Awesome! Justice Scalia Goes Nuclear In Obamacare Dissent, “We Should Start Calling This Law SCOTUSc

we the people just got a big FU from the Supremes. We now have a dictator (Obama) and HIS posse of bunch of black robe tyrants.


Awesome! Justice Scalia Goes Nuclear In Obamacare Dissent, “We Should Start Calling This Law SCOTUScare”…


Scalia +1,000,000

1. “Words no longer have meaning if an Exchange that is not established by a State is ‘established by the State.’”

2. “Under all the usual rules of interpretation, in short, the Government should lose this case. But normal rules of interpretation seem always to yield to the overriding principle of the present Court: The Affordable Care Act must be saved.”

3. “Today’s interpretation is not merely unnatural; it is unheard of.”

4. “And the cases will publish forever the discouraging truth that the Supreme Court of the United States favors some laws over others, and is prepared to do whatever it takes to uphold and assist its favorites.”

all of it here:
Awesome Justice Scalia Goes Nuclear In Obamacare Dissent We Should Start Calling This Law SCOTUScare Weasel Zippers

Note that the people who support this decision are the kind that claim the Supreme Court is the ultimate authority on the Constitution. However, they are also the same gang the cries bitterly about the Gore v. Bush decision and the Citizens United decision.

You can't make this stuff up, folks!

Lets not forget Hobby Lobby and a few other cases THEY LOST. they went ape shit over those. but they just love love love them some more Guberment, and they didn't even MIND Obama LYING to us to stick it on our backs.... so this decision they were jumping for joy over....also they don't mind sucking off on the taxpayers. so of course they are thrilled

You'll love the Guberment come the 1st of the month when you get your check. lol

Do you routinely mock the poor and people on welfare? That doesn't sound very liberal.

I only mock people who vote against themselves.

You seemed well, confused.
we the people just got a big FU from the Supremes. We now have a dictator (Obama) and HIS posse of bunch of black robe tyrants.


Awesome! Justice Scalia Goes Nuclear In Obamacare Dissent, “We Should Start Calling This Law SCOTUScare”…


Scalia +1,000,000

1. “Words no longer have meaning if an Exchange that is not established by a State is ‘established by the State.’”

2. “Under all the usual rules of interpretation, in short, the Government should lose this case. But normal rules of interpretation seem always to yield to the overriding principle of the present Court: The Affordable Care Act must be saved.”

3. “Today’s interpretation is not merely unnatural; it is unheard of.”

4. “And the cases will publish forever the discouraging truth that the Supreme Court of the United States favors some laws over others, and is prepared to do whatever it takes to uphold and assist its favorites.”

all of it here:
Awesome Justice Scalia Goes Nuclear In Obamacare Dissent We Should Start Calling This Law SCOTUScare Weasel Zippers

Note that the people who support this decision are the kind that claim the Supreme Court is the ultimate authority on the Constitution. However, they are also the same gang the cries bitterly about the Gore v. Bush decision and the Citizens United decision.

You can't make this stuff up, folks!

Lets not forget Hobby Lobby and a few other cases THEY LOST. they went ape shit over those. but they just love love love them some more Guberment, and they didn't even MIND Obama LYING to us to stick it on our backs.... so this decision they were jumping for joy over....also they don't mind sucking off on the taxpayers. so of course they are thrilled

You'll love the Guberment come the 1st of the month when you get your check. lol

Do you routinely mock the poor and people on welfare? That doesn't sound very liberal.

She also has no shame in lying. So get used to that from her. she's a one trick troll

Meh, she's JV troll at best.
Note that the people who support this decision are the kind that claim the Supreme Court is the ultimate authority on the Constitution. However, they are also the same gang the cries bitterly about the Gore v. Bush decision and the Citizens United decision.

You can't make this stuff up, folks!

