Awesome garbage for kids at halftime

Well yes I suppose it is diversity diversity if its non white altogether Mr Wizard? That DOES speak volumes along with my point about the facediaper mandate
There were white people preforming...but you stopped watching it because you thought it was only African-Americans, so you missed it...your close mindedness speaks volumes.

There were white people preforming...but you stopped watching it because you thought it was only African-Americans, so you missed it...your close mindedness speaks volumes.

Well I DID watch the singers pregame and none of them were white so.....I guess I formed an opinion based on a sample of information. My mind is wide open, I don't claim diversity or dictate mandates when I don't see them through.
Well I DID watch the singers pregame and none of them were white so.....I guess I formed an opinion based on a sample of information. My mind is wide open, I don't claim diversity or dictate mandates when I don't see them through.
It's not wide open if you formed an opinion on a "pre-game" show, instead of the actual show basically this entire thread and your opinion on it are bogus....because you didn't even bother to watch the show, because of your prejudice.

Thanks ...your dismissed now
Oh, must have missed that part.....looked all non white to me so lost interest.
It's not wide open if you formed an opinion on a "pre-game" show, instead of the actual show basically this entire thread and your opinion on it are bogus....because you didn't even bother to watch the show, because of your prejudice.

Thanks ...your dismissed now
Awww did Little Black Dimmer get his feewings hurt? You and your ilk usually run away when met with disagreement.
My question is this: At whom was this halftime show directed? If the television audience shared the same demographics as the players on the field, then probably 70% of them would have appreciated it. But the actual television audience? Nope. The commercials were somewhat more entertaining - a mild compliment indeed. For any Caucasian over the age of 50, going to the toilet would probably have been more entertaining. No better incentive to hit the food table than seeing that trash.

And what about the live audience at the stadium, 95% of whom were "white" and at an average age of at least 50? Do you think they loved it?

It was musically dreadful. The choreography was well done but trash. The cosmetology was nauseating. The outfits were obscene. To say that the musical performers lacked talent...speaks for itself.

It was analogous to the $10 cardboard-cup of warm, flat beer from a stadium vendor. If you weren't forced to take it you would walk - no, RUN - away from it. NOBODY tuned in to see that garbage. Nobody. Most people tuned in to see the game, many tuned in to see the commercials, but relatively speaking, NOBODY every tunes in to see the halftime show. This was less entertaining than seeing the two high school marching bands dueling it out at halftime of a high school football game.

Here's the ultimate question: These exhibitionists are highly-paid entertainers, at the top of their game HOW MUCH WOULD YOU HAVE PAID TO SEE THE HALFTIME SHOW, EXPANDED INTO A TWO-HOUR CONCERT?

It would be interesting indeed to call the producers of this exhibition on the carpet and ask them exactly what they were trying to accomplish...what was the economic value of that spectacle?

Nada. Niente. Zippo. Bupkis. Nul.
It's not wide open if you formed an opinion on a "pre-game" show, instead of the actual show basically this entire thread and your opinion on it are bogus....because you didn't even bother to watch the show, because of your prejudice.

Thanks ...your dismissed now
I watched it all and he's right, it was trash.

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