tell yourself.
Where in hell did you come from? Get thee back to the basement!

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Don’t take it personal. Almost everyone does it. Some more than others. Women seem to be worse than men. Probably because they are emotional.
The "me-too" movement has necessitated this new rule, which is certainly a positive move for Homoamericans seeking employment in finance. The Light-in-the-loafers crowd will have no problem with the new dictates from the Wall Street crowd.

Wall Street rule for the #MeToo era: Avoid women at all costs
How sad guys can't just be respectful and professional while at work.
Wait until you are replaced by one, betcha won't be saying that then.

NEWS FLASH they'll be moving in on your do suck up.

:clap: :clap:

That's exactly what, according to the article, the Wall Street is doing.

Real woman doesn't hate man. They team up with him. And those who hate men, and demanding for other to do the same...That's just the beginning, and it will continue happening after Armaggedon springs from Pandora's Box and these bitches must struggle to survive along with everyone else.

The loudmouth retard women will find themselves abandoned by their protection the moment they wanna get opinionated, left to fend themselves in a world that wants to abduct, rape, even outright kill them. The girls who know better will understand the rhythm and balance themselves upon it, because as it turns out they can't afford to annoy their male protection during the fall.
That's just the beginning, and it will continue happening after Armaggedon springs from Pandora's Box and these bitches must struggle to survive along with everyone else.

The loudmouth retard women will find themselves abandoned by their protection the moment they wanna get opinionated, left to fend themselves in a world that wants to abduct, rape, even outright kill them.

A window into Americano's fantasy world. Talk about shades of grey....lol.
Not sure how that applies to me.

My point was very narrow and was addressed to you.

Are you trying to enlist my help because you can’t handle it yourself?

All you need to do is ask.

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