Lets not forget Hobby Lobby and a few other cases THEY LOST. they went ape shit over those. but they just love love love them some more Guberment, and they didn't even MIND Obama LYING to us to stick it on our backs.... so this decision they were jumping for joy over....also they don't mind sucking off on the taxpayers. so of course they are thrilled

You'll love the Guberment come the 1st of the month when you get your check. lol

Do you routinely mock the poor and people on welfare? That doesn't sound very liberal.

She also has no shame in lying. So get used to that from her. she's a one trick troll

And you are the most miserable person on this forum...always bitching, and always negative.

Not true, but go ahead vent if you need to.
Note that the people who support this decision are the kind that claim the Supreme Court is the ultimate authority on the Constitution. However, they are also the same gang the cries bitterly about the Gore v. Bush decision and the Citizens United decision.

You can't make this stuff up, folks!

Lets not forget Hobby Lobby and a few other cases THEY LOST. they went ape shit over those. but they just love love love them some more Guberment, and they didn't even MIND Obama LYING to us to stick it on our backs.... so this decision they were jumping for joy over....also they don't mind sucking off on the taxpayers. so of course they are thrilled

You'll love the Guberment come the 1st of the month when you get your check. lol

Do you routinely mock the poor and people on welfare? That doesn't sound very liberal.

I only mock people who vote against themselves.

You seemed well, confused.

I have her on ignore. One thing I can't stand is a liar and someone who gets their jollies off on mocking others because they are such a small and shallow human being
we the people just got a big FU from the Supremes. We now have a dictator (Obama) and HIS posse of bunch of black robe tyrants.


Awesome! Justice Scalia Goes Nuclear In Obamacare Dissent, “We Should Start Calling This Law SCOTUScare”…


Scalia +1,000,000

1. “Words no longer have meaning if an Exchange that is not established by a State is ‘established by the State.’”

2. “Under all the usual rules of interpretation, in short, the Government should lose this case. But normal rules of interpretation seem always to yield to the overriding principle of the present Court: The Affordable Care Act must be saved.”

3. “Today’s interpretation is not merely unnatural; it is unheard of.”

4. “And the cases will publish forever the discouraging truth that the Supreme Court of the United States favors some laws over others, and is prepared to do whatever it takes to uphold and assist its favorites.”

all of it here:
Awesome Justice Scalia Goes Nuclear In Obamacare Dissent We Should Start Calling This Law SCOTUScare Weasel Zippers
Now, all of you patriotic idiots, be sure to run to the polls on election day and elect and re-elect professional politicians to run this once great nation. What in hell is it going to take to wake folks up?

I think it's too late anyway. these politicians knew it, when they PUT in someone like Obama and hasn't hardly done a damn thing TO STOP him

we've been SOLD OUT
That's exactly why I laugh at all of these people on here that say Republicans are better, or that Democrats are better. They're not bright enough to see the game. They haven't figured out yet that all they are to professional politicians is a source for votes and tax revenue. They still can't see and understand that the government couldn't care less about them or this once great nation.

For many years Republicans were better. but they've been INFILTRATED just LIKE the new commie/democrat party. I've watched it happen over the last 30 years.
We are now nothing but THEIR SLAVES

If you were a slave, I'd dump you at the next auction. Hyperbole like yours makes it hard to stop laughing long enough to follow the conversation.
we the people just got a big FU from the Supremes. We now have a dictator (Obama) and HIS posse of bunch of black robe tyrants.


Awesome! Justice Scalia Goes Nuclear In Obamacare Dissent, “We Should Start Calling This Law SCOTUScare”…


Scalia +1,000,000

1. “Words no longer have meaning if an Exchange that is not established by a State is ‘established by the State.’”

2. “Under all the usual rules of interpretation, in short, the Government should lose this case. But normal rules of interpretation seem always to yield to the overriding principle of the present Court: The Affordable Care Act must be saved.”

3. “Today’s interpretation is not merely unnatural; it is unheard of.”

4. “And the cases will publish forever the discouraging truth that the Supreme Court of the United States favors some laws over others, and is prepared to do whatever it takes to uphold and assist its favorites.”

all of it here:
Awesome Justice Scalia Goes Nuclear In Obamacare Dissent We Should Start Calling This Law SCOTUScare Weasel Zippers
Now, all of you patriotic idiots, be sure to run to the polls on election day and elect and re-elect professional politicians to run this once great nation. What in hell is it going to take to wake folks up?

I think it's too late anyway. these politicians knew it, when they PUT in someone like Obama and hasn't hardly done a damn thing TO STOP him

we've been SOLD OUT
That's exactly why I laugh at all of these people on here that say Republicans are better, or that Democrats are better. They're not bright enough to see the game. They haven't figured out yet that all they are to professional politicians is a source for votes and tax revenue. They still can't see and understand that the government couldn't care less about them or this once great nation.

For many years Republicans were better. but they've been INFILTRATED just LIKE the new commie/democrat party. I've watched it happen over the last 30 years.
We are now nothing but THEIR SLAVES

If you were a slave, I'd dump you at the next auction. Hyperbole like yours makes it hard to stop laughing long enough to follow the conversation.

She does slave at posting nonsense all day. She works hard at that cut n paste! She works her fingers to the bone, I tell ya! :p
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Lets not forget Hobby Lobby and a few other cases THEY LOST. they went ape shit over those. but they just love love love them some more Guberment, and they didn't even MIND Obama LYING to us to stick it on our backs.... so this decision they were jumping for joy over....also they don't mind sucking off on the taxpayers. so of course they are thrilled

You'll love the Guberment come the 1st of the month when you get your check. lol

Do you routinely mock the poor and people on welfare? That doesn't sound very liberal.

I only mock people who vote against themselves.

You seemed well, confused.

I have her on ignore. One thing I can't stand is a liar and someone who gets their jollies off on mocking others because they are such a small and shallow human being

It's not their lying that gets to me, its that they are gutless cowards. Their lying has gotten so bad I just assume if its a liberal its lying and give them an eyeroll.
You'll love the Guberment come the 1st of the month when you get your check. lol

Do you routinely mock the poor and people on welfare? That doesn't sound very liberal.

I only mock people who vote against themselves.

You seemed well, confused.

I have her on ignore. One thing I can't stand is a liar and someone who gets their jollies off on mocking others because they are such a small and shallow human being

It's not their lying that gets to me, its that they are gutless cowards. Their lying has gotten so bad I just assume if its a liberal its lying and give them an eyeroll.

yes, that too. but today, they now just take after the Party they support. Everyone of the Democrats, lies, is nasty and corrupted to the core. Calls we the people all kinds of names if we don't bow to them... and craps all over us and them.... but they don't seem to care.
Do you routinely mock the poor and people on welfare? That doesn't sound very liberal.

I only mock people who vote against themselves.

You seemed well, confused.

I have her on ignore. One thing I can't stand is a liar and someone who gets their jollies off on mocking others because they are such a small and shallow human being

It's not their lying that gets to me, its that they are gutless cowards. Their lying has gotten so bad I just assume if its a liberal its lying and give them an eyeroll.

yes, that too. but today, they now just take after the Party they support. Everyone of the Democrats, lies, is nasty and corrupted to the core. Calls we the people all kinds of names if we don't bow to them... and craps all over us and them.... but they don't seem to care.

Oh the drama!

Do you routinely mock the poor and people on welfare? That doesn't sound very liberal.

I only mock people who vote against themselves.

You seemed well, confused.

I have her on ignore. One thing I can't stand is a liar and someone who gets their jollies off on mocking others because they are such a small and shallow human being

It's not their lying that gets to me, its that they are gutless cowards. Their lying has gotten so bad I just assume if its a liberal its lying and give them an eyeroll.

yes, that too. but today, they now just take after the Party they support. Everyone of the Democrats, lies, is nasty and corrupted to the core. Calls we the people all kinds of names if we don't bow to them... and craps all over us and them.... but they don't seem to care.

What happens to scum like that...yes eventually they get what's coming to them be patient.
Democrats created a colossal glittering magnificent mess. Now the democrats want republicans to come in and clean it up. Once again democrats prove that they're the party of low information immature spoiled dependent children.
Farley got his ass kicked today by the Court twice, so he is crying. Who cares?

My, such violence and hate in your speech. Are you sure you want to make this personal, you nasty lying leftist cocksucker.
I understand there still are plenty of Con-federate flag hankies you can buy.
Ted Cruz, Then and Now
June 25, 2015By Taegan Goddard

“One of the best constitutional minds in the country.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), quoted in 2005 by the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, on Chief Justice John Roberts.

“Unelected judges have once again become legislators, and bad ones at that. They are lawless, and they hide their prevarication in legalese.”

— Cruz, in a statement today on the Obamacare decision written by Roberts.
Flip flopper.
we the people just got a big FU from the Supremes. We now have a dictator (Obama) and HIS posse of bunch of black robe tyrants.


Awesome! Justice Scalia Goes Nuclear In Obamacare Dissent, “We Should Start Calling This Law SCOTUScare”…


Scalia +1,000,000

1. “Words no longer have meaning if an Exchange that is not established by a State is ‘established by the State.’”

2. “Under all the usual rules of interpretation, in short, the Government should lose this case. But normal rules of interpretation seem always to yield to the overriding principle of the present Court: The Affordable Care Act must be saved.”

3. “Today’s interpretation is not merely unnatural; it is unheard of.”

4. “And the cases will publish forever the discouraging truth that the Supreme Court of the United States favors some laws over others, and is prepared to do whatever it takes to uphold and assist its favorites.”

all of it here:
Awesome Justice Scalia Goes Nuclear In Obamacare Dissent We Should Start Calling This Law SCOTUScare Weasel Zippers

Note that the people who support this decision are the kind that claim the Supreme Court is the ultimate authority on the Constitution. However, they are also the same gang the cries bitterly about the Gore v. Bush decision and the Citizens United decision.

You can't make this stuff up, folks!

Lets not forget Hobby Lobby and a few other cases THEY LOST. they went ape shit over those. but they just love love love them some more Guberment, and they didn't even MIND Obama LYING to us to stick it on our backs.... so this decision they were jumping for joy over....also they don't mind sucking off on the taxpayers. so of course they are thrilled
Actually Hobby Lobby ended up being a great decision....just how great, I don't think you short sighted people realize yet. :lol:
we the people just got a big FU from the Supremes. We now have a dictator (Obama) and HIS posse of bunch of black robe tyrants.


Awesome! Justice Scalia Goes Nuclear In Obamacare Dissent, “We Should Start Calling This Law SCOTUScare”…


Scalia +1,000,000

1. “Words no longer have meaning if an Exchange that is not established by a State is ‘established by the State.’”

2. “Under all the usual rules of interpretation, in short, the Government should lose this case. But normal rules of interpretation seem always to yield to the overriding principle of the present Court: The Affordable Care Act must be saved.”

3. “Today’s interpretation is not merely unnatural; it is unheard of.”

4. “And the cases will publish forever the discouraging truth that the Supreme Court of the United States favors some laws over others, and is prepared to do whatever it takes to uphold and assist its favorites.”

all of it here:
Awesome Justice Scalia Goes Nuclear In Obamacare Dissent We Should Start Calling This Law SCOTUScare Weasel Zippers

Note that the people who support this decision are the kind that claim the Supreme Court is the ultimate authority on the Constitution. However, they are also the same gang the cries bitterly about the Gore v. Bush decision and the Citizens United decision.

You can't make this stuff up, folks!

Lets not forget Hobby Lobby and a few other cases THEY LOST. they went ape shit over those. but they just love love love them some more Guberment, and they didn't even MIND Obama LYING to us to stick it on our backs.... so this decision they were jumping for joy over....also they don't mind sucking off on the taxpayers. so of course they are thrilled

You'll love the Guberment come the 1st of the month when you get your check. lol

Do you routinely mock the poor and people on welfare? That doesn't sound very liberal.
More PC Police. Dearie me.
I only mock people who vote against themselves.

You seemed well, confused.

I have her on ignore. One thing I can't stand is a liar and someone who gets their jollies off on mocking others because they are such a small and shallow human being

It's not their lying that gets to me, its that they are gutless cowards. Their lying has gotten so bad I just assume if its a liberal its lying and give them an eyeroll.

yes, that too. but today, they now just take after the Party they support. Everyone of the Democrats, lies, is nasty and corrupted to the core. Calls we the people all kinds of names if we don't bow to them... and craps all over us and them.... but they don't seem to care.

What happens to scum like that...yes eventually they get what's coming to them be patient.

Karma is a silly superstition.
we the people just got a big FU from the Supremes. We now have a dictator (Obama) and HIS posse of bunch of black robe tyrants.


Awesome! Justice Scalia Goes Nuclear In Obamacare Dissent, “We Should Start Calling This Law SCOTUScare”…


Scalia +1,000,000

1. “Words no longer have meaning if an Exchange that is not established by a State is ‘established by the State.’”

2. “Under all the usual rules of interpretation, in short, the Government should lose this case. But normal rules of interpretation seem always to yield to the overriding principle of the present Court: The Affordable Care Act must be saved.”

3. “Today’s interpretation is not merely unnatural; it is unheard of.”

4. “And the cases will publish forever the discouraging truth that the Supreme Court of the United States favors some laws over others, and is prepared to do whatever it takes to uphold and assist its favorites.”

all of it here:
Awesome Justice Scalia Goes Nuclear In Obamacare Dissent We Should Start Calling This Law SCOTUScare Weasel Zippers

Note that the people who support this decision are the kind that claim the Supreme Court is the ultimate authority on the Constitution. However, they are also the same gang the cries bitterly about the Gore v. Bush decision and the Citizens United decision.

You can't make this stuff up, folks!

Lets not forget Hobby Lobby and a few other cases THEY LOST. they went ape shit over those. but they just love love love them some more Guberment, and they didn't even MIND Obama LYING to us to stick it on our backs.... so this decision they were jumping for joy over....also they don't mind sucking off on the taxpayers. so of course they are thrilled

You'll love the Guberment come the 1st of the month when you get your check. lol

Do you routinely mock the poor and people on welfare? That doesn't sound very liberal.
More PC Police. Dearie me.

Beat it troll loser.
Note that the people who support this decision are the kind that claim the Supreme Court is the ultimate authority on the Constitution. However, they are also the same gang the cries bitterly about the Gore v. Bush decision and the Citizens United decision.

You can't make this stuff up, folks!

Lets not forget Hobby Lobby and a few other cases THEY LOST. they went ape shit over those. but they just love love love them some more Guberment, and they didn't even MIND Obama LYING to us to stick it on our backs.... so this decision they were jumping for joy over....also they don't mind sucking off on the taxpayers. so of course they are thrilled

You'll love the Guberment come the 1st of the month when you get your check. lol

Do you routinely mock the poor and people on welfare? That doesn't sound very liberal.
More PC Police. Dearie me.

Beat it troll loser.
That's not very PC of you. Would you like a Con-federate flag crying towel?
You seemed well, confused.

I have her on ignore. One thing I can't stand is a liar and someone who gets their jollies off on mocking others because they are such a small and shallow human being

It's not their lying that gets to me, its that they are gutless cowards. Their lying has gotten so bad I just assume if its a liberal its lying and give them an eyeroll.

yes, that too. but today, they now just take after the Party they support. Everyone of the Democrats, lies, is nasty and corrupted to the core. Calls we the people all kinds of names if we don't bow to them... and craps all over us and them.... but they don't seem to care.

What happens to scum like that...yes eventually they get what's coming to them be patient.

Karma is a silly superstition.
But so delicious when it works.

